Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x reader) - Alison78 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Your name is (Y/n) and you're a male. Your sexuality is gay. So! You love and I mean LOVE to watch SMG4! So you would watch and rewatch some of his videos!

So obviously like anyone else... you made and oc or something... Look anybody can make one! Even males! So you like to go by SMG5 or 5 for short. You told none though but you accidentally told your friends this but they supported you! They even started to call you 5 or SMG5! You even drew it yourself!

(On Wattpad is a picture on how you look like)

You're wearing a (fav color) hat with the letter 5 on it.

Your eye color is black fading to a light (fav or 2nd fav color) to a darker shade of it.

Your bandanna is (2nd fav color).

Your overall color is (2nd fav color).

Your shirt is (fav color).

You are wearing either white or (2nd fav color) gloves with the Greek number V for 5!

Your boots are brown or black!

And your height is the same as 4 and 3. And yes I'm making them the same height. Deal with it.

Chapter 2: New world

Chapter Text

You close your front door and groaned. What an exhausting day from work... You take off your jacket and hanged it up, taking off your shoes and kicking them near the shoe holder. You walk into the living room and flopped on your couch and groaned and finally relaxing.

"God damn work today sucks!" You grab your eggcat plush. "I'm glad I made you eggcat...your the only one that under stands me..."

I hug my eggcat tightly. I look around the living room for my computer and I found it under the table. I grab it and opened it up to YouTube and typed in 'SMG4'. I love this dude! And 3 too! I basically watched all of the videos he made. I especially like the last one he made! I love the song~ Every 'War of the fat Italian' has a song or rap in it.

I look to see if he posted a new video but he didn't. Oh well... I look for the last arc or whatever it's called the one when SMG4 trial! So I get changed into something comfortable and made myself a sandwich made and I sit back down with eggcat on my lap and started the video as I ate and watch.

I am close to the ending of this video when 4 gets his avatar changed and 3 too. I love the part when SMG3 says.. "Ah! I'm Asian!" I said it at the same time when he said it. I laughed a bit. Though I didn't realize 3 was looking around the room, confused out of his mind, since he heard his voice echoed or something or someone said it too.

I hugged my eggcat tighter as the video ends. I looked up at the window and realized there's a storm going on outside.

"How the f*ck didn't I realize or hear that it's raining like hell outside?....Meh.." My eyes grew tired... I rubbed them and yawned.

" I so tired?" I must have had a real hard day today if I'm this tired. I close my eyes for a bit just a bit....but... sleep welcomed me without me knowing.

"Ugh...what the?...." I groaned and sit up.

"Huh where the h—ll am I?" Wait did that just got censored?! I looked down and realized I'm wearing completely different clothes.

"Who the f—k changed me?!" I look around and I'm near a pond so I crawl over there and looked down in the pond to see my reflection... .what the .... this is not what I look like...I take off my? hat and look over it...

"it's my...color... my number..." I look on my hands and see I'm wearing gloves I turn the over to see the back of my hand and see a greek number 5....V...

"Am I? Am I the oc I made?" I look back at my reflection. I have (h/c) that's (h/l). My eye color is black fading to a light (fav or 2nd fav color) to a darker shade of it but it doesn't look right..

"Oh yea! Their eyes didn't change until later in their just black right now."

I take my bandanna off and look at it, feeling the fabric of it. It's (2nd fav )color. I put it back on.

I look over my arms and chest. My overall color is (2nd fav color). I looked back to my hands. I'm wearing white colored gloves.

I stand up and look at my feet. My boots are (brown or black).

"Okay so wait.. no it can't be...that means...I'm...I'm in SMG4's world.... HOW THE-" I was about to scream but then a journal hit my face.

"Ouch what the h—ll! Who threw this at me?!" I yelled as I look around. No one is near by... I grumbled and look at the journal. The cover of it is (Fav color). The title of it is 'SMG5'S JOURNAL/DIARY' "This is not a god d—m diary! Ugh whatever..." I opened my journal.

Hello SMG5 or should I say (Y/n),

You should have received this as soon you know where you are! I made your dream come true! You're now in SMG4's world and this is before the 'It's gotta be perfect' incident. Instead of memes you do vines and reacts to some of them. Basically you can do anything that SMG4 or 3 can do. You don't have to hold hands with them though. But it will make you stronger if you do. So you can either live with them or you can live in the house I provided for you.

I picked off a key that was taped on the paper and continued to read.

So I hoped you have fun!

Written by,


P.s By the way here's your eggcat soon you'll get a Beeg Smg4 version of you.

I was confused for the last part My own Beef version of myself ? I though in my head as I close the journal but then something furry hit my face. "Oof! What the..." I pick it up and turned it around and it's...MY EGGCAT I MADE.

"HOLY MOTHER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN YOUR ALIVE!" I shouted as my pupils grew bigger, kind of like when SMG3 sees eggdog. Eggcat meowed I awwed and hugged my eggcat.

"I thought you were just a plushie I made but you're alive! Awww~" I rub my face over their soft fur. I lift my head from their fur.

"Okay eggcat it's just you and me for now! Let's go check out the house anonymous gave us!" Eggcat meowed and I look open my journal to see if I have an address or not. Turns out they gave me directions and a map.

"I f—king hate maps...especially paper maps..." I cursed and opened the map.

"Oh it's actually easy..." so me and eggcat, who is on my shoulder, followed along the directions and map.

The problem is the map is so big it covered me and eggcat so when I was walking , I didn't realize I passed by the castle. Or the person(s) who saw me, confused.

After a while of following the map.

"We made it eggcat!" I shouted as I threw the map into one of my pockets. I walk to the door and used the key. It opens.

"Wow! Look at this place! It's better than where I was living! Though I would rather live at the castle..." I said as I put eggcat down from my shoulder. I start to look around a bit finding all sorts of secret doorways and compartments.

"Wow this place is amazing!" I said as I walk up the stairs. I enter one of the rooms that has the number "5" on it.

"This must definitely be my room!" Eggcat, who I didn't realize that is following me, gave me a 'Really, are you sure?' look.

"Oh shush eggcat! Just look at this room! And look there's a little spot for you too!" I said pointing at their little area in my room. Eggcat meowed with delight and runs towards it circling around in their bed and lays down.

"Awww~" I look around my room. There's a nice sized bed that's has (fav color) blankets with white pillows, feeling it, it feels so soft and fluffy!

"My favorite type of blankets!" The wallpaper is white, a nice sized window above my bed. My computers, and but computers I mean I now have two screen!, are on a desk with a gaming chair.

"Sweet! I have a gaming chair!" I said as I hop on it.

"Weeeeeeee!" I spin around it a couple times. I stop and look at a bookshelf. It has some books I like and it also has all the merchandise I bought from SMG4 store.

"Heck yea my stuff came with me!" I said as I hop off and walk towards it. "Ya know...I never realized I had this much merchandise from them..holy sh-t..." i walk towards my wardrobe and open it.

"Wow." My eyes widened. ALL I HAVE IN MY WARDROBE IS THE SAME F—KING CLOTHES IM WEARING RIGHT NOW. Except one and it's pjs. So I take it off the hanger and changed into it.

"Jeez I didn't realize that...cartoon never change there clothes...or barely do..." I stared at the ground for a few minutes. I shake my head and I decided not to think much about it and go to the bathroom next to my room and done my nightly bathroom routine.

After that I go into my room, petting eggcat as I walk by them and crawled into bed and laid back down...HOLY THIS BED IS SO SOFT! I melted into the mattress. I hummed and closed my eyes. Sleep welcomed me.

"Who was that person?" A person in blue ask the person in purple.

"I don't know. Why are you asking?"

"Just curious. Aren't you?"

"I- I guess I am a little bit." Purple stuttered.

"Maybe we will see them tomorrow."

"Maybe. Now don't bother me." He leaves.

"Oh fine."



Words: 1504

Chapter 3: Mario lost his liver?!?

Chapter Text

It has been a week since I have arrived here. I decided to stay low for a few days. Also because I wanted to find out what episode or video I am at. Just so I can plan ahead and not be so... distracted. I also got a beeg smg5 version of me. I just need to come up with a name for it, but I don't know what to name it... anyways. Since I didn't immediately go toe the SMG4 crew I went to some place to sightsee, let me just say it was amazing. Me and eggcat had a blast looking around and seeing the areas SMG4 and his crew were in!.

Anyhow! I'm walking close to peach's castle because I just want to look around since I don't have good and you can't really see the background with SMG4 and his friends making a mess of things or acting crazy, mainly Mario. So I am looking around a bit to see what I might have missed in this place. But then I hear someone walking towards me. So I turn around and I see...SMG4! Holy fudge I'm not ready for this... He walks up closer to me.

"Hello! I'm SMG4. I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" He said holding out his hand for a hand shake.

"Uh.. yea I am, the names..." FUDGE WHAT SHOULD I CALL MYSELF?!? "The name's SMG5 or you can call me 5 for short!" I said shaking his hand. He looked surprised and then looked up and down and at him self. He sees the similarities and the differences.

"What the- How? No- when did you get here?" He asked, very confused.

"I came here about a week ago! I live over there in the house in the woods." I said pointing at the wood path I made during my week here.

He seems to be in his thoughts. That was when I had my trial... why did he didn't he showed himself earlier ? Maybe... He then lit up. "Oh! I seen you that day! Were you the one with the gigantic map?"

Im surprised. Wait?! I passed the castle and didn't realize?! Oh man! I then frown. "Yes that was me... I hate maps.." I said with a sigh.

"No need to be sad! I pretty sure you couldn't see much anyways with the map covering all your view points!." He said in a reassuring tone.

"Well do you want to meet my other friends? I am already heading off to see Mario right now!" He said with a smile pointing at the castle.

"Sure I would love too!" I gleamed. YES YES YES YES! This is just I wanted! Now I might get the chance to meet the whole crew! In person too!

Time skip~

We walk in the castle and see Mario on the couch, groaning in pain. SMG4 freaks out. "Mario?! What hell happened to you?!"

"Mario doesn't feels so good... ohhhhh..."

Oh! I'm in this video! When Mario loses his liver to Bob!

"Uhh.. I think I might be able to help!" I said smiling.

4 looks at me curiously. "What do you mean by that?"

My outfit changed into a doctor outfit. "I used to be in med school so I think I'll be able to help!" I said as I walk towards Mario. "Hello Mario! I'm now your doctor! My name is SMG5 and I will be seeing if something is wrong. Now where to you mostly feel the pain?"

Mario points to his stomach. "Me stomach hurts..." He then proceeded to act like he is dead and changed his from a bit.

"Well don't worry it might take me a bit but I will find out what's wrong!". I said as I start to look over him him.

"I'm going to call Meggy...okay?" 4 says getting out his phone and proceeds to call Meggy.

Meggy got here as I continue to inspect him.

"And when I came here he was like this!" SMG4 points at Mario who is groaning in pain. "I think this is serious I was going to call a doctor since your here but 5 here says he used to go to med school so hopefully he can help, I would rather have him do this then pay who knows what for a doctor."

Meggy looks at me. "Wait who?" She asked.

"Oh..yea. So this is SMG5. He came here about a week ago and didn't showed up until today. So Meggy, SMG5. SMG5, Meggy."

I turn around to greet Meggy. "Hello it's nice to meet you!" I said with a bright smile.

"It's nice to meet you too, SMG5!" She then looks over at Mario, who is crying out of pain. "Also you guys need to relax, i'm sure he just ate some bad spaghetti." She pulls out a water bottle out of thin air and try's to give it to Mario. "Here have some water!"

Bad idea Meggy... no liver means he can't filter it...

"No!" Mario shouts and smacks Meggy's hand and out the water bottle flew.

Meggy pulls out another water bottle and try's to give it to him again. "Mario drink it!" She insists.

Mario looks at the water and back at Meggy. "No! Apple juice!"

"No! Water!" She shouts back. But then SMG4 gives him an apple juice box, and laughs. I face palm my self. I open my mouth to speak but then Mario stop drinking due to the pain and yeets it. I dodged and so did Meggy but the apple juice box hits toad and he exploded.

"The hell?" I muttered.

Meggy grabs another water bottle ‘How many water bottles does she have?!.’

"You ate something bad and need water." She still insists. Wow she is stubborn.

SMG4 shakes his head. "No no meggy. I've looked after Mario many times when he has stomach aids." He then pulls out a 1-up mushroom out of his pocket, "This should do the trick!"

"I don't think that how it's supposed to be used SMG4... Plus of giving him apple juice doesn't work then maybe it's something else, which I am trying to figure it out!" I said as I walked back to Mario and inspected him.

Meggy agrees with me. "Yea uh.. I dont think a 1-up mushrooms will cure his stomach bug."

SMG4 then pushes me aside. "Nonsense," He then put the 1-up in Mario's mouth. "These shrooms cure whatever the hell the writers of the show want them to!"

And here is the bomb dropped for Meggy...

She wonders for a bit and then stares at the screen, where I guess it's supposed to be?" ...writers of the show?" Meggy's eyes zoom in the camera and emerge from Kevin's laptop. Kevin closes his laptop, and she falls over.

"Oh jeez! you okay Meggy?!" I rush over to her.

Meanwhile SMG4 is trying to stuff Mario with a 1-up mushroom. " Can you guys help me out here?" I ignored him and try to have Meggy sit or stand up. She looks pretty dazed.

"I... i fell like ive just witnessed the ethereal plane.." she looks like she just witnessed her parents having 'it'.

"SMG4 stop trying that I think I know what's wrong with him." He ignores me stuff the mushroom inside of Mario.

"What? oh nevermind that now!," He jumps up high, "MARIO'S GOTTA...," and stomp really hard on the 1up in Mario's mouth, " EAT THIS SHROOOM!"

The mushroom went down Mario's throat and for some reason he immediately when from in pain to feeling great in seconds.

"See, all cured! Now what was wrong with Mario?" He said and asks me.

"The problem is that he-" I got caught off by Mario throwing up the mushroom and almost hitting me, luckily 4 dived in and saved me. "JEEZ- Oh thanks 4!" I said as I look up at SMG4, who is on top of me with me below him.

SMG4's cheeks dusted to a light pink. "N-no problem.." he gets off of me and helps me up. "Now what were you try to say?"

"Ah! Yes! So the reason he is acting like that is because he is missing his liver."

"WHAT?!" Both Meggy and SMG4 shouted.

"Yep. We need to get him a replacement in fast or else he can't really eat or drink anything!"

"I'll see if there any livers online." SMG4 reached into his pockets and grab his laptop, he then search for livers. "Ah-ha! Here we go!" He points to a sketchy ad that sells liver.

"I don't know...what if it's a scam?" Meggy said suspiciously.

I am also suspicious at it to.."Yea I dont think some random person will sell livers..." I mean it is true but I don't think there human livers...

"Pfft it'll be fine!" He then buys a liver. The liver was thrown and smashed into a window and hit the ground. Meggy picks it up and shoves it in Mario's throat. Mario looked fine but then... he ejected it from his body. Meggy starts to freak out.


"Uh.. don't worry I'll buy more!" I tried to stop him but he then proceeded to speed buy the livers. Livers are just vomiting out of the broken window and hitting the ground. Meggy was shoving livers in Mario's throat, but it keeps rejecting it. The more livers Meggy puts in the more he rejects it. Eventually SMG4 runs out of money and Meggy is tired.

"It's hopeless...we need to get is actual liver back." Meggy says.

I walk up to Mario. "Mario where were you when you lost your liver?"

Mario then has a flashback to where he was.

Both him and Bob are laying in bed. They both look at each other and fist bump. Mario then looks back at the ceiling and closes his eyes, falling to sleep. After he fell asleep Bob is on top of him. When you fell asleep first at a sleepover.

"I was at bob's house for a sleepover."

"WHAT?! Bob stole your liver?!" Meggy looked mad at this and storms out of the castle looking for Bob.

"Meggy wait! C'mon 5! We're going after her!" He then grabs my hand and runs after Meggy.

Holy sh¡t! He's holding my hand! I began to fanboy inside, my cheeks are dusted a light pink.

We catch up to Meggy and see Bob in an alley way with a big wad of cash in his...hands? Sword hands? whatever... Meggy runs up to Bob, enraged, and shouts. "Why did you tak Mario's liver Bob?!"

Bob freaked out a bit but calms down. "WeLl He DiD fElL aSlEeP fIrSt At ThE sLeEpOvEr."

Meggy says what and SMG4 agrees with Bob. "No no.. he's right."

"What the fudge 4? It's not alright!" I shout at him, I then realize he never let go of my hand...I'm not going to say anything.

Bob looks at me. "WhO iS tHiS hOe?"

Offended...I am offended... "Don't call me that... and I'm SMG5 it's nice to met you."

"I WiLl CaLl YoU wHaTeVeR i CaLl YoU, B—cH."

I sighed. SMG4 looked at me a bit worried. Meggy picks up Bob and slams him on the ground. She asked again for Mario's liver but Bob says he sold it. So Meggy, enraged even more kicks Bob at where the sun don't shine and he launches to an old man in a wheelchair with flams on the sides.

"Oh! HoW iS mY mOsT rEcEnT cUsToMeR?"

The old man replied. "Oh I'm doing great! Thanks for the liver!"

"YOUR THE ONE WHO HAS MARIOS LIVER?!" Meggy shouts and runs up to the old man. The old man freaks out and pushes a button. Jets? Appears behind him and he shoots off. Meggy chases after him.

"Come on SMG5 let go after him!" He then tugs me along to the chase.

The old man is corner with Meggy shouting at him to give back the liver.

"Never! With this avatar liver I will become unstoppable!" The old man pulls out Mario's liver and eats it.

"NO!" I shout. I sort of...left SMG4 behind... but I hope he's okay! Didn't sound like it...he was screaming... oh god the screams...

The old man then floats with a red aura around him and for some reason he is wearing a Mario hat and a mustache. "HAHAHAHHA- wait... what is this feeling?!"

The old man then starts to act like Mario. Me and Meggy are just watching the whole thing. Then out appeared SMG4. He's hold his arm with a bandage on his head. "Oh jeez! SMG4 I'm so sorry I left ya behind! Are you okay?!" I said speed walking up to him.

"Yea I'm fine.. and it's okay. So what did I miss?"

I then explain that the old man ate Mario's liver and now he acting like Mario.

"What do we do now? How can we get the liver out of him with out hitting the liver?" Meggy said, worried.

SMG4 thinks for a moment and then out appears a table with a computer on it.

"Hey Old man!"

The old man stops and look at SMG4.

"Here watch this!" SMG4 turns around the computer to show a meme, more specifically a Nintendo meme.

He gasped and then shouts "NIIIIIINNNNNNTENNNNNNDOOOOO MEME!" the old man rushes in front of the computer a sits down to watch it. SMG4 appears from behind him and hits a presser point to make his pass out.

"Holy jeez! You killed him!" I shouted.

"Nah don't worry 5 he's just asleep," he says, calming me down.

"What do we do now? How can we get the liver out of him without hitting the liver?"

"Yea what do we do?" I said tilting my head to the side.

SMG4 looks at me and bit, his cheeks dusted with a light pink for a moment but then disappears."I may have an idea..." he says grinning.

Meggy also grins. I just stood there confused, but then I remembered that there going to put him in ice and let Mario deal with it.

The old man wakes up, confused at where he is. Just hen Mario breaks the door. "YOU HAVE LOST LIVER PRIVILEGES." A realistic hand appears approaching the old man. The old man screams.

"That was fun and weird... thanks for letting me join, SMG4."

"Oh no problem 5! You can always come back here and hang out with us!" He said with a smile.

"Really? I can?" I didn't believe so..

"Yea you can! I still have to introduce you to everyone else anyhow! But it's getting late and you should probably be getting home huh?"

"Yea I should. Again thanks for having me around!" I said waving at SMG4 and walking away.

I wouldn't mind seeing you again...


"Eggcat I'm home!" I shout as I enter through the door way. Eggcat meows and run to me jumping in my arms. "Aww~ I missed you too you adorable little cat!" I said, gushing to him. My pupils grew big as I continue to talk to eggcat about my day. I get some food for them and myself.

"Ya know eggcat.. wait... where's mini me?" I asks eggcat. Eggcat stayed silent for a few minutes.

"Eggcat.... Where's mini me?" Eggcat looked down at the ground and walk to the storage closet. They open the door and there was he was. Mini me is tied up and cut taped, looking scared out of his mind.

"EGGCAT! What did you do to him?!" Eggcat then explains that he was annoying them so they did this.

"Eggcat! That's not how you're supposed to treat your friend" i lecture Eggcat, as I untie and get rid of the duct tape on mini me. "Now tell mini me you're sorry, Eggcat."

Eggcat meows an apology and mini me accepts it. We all go to bed and I laid down on my bed. I start to think a bit about how the day went. I mean I met SMG4 in person! Now all I have to do is met SMG3 and the rest of the crew! I can't wait. I close my eyes and sleep welcomes me.



Words: 2671

Chapter 4: The video ends when no one is watching.

Chapter Text

I have been here for quite awhile, hanging out the SMG4 and the crew. I basically met everyone except SMG3, much to my dismay. SMG4 try to introduce me but SMG3 always said that he is busy. Even I watched his stream and it just shows him to doing a bunch of stuff that people have already done. Like ASMR. Anyhow.

I'm with Mario, who is going to play Shrek online's. The login screen appears. A person logs in to the game. After that, the screen shows various Shreks T-Posing, alongside item boxes on the right. Then, the Shrek-Mike Wazowski hybrid starts walking. Then, various comments and Mario appear afterwards next to me.

"Hey guys! I'm SMG5 and here is Mario." I said waving at the camera and then gesturing to Mario.

"Top of the morning to you ladies! Welcome! Today, Mario's gonna commit homicide!" He then proceeded to kill everyone on the screen. I laugh at this.

"Jeez Mario! Ya did commit homicide!" I said between laughs. I look at the chat and a bunch of people are mad at Mario for killing them in the game. Mario obviously laughs at there pain. I chuckled a bit. Then a crash bandicoot character appears and shoots the abomination of shrek. The death screen appears. U R Die

Mario is enraged at this. "WHO?! WHO DARES DEFY MARIO?!" I try to calm him down.

"It's okay Mario! No need the get so angry! Why don't we go and hang out with SMG4 for a while?"

Mario instantly cheered up and ran out the door leaving me behind. "HEY WAIT FOR ME!" I chase after Mario.

SMG4 and Mario are playing chess while I'm watching the endless stream that 3 is doing. SMG4 for plays a pawn and moves it up one. Mario plays a Sampton and it shoots the king.

"I won!" Mario raises his hands in the air. SMG4 is upset at this.

"You guys might wanna move." I warn.

SMG4 looks at me confused and so does Mario. "What do you mean-" just then SMG3 crashes in the castle, in a red car. 4 grabs me and pulls me with him out of the way. Unfortunately Mario gets run over.

SMG3 pops out from the car. "Guys! I'm stuck on an endless live stream! You gotta help me!" He says frantically. SMG4 stands up and helps me up.

"Hmmm... That's a tricky one."

"Yea it definitely is. The only way to stop an endless stream is-." I got caught off by Mario.

"Is getting your self cancelled!" SMG3 look down and sees Mario under the car and looks back up at me.

"Who the hell are you?" He says getting out of the car and pointing at me.

"This is the person I was trying to have to meet but kept declining my invite."

"I'm SMG5! It's nice to meet you SMG3!"

"How the hell do you know my name?!"

"I watched your stream when they were playing chess."

His scowl turned to confusion. "Wait you watched my stream?"

"Yea I did."

He looked didn't know what to say. "Uh..thanks? Anyways! How do I get my self cancelled?"

"Say a profanity or something. Twitch can be stubborn with swear words." SMG4 suggests.

3 looks at the camera and takes some air and then says, "ASS!"




Nothing happened. SMG4 and Mario weren't to happy, neither am I. "Well that did absolutely nothing." I monotoned.

"Uh..." SMG4 tries to say something but Mario interrupts him.

"YOU CALL THAT GETTING CANCELLED!? THIS IS GETTING CANCELLED!" Mario shouts from under the car. "NNNNIIIIIIII-" just then a person came crashing down and points a gun at Mario's face, shaking his head. Mario is scared to death. "O-ok, I'll behave." the person leaves.

Everyone is shocked. "What the hell just happened?!" I shout.

"Uh... Maybe let's try something else..." SMG4 suggested.

We are all in a room with a kiddy pool filled with water. Since I love to swim I immediately taking off my clothes, revealing swim trucks underneath and jumped in making a splash. "KIDDY POOL!"

Everyone looks at me weirdly. I blush a bit out of embarrassment. "What.... I love to swim okay..." I say crossing my arms looking down. SMG4 look like he was going to say something but shakes his head instead.

SMG3, ignoring what I did, looks confused. "The hell am I supposed to do with this?" he says gesturing to the kiddy pool.

"Take your clothes off and jump in! Kind of like what 5 did." he says.

Everyone looks at each other and back at SMG4, a Spongebob meme is played.

"Oh come on!. Everyone knows if dudes do pool streams they get insta-banned." He says in matter in fact tone.

"But wait 5 is already shirtless shouldn't that be enough?" SMG3 says questionly.

"No it has to be you." 4 deadpanned.

SMG3 groaned. "Fine..ok.. But do you guys have to be in the room?"

"Does it matter? This is being streamed live anyway and look at 5 he's already in there shirtless and having fun." He gestured to me who is playing with the water by splashing around and splashing Mario.

SMG3 sighs. "I guess your right... Baka.." YES I HEARD HIM SAY BAKA HAHAHAHAHHA

"Welp, here I go!" SMG3 undresses and joins me in the pool. Mario and 4 tries to hold in there laugh.

"'Ello!" I said waving at him. He blushes some more and crosses his arms. "Do you want actual swim wear?" I said as I hold out some wear were for him. He looks at it and back at me, he mutters a thanks and takes it and wears it over his underwear.

"Well? Is it working?" he questioned. Mario and 4 looked like they were trying to hold their laughter.

"Almost... Just turn around a bit..." SMG4 says. SMG3 looked annoyed and does so.

"Now put your hands up and say, "oh, will anyone give me the succ"!" Mario says. My eyes widens and I try to stop him from doing so but 4 covered my mouth.

3 copies what Mario just said as I try to get 4's hand away from my mouth. "Ooooh, will anyone give me the succ?" Both Mario and 4 laughs. I don't.

I moved 4's hand. "Why would you guys do that?! That embarrassing for him and it'll only give him more viewers!?" I shout. They continue to laugh.

SMG3, upset, shouts. "SCREW YOU GUYS! THE ONLY PERSON HERE THAT WILL HELP ME IS SMG5!" He takes my hand, leading me out the room. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I THOUGHT YOU WOULD HELP ME!" he walks past them, Mario still laughing, but SMG4 stops laughing.

"Uh...?" He seems confused on why he was bringing you too and a bit upset...

I'm with SMG3, who is laying on the ground. I got redress and so did he when we got to the middle of the room. I put my hat back on as he sighed.

"Maybe if I pretend I'm dead for long enough, people will get bored and leave the stream!"

"Maybe... I don't why people like to watch other sleep... or going to the bathroom... ugh... I mean I get it for watch the other sleep. Like lovers for example but the other things is just weird..."

SMG3 sighs again and closes his eyes. He seems to be sleeping... I reach in my pocket and pull out a pillow. I lift his head lightly and gently and put it underneath his head. He smiles in his sleep. I did a little smile my self. I pull out my journal and start to write about yesterday since I forgot to.

I was drawing in my journal when SMG4 walks up to us.

"Hey 5! What are you doing?"

I close my journal. "Nothing much just writing and drawing in my journal. What are you doing here?" He looks a bit suspicious.... I don't like the emptiness in his eyes...

"I think I might know how to help 3."

Ignoring for now I reply to him as I put my journal away in my pocket. "Okay then go ahead and wake him up."

SMG4 stands over 3 look ping at him a bit. 3 wakes up a bit later and sees him standing over him.

"Helloooo!" 4 says over him.

He screams and punches 4 in the face. "The hell do you want, SMG4? Haven't you caused me enough pain already?" He says still upset and SMG4.

SMG4 looks guilty "Hey, look. Sorry about what I did before. I have an actual idea that will definitely work."

SMG3 didn't believe him. "Leave me alone, man! I don't want your help. If I want help I'll get it from 5 since he is the most normal one here!"

SMG4 ignores what he said. "Oh, Maaaarioooo!" He calls out.

Mario coming down from the ceiling in a t-pose. SMG3 is still very upset and crosses him arms looking away. SMG4 whispers to Mario.

"Alright, little one. Do your thing."

Just as he said that multiple Marios appear and start to dance with music playing poorly over them. I just start laughing my a— off, SMG3 looks back surprised, and SMG4 pulls out his phone And starts a livestream on twitch. On the livestream it quickly grows as more and more people start to watch it.

"Oh, look at that, Lakitu. Mario's craziness is attracting more viewers than ever! Guess you're gonna have to follow him now!" he says in a matter-of-fact tone.

The Lakitu shakes, he then switches from SMG3 to Mario and his pals dancing as they start to move.

SMG3 is surprised. "Th-thank you, SMG4... But doesn't this mean Mario's on an endless stream by now?"

"Yea I'm wondering that too..."

"Oh just keep watching guys." He says and shows us the livestream.

The Mario's goes into the Nintendo HQ where Miyamoto is trying to make a new game that is based on Luigi and his garden.

"Hmmm. I feel like we need some mobile elements to this game." he then claps his hands twice. The watering can, that Luigi was using disappeared and reappeared in a cage with a sign on top of it that says: WATERING CAN DLC $5.99. Luigi starts to cry at this.

Miyamoto looks pleased at what he did. "Good, Very good!" Just then Mario comes crawling in.


Miyamoto looks at Mario that is on the ground. "Oh, hey Mario. What is it my boy?"

Mario points at the Lakitu. "This camera from Twitch keeps filming me!"

The Lakitu looks at Miyamoto, who is glaring at him. Miyamoto appears from behind him and snaps his neck then a copyright notice appeared where the Lakitu was. Mario is happy.

"Thanks miyamotooooo!"

On the screen it says: SMG4 IS OFFLINE

SMG3 smiles, "I-I'm free.." He is happy once again. "I'M FREE!!" he shouts and then starts to run around the place. I laugh and held my hand up

"High five?" I ask. He runs up to me and does a high five but he bumped to SMG4 who was just standing there looking at nothing. His reveal a camera.

I looked horrified as I stare at the head. SMG3 is confused.

" what...the..." He then looks at the toad and goes up to him lifting his head to reveal another camera.

"NO! NO!! NO!!" He then looks at me and try to lift my head but ends up hurting me.

"OW HEY!" I shove his hands off my head.

"Oh! Sorry... I thought you were a camera in disguise too..." he apologized look around the room.

"It's fine, I would do the same thing if I was you."

"Let's get out of here.." he says and grabs my wrist and runs outside only to see Meggy, Tari, and Melony whose head has been replaced by cameras. SMG3 screams and hit the girls and runs away from the castle, still holding on to my wrist tightly, crying and saying 'no' repeatedly. He then runs into an invisible wall, he falls down bringing me down with him.

He stands up. "Huh?" He put his free hand on the 'wall' as I stand up. He then starts to panic and look around. I look around too, I'm also freaking out but I'm trying to keep it inside. Am I forgetting something ? I feel like I watched this before... I tap his shoulder and he flinches and looks at me. I point to the stairs leading to an exit. He gulps and leads us to the exit and entering in, me closing the door behind us.

The room is dark and barely lit. "Stay close to me..." he whispered holding on to my wrist even tighter then before. He then shouts, "H-hello? Twitch? I'm sorry I stopped the stream!" Then a random voice is heard.

"SMG3. You must pay with what you've done!" The voice says.

He looked confused and looked at you to see if me know what's up. I shrugged my shoulder. He looked back at the darkness "Pay? How?" he shouted back.

"Get on your knees and Kiss the ground! and SMG5 will have to do it too.

"Wait WHAT?!" We both shout.

"Why do I have too? I didn't do anything wrong!"

"DO IT!" The voice demanded.

SMG3 cry's. "Fine!" He then looks at me. "Just do what the voice said so we can go back to normal!" I rolled my eyes and get on the ground and kissed it so does SMG3.

"Ooo I love the ground!"

I giving him a 'really' face.

"Now flap your hands and make chicken noises!" the voice demands. We both do it, my cheeks getting red from embarrassment. Then we both heard laughter. We both stop and look at each other, confused, and then to the lights turned on. With the lights turned on, oh we're in Starbucks, we see SMG4 and Mario laughing. SMG3 is mad. I'm just embarrassed and also upset. Then they both started to dance to the music that is playing again.

SMG3 presses a nuke button and I see this and immediately grabs everyone and teleport to the first thing in my head, my home. Just as we disappear the nuke hit the ground and exploded.

SMG4, SMG3, and Mario lands on my couch, I however, landed on the hard ground. "Ohhh... that hurts..." I groaned from the pain and dizziness . I stand up "Everyone okay?" I said joldinh my head. They all just look around and then at me.

"'Are we okay?' What about you?! We had a soft landing but you just crash to the ground!" SMG4 shouts.

"Also where are we?!" SMG3 adds.

"Well I wanted you guys to have a soft landing... and you're in my house! So welcome to my house everyone!"

They all 'ohhhed' and began to look around my home. Mario is having a blast with adventuring around, touching anything he can.

"Nice place you have here!" SMG4 comments.


Eggcat and mini me came running up to me. "Why hello my adorables!" I crouch down and hold out my arms. They both came running up to me and jumped in my arms. SMG4 and SMG3 looked at them surprised.

"You have them too?" SMG4 asks.

"Yes I do! Though eggcat here for some reason like to tie up mini me and torture him."

SMG3 laughs at this. "Ha! Now that's a good kitty!"

They both get out of my arms and began to play with each other. "Well I guess you guys got to go home?"

For some reason they both didn't feel like leaving but they knew they have to leave. "Yeah we better get going." SMG4 says, scratching the back of his head. "Come on Mario we"re leaving!" He calls out.

Mario comes back with some of my stuff for some reason...wait... those are the merchandise that SMG4 sells online. "What did 5 have this in his room?"

I grab the stuff in his hand and yeet them back into my room. "What stuff?" I said nervously.

Mario looked at me suspiciously. "Hmmmmm...." Just then SMG4 grabs Mario by the collar and drags him out.

"Come on buddy we gotta leave.. bye SMG5! See ya tomorrow!"

I waved goodbye as I close the door. I sighed. Phew... that was close....why was I so nervous for them to see my stuff I bought from their store...

I shake my and go into the kitchen. I ate and fed mini me and eggcat. I go upstairs changed into my pjs and laid down in bed. I take out my journal and start to write in it.

Hello journal,

Hi! It's me again. So today I went to hang out with Mario. He streamed himself playing shrek online. He got killed and we both ended up with SMG4 and him and Mario played chess as I watch SMG3 stream his life. Long story short he needed help so we gave him help....though I think I was the only one who actually cared...SMG4 and Mario just made funny of him and made him to embarrassing stuff. So he stormed out p, bring me with him for some reason... I thought he would leave me behind...but he didn't?

So another long story short I think SMG3 hates being flimed without his knowing even me... I also brought them to my house. They both saw my pets. I think SMG3 likes my eggcat since his pupils grew a bit. Mario also broke into my room and brought out all of the merchandise I bought from their online store....remind me to get revenge on Mario... lucky they didn't see anything. So anyways imma go to bed now... good night!



I close my journal and put it in my bedside table. I laid back down and close my eyes.

Sleep welcomes me


Words: 2937

Chapter 5: Mario goes bowling!

Chapter Text

How are you guys liking it so far?


Me, Meggy, Mario and SMG4 are at a bowling place called 'Bowl Candle Pin' I am excited watch SMG4 play. Mario and Meggy on the other hand...they're bored.

"Welcome to Mario Bowling!" He says with a bright smile. "We're gonna have so much fun!"

Meggy, bored, speaks. "SMG4... why did you take us here?"

"Because I thought Id share my favorite sport with you! And plus SMG5 also likes to bowl too!"

"Now I haven't done in it forever but I do like the adrenaline it gives me." I said matter-of-fact.

SMG4 proceeds on throwing the ball forward towards the pins, in which he gets a strike, with the screen showing a video of Garfield dancing, with the word "Strike" appearing in front of him while he keeps dancing. Seeing the video having an animation, Mario was finding it interesting

Meggy looks surprised at that. "Wow, thats actually pretty impressive SMG4! I'm glad you have an active hobby."

Mario then appears out of nowhere and shouts, "MARIO WANTS A COOL BOWLING ANIMATION!"

Mario then proceeds to get a bowling ball and throws it, which after, the bowling ball crashed on the floor. An animation of Donkey, with a spinning image of yet another Donkey, with the word "BRUH" in front of the latter, then plays in the screen.

"Great! I knew you would come around."

Jeez what the hell?!

"Here this is how you do it properly Mario.." I take a ball and throws it. The ball hits some pins."a hey! I got 7!"

"Good job SMG5!" 4 says, doing a thumb up. I return the thumb up.

"I want to try!" Meggy picks up a ball and plays it as baseball. "This seems easy enough!"

"Uh! No! That's not how-" I was caught off when Meggy throws it

The ball somehow misses all of them and immediately when to the side.

"I- I'm not so sure how that got in there but...okay?"

"What?! Aw man!."

It was Mario's turn. He picks up a ball and try's to play. But he failed... because he was spinning too much and it cause him to launch into the tv screen.

"I'll pay for it..." I said showing my wallet.

"You don't have! I can pay for it!" SMG4 explained.

"I ain't taking no for an answer. Besides I'm going to go get nachos want anything?"

"No I'm good. Go ahead. I'll teach these guys how to play."

Just before I leave to go pay for the damage and nachos, I watch Meggy play.

She picked up another ball and throws it like a basketball but she missed. She then puts a bowling ball inside her Splatoon gun and shoots it. Miss. Enraged, she just throws the bowling balls but none of them even touched the pins.

"Now this is just sad...." I whispered to SMG4.

"yes it is.."

I now leave for nachos and paying the damage without SMG4 knowing.

I come back with nachos in my hand. "Nacho nacho nachos~ nacho nacho nachos! Hey guys I ba-" I interrupted myself. "What the hell did i miss?!"

Meggy and Mario are in a cowboys outfit. Meggy glaring at Mario and Mario just grinning at her.

"Oh hey dude! So yea basically Mario is a natural at bowling and Meggy needed some more help. So I gave her the thing they use for childrens. She finally got one but Mario kept getting strikes and kept saying he is the best. So meggy had enough and challenged Mario to this!" He then moves in front of the aisle.

"This is the 100 pin challenge! Where you have to hit as many pins as you can! The highest one who gets the most pins wins"

"Easy.." Mario says and shoots a fireball? at the pins.

My jaw dropped. Did he get all of them?

"Woah! You got all the pins!" SMG4 shouts.

The dust moves away to reveal one pin hasn't been knocked down. He only got 99 pins.

"Okay Meggy! Your up!"

"I don't have to worry about anything! I know I win!" Mario says. When Meggy is trying to focus Mario kept making noises.

Meggy is upset but breathes. She then start to do an old meme that I haven't heard in a long time. Even SMG4 recognizes it.

"Oh shoot! Everyone hide!" He grabs my wrist, causing me to drop my nachos, cue the sad music in the background, and hides behind some seats. "Sorry 5! I'll get you some more nacho.."

"Y o u b e t t e r."

SMG gulps out of fear and nervousness. The hiding spot is good but also small and tight so me and him are just squished together. SMG4's cheeks are dust with a light pink, trying to look everywhere else except my eyes. My cheeks are also dusted pink.

Mario didn't do anything but stands there in confusion. Meggy finishes the meme and launches the ball.

Both me and SMG4 pop our head up...jeez my wallet is getting destroyed today... Mario is a skeleton and Meggy and watching the dust clear away. On the tv it says...she got all 100 pins!

"Oh my gosh I won!" She celebrates.

"Good job Meggy!" I said giving her a high five.

"Yea good job!"

Meggy walks up to the skeleton Mario. "Good game Mario! Maybe we can try again sometime?" She says, shaking his hand.

Mario screams? Out of pain or something I don't know.

I go up to the person who is at the front desk and hand them an envelope full of money. "Here...I think this should be enough to pay for the damage?"

The cashier takes the envelope and counts the money inside. They smile and nod. I turn around but then jump back and screamed because SMG4 was behind me, looking at me with amazement.

"JEEZ-!" I put a hand at my heart. "SMG4...WHY!?"

"Sorry! It's just... you didn't have to pay for the damage but you still did...why?"

"Why in the world would I leave you to pay the damage?"

"Well I'm sort of used to paying for others..."

I am surprised at this. WAIT?! No one helps him pay for the damage?

"Doesn't 3 help you pay?"

"Uh... sometimes?" He didn't sound like he does.

"Hm. Well here how about this? Every time when the crew makes damage on others property and yours I will help you pay for the damage. How's that sound?"

He look at me with more surprisment. He nods his head. "Yea that sounds good... want your nachos now?"

"Yes." I said fast.

He laughed and asked for nachos. My nachos came. I sat down and start to eat them. "Want some." I hold the tray out for him.

He takes some and mutters a thanks as he sits down next to me.

Bruh this feels like a date....wait. Where did Mario and Meggy go?! DID THEY LEFT US HERE ON PURPOSE?! My cheeks starts to feel hot...oh no......

"So...want to play some more bowling with me?" SMG4 offers. He seems nervous.

I think and nod my head, "Yea I would love too!"

Dear journal,

Today me,Meggy,Mario and SMG4 went to a bowling place! Although...Mario and Meggy had a hard time playing it at first... they both got better! Mario is like a professional already! Meggy stills needs some work but otherwise then that she's amazing!

Especially SMG4! You should have seen him! When Meggy was doing the 100 pin challenge, SMG4 grabbed my wrist and got us to a hiding place. Let's just say...I didn't mind the closeness I was with SMG4... it felt...nice... OH GOD DAMN IT! IM TOUCH DEPRIVED!

Anyways! The damage was bad...I don't think that place is opening up anytime soon.. smg4 paid my nacho since when he grabbed my wrists he made me drop my nachos. Then after I was done eating me and him played so more bowling. He won obviously but we both had a blast! I can't wait to hang out with them again! Well I'll see you tomorrow journal, bye bye~!




Words: 1304

Chapter 6: All I want for Christmas is MARIO TO FREAKING BEHAVE!

Chapter Text

A mini short before we start this chapter~

Cloud: playing Christmas music

Storm: walks in his room Why are you playing Christmas music in November?


He throws an axe at Storm as he slams the door shut to block the hurling axe.

Storm is SMG3. Cloud is SMG4. Me and my sister made different version of SMG4 and SMG3. Storm's personality is like OG SMG4 and Cloud's personality is like OG SMG3. They both treat each other like brothers. So it's kinda of like if SMG3 and SMG4 roles switched. The crew just act differently thanin the OG universe. I'll talk more about it later.

And now back to the chapter!

It's Christmas... WHAT THE- I guess time works differently here... I swear I remember it being the beginning of November but now it's Christmas?! I don't really mind though, it did bother me but I gave up... I mean I love Christmas I just didn't one wanted to spend time on Christmas with me...not even my friends or brother... also! Why the hell did no one else get dressed up for Christmas?! My outfit is more green and red. I even changed my hat to a Santa hat. Plus I discovered my hat changes depending on my surroundings. Like Christmas.I'm surprised not many others changed there outfit or at least put on a Christmas hat.

Almost everyone are sat at a dining room table. I don't know if someone did this on purpose but my assigned seat (yes there's assigned seats for some reason) are right between four and three. Right now One and two were staring at my soul while four and three kept looking back between us.

"So...your SMG5 I've heard so much about?" One ask.

"Yep! That's me! Wait. How the hell did you heard about me? I'm not that popular."

"Oh! We heard about you from four and three!" Two smiles.

I look back between four and three. They both just looked the other way, cheeks dusted with pink. I look back at them.

"Well I hope whatever they said is all the good things." I smiled. Why am I so intimidated by these guys?

"Don't worry they were ALL good things. So SMG4 and SMG3, have you too been practicing like we told you to?." SMG2 asks.

"Uhhhh...No." the both said at the same time.

"Okay! So check this out!" Smg2 pulls out a...salt shaker?

"Uh... it's a salt shaker?" SMG4 says.

"No it's our latest in meme research technology." SMG1 explains, "It's a cure for cringe!"

"We'll show you! SMG4 do something cringe!" SMG2 shouts at SMG4.

"Uh..." he panic for a minute and then did a cringy meme.

One and two look at each other and back at SMG4.

"What?" He ask. Two then shakes salt on his face and he starts to burn.


"OH MY GOODNESS! IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN?!" I shout, crouching down to the screaming, flaming meme guardian.

"Yes it is! That's how you know it's working!" Two says happily.

The screaming and fire stopped. Four stands up, I helped him, he then looks up....he has glasses on now... with a small creepy smile and his eyes aren't the same..

Three laughs "Oh my god SMG4! You feeling okay, bro?"

"I don't like the glasses...they don't suit you at all." I said a bitterly.

"Let's be friends.." four saids and hugs me since I was the closest.

I start to panic a little and reach out to three. "Help me please!" I give him my begging eyes.

Three blushes a bit as he looks at me and grumbles. "Fine." He grabs my hands and pulls me out of the death hug he was giving. Four then try's to hug three, but three just screams as he comes closer and kicks SMG4 away.

The next thing I know there is a flaming Axolotl.Axol Jr falls into the soup and bursts into flames. Melony pours water one her pet. She picks up Axol jr with tears and then glares at Mario.

"You...You jerk!" She then walks up stairs to her room.

We all look at Mario.

"Mario..WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Meggy ask, upset at Mario.

"But..but..Mario didn't mean to..he just wanted some food.." he says looking down at either his stomach or the ground.

"DUdE tHaT wAs LoW..eVeN fOr YoU." Bob says.

"Great going idiot you've ruined Christmas!" SMG3 says annoyed. I give him a glare and he glares back.

Boopkins looks at them worried. "No Christmas isn't ruin!" He pulls out a radio from under the table. "We still have some christmas music!" He turns it on and jumps on the table and start to sing...AHHHHH-

I had enough of Four with glasses on so I get my phone out and some him some vines (not the plant. the app/videos) As he watched, Boopkins singing is so HORRIBLE that I had to cover my ears. And since SMG4 is holding my phone he either didn't realize the terrible singing or couldn't cover his hand cause his head exploded. I stare at his dead body...horrified.

SMG3 also has his ears cover, screaming. He then looks at the salt shaker. "Here take this!" He throws it at Kazio. Kazio catches it and shakes some on the singing Boopkins. He turns into a green sphere.

Kazio sighs. "Oh thank god.."

Just then SMG4 stands up holding his head. "Ow my head.." he looks up at everyone confused.

"What happened?" He groaned.

"Mario really hurt Melony." Meggy replied glaring at Mario.

"But..but.. Mario didn't even do anything!" he sadly says as he looks at the ground.

"You should really go and apologize to her man.." SMG4 says, disappointed at Mario.

I nod in agreement. "You should."

"I don't get it." Mario says, raising his hand in the air. "It's just a stupid frog!"

Meggy looks at Mario with sadness. "Dude.."

Flash back~

Melony is in a pet store looking around at what it has to sell. She looks at a spider but doesn't like it and continues to look around.

"Axol means the world to her. She been caring for him ever since.."

She then sees an axolotl and gleams.

" know."

Then we see picture of her and him having a blast together.

End of flash back~

"And you really injured him Mario."

Mario looks at the ground distraught at what he hears and bursts into tears. "WAHHHH MARIOS SORRY!" he then gets up. "Mario will go say sorry right now!"

"Yes you should Mario." I speak up. "If that was one of my pets then I would be as equal as mad as she is right now."

Maybe a little a lot more... at least my bazooka will still be collecting dust...

Me, Meggy, and SMG4 are near the stairs whole Mario is at the door leading to melony's room. Mario walks up to the door.

"Oh Melony..." he knocks, "Melony?"

The door opens and Mario walks in said "I'm sorryyyy" A minute or two passes andHe comes out fast and slams the door.

"So? How'd it go?" SMG4 ask. I am also wondering too because I heard some loud noises in there.

"M-m-melony is very mad.." Mario says, shaking.

Meggy sighs. "Damnit. It'sworst then Ithought." She then thinks for a minute and has a plan. "Okay! Here's what we're going to do."

Just as I get down the last steps I hear SMG4 say something but I didn't get it. We both look to my left and I see SMG3, SMG2, and SMG1 looking at each other like they're doing a shoot out. And I was right.

"Okay good for it!"

SMG2 pulls out a computer with a cringy meme on it. SMG3 quickly gets rid of it by sprinkling salt on it.

"Hey I want to make it snowing in here, can you guys help?"

SMG3 looks at 4 like he was drunk. "Are you insane? We can't do that."

"Well if we have enough of this we could make it snow in here." SMG1 says.

"Okay then let's go buy some!" SMG4 says and turns around walks off only to be stopped by SMG2.

"Hold on! There's only one way to harvest this type of salt."

Me,four, and three all look at each other, confused.

There is then a montage of them collecting salt from 'salty' people.

Wait... how am I supposed to do that? I didn't really practice my abilities...if I have abilities that is..

Basically SMG1,2,3 and 4 all gathered more salt. I did tried to do it by myself a couple times but instead of salt shakers they're pepper shakers... so I tested them on a cringy vine. It works!

Hm.. seems like my powers revolve on vines... huh. Does that I can't be useless ...

Am I?


Maybe if I practice more on meme I will be like them..

Shaking my head, I take off my hat and put the pepper shaker in there. Fun fact my hat serves as an inventory for me. I put it back on and runs to catch up to Four and Three.

We all went back to the castle. We all sit down at our seats. The four of them use their meme powers to lift the salt shakers and have them falling like snow.

"I hate salt..."

SMG3 heard me. "Why?"

"Well this one time, me and my brother were cooking and me and him ever horsin' around. Well one thing to leads to another... he puts salt in my hair! It took forever to get it out cause of my thick hair and now I might have that problem again!"

Three and four chuckled, well three laughs and four chuckled.

"Well I don't think this stuff will stay in your hair, so don't worry five." SMG4 reassure me. Just then Boopkins comes out of a hole in the table and starts to sing 'All I want for Christmas' terribly. Bob and Kazio are playing the music, Kazio with the drums and Bob with the guitar. I cover my ears. JEEZ LUE LOISE tooloud....

Mario comes out form behind boopkins and kicks him off the table and looks at Melony, who I didn't realize that came down the stairs, an apologetic expression.

"Mario is sorry he hurt your pet.." he says looking at the ground and then looking at Melony. "I'm sorry Melony.."

Melony frowns but then instantly be happy again. "Okay!" She hugs Mario. Mario hugs back with a genuine smile.

I smile as the scene. Awww! Adorable!


I arrive home, tired from the party. I go to my room, petting eggcat and giving mini me a hug. I put down the three presents I got from Mario, SMG4, and SMG3 on my nightstand and groaned as I flop on my bed " tired..." I get my journal and start to write in it.

Dear Journal,

The party was a blast. We all had some good food and desserts to eat. It was the best party I have ever been to. I usually don't go to parties but Mario begged me too.... and blackmailed me. Also.. I don't know why but SMG4, SMG3 and Mario gave me presents. I wonder why? I didn't hang out twitch them for that long... only like...4 months or so I have been here.. Anyways! Luckily I was prepared so I have them their presents and I also gave everyone else their presents too. And speaking of presents I'm going to open them now. Talk to you later!



I look at the three presents I have. I open the red and blue one first, from Mario.

Just as I expected...

A plate of spaghetti with a note on it.



I blush a bit at the note... "great... he knows I'm gay...maybe.."

I open the purple and black present.

"Awww! Well ain't this a cute outfit for you eggcat!" In side was a Christmas outfit for pets, accessories and boots for me. I take the pet outfit and show eggcat. "Do you want to try it on?" Eggcat meows and I get it on them. They are in a reindeer costume. Complete with antlers and a red nose.

I get on some of the accessories he gave me. Most of them has spikes on it, like the choker and the bracelets. The boot are a darker shade of ( fav color) with (obviously) spikes on it. I looked closer and realized that my symbol is on the shoes and under the shoe at the feet part there is a number Five in Greek number so when I walk on different land it will make an indent on it.

I'm definitely wearing these everyday now!

I keep them the accessories on cause I'm lazy and I look at eggcat. "AWWWW~" My pupils dilate as I look at eggcat. "You look so adorable! Pose for a picture!" I get my phone out and take pictures. I smile brightly at the photos I took.

I then open the blue and white present. A picture and another outfit. I look at the picture and smile. It is a picture of everyone in the crew in front of the castle....including me...huh I forgot about this..Ihung it up immediately above my bed. I think look at the outfit in there. There was one for me, a sweater as my favorite color and some pants to go along with it and an outfit for mini me.

"Aww! Mini me! There's an outfit for you too! Come 'ere so I can put it on you!" Mini me comes closer to me and I put it on him. A tiny Santa hat on him with matching Santa clothes.

"Awww~! Adorable! I'm gonna out my outfit on and then we can take a selfie and send it to four and three!" I go into my bathroom and change. I come out in the outfit on. The sweater has thick (fav color) stripes and (2nd fav color) on it. The pants are light blue and loose around the legs. I look at the full body mirror I have.

"Hot dang! I look good! I mean the stuff SMG3 got me and the outfit fits perfectly together! Don't I look good you two!" I smile as I turn around. A flash hit my eyes, blinding me.

"Jeez! Did you guys-?" I hear a send notification noise. Two notification noise


"Oh boy... what am I gonna do with you too huh?" I pet the two. "Did you at least took pictures of yourselves and send it to SMG4 and SMG3?"

They both nod. I chuckled a bit, yaking my phone and putting it on my bedside table.

"Want some hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies?" They both got excited and ran out of my room. I smile. I follow the two to the living room, leaving my phone behind, wherewe all had hot chocolate and watched movies until we all passed out.


You look so amazing Five! I was worried if the clothes would be too small or too big on you.

Also do you like the gift I got you?

Did you hang it up?

And does mini you like the outfit?


Nice outfit.

You look good in the accessories I got you btw.

Do you like the boots?

They are custom made by yours truly~!

Also does your eggcat like the outfit?


Sorry for the many time skips. I'm just try to make sure the reader aka SMG5 hang out with Four and Three. Think I should make one of the reaction videos or something else that doesn't start with SMG4: cause that is how I'm following the story by.

Words: 2586

Chapter 7: Mario updates his data plan and I get a new phone!

Chapter Text

A about a month passed after Christmas. I didn't want the shoes to get snowed so I wear them until to today. They're so comfortable to put on! And it makes me feel a bit taller. I am also wearing the sweater SMG4 got me.

I'm wearing my overalls over them like how I would usually wear a shirt. Mario invited me to come with him to T-mobile so he could update his phone. I came with him since I also need a new phone... mini me and eggcat broke the last one because they were fighting for who gets to play on my phone first. And no I'm not get them a phone! They're too young to have one(I think) Igot a phone until I was about 7 or 8 years old.

Anyways off track here, me and Mario arrive at T-mobile and Mario starts to mess up the phone by taking a horrible screenshot of him and making it the Lock Screen. I look at the different phones they have some nice ones and some crazy. I look at one of the nicer phone and instantly get blinded by the Lock Screen photo.

"Really Mario? Why? I get it that it's funny but why?" I ask him looking at the prices of some of the phones.

"Mario likes to do it! Maybe you should try it SMG5." He says as he gives me a phone and changes the last phone's lock screen to be his face.

"Nah. I don't want to get in trouble and besides we're here to get your phone plan updated and me a new phone." I said putting the phone down. "I'm going to look around for a nice phone at cheap price. Youcan stay here and get an employee to have your phone updated." I said as I leave.

Why the f—k to phones cost so much?! I look at the prices. "Ain't there one phone that's normal!?" I look around at the other phones. I should've went to the Apple Store instead...

"Hey come here!" Chris calls me over.

I walk over to him "yes?"

"So you looking to buy a new phone?" He asks.

"Yes my children broke my other one. Do you have any normal phones and not so crazy ones...?"

He nods and shows me where they were.

"Oh! Thanks Chris!" I saidand lookingat the phones. I eventually got a phone that's nice and cheap but not to cheap to where it's crappy. I also get a phone case and screen protecter to go along with it. The phone case is/has (You guys can have the design of it however you want)

"Thank you come again!" Chris says waving.

Just then SMG4 comes in and buys a phone...the shrek phone... then he starts to do a sponsor on the game that I remember SMG3 playing on his stream.

"Cause this video is sponsored by... Shrek Online! Shrek is an online MMORPG with 1990s graphics. Play as your very own Shrek as you explore all the vast lands of Swamp World and live your wildest fantasies!"

Before he could finish I shut him up by covering his mouth. "Shush SMG4 no one wants to hear that." He looks down at the ground sad.

"Sorry...Four it's just the video already started. You're supposed to do those at the beginning." I uncover his mouth, dropping my hand back to my side. "Next time do it at the beginning." I suggest.

He was about to say something but looks up and down at the clothes I'm wearing. He blushed a bit. "You're wearing the sweater I gave you?"

I chuckled, "Well of course I would! I won't wear it everyday but I wanted to wear it today. How do I look?" I said posing like I am posing for a picture.

SMG4 blushes a bit more. Handsome...he shakes his head. "Uh..! You look really great Five!"

I chuckled. "Well I am going to see what Mario is up to, see ya later?"

He seemed a bit sad for me to leave but otherwise smiled. "Okay! See ya later Five!" He leaves as I go back to Mario.

Mario is currently playing a game on his new phone.

"Ohhh~ what type of phone is that?" I ask, admiring it.

"A military grade phone!" He says as he plays on the phone.

Wait...if that's military then..I look back at the 'game.' Holy-


He jumps and looks at me. "Why? I'm having fun!"

"Mario.. that's not a game.. that's someone who is actually killing people with a tank that you're controlling."

"Ohhhh...." He was about to put the phone down until a nuke button appears. "Ohhh! What does this button do?" He went to press it but Chris appeared and stopped him. Or did he?

"YOU IDIOT, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" he yells at Mario.

"Hey! Mario paid for that phone fair and square!"

"He did..he payed it with peach's credit card." I said.

We all look at the phone...the nuke button has been pressed...

"God have mercy on us all." Chris says.

Swag comes over. "...Whoops. How was I supposed to know he was gonna launch the nukes?"

Chris slides off the seat and under that table, crying and kissing the world goodbye.

"AAAH! YOU MEAN MARIO/HE LAUNCHED ACTUAL NUKES?!" Me and Mario both shout at the same time.

"Yup. And they're headed straight for us." Swag says, oddly calm.

"Well isn't there anything that we or you could do?!" I shout.


Chris from under the table says to cry as he is crying his heart and soul out.

"No. I'm not crying! Mario can save us since he's the one who started this." I said pointing to Mario.

Mario looked at me offended but then frowns. "SMG5 is right..Come on! Anti-nuke missiles?! Fighter jets!? ELON MUSK!."

"WAIT...! There is one thing..." swag says.

"WHAT/WHAT IS IT?!" Mario and I shout.

Chris gets back up from crying like a b—tch. "Wait, you're right. There is that..."

"What!? what!? what?!" Mario shouts. I stay silent, annoyed at these guys.

We are the back of T-mobile. Why the hell did I follow them...why didn't I go back home or went with SMG4.

"Why'd you take Mario and Five to the back of the phone store???"

"I also have the same question." I say raising my finger.

Chris and swag opens the garage door and in it revel an...iron man suit? With a phone in its chest.

"...The hell is this?" me and Mario said simultaneously.

Either that's going to get old real fast or pretty cool... SAME MIND THINKS ALIKE.

"This is our experimental phone plan." Chris explains.

"Phone plan!? This is a suit!" Mario says gesturing to the suit.

"He has a point." I said.

"No, the suit is a perk. The phone is here." Swag pints to the phone on the chest.

"Is that one of those old phones that are indestructible?" I ask.

"Yes. Yes it is." Swag says proudly.

"Now get in, Mario." Chris demands.

"Me!? Why me!? Why not SMG5?!"

"Because you started all of this. So you should end it. And he didn't do anything wrong." Chris explains again.

"Plus, my body is too slender and sexy for this suit." Swag poses as he says this.

I cringe...No...just no...

Swag kicks Mario into the suit. Mario got in and is scared out of his mind.

"Alright, Mario. You've got to fly up to the nuke, and push it into orbit. Any questions?" Chris ask.

"Uh-" Mario got cut off

"Too bad." Chris gets a remote and pushes a button, launching Mario in the air with Mario screaming as he goes.

"They grow up so fast..." Swag wipes his eyes.

I remembered the whole reason we came here. "So since Mario is busy can I update his phone plan?"

The both of them looked at each other and back at me.

"Yea sure." Swag says and leads me back into the store where I updated Mario's phone plan.

I'm at the castle waiting for Mario. While I'm waiting I'm working on my video I've made. Yes I make videos. Mainly just vines reactions or my pov on their videos cause who wouldn't like to know other people perspective. Just then Mario burst into the door way.

"WE NEED TO GO BACK! MARIO FORGOT TO UPDATE ME PHONE PLAN!" He shouts about to pick me up but I stop him.

"Don't worry dude, I already did it." I hand him his phone.

Mario look ant his phoneand see that I did. He looks back up at me with tears. "WAHHHH THANK YOOOUUUU!!!" He hugs me tightly.

"Aww! You'rewelcome bud!" I hug him back.

Not noticing two jealous glares aiming at Mario.

I wave Mario good bye and head home. Once home I eat and feed my children, Eggcat and Mini me who I will now name mini V(The underlined V is the Greek number) I change and pull out my journal and write in it.

Dear Journal,

Today I went with Mario to T-mobile cause One: I didn't had anything else to do and two: Eggdog and miniVbroke my old one. It was a weird day... Chris and Swag apparently work there. The phones at that place are weird... and Mario had to stop a nuke from killing all of us. Anyways I got me my phone and I'm happy. I also had to update Mario's phone with my money since Mario is saving the world. (Seriously couldn't they gave me/him a discount since he is saving/saved the world?) So anyways, it's night and I'm tired.. I'm going to bed now sleep tight journal!



I put my journal away and turn off my light. "Goodnight Eggcat...goodnight Mini me.."

Eggcat meows and mini me 'blep'ed in reply.

I shut my eyes.

Sleep welcomed me.

Words: 1601

Chapter 8: Mario bakes a cake and so do I!

Chapter Text

The camera pans into a kitchen. A title appears.

Cooking with a fat Italian

Then a computer bot voice starts to talk.

"Hello everyone today I have a fat Italian and one of his friends with me. Today they are going to show you how to make the finest cuisine."

He then throws Mario saying, "This dumb Italian in question."

He then throws me. "And this is his friend, SMG5."

"Hey! Dude, don't throw me like that!"

"Shut up you idiot." The voice says to me rudely.

I grumble a bit.

"Where was I? Ah! Yes. Excellent now we can began."

When he was talking Mario kept looking around the room and I have my arms crossed with a grump face.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Mario shouts and then hides behind the counter. "Are you a ghost?!"

"Mario, chill. It's just a person with a bot like voice." Mario ignored me but then the voice speaks up.

"I'm the narrator, you idiots."

"THEIR IN THE WALLS!?!" Mario then gets out a gun.

"MARIO NO-" A arm comes out of the ceiling and bends his gun, causing it to shoot Mario in the face.

"JEEZ YOU ALRIGHT DUDE?!" I speed walk up to him and bend down, checking over him. Just then a chef hat was placed on his head. The arm takes my hat and before I could protest a chef hat was placed on my head.

I help Mario get up as the narrator starts to talk again.

"Since it is the start of a new year we will be making a new years treat."

"I know just the thing!" Mario then try's to find something but can't seem to find it.

Confused I just stand there looking at Mario as if he is nuts.

"Where is it?! WHERE IS IT?!" he takes of the hat and shakes it.

"What are you looking for Mario?"

"MY SPAGHETTI!!!" He takes off his clothes.

I look away not wanting to see...anything...

"MARIO PUT YOUR GOD DAMN CLOTHES BACK ON!" I shout while turned around Icovering my eyes.

The arm appears with multiple plates of spaghetti on the counter, waving its finger in a 'no'."No we're not making spaghetti." Mario seems to not like that and goes into a corner sand starts to pout. I don't mind however.

I hope it's something with baking. Like a cake! I want to make one for SMG3 and SMG4. I thought in my head as I turn back around. Thankfully he's wearing his clothes again. Just as I said that in my head the narrator speaks up.

"Stop pouting. We'll be making a cake."

Mario immediately turned around and got hyped. I also am hyped too.

I haven't baked in years.. I stopped when I was younger. Can't wait to bakeagain!

"Before anything else we will need a recipe. Do you have one?" The narrator ask.

"Yes I do!" I reach in my hat- oh right... "I have a recipe book in my hat can you get it out for me?" I ask the narrator. A book was placed on the counter. "Oh thanks!"

"You're welcome. Mario, do you have one?"

"Yes I do!" He then reached off the screen and brings out a computer. He puts in on the counter and clicks the space button. A video starts to play.

"Wow, actually looks pretty good." The narrator complements. But the video turned into one of things where people smash a bunch of stuff on an item. The narrator didn't like that.

I look back at Mario who now has a shovel in his hand. "Mario no. We ain't doing that typed of sh¡t."

The narrator's arm takes the shovel and hits Marioon the head with the shovel. Mario didn't like that and yelledat the narrator. I didn't like it either and glared at where the supposed narrator would be.

We are both behind the counter, with me looking through my recipe book looking for two good cake recipes while Mario is still thinking of a recipe.

"Give me a real recipe you idiot." The narrator gives Mario a piece paper and a pencil.

Mario writes a recipe on it. He shows it to me first and then to the narrator.

Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x reader) - Alison78 (1)

"Then check this out!" Mario is happy for himself. I'm scared for him. Man, he really likes spaghetti doesn't he?

The narrator takes the paper. "Do me a favor and actually try for once." He says rolling it into a paper ball.

"Dude! Don't do that! He is trying! He just loves spaghetti with all his heart!" I yell at the narrator.

"Don't try to stick up for him. He needs a recipe and he is not going to mooch off of you for one."

I grumble and cross my arms.

"Do I need to get you one of your other friends to cook instead?"

Mario got an idea and pulls out... a...? The hell is that thing called? I never really watch or play gmod that much. Mario pulls out a summoner tool and summons SMG4, who is sitting on a chair with his computer. He notices me and waves at me, lightly blushing. I wave back, hiding my recipe book behind me.Mario whispers to SMG4 and SMG4 start to search up a recipe for him. He hits print and Mario has a wire connected to him and a paper comes out of his mouth.

What the f—k did I just witness??? I think as I look at Mario with surprise and disbelief.

Once it was done printing the narrator takes it and looks over it.

"Hm. This seems good enough."

Both of them smile widely and high fives each other.

"Now get out of here." The narrator takes out a removal tool. SMG4 screams and the narrator gotrid of him.

Why am I here again? Oh yea... to bake a cake.

Mario didn't like that and starts to yell and scream about his missing best friend.

...what am I a roach? why the f—k am I here?

"Oh shut up Mario. At least you have SMG5 with you." The narrator says as he drags Mario off screen.That seems to calm Mario down a bit.

We are all in front of the refrigerator. The narrator speaks up.

"Now that we have a recipe to follow, it's time to get out the ingredients." He says as Mario comes out of the refrigerator and falls on the floor.

"Mario, how the hell- sigh never mind." I sighed in the middle on my sentence, already done with Mario's craziness.

"We will need eggs, sugar, hamburger-" He says as Mario gets out the ingredients and I do too. Narrator slaps the hamburger off his nose. Mario frowns at the narrator, who continues to list the ingredients. "Baking powder, barbecue sau- vanilla extract,-"

Mario lifts up his hat to reveal an angry bird character."B i r d." The narrator gets rid of the bird and replaces it with, "Whole milk."

Mario, enraged, rummages in the fridge while I put the ingredients on the table with a few of the ingredients I need as well. Mario takes a a baguette. "A GODDAMN BAGUETTE!"

"Stop interrupting me fat ass. Look at SMG5 he isn't interrupting me. So stop it." The narrator says.

Mario starts to cry and whine.

"Mario, come on. Don't you want to make a cake?"

Mario ignores me and continues to whine.

The narrator speaks up. "Fine, pick out the rest of the ingredients yourself."

Mario, pleased with that, rummages frantically in the fridge. I deadpanned at his...craziness. Mario takes out a gallongatorade? bottle looking at it curiously. He looks left and right. He lifts it to his mouth.

"MARIO NO-!" I shout and tried to stop him but he drank some. Mario shriveled up, screams and flops on the ground, seemingly dead.

"IDIOT!" I shout at Mario's dead body.

"Great he shut up. Let's move on before anything else happens."

A few minutes pass by since Mario woke up but for some reason he thought it was Christmas so he put up a Christmas tree and decorated the kitchen.

"Why the fu-"

The narrator interrupts me. "Before you began your cooking adventure you need to start with preparation." He says as Mario's head rises from the ground.

"Mario get up and focus."

Mario gets up from the ground.

"First off we're gonna need some cooking utensils. You'regonna need a mixing bowl, measuring cups or mixing- he slaps Mario hands since he was trying to touch them- mixing spoon, baking trays, and a gun."

"Why do we need a gun?" I ask, looking at the gun worriedly.

"What he said, we don't need that." Mario agrees, picking his nose and touches the eggs. The narrator takes the gun and shoots Mario with it.

"Ohhh~ that's what it's for." Finally getting it.

"Next, don't forget to clean your hands before cooking." The narrator says as Mario fades into the sink. I am washing my hands and the eggs Mario touched.

"Next, line your tray with baking paper." I put mine on two trays while Mario puts one on his tray. I look at the paper he used and realize it is a Declaration of Independence paper. I didn't bother it since it might just be a copy.

Both me and Mario are infront of the oven, smiles on our faces.

"It's time to preheat the oven, unfortunately children can't operate the oven." The narrator teleports Mario to the far end in a baby bed. Mario cry's.

"Can I operate it then?" I ask, having one of my fingers up.

"No." I then get teleported next to Mario but instead of being in a baby bed I'm chained to the wall my bandanna nowhere to be seen.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I shout as I try to get the chain off of my neck.

"Let's call in our safety guy to turn on the stove." The safety guy does a dramatic thing and turns one the stove to 180 celsius. The guy leaves, passing me and Mario. I'm still trying to get the chain off while Mario is still crying.

Mario and me are behind the counter again with me glaring at the narrator rubbing my neck, which is going to have a bruise on it due to me struggling to get out I would hide it but I can't find my bandanna, Mario is pouting.

"Congratulations. Preparation are complete let's see that smile."

I scowl harder at him. Mario starts to cry again.

Three bowls are in front of us. Mario has one I have two.

"We will make the batter next. Five you will follow your recipe while Mario follows mine. We will need two eggs, two tablespoons of oil, half a cup of butter, one cup of milk-" for some reason the cow is very...ahem flirty... and try's to get Marioto kiss it. Mario screams and takes out a weapon and hits it.

"One cup of milk and four cups of flour."

Mario misunderstands it and puts an actual flower in it and stirs the batter fast with a proud smile on his face.

"No. Stop. That will be inedible."

Mario denies and tastes it his face scrunches inward.

"Congratulations you now have salmonella. D u m b a s s." The narrator states with clapping hands around the scrunched up face.

While Mario was doing the stuff narrator told him to do I was mixing my two batters. I also sneaked in a mini oven for me cause I don't want them to burn and I know Mario will forget.

"Next step, pour your batter into a baking tin and make sure it's evenly spread."

"Okay!" Both me and Mario said simultaneously. I pour my two batter in two of the baking pan pans in front of me. Mario tries to walk but trips on the whisk and yeets past me and bounces around the supposed living room. The batter ended up into an old top hat.

"Oh...Eugh.." I shiver out of disgust.

Mario comes crashing down behind the hat and waves his arms. "Ta da!"

"Oh boy. I can't wait to contract Ebola." The narrator says sarcastically.

I help Mario standup, who is dizzy as f—k, holding on to his cake batter in a hat. I grab mine as the narrator is talking.

"Now we'll need our safety guy named Pryo to handle putting the cake in the oven." As he was talking me and Mario got triggered. The safety guy walks in all happy but then me and mario cuts in front of him. Mario slaps the safety guy.

"Stop." Mario says as he points at him. I aim my bazooka at him with a crazed smiles my pupils shrinks to look like dots. The safety guy leaves with a frown.

"Stop mocking me and SMG5! We can totally do this." Mario shouts at the narrator. I put my cake in the mini oven and set a timer. I look back at Mario, who's hands are shaking, is struggling to put it in.

"Do you want me to put it in for you?" I ask as I walk up from behind him. Mario looks at me and back at the oven. He shakes his head.

"Mario got this." Determined or scared he throw the cake in the oven. Mario is proud of himself.

I laugh a bit. "Pfft- Well that's one way to put it in!"

"Congratulations. Just don't forget to put it out when it's ready." The narrator warns.

Mario laughs, "pfft like Mario will forget," he points to himself, "See guys! I conquered the stove! I'm the master of the kitchen!"

"No need to get a head of yourself Mario. Don't get tooexcited or else you might screw up something like I do sometimes..." I blank... I see Mario on the ground inflamed. I shake my head. "What's next narrator?"

"Glad you ask." Mario appears next to me behind the counter. "Next we will make the cakes frosting. We will need icing sugar, butter, and milk." Before I can grab anything to use Mario shoves the milk and butter away and pours the icing sugar on the countertop and... snorts it up.

"WHAT THE F—K MARIO!? WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" Mario ignores me and acts like he is on one heck of a trip. The narrator flicks the label off and shows that it's poison.

Mario stops acting crazy and looks at the label. "Oh okay."

"Oh sh¡t... Mario you need to go to the hos-" I am interrupted by Mario screaming.

What the hell is with everyone and interrupting me today?!? It's getting old and annoying FAST.

After that mess... and after I'm half way done with making the icing I need, the timer went off for me. I take out my cakes- "OW F—K!" I slam the two pans down on a cooling rack and wave my hands crazy. I forgot I took off my gloves... OWWWW

"Is SMG5 okay?" Mario asks worried for me.

"Yea..I'm fine... just burned my hands that's all." I said putting my hands under cold water.

"Do you need Mario's help?"

"No I'm good..thanks Mario. I will be right back. I'm gonna go bandage my hands."

I walk out the room leaving a worried Mario behind.

I come back with bandaged hands to see Mario with several knives in his head. "The hell Mario? Why?" Mario just shrugs.

The narrator comes back. "Okay Mario, I finished puking and I'm-" he sees Mario and takes out his phone and takes a picture. "LMAO dumbass."

"Since you're going with that gross spaghetti frosting chop up these tomatoes and make some pasta sauce." He gives Mario some tomato's. I cover my cakes and my half made icing, knowing this is gonna get messy.

Mario looks at the knifes he has in his head and takes out the katana. He does a reference I don't know and tomatoes exploded everywhere. Cover me and Mario with it.

"DAMN IT MARIO! WHY!" I shout while trying to get the tomato juice out of my eyes.

The narrator slaps Mario upside the head. "Alright now it's time to decorate the cake."

"Oh yea! The cake!"

"Wait- OH SH-"

"THE CAKE!?!?!?" we both look at the oven. Flames are coming out of it. Mario screams and rushes to it. He opens the oven and gets the burnt cake out and kicks the oven outside.

"Oh no..."

"It's okay Mario.."

"Im the master of the kitchen! Thatsmy impression of an idiot." The narrator mocks Mario.

Mario didn't like it and did it back at him. "Look at me, I suck! That's my impression of yo-" the narrator punches Mario hard in the eye.

Mario looks at the counter top sad and pops the cake out of the top hot. I glare at the narrator while putting an ice pack on Mario's eye. After patching him I take out my two cakes.

"Too late to go back..let's add some frosting and decoration."

I calmly put on my icing and decoration while Mario takes out a Splatoon gun and shoot the heck out of the cake then he starts to put mini plates of spaghetti on the cake. I put some light decoration on both of them though one of the cake has more than the other one.

"Alright let's see how badly you messed this up."

Curtains are placed in front of the cakes. Mario appears in front of it.

"It's time for the moment you've been waiting for!" The curtains pulled back revealing four cakes.

"Wait four? Why are their four cakes?" Mario ask, confused.

"Well I am making two of those cake for SMG4 and SMG3. I decided to make you one too and made it a surprise! So Surprise!" I do jazz hands on his cake I made. The cake I made for him is red, blue and has some fake spaghetti plates on it.

"You like it?"

"Like it..." Mario says, a shadow on his eyes. I start to worry. "I LOVE IT!!!" He takes his cake and eats it in one bite.

"Pfft! Well I'm glad you love it!"

We all look back at the now three cakes. Mario's stand out from the other two. I take the two of the cakes and place them in there correct colored box.

"I'm not touching that thankfully out victim- I mean special guest , Tari, will try it first."

Tari waves a hello and looks at the cake, excited.

"Well imma head off. Enjoy you two!" I wave goodbye to the both of them. I grab my hat that is conveniently on a coat rack and leave.

I first stop at the castle since it was closer. I go to where SMG4 works/sleeps in and knocks on the door. The door opens to reveal SMG4. He seems excited that I'm here. "Hey man! What brings you here? Wanna come in?" I have my head.

"Nah I got stuff to do. The reason I'm here is because I baked a cake for you!" I show him the cake I made for him. He looks at the cake even more happy and takes it from my hands to inspect it. Before he opened it he realized I'm wearing bandages on my hands and I have a bruise on my neck.

"Dude? What happened to your hands and neck?! Why are your hands in bandages?!" He ask frantically.

Ah.. I forgot to get my bandanna back for the narrator.."Woah woah woah! Calm down Four! I'm wearing bandages because I was being a dumbass and took the cakes out of the oven with my bear hands and forgot to put on mittens or had my gloves on." I explain.

He didn't seem to calm down a lot but he did a bit. "Are you okay at least?" He says taking my hand and inspecting my bandages hand.

I blush a bit due to him touching my hand. I take my hand back. "Yea I'm fine. Anyways enjoy your cake!" I wave and leave him.

Four watches him walk away. He is still worried for him. He looks at the Kia he is has and closes his door. He opens the box to reveal a blue and white cake with decoration of memes and Beeg SMG4.

"Awww~ he did really good on this! I can't wait to try it!" He takes a fork and without cutting it he takes some cake and eats some. His eyes widens and his pupils grew. "So...GOOD!" He eats the rest of the cake while working on his videos.

I get to Starbucks and look for SMG3. I walk up stairs and knock on the door. It opens to reveal SMG3 looking at me confused and annoyed. "What do you want?" He demands.

"Uh..sorry if I bothered you I just wanted to give you this." I show him the box. "I made cakes today and wanted to give you one."

He looks at the box in my hand and back at me. "I don't like sweets." He stated.

"That's no problem! This cake is spicy for you!"

He seemed confuse but took the box and placed it on one of his table. He looks back at me and was about to speak but then looks at my hand and my neck and points at the bruise. "THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR HANDS AND YOUR NECK?!" He yells and takes my hand roughly and looks over it. He lifts my head with my chin with his free hand looking at my neck with the bruise. "Who done this..."

"First ouch. Second I was being a dumbass and forgot I didn't have my gloves on and forgot to put mittens on." I explained trying to get my hand out of his grip. I flushed a bit went he put his hand on my chin.

"You are right you were a dumbass. Did you get both of these checked?"

"Yes I did. Don't worry." I lied through my teeth. I finally get my hand out of his grip. "Now if you excuse me imma go now, enjoy your cake!" I wave and leave.

Three watches him leave. Something's up with him...I know he lied. But why? Whatever..he looks at the box and opens it. There is a cake that is black and dark purple with decoration of dead memes and himself with eggdog on top. Now he wasn't gonna lie the cake looks amazing but he wasn't going to tell Five himself. He cuts a slice and puts it on a plate and takes a fork and took a bite.

"Holy hell- how did he make this spicy? I can taste it more than the sugar." his pupils grew as he ate more and more of the cake while talking with eggdog.

I got home and relaxed on my bed petting eggcat and hugging mini Vas I write in my journal.

Dear journal,

Today me and Mario baked cakes! I was successful but Mario had some putting in the wrong ingredients, making the icing, burning the cake... I hope Tari is okay..I sort of left after Tari showed up... Anyhow. I gave the cakes I made to Four and Three. I hope they like it. We'll see about it tomorrow I guess... Also while I'm writing this I decided to do a doodle Eggcat and mini me! Doesn't it look amazing and adorable!

Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x reader) - Alison78 (2)

Anyways. I'm tired after today and I wanna go to sleep.. good night journal.



I put my journal away, turned off my light, and get comfy in bed. I close my eyes.

Sleep welcomes me.


JEEZ THIS CHAPTER IS LONG FOR ME....! I also doodles a bit here is Cloud and Storm! Someone called Cloud an idiot and he didn't like it. Tell me if I made a mistake here.

Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x reader) - Alison78 (3)

Words: 3917

Chapter 9: VINES or short stories...

Chapter Text

Cloud: Toss me my keys!

A Christmas tree was thrown at him. He dodged it.

Cloud: I said my keys!

Luigi: I thought you said Christmas tree!

Cloud: Why the F—K would I say 'Christmas tree'!?


Mario: She says she shower with Pantene!

Next you see Mario in a bathtub with Cloud and Storm. They are all wearing their clothes. Except Mario is shirtless.

Mario: but I got watermelon to keep me clean!


Storm, SMG4 and SMG3 are in Storm's room talking.

Storm: Ugh Cloud is so annoying.

Just then Cloud appears outside from the window.

Cloud: I heard you are talking sh¡t about me?



Storm: I love watching the waves.

Cloud looks at Storm.

Cloud: I'm in love with you Storm~

Storm looks at Cloud, scared and surprised.

Storm: AHHHHH-


Cloud: Isn't spiral stair case just stairs on top of stairs?

SMG3 thinks about this all the way into night time.

It's 2am and you see him in his bed still thinking about what Cloud said.



Cloud is in the kitchen looking at the ground as he is sad about something. Storm comes in the kitchen and sees this. He pulls out chocolate chips from his hat and pour some on his hand. He walks up to a cloud and shoves his hands to his mouth.

Storm: Eat the chocolate.

Cloud: No I'm not in the mo-

Storm: E A T T H E C H O C O L A T E

Cloud eats the chocolate chips from his hand.

Storm: Do you feel better now?

Cloud nods his head sadly.

Storm: Good!

Storm then hugs Cloud to comfort him.

SMG4: Dude what are you doing up?! It's 3am! Your going to hate yourself in the morning!

SMG5 is in a curled in a blanket on his bed with his laptop, working. You can see dark eye bags under his eyes

SMG5: Jokes on you I'm going to hate myself regardless!


Cloud: SMG3!!!

Three: Yea?

No response.

Three: Yea!?

No response.

Three: YEA!!!!!!!!!?????


Cloud: Storm I made cookies!

You then hear a faint scream coming. It grows louder and louder.

Storm: eeeeeeeeeeEeeeEeeEeEEEEEEEE

Crashes through the wall



Cloud: knock knock!

SMG4: Who's there?

Cloud: Turkey!

SMG4: Turkey who?

Cloud: The turkey went hunting and shot itself!

SMG4: ...

SMG4 is horrified at his other self. Cloud just smiles and walks away.


Cloud has an axe in his hand with a mad smile. He is chasing Mario.

Cloud: No matter how fast he ran, he can not let his soul be taken today!

Mario is terrified.

Mario: AHHHHH-


SMG5 sees SMG3 walking eggdog and gets and idea.

Five: There once was a handsome man walking down the street.

SMG3 grins with a light blush

Five: the guy that was walking him was okay.

Three stops grinning and turns around fast to face him.

Three: Wha-?! HEY!


Cloud and Five are playing War. Two numbers were played down and they are both 9 so they did the war and Five won. He picks up the cards that cloud placed down.

Five: ah...thanks for giving me the world most useless numbers a 3 and two 4s!

What five didn't know was that Three and Four are around the corner. They both look at each other. They both slowly walk away, sad.

Five hears them.

Five: Ah! Sh¡t! NO GUYS IM SORRY!

Five chases after them while Cloud is laugh his ass off.

War is a simple card game, typically played by two players using a standard playing card deck — and often played by children. There are many variations, as well as related games such as the German 32-card Tod und Leben


Cloud is holding Five's journal in the air with his cloud while Five is trying to get it back.

Cloud: What's the magic word~?

Five's eyes changed red: GIVE IT!

Cloud terrified: O-okay!


Five is reading a book he really likes but his mind wanders somewhere else and now has to restart at the beginning of the page.

Five: *slams head on the book and his hand on the table*

Four and Three are looking at you either worried or think you're crazy...mostly worried...


Five: Oh I think that I found my self a unicorn... how did you get into my house?

You see Mario in the corner ceiling staring at Five with a big smile and black eyes.




Five is showing Four, Three and Mairo around his house. Mario finds a button with a 'Do not press' on it. Mario, being who he is, went to press it.

Five: Do not touch that button!

Mario is a bit annoyed: Alright alright alright! I won't touch it...

Five: Now back to what I was saying, over here is the gam-

Five cuts himself off because Mario is about to press the touch button.


Five yells at Mario holding his trusty knife.

Mario scared: Okay, I won't...


Five is using a light bored (a bored that lights up). Three walks in and sees Five doing something. So Three walks up behind Five.

Three: What is that and what are you doing?

Five: I made a comic page and using a light bored to trace it.

Five lifts the paper off the light board. Due to how high the light was Three got flash banged.

Three: AGGGHHH!!!

Three holds his eyes while Five starts to laugh crazily.

My sis got flash banged by this and I LOVED her reaction so it gave me this idea.


Five is showing Mario around his house. Five opens a closet and turns on the light. Mario walks in.

Mario: Ooooo~ what's in here?

Five: Your demise.

Mario: AHHHH-

Five shuts the door, cutting off his screaming.


Mario is working at the Lost ID section of something. He gets a call.

David (Three): Hello, I'm David, I lost my ID today near Central Park.

Mario, smiling cheekily: So you are Dav now?

David(Three): ...

David(Three): Listen here you little sh*t-


Cloud is eating McDonald's and has a basket of fries. Mario goes over to him and takes a fry.

Cloud: Wha-?! Hey?!

Mario laughs at him and eats it. But then shrivels up due to how salty it is.


Cloud: HA! Pay back for stealing my fry! I love salty fries!


Storm walks in and sees Cloud as flat as a paper.

Storm, worried: What happened to you?!

Cloud, embarrassed: I got flatted by a cork board above my bed...

Storm is flabbergasted: WHAT?! You need to go to the hospital or something'?

Cloud with tears in his eyes: yes....please...


Five is at McDonald's wondering what to get for breakfast.

Five: Can I have...oh! An oatmeal please?

Mario comes up from behind him.

Mario: O A T M E

Five: AHH-! Mario what the hell?

Mario gets buried in oats. Five is flabbergasted.

Chapter 10: Staying home for the day

Chapter Text

I didn't want to do the next video. The 'SMG4: We don't talk about Luigi' video to be more specific. So this is a filler for that video.

I am in my room at my desk working on a video I made with Mario. Ya know the last chapter with me and Mario making a cake.(NO FOURTH WALL BREAKING!) Shut up writer.I'm editing it right now. Mario did try to invite me with him back to the castle but I declined. I wanted to get this done so I can relax for a while. All these adventures get tiring. How the hell did SMG4 handle him and his craziness, I don't know. I wrote in my journal a bit this morning.

Dear Journal,

Yes I know it's morning but I wanted to write sooner because my memory sucks and I can't seem to remember a lot... probably because I ain't sleeping right... I keep waking up in the middle of the night for no reason and then I can't go back to sleep. So Me and Mario made cakes yesterday as I told you but I injured my hand when taking out the cake and the narrator for some reason but a metal collar on me and chained me to a wall. While struggling out of it I hurt myself in the process.

My hands still hurts from the burns but they're not so bad now as it was yesterday but still... hurts. My throat also hurts...when I talk for too long it starts to get sore and then I can't talk for a while so I try not to talk much. Thankfully only the trio (SMG4, SMG3 and Mario) saw them and not anyone else. Hopefully Mario didn't tell anyone else about my injuries.

I stopped there. I will continue it tonight. I was going back to editing the video but then interrupted by Eggcat who meowed.

Eggcat meows again beside me, wanting my attention. I look over at them. "Yes eggcat? If you're wondering when I will be done don't worry. I only have just a little bit more."

Eggcat glares. "Okay so yes, I said that last time but this time is true." Eggcat didn't seem to believe me.

"Okay fine! I'll get off." I turn off my computer.

"Happy?" Eggcat seemed happy.

"Well what did you want my attention for then?" Eggcat walks away from me and stopped at the door frame and meowed. "Ya want me to follow you? Okay?" I get up and follow my eggcat.

We are outside and I see mini me too, next to him a three buckets I look inside and see there are water balloons in there.

"You want a water balloon fight?" They both nod their head. I smirk evilly and grab a bucket and reached in and grabbed a balloon.

"Better grab your bucket and run guys! I'm giving you 10 second head start." I start to count as they both grab their bucket and ran in opposite direction.

"READY OR NOT IM COMIN' AFTER YA!" I shout and start to run where mini me went to. I slow down and start to look around, high on alert. I hear a rustle and stop. I aim my balloon at where the rustling was. I hear it again and throw my balloon at it. "HAHA! I GOT YOU- oh your not mini me..well that's embarrassing..." my cheeks heat up a bit.Throat starting to hurt...

In the bushes was SMG3, holding eggdog. "Yea. Not" he monotoned.

He then gets upset. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!?" He yells.

I flinch a bit. "Uh..well eggcat and mini me wanted to play a water balloon fight and I agreed. I told them to run off and I thought you were mini me. Sorry I made ya wet.."I explain, scratching my cheek with my pointer finger. I winced. God damn it... not now throat!

He sighs, "You better. Well I need to dry us both off so you can pay us back by letting us dry off at your house."

I nod. "Yea, ya ca-" I was interrupted by a water balloon hitting my back I turn around fast pretty sure my neck cracked and see mini me with a water balloon in his hand. Mini me looked at me smugly.

A grin spreads on my face and I pick up a water balloon. "It's on mini me~" I give SMG3 a key. "This is the key to my house, I'm pretty sure you remember where the bathroom is, now if you excuse me I have someone to water down~." I talk a bit faster then I meant too but my throat is hurting badly and in needed to get away from him so he doesn't notice. I start to chase after mini me, laugh manically, leaving a confused SMG3 behind.

With SMG3~

After SMG5 ran away I stand there a few seconds and start to walk towards Five's house. "Well that was weird..wasn't it Eggdog?" Eggdog barks in a reply. "Did you also notice Five wincing? Maybe it's his throat.. I knew it! He didn't go to the doctor or a hospital!" I sighed. He needs to take care of himself better.

We get to his house and I unlocked the door and enter in, closing the door behind me. I go upstairs and into his bathroom and took two towels, one for me and one for eggdog. I first dry eggdog and fur went 'poof!' He is now a fluffy, poofy dog. I then dried myself. While drying myself, eggdog left to adventure around the house.

"Eggdog! Let's go! I'm done drying myself." I look for eggdog and found him in Five's room. "Eggdog get out of here. We gotta go." Eggdog shakes his head and kept scratching at the bedside table drawer.

"If I open drawer this can we leave?" Eggdog barks. I sighed and open it. Inside was a book but not any book. I pick it up. On the title it reads SMG5'S JOURNAL.

"Why? Wait..he has one too?" I guess I'm not the only one with a diary- I MEAN- notebook.

"Let's go now. I'm not looking in the book if you're wondering eggdog." Before we leave I wrote a note on a sticky note and placed it on his journal. I put the book back and closed the drawer.

We both leave his house. Though I'm now very curious of what he writes in the book.

The sun is going down over the horizon and I got mini me pretty good. I also found eggcat. They were trying to avenge mini me but failed. Right now I am carrying mini me and Eggcat back home, soaking wet and a bit cold.

"Hehe! I had a lot of fun with you two! We should do this again sometime!" They both nod their heads. We all walk back to my house and I sat them both on the counter in the bathroom and began to fill it up. Once it was done filling I put them in gently and put some toys inside.

"You two need a bath okay? I'll let you play in the tub for a bit then I will start to wash you two, deal?"

Eggcat meows and mini me 'blep!' They both began to play with the toys as I walk out of the bathroom.

I go downstairs and went to make dinner for us. "What to make...ah! I know! I'll make (fav food) for us! I haven't had it in a long time so I might as well make it since I forgot to eat breakfast......and lunch."

So I start to make the food. I also thought about my feelings towards SMG4 and SMG3. Yea they're nice and ...handsome... and can be funny and cute...oh god... do I have a crush on both of them?! But..what if they think I'm useless and weak..a burden...annoying...they couldn't like someone like me...nor love..

A timer went off. "Ah.. times get the kids out." I go upstairs and see a HUGE bubble mess. "The hell happened here?!" I said gesturing to the mountain of bubbles. I see Eggcat and mini me pop their head out of the mountain of bubbles. Eggcat sadly meows and mini me 'bleped' an apology towards me and explained what happened.

"So you turned on the jacuzzi and put more bubbles in but didn't realize that this would happen...well I can't be too upset. It happened to me too." (This is real. It happened to me in real life.) I clean them and the mess they made and brought them down stairs and sat them on the dining room chairs.

Few minutes pass by, I bring out their plates and I leave and come back with mine and we all start to eat. "You got me good you two. You guys are pretty quiet and quick." I complement them. Eggcat gleams with joy and mini me looks proud of himself, I almost forgot to add, mini me has an ego.

After I clean up the kitchen I go to my living room. "Who wants to watch movies until we pass out?" I said getting the remote and trying on the t.v. They both got excited and sat down on the couch. Once I picked a movie I left to go shower since I didn't want to be all gross any more. When I got done and changed into pjs, with my hat still on, we all binged watch and ate snacks while watching all sorts of movies.

At night more specifically at midnight~

It's night time..BEEN nighttime. Around 10pm I put a blanket on me and for Mini me a nice small blanket just his size. Eggcat is asleep on my stomach and mini me is asleep on my upper legs. I can't sleep for some reason no matter how tired I am. I take off my hat and put my hand in it. I pull out my journal and a pencil. I throw my hat up on the couch. Before I open my journal I notice a sticky note on it. I take it off and read it.

Thanks for letting us come in your house to let us dry.

Also don't worry, I didn't read in your journal . . .


I chuckled. Classic Three.. I looked at the corner of the sticky note and noticed a small little doodle of him and me. Him looking annoyed and me looking happy. I smile and then continued to write what I was writing this morning.

Dear Journal,

Yes I know it's morning but I wanted to write sooner because my memory sucks and I can't seem to remember a lot...or how I got here.. probably because I ain't sleeping right... I keep waking up in the middle of the night for no reason and then I can't go back to sleep. So...Me and Mario made cakes yesterday as I told you but I injured my hand while taking th cake out and the narrator for some reason but a metal collar on me and chained to a wall. While struggling out of it I hurt myself in the process.

My hands still hurts from the burns but they're not so bad now as it was yesterday but still... hurts. My throat also hurts...when I talk for too long it starts to get sore and then I can't talk for a while so I try not to talk much. Thankfully only the trio (SMG4, SMG3 and Mario) saw them and not anyone else. Hopefully Mario didn't tell anyone about my injuries.

Sorry, I'm back now. Eggcat wanted me to follow them outside so I did. Turns out Eggcat and Mini me wanted a water balloon fight. So what do I do. I give them one. So when I chased down mini me I thought I heard him in the bushes so I throw a balloon and drenched him. But it was actually SMG3 in the bushes...I never asked him why he was in there...

Anyhow, I won the balloon fight and got us home. I gave them a bath and got mine during the first movie I put on. I still can't seem to sleep at all. Good thing I know how to use makeup like..contour? I don't know... but I can hide my eye bags with that. I was also thinking about SMG4 and SMG3while cooking. I think I might have a crush on both of them...Well imma leave this gotten way longer then I liked it to be. Sorry journal.



I put the sticky note on the page I wrote in and closed my journal and put it on the table. I stare at the ceiling a bit. I close my eyes.

Sleep finally welcomes me...but not too warmly.


AHHHHHHHHH- Heyo! So... I don't really know what to say here but 'Hello!' To all of the readers who read this book. Honestly I don't know what to expect from this book but I have ideas. I also realized that my chapters are getting longer the more I write. Not like following the video's transcript but something like this. It's easier now. I guess you can say the first book I made was a 'test' and 'warming up.'

Words: 2219

Chapter 11: Mario goes on a diet!

Chapter Text

I rise from the couch, Eggcat rolling off my chest. "Sorry...eggcat.." I yawned and take the blanket off of me. Mini me rolls away from the blanket and goes next to Eggcat. I get up and stretch but while stretching my left shoulder cracked... LOUDLY.

"AGHH! Ouch." I stop stretching immediately and hold my left shoulder.

"I guess sleeping on the couch is hard for me too do huh?" I joked. Eggcat and mini me looked at each other and back at me, worried. I shrug and go into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"Jeez, I look like a mess.." My hair is sticking up in all places, I have dark eye bags under my eyes, and the bruise on my neck looks...okay? it seems like it's gonna take a long while for it to go away fully. Overall... I look horrible.

I go to my room and gather some clothes. I take a shower because I feel gross. While showering I'm listening and singing to Impossible by James Arthur. (It's a good song! I like hearing it.)

After showering, drying my hair, changing into clothes I brought, and putting my bandanna on. I grab my hat and put my hand in it and pulled out some makeup. Don't ask why or how I got/have it. My hat has everything I need in here. IT A INFINITE INVENTORY FOR ME WHO KNOWS WHAT I HAVE IN HERE. A DEAD BODY? PERHAPS. (I want to know...put in the comments of what you will pull out of SMG5's hat.)

I put on my hat and take off my right glove. I open the make up and takesome and start to put some under my eyes. I didn't notice at first that eggcat or Mini me are next to me. They both are worried for their father/caretaker. They didn't want him to suffer but didn't know how to help him.

Eggcat and mini Vpov~

"There! I look like I have slept a full 8 hours of sleep. Don't I?" He looked at them with a smile. They look at their caretaker/father more specifically where his eyes are. Under his eyes you can see no eye bags. They assume that he has used that type of make up before because it looks professionally done. Eggcat meows to mini V.They both nod. Their caretaker/father is confused on why they nodded but then remembers something and takes his phone from the sink counter.

"Oh! And I also got his cream that helps burns and I put it on yesterday and look," he shows his hands to them. "My hands are all healed! I just need my neck to heal." He looks on his phone checking the time.

Back to your pov~

"I gotta get going. Meggy texted me while I was showering. I'll see you too later! Oh! And if you're hungry there's frozen waffle/pancakes in the freezer. Heat them up if you get hungry!" I leave to the front door but before I could open it mini me 'bleped'

"No. I'm not hungry right now. I'll eat over at the castle." I pick him up and pat his head and put him back down and opens the door and leave. Eggcat and mini Vboth look at each other.

'Dad needs help...' Mini Vbleped. Eggcat nods their head.

With you~

I get to the castle and look for Meggy. I see her walking in a room and I followed her in. Though I wished I didn't... I see Mario gorging on many hamburgers and Meggy trying to talk him out of it. "The hell did I walk in to?" Confused on so many levels...

Meggy and Mario both turn their heads to me there. Meggy waves as I come closer to them. "Hey SMG5! I was just talking to Mario about being healthier."

"Mario doesn't want to be healthy! He wants to be happy!"

"What was Mario doing?"

"He's eating that-" she points at the hamburgers, "for breakfast."

"Jeez Mario... I might not eat breakfast all the time but I know that is not breakfast. Get a breakfast sandwich from McDonald's or Burger King instead."

"No!" Mario then continued to eat.

"Red... That is so unhealthy."She picks up an Inkopolis-style hot dog. "Keep this up and you're gonna get sick."Mario eats both the hot dog and Meggy's hand. I cringe... still getting used to the world and how it works...

"Doctors called and said I'm MORBIDLY A BEAST!" And shoves a chicken drumstick in his mouth.

"He meant "morbidly obese", Mario. It's not the same-" but Meggy got cut off by Mario choking on the same drumstick.

"MARIO/Mario?!" Both me and Meggy said simultaneously.Mario, still screaming, grabs his chest, falls over, and the screaming stops. Predictably, he had a heart attack from feasting on junk, or he choked on the chicken bone from the drumstick. Either way, he was out.

"OH MY GOODNESS WE GOT TO GET HIM TO A HOSPITAL!" I yelled over Meggy's screaming and teleported us to the hospital.

Mario is laying on a medical bed. I am scared out of my mind because this happened before too. My friend in the..the...? Oh! Real world experienced this. I did not like it at all. They are doing better now though. After losing weight they never had a heart attack again.

Meggy sighs. "Now that you're safe... I told you so." She leaned and glared at Mario at the last part. Mario gives her the middle finger. I sighed and looked at the doctor that entered in.

"Doc, it's no big deal, right? This kind of thing happens to Mario all th-" Mario got cut off from the doctor who shouted.


"HES GONNA WHAT?!/WHAT!" I shouted the first part. Meggy and Mario shouted 'what' at the same time.

"IF..." the doctor continued, "you don't lose 1kg of weight by the end of the day."

"Hm I thought so.." I mumbled to myself.

"Mario." Meggy looks at Mario with determination. "Looks like it time for a diet."

Mario didn't like that at all and tried to get out of it by going to heaven. Meggy grabbed him by his foot. "Where do you think you're going, missy?" and dragged him back down.

"Goddammit" he sat back down.

"Mario there's nothing to fear. Going on a diet isn't that bad. One of my friend had experience something like you did. What did they do? They lost weight just so they can still live and be with me and everyone else they like or love." I explained.

"SMG5 is right!A diet is nothing to fear. I'll even help you out! I did go to school to learn proper nutrition and-" She sees Mario trying to escape.

"Come on Mario let's get you weighted." She drags Mario to a scale and sets him on it.

"1kg shouldn't be too-"The scale measure and it shows up infinity sign?

"How the f—k is that possible?" I ask to no one. The scale couldn't take anymore of Mario's weight and exploded.

I look over at Meggy to see her confident. "No, you know what? We can do this! Come on, Mario! You're also coming with us Five!" She grabs my wrist and drags me with them.

We are at the castle again in the same room where Mario was eating a lot of hamburgers. I am confused because I didn't know why Meggy brought me with them. I'm sitting down next to Mario as Meggy is marching back and forth across from us.

"Alright, Mario. To whip you into shape, I've developed MEGGY'S SUPER AWESOME FITNESS PROGRAM!"

Mario doesn't seem to like it. I am just confused... I don't exercise that much... but with all this moving and runnin' I might as well be losing calories.

Meggy slams a table with vegetables on it."Let's start with some healthy vegetables."

I walk up towards the vegetables. Hmm some I do like, some I don't. Mario sniffs the vegetables and his head shrinks. "Fine, I'll eat them." Mario's tiny head says.

Meggy seem enlightened. "Really!? You will!?"

I'm just suspicious of him.

"They just need some seasoning!"

There it is...

Mario pulls out a frying pan and picks up the table and shoves it in there until it's done and he ate the entire thing and died...again...

I face placed and muttered 'idiot' under my breath.

Meggy sighs. "You really need to take this more seriously..."

We then have a montage of what she did to help him. I wanted to help but I think my advice wouldn't be good so I keep quiet and follow along with everything.

First we when to...Meggy's house? I don't know but anyways Meggy puts vegetables in a blender and blends them. I'm not drinking that...

Meggy looks at Mario expecting him to follow along but he just puts his head in and turns it on. "Am I dead yet?"

"No." I said in a monotone tone and get him out of it.

Next Meggy gives him a can of spaghetti. Mario looks at the label happy but frowns when he reads the label. ITS VEGAN SPAGHETTI.

Mario is distraught at this and hugs the can of spaghetti. "Look how they massacred my boy.."

I'm annoyed and so is Meggy.Bruh it's spaghetti... I get it you care a lot about spaghetti but...who the hell eats spaghetti in a can...? I look at the screen and glare at you.YOU VIEWERS BETTER NOT TELL ME YOU EAT SPAGHETTI FROM A CAN.

I'm sitting on the ground again but this time with my journal. I'm drawing in my journal since I haven't really done anything helpful except getting Mario out of trouble or hurting himself badly. Hike Meggy is trying to feed Mario like a baby, the air plane trick, I was nodding to sleep, my head bobbing up and down as I try to stay awake. Meggy waves a broccoli in front of Mario. "Here comes the airplane!"

"NO!" Mario move his head to the side.

Meggy thinks for a moment and has an idea.

"I'm-a going to fly for you!" She says copying Mario's language.

Mario gets excited. Meggy has another idea up here sleeve. "If you don't eat me, I'll make you incur MARIO'S TUNNEL OF DOOM! OOOOOOO! VERY SCARY!"

I lift my head from my drowsiness and look at Meggy curiously.The hell she doin'?

Mario isterrified. So he quickly eats the broccoli... but this causes his immune system cells to shoot it and vomit it back out.

A mini version of him pop out form his mouth with the broccoli in his hand. "THIS S*** TASTED TERRIBLE!" He kicks it and crawls back into Mario's mouth.

"Ew. What the heck Mario."

Meggy then gets a table and proceeds to smash her head against it. The table is named specifically for Meggy.

Meggy takes Mario to a theater to watch veggie tales. I didn't want to see that cursed show so I stay outside of the theater. I reach into my hat to get my journal and draw some more- wait..where's my journal? WHERE IS IT?! Did I left it back at the castle... oh god.... Let's hope no one reads it...


I go into the room where Mario reacts to memes and see a (f/c) covered book on the ground, opened. I pick it up and see a drawing on the last page.

It's a drawing of me, three and five having fun talking..and holding hands... I blush. Who drew this? It's wonderful..but why doesfive have to hold three's hand too...

I close it and see the title... SMG5'S JOURNAL with the word diary crossed out. "Oh crap! This is five's journal!? Opps.. uh.. no one has to know..." I carry the book with me back to my office and continue to work on my videos.

Back to you~

I hear yelling inside and see Mario running pass me. "The 'ell? What happened in there Meggy?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. Mario is just being difficult."

"Okay? Well I'm gonna back to the castle. I left something...important there.." I'm worried out of my mind..

"You go do that I have a Mario to catch." Meggy walks away leaving me alone.

"Jeez... man, I wished I have my book.."

I get back to the castle and I hear a lot of commotion going on up stairs. I get up stairs to see SMG4 and Mario in front of the computer with a glitched link running and walking.

"The hell are you guys doing?"

SMG4 flinches and Mario turns around scared. "DONT FORCE ME TO GO TOMEGGY PLEASSSSEEEE!?!"

"Calm down Mario! I'm not going to. I was just wonder what you guys are doing."

"Well I'm was helping Mario with exercising but I pretty much failed."

"Well how about just dance? That's a game I love to play. Wanna try it Mario?"

Mario thinks. "YEA!"

Me, Four and Mario are in the living room. I give Mario a controller and tied it to Mario's wrist since I know he's going to go haywire.

"Okay so at the bottom right there will be moves that we need to follow just follows those and you get points. I'm playing with you. Also heads up, I'm a BEAST at Just Dance!" I said with a grin. Mariois hyped and I pick a song.

While dancing SMG4 watches Five's movement. He is hypnotized by the way he dances and moves. SMG4 has lovesick eyes and a goofy smile on his lips.

"HAHAHA-! I won! But you did really good and you actually stayed on track!" What I didn't know is that Mario used a dummy instead of himself.

"Mario is going to see who else can help me."

"Okay! See ya!" Mario zooms away leaving me and SMG4.

"Hey SMG4?"

No response.


No response.

I get closer to him "FOUR!" I shout as I wave my hand fast at his face.

Four shakes his head furiously. "Y-yeah?!" He blushes as he realizes how close I am to him.

"Jeez I called you like three times. You good?" I step back.

"Yeah! I am. So what did you need?"

"I was wondering if you know where I left my journal. I accidentally left it here and I don't know where it is."

"Oh! I have found it!" He gestured me to follow him. So I do. We get to his office and he picks up my book from his desk and hands it to me.

"MY PRECIOUS!" I grab my journal and I take off my hat and shove it in there and hastily put my hat back on. "Thanks for finding it Four!"

"N-no problem? But why did you put it in your hat?" He asked confused.

"My hat is like an inventory for me! I can put whatever in my hat!" I explained.

"Huh? That's cool!"




"Did you look in my journal?" I ask suspiciously.

He seemed to jump at that question. "N-no! I didn't! Why would I do that?"

I squint my eyes while I look at him. "Hmmmm okay then.."

"Come on. Let's go see how Mario is doing."

Mario came back but he looked sad. "You okay Mario?"

"No... everyone tried to help me but none of them worked..."

"It's okay Mario! We just need to find what type of exercise you like. Everyone has a different way to exercise!"

Mario seemed to cheer up a bit as I said that.

"Alright! Let's see how much weight you lost!" SMG4 said, near a scale.

Mario gets on it but it still is infinite. Mario deflates. "Ooooh...."

I get worried while SMG4 face palms. "Oh man..."

I am with Mario at his house and I am sitting at their table. I see Mario bringing in a lot of spaghetti.

"If this is gonna be my last day on Earth... then I'm going out doing the one thing I love."

I sighed. "I'm sorry we couldn't help you Mario.. I wish I could do something to help you more..."

"No need to apologize SMG5. You did your best for Mario." Mario reassures me. That cheers me up a bit but I'm still very upset at myself. Mario was about to eat his last meal when it all got changed into vegetables.

"What the-?!" How the heck?

"NO!" Mario runs over to the refrigerator and opens it only to find more healthy food. Mario runs all around the house only to find healthy food everywhere. He then grabs my wrist and drags me as he runs to a store nearby.

Mario sees spaghetti in stock and runs towards it only for a blur oforange passing by changing all the spaghetti into healthy food again.

"WHAAAT!?" Mario screams. I, myself, am also surprised. Who knew that Meggy is so fast?

Speaking of her we see her leaning against a shelf throwing lettuce up and down like a ball.

"I tried playing nice with you, Mario. But if this is what it takes for you to lose weight... THEN SO BE IT!!" she said, determined to make Mario eat healthy. Mario took this as a challenge and try's to get other food that is bad for your heath only for those to get changed as well. Mario picks me up and runs over to a McDonald's only for that to change too. Mario, exhausted and dragging me, goes over to a mall where Meggy is waiting for him.

"One last time, Mario... It'll all be over if you just eat vegetables." She says kindly.

Mario lets go of my back collar of my shirt and looks at the lettuce but then starts to laugh and his laugh starts changing into a maniac laugh.

"Mario are you okay?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM MEGGY?!!"I shout as Mario bursts through the wall.

Mario spots an old toad singing and Mario interrupts the old man. "What have you done?" The old man explodes.

Mario then goes on a rampage but it was very weak. He weakly pushes a trash over and weakly kicks a can. He grabs the guitar out of the old man's hand and lightly throws it on the ground. "I am depressed."

Me and Meggy jump out from the hole Mario made. "What..what have I done.."

"Yea yea we get it. You regret it. Now let's go help Mario from doing anything else bad!"

Mario kicks Rob's corn table, drowns Picolas Cage, and runs over the guys from veggie tales. All the citizens flee form the rampaging Italian.

Mario looks over and sees Frankie holding a drumstick. "C H I C K E N W I N G S." He runs over, kicks Frankie to the side, and picks up the drumstick. Suddenly, the police arrive. Mario does a thing that gorillas do and scales the building as the cop cars collide into the wall. He reaches the top, and flops down. He gets up and just as he's about to eat the drumstick, tons of veggies are shot at him. Mario glares at who done it.

It was Meggy on a plane. "Idon't think so!"

I appear from behind Mario and try to take the drumstick away from him. "Dude, don't make this harder then it has to be!" Mario keeps dodging me and Meggy's attacks. Mario finally having enough throws the drumstick at Meggy, who jumps out of the plane, and Mario pushes me aside roughly. I almost fell to my death but thankfully Meggy caught me.

"DAMN IT, MARIO!!!" Meggy yells at Mario.

"Serves you right! Why can't you just leave Mario alone!?"

Wait so was Isupposed to die? I'm pretty sure he didn't saw me almost fall...yea.. that's it.

"Because we care about you, dude! Why do you think Meggy did this whole thing?! Just to waste her and yours time?!" I was about to say more but Meggy beat me to it.

"And becausethe doctor said you'll die today if you don't lose weight! And... I care about you, you idiot..." Meggy finishes my sentence.

Mario seemed to finally snap out of what happened him and sits down at the edge of the building.

"Don't you want to live a long and healthy life with the rest of us?" Meggy ask.

Mario looks back. "Well, of course Mario wants to live forever. But you were making my life miserable with this diet, anyway..." he looks back at the ground.

"I'm sorry. I was just using the lessons I learned in school. But I forgot everyone is different and has special needs.." she says as she sat down next to him. I smiled and stay behind because this seems like a friend moment for the both them and I didn't want to ruin it.

"I'M SPECIAL!" He says with his hands in the air. He then looks at the ground again "...Well, thanks for trying, anyway. Mario's gonna miss you guys when he's in fat guy heaven." He says looking up at the sky.

But then I just realize something. "Wait! Mario did you just climb this hold building yourself including with carrying me when Meggy was fast as Sonic?" Mario and Meggy both look at me surprised. I grin, grabbingthem Iteleport us to the castle.

Mario is on a scale with me beside Meggy. "I swear if you didn't lose weight from all that running and climbing I'm going to commit a crime."

"Please don't." Meggy pleas.

"No promises." I said bluntly.

On the scale it reads. ♾️-1



Meggy and Mario high fived each other.

I'm at home on my bed. Mini me and eggcat are already asleep. Wonder what they did all day? I get my journal and write about my day.

Dear journal,

Today was...okay? My throat still hurts a bit but not much. I want it to go away already. Maybe I will buy something that heals bruises faster. Anywho, Mario had a heart attack because is was so over weight. Meggy tries to help him the way she was taught in school. But it didn't work so everyone else tried to help him, including me. But I honestly think he cheated because his scores were too good to be true. I also forgot to bring this with me today but thankfully SMG4 found it and didn't look though it...I hope..

Well long story short, Mario lost weight and will still be living! I was nodding off to sleep one time... I need sleep.. but I cant get any due to the nightmares I'm having. Like all I see in my dreams are weird goo with white eyes drawn on them, Weird tentacles with mouths a the beginning and someone yelling but I can't tell who.. Maybe it's a sign? Meh. I'm going to bed now..hopefully.



I put my journal away and get comfortable on bed. I close my eyes.

Sleep welcomes me.



Words: 3822

Chapter 12: Mario, SMG4, and I play Slendytubbies 2

Chapter Text


I'm next to Four while Mario is sliding around behind us obviously very excited. I chuckle a bit at his excitement.

SMG4 then waves at the camera. "Hey guys! It's been a while so Mario, SMG5, and I are going to play a game together! This will be the first time SMG5 plays with us so I hope your excited Five!" He then gets confused. "Wait.. why are you here? I thought you were going to go do something with eggcat and mini V?"

"Oh don't worry I am and to answer your question, Mario bribed me with my favorite type of chocolate." (If you don't like chocolate just think of your other favorite candy or treat) I said pulling out the same (chocolate/fav candy/ treat)out of my hat. "See? Anyways! I can't wait what for the game we're gonna play!" I said putting away the (treat/chocolate/ favorite candy) away while Mario is still sliding around behind us.

Hm..I need to remember that..just incase.."Speaking of that what game did you pick out, Mario?" SMG4 asks.

"It's a teletubby game!"

"OOOHH! This is gonna be fun! Let's see it!" He says with a smile. I, however, grumbled. I don't like teletubbies and it's a good thing too because Mario shows the game we're playing and it's the horror version of the teletubbies or should I say Slendytubbies.

SMG4 screams loudly.

"Yea... f—k this." I try to leave casually while SMG4 just runs to the door and kicks it open only for Mario to drag him back inside with SMG4 screaming his bloody head off. Mario glances at me and pulls a gun out of nowhere and points it at me. I put my hands up, deadpan, and walk back over to the computer.

Mario is dancing a bit. I have a frown across my face and have my arms crossed. SMG4 is crying and rolling on the ground. I did try to calm him down but his cheeks grew red and me putting my hand on his forehead made it worst. So I just decided to leave him be and stand next to Mario.

Mario starts to play with Four now between Mario and me, shaking badly with a frightened look. Mario starts to mess with the controls and zooms in and out of the camera while doing it to his eyes and head. Me and Four both stare at him confused on why he's doing that. Four isn't having it as he stares at Mario.

"Very scary~" Mario teases.

SMG4 pulls out a mirror and Mario looks in it and runs away breaking the wall that leads to the bathroom and in that bathroom Luigi is in there using it. I cover my eyes.


"It's-a okay. It-a happens more often then you think." Luigi reasures me.

Mario got back and starts to play the game correctly. SMG4 is behind him shaking and cowering in fear. I am a bit nervous since I don't really like horror games that much. I can play a few just not a whole lot. SMG4 looks at me without me noticing it. His cheeks flushed with pink and gets himself determination.

"No. No! I can do this!" He says to himself. "I AM A MAN!" I smiled and chuckled at his determination. He looks at me and his cheeks get more pink but it went away fast as soon as Mario points at something in the game.

"Hello there!"

There we see a white teletubby that has no eyes. Just pitch blackness with blood coming out of their eyes. It chases the character. Mario has a dumb smile on his face. I get anxiety because when someone doesn't play the game right I just want to take control of it but I can't...not now. Four is screaming again.

"JEEZ CALM DOWN! It's not even that scary!" I grab a hold of his shoulder. He stops and looks into my eyes. He seemed to be lost in them. Same for me but Mario ruined it by pointing out something else.

"Look at those arms. I bet he gives wonderful hugs!" Mario says still running away from the white, eyeless teletubby. That just freaks SMG4 more causing him to yell again.

I got annoyed. "SHUSH-" I got cut off by the death screen because Mario died. SMG4 was launched back. "JEEZ! Four are you okay?!" I go up to him and help him up.

"Uh..uh yea! I'm good!" He says shakingly raising his hand to form a thumbs up.

He's not good. While Mario is playing calmly while I have SMG4 on my head still scared to death, screaming bloody murder. Just then the game glitches and that stops Four from screaming.

"Did I just fall through the floor?" Mario asks, obviously confused.

"lol ya did!" I laugh a bit.

Next we see the white, eyeless teletubby in the water twerking his body. He seemed glitched. That got everyone's mood up.

"Uh ohhh..." Mario says with a cheeky smile, "...Here, I think you need this." He says and pulls out a tank full of...copium?

"What is that?" I ask. I have no clue on what the heck that is. But it got the eyeless teletubby triggered. The now red, eyeless teletubby appears out of the computer. I am horrified. The red teletubby turns off the computer. The teletubby then does the middle finger as he goes back in the computer. I am offended and I tried to bring my bazooka out of my hat but SMG4 reached out and put my hand down from my head. We all then have sunglasses on us to celebrate our...thing...survived? I don't know.

It is now SMG4 turn to play. We are on a different map and this time it's a forest instead of the sewer. Now I know my teletubbies...only a bit though. In this map it should have the purple one. The one that looks like the hulk but skipped leg day to much. SMG4 walked a bit only to see the purple teletubby in the fog. He stop out of fear. Mario however ... well you know him. He like to joke on the most random times.

"Look SMG4! Your mom is waiting for you!" He then laughs.

I slap him upside the head. "Dude! Don't joke about someone's mother! If you did that to me..." I chuckled a bit. "Well let's just say you're going to have an explosive time~" Mario gulped out of fear and holds out a thumb ups.

I look back at SMG4 and he still haven't moved. "Are you okay? Are you gonna move?"


Mario looks back and forth to the computer and SMG4. Mario is getting impatient. "Hurry up already!" He cross his arms, a frown upon his face. Mario push SMG4 aside with one of his hand and raises a finger. SMG4 didn't like that.

"No! Stop! What are you doing-" Mario presses the move button. "AHHHHHHH!"

The character moves forward towards the purple teletubby. The purple teletubby noticed the character and starts to chase them. "DING DONG DING DONG HERE COMES MAH DING DONG!"

"RUN MARIO RUN!" I shout. I am getting more and more anxious the more this continues.

I realized that SMG4 isn't here. "Hey Mario? Where's SMG4?" Mario looks to his right to see he is not there. He reaches up to my hat and lifts it up. There you see SMG4 as Beeg crying his eyes out. My pupils expand.

"Awwww~ Oh my goodness you look so adorable~!" I pick up SMG4 and hug him. Although Mario wasn't having it and flicked SMG4 out of my hands. "Awww...." (My legitimate reaction towards seeing this. JUST LOOK AT THE VIDEO AND SEE! HE SO CUTE LIKE THAT!)

SMG4 bounces to the roof onto the ground next to me. Mario is annoyed at SMG4 as he puts my hat back on. "Your not done yet!" He slaps SMG4's leg turning him right side up. Four doesn't want to play so what does he do? He screams some more. I cover my ears.

Jeez dude! Can it with the screaming!

SMG4 gets back to playing,still terrified. The purple teletubby runs from behind him and try's to hit him but since he is bigger then normal he hits slow. All of us are surprised, well I'm just surprised they don't know this, they are surprised to that he is slow to hitting them then running.


"Wait a minute..." SMG4 decides to test it. He dodges another attack. He smiles.


"Man that's what I've been waiting for! That's what it's all about!" Mario says with a wide smile.

"Hell yea it is!" I encourage.

"I'm doing it. I'm doing it!" SMG4 then starts to dodge all of the attacks the purple teletubby does.

"Now don't get to co*cky. You might mess up and lose." I warn but he didn't hear me over his excitement. I look over at SMG4 and see that he is doing one of those memes I don't remember the name of... but he is swinging his hips side to side. I blush. I look over at Mario and he just as weirded out as I am.. well maybe not as weirded out but still he moves away from SMG4 a bit.

Why is he doing that..?

Just then the character got stuck on a tree. SMG4 freaks out and gets killed. "I told you so~" I said with a grin. SMG4 just has his mouth open in fear.

"I sh¡t in my pants." He then gets launched back. I didn't need to know that but okay...

I tried to each the keyboard but then Mario appears from the side. "Look over there! Right there is a stinky one." Mario jokes. "One of the most dangerous creatures in all the plants. I'm gonna poke him with a stick!"

Both me and SMG4 look at him like he's insane. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Both me and SMG4 said simultaneously. I look at SMG4 surprised but he didn't look at me. His cheeks are a bit pink but continues on what he saying, "Didn't you learn from the last time!?"

Mario just put his hands on his him and his eyes goes different ways, his mustache growing in size. "No." He presses the forward button and the character goes forward towards the purple hulk. The purple hulk notices this.

SMG4 is behind me with a big frown, his pupils grew, and he is very nervous. "It's okay..." I whisper to him.

"Dear Mario, what does your feet smell like?" The purple hulk says running up to the character. We all panic and scream as the character runs away from the weird purple hulk.

Mario then looks at me with a smile. "What?" I am confused and concerned.

"Your turn." Mario says throwing the mouse at my face.

I catch it just before it hits my face "Ah... I don't know if I'm ready but okay!"

Back in the sewer map I adventure around with the camera an found a custard and collected it. For some reason Mario just smiles wildly at me. SMG4 is constantly shaking and he is still behind me. Then SMG4 covers my eyes.

"Ah- Why?"

"If you can't see it, it can't hurt you."

Mario didn't like that. "Oh come on!" He removes his hands from my eyes as I collect another custard. As I was walking towards it a mini jump scared appear and went away fast. Apparently SMG4 saw it but he SCREAMED in my ear...of all places?!? He takes a pencil and easeres himself.

Mario didn't let that slide. "Oh no you don't!" Mario takes the pencil and curdle draws him back. SMG4 however screams...again...

Mario took control again because I died...AGGHHGH! But as soon as he took control he died, "get your ass back here boy."...due to the white eyeless teletubby. SMG4 yells out of fear and bangs his head on the desk.

"JEEZ FOUR ARE YOU OKAY!??" I kneel to the ground to see if he's okay.

Mario bangs his fist on the keyboard."Screw you." He points to the computer, upset. "I am gonna play Minecraft."

New map... Minecraft map... Mario is happy for some reason. He clicked a button. Nothing happened. "Why can't I build anything!?" Ohhhhh that's why. He thought this was actually Minecraft.

"Mario it's not actually Minecraft. It's just a map designed to look like it." I explained still on the ground next to SMG4. He wakes up and I help him stand up. SMG4 immediately put his attention to the computer as I let go.

"Sweet Minecraft." SMG4 says. But then the purple teletubby, no longer a hulk, appears and jump scares us...well me and SMG4 not Mario. He places a dirt block on the computer.

"JEEZ MY HEART!" I use one of my hands to lens on the desk, the other to hold my chest. SMG4 is not responding.

"We're safe!" Mario has his hands in the air while SMG4 falls on the ground. I tried to catch him but failed.

We are at the main menu deciding on what map to play when SMG4 speaks up. "Mario...Can we stop playing? I can't take it anymore..." he pleads.

Mario pats his head. "Hey I know what will cheer you up!" SMG4 gets excited. I am confused on what it is. Mario clicks on a map. SMG4's head flattened, Mario's mouth is bigger for some reason, and I am dumbfounded. Mario clicked a map that is dark as hell.

"See? Now we can't see anything scary! :D" but then the purple hulk showed up. Scaring everyone.

"Today's subject unconventional warfare tactics!" The purple hulk says getting a canon and putting a custard in it and gets ready to shoot. SMG4 grabs my shoulder and drags me down with him. The purple hulk shoots and it hits Mario in the face.

"That's not good-" Mario gets shot in the face. Me and SMG4 pop up and me and SMG4 freak out. We both run up to him.

SMG4 grabs a hold on Mario while I stand, biting my nails through my gloves. "MARIO!!! MARIO DON'T LEAVE US ALL ALONE!!!!" He turns Mario over so he is laying on his back. Mario says something and 'dies'. SMG4 turns around upset. I am wondering what he is going to do to avenge Mario. He goes to the computer and slaps his hand on the mouse. I walk over to him to see he moves the mouse to a map. I get excited to see him brave and going to play a map but he moves the mouse to to 'back' and clicks 'quit'.

"Really dude?" I deadpan.


"I CANT DO IT OKAY!" SMG4 shouts back.

I sigh. "Don't yell Mario... cut him some slack. Everyone can be scared of something's like this game. So no need to go all out of Four."

Mario doesn't look that upset but he pushes SMG4 into my arms and plays the classic map. I hastily hold on to Four so he doesn't fall. "Hello-" SMG4 looks up into my eyes and his cheeks flushes a nice pink. He jumps out of my arms, a bit nervous, and watches Mario play. I do too.

Mario is CONCENTRATED on the game. This has to be the most concentrated I ever seen Mario. But then the purple freak appears and chases him. Mario is upset and starts to back talk him. SMG4 shrinks in fear. I'm just calm. I am also annoyed at the purple freak. He gets to a hill and goes through the hole that is above the teletubby's home. The purple freak however did not fall through. Glitched...

Mario then goes crazy over his feet... SMG4 yells at Mario. "STOP MESSING AORUND AND GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!" The character goes down the slide to see a the green teletubby heads chopped off, blood smeared to where the body is to the head.

"Oh jeez...that a way to die..." I commented.

"OH NO HES DEAD!!!" SMG4 shouts.

Mario counters him. "Shh.. he's sleeping."

He walks over to a vacuum on the ground. He observes the vacuum as the purple freak appears out of thin air and kills us. I laugh while Mario and SMG4 is screaming.

"Seriously dude?!" Mario yells at the screen.

"Why are you laughing?!?" SMG4 asks concerns.

"S-sorry it's just pff- you guys got distracted with a vacuum and died because of him!" I managed to get out between my laughs.

"You're right!" Mario then brings out the same vacuum. "YOU GOT ME KILLED! FIX YOUR BROKEN GAME!"

The vacuum then try's to suck Mario up. "Shut the hell up. Go kill your self. Go sit in the middle of a road." He stops and Mario's head is skinning. Me and SMG4 look at this horrified as this happens.

"Well if it's broken, guess we can't play anymore!!" SMG4 says, grabbing my hand and speed walking to the door. We almost got there but Mario appears out of the ground with the same vacuum. SMG4 pushes me away just before Mario turns on the vacuum. "Shut the hell up. Go kill your self. Go sit in the middle of a road and let some car run you over." SMG4 grabs my hand again and slides back to the computer.

Mario is more determined now. "Okay, this is the one." He says and starts to play it correctly by collecting all the custard. He keep collecting the custard as SMG4 is nervous, still holding tightly on my hand. I..don't really mind. It's feels nice to have someone holding my hand.

Just then the purple hulk appears and try's to hit the character as the character runs away from him. We all screamed at the sudden appearance of the purple hulk. Though SMG4 SCREAMS BLOOD MARY but he stops as a jump scare appears fast and disappears. SMG4 screams in auto tune. Mario hits him on the head. "SHUT UP IM FOCUSING!" Mario says and gets back to the game.

"Since when do you ever focus Mario?" I pull out an ice pack and place it on his head after taking his hat of and putting it back on. Mario ignored my remark.

He gets to a mountain where there's an invisible wall there. SMG4 freaks. "OH NO ITS A DEAD END!"

"No it's not! Just keep watching Mario! He can be smart." I encourage Mario and reassuring Four. Mario then repeatedly spams the space bar and got away from the purple hulk. He celebrates. "See! I told you Four! Everything will be-" I got cut off by a death screen. "You b¡tch.." SMG4 was about to scream again but Mario put his pointing finger on his lips. "Mario let me do it. I barely played and I want to beat this damn game." Mario looked like he was about to rage calmed down and looks at me and smiles.

"Sure you can, Five." He slides over and I take control. I put the custard up to 25 to find. SMG4 starts to hyperventilate.

"Let's f—king do this." I said as I put on shades.

A montage appeared as I keep dieing and dieing over and over. Mario is hollering while SMG4 is in hysterics. The camera pans out and you see SMG4 in a gaming chair while I'm across from him leaning against the table. "We might be here for a while, let's fast forward a bit."

"Yes please...if I keep hearing my voice from the video I might lose it!"

SMG4 presses the fast forward button and the video goes by.

39 hours later.

Mario took control because I was about to smash the keyboard out of anger. I hate Slendytubbies even more now. Mario dies. "IM GOING TO KILL-" I got cut off by SMG4 hugging me.

"Sorry.." SMG4 let's go of the hug.

The custard meter went down as the more Mario plays. Soon there was only one left to find.

"YOUR/ IM SO CLOSE!" Me and Mario said simultaneously. We see the purple freak standing still.


Me and Mario looks closer and see.. THAT LAST CUSTARD UNDER THAT BASTARD FEET.


"HES STANDING ON THE LAST TUBBY CUSTARD!" Mario shouts as he moves the character towards it. SMG4 stops him.

"NO DONT!" He pushes Mario and moves the character backward. They both start to fight over the keyboard and I back away not wanting to join that fight. Somehow in the middle of the fight they collected the last custard.

"HOLY SH¡T YOU GUYS DID IT!" I yell throwing my hands up as confetti rains down.

"WAHHOO! WE DID IT! Wasn't that fun, SMG4?" Mario says dancing as smg4 falls to the ground. "Now let's play Slendytubbies 3!"

Oh hell nah!

Even SMG4 didn't want to play anymore because he rose up glaring at Mario as fire came around us.

Mario is alone(?) in the computer room. The computer is destroyed and on fire as Mario is tied up in a chair. "What about 5 nights at Freddy-" he gets cut off by me shooting my bazooka at him.


Warning! Depressing thoughts ahead and a panic attack (?)!

I'm in my bedroom writing in my journal. I pause. "Damn it...I can't sleep now because of the game I played..." I sighed and continued.

Dear journal,

Today I went with Mario and SMG4 to play Slendytubbies. Let me just say the experience of playing it again... it was horrible. Now I might have nightmares because of it. SMG4 touches me more then often today..and blushing too. Could he have a crush If he does then...that would be like heaven!

But's not and he's...whatever... I don't think I will sleep but I might as well try. It's getting harder and harder to stay up. I guess today's excitement helped me a bit. Well I'm gonna go try and sleep.



I put away my journal and curled up in bed. I start at the darkness. Dont think bad thoughts...don't think of yourself like that.. you not worthless your not useless your...your not.. a burden.. your easily replaceable...your easily forgotten...your nothing...

While SMG5 is stuck in his head he doesn't realize he is crying and griping his hair tightly and tugging at it. Eggcat and mini V try's to call out for there father but nothing is working. They get up on their father's bed and hug him. SMG5 gasps. "A-a-ahhh... sorry...guys..." Five hugs his children desperately and tightly.
"Can...can you guys...stay here for the night? I..don't think...I can sleep...alone..." Eggcat and Mini V nods and crawls in bed with him. They get comfortable.

Sleeps welcome them all.

What was that? He grips his chest. What caused that? Could it be three? Or maybe...Five?

What the hell was that? He grips his chest out of pain. Four? What the f—k... wait what if it's Five?

What is wrong with Five?


Words: 3921

Chapter 13: Mario goes fishing!

Chapter Text

I'm on a yacht with Meggy, Bob, Mario and Boopkins. They are all fishing while I'm just chilling on a lawn chair reading a book. Mario seem to be bored since the fishes aren't biting. Meggy however seems to be enjoying it.

"I'm so glad we're finally doing an outdoors activity together! Nice choice, Bob." Meggy comments.

Bod is singing the tune for wellderman and dancing. "ThErE oNcE wAs a BoB wHo WeNT tO sEa, CaUgHt SoMe FiSh aNd LaDiEs FoR fReE!"

"Say... SMG5? Why aren't you fishing with the rest of us?" Meggy turns around and ask me.


You see yourself but normal...ya know.. the real world. You're at a lake with some of your real life friends. You have a fishing pole in your hand and you cast it.

"Yo! Nice cast dude!" (REDACTED) said with a thumbs up.

"Thanks!" I reply.

I look over to my other two friends in the water. They have been together for about...5 months now. Honestly I'm jealous. Never found someone to love like that. Sure I had crushes before but...never really said anything to them or about them...

My fishing rod jerks.

"OH! I GOT A FISH!" I said trying to real it in. I got it and hold it up.

"Aw....." I frown. The fish swallowed the hook. I give it to (REACTED) so they can get it out of the fish's throat. After that I continue to fish. But fish after fish... they kept swallowing the hook..

"BAH!" I throw the fishing rod on the ground. "Screw this! They keep swallowing the damn hook!"

"Dude, you got to jerk the hook along ya know?"

"I know! But they keep eating it! I'm going to go read!"

"Fine, fine go read ya bookworm." (REACTED) tease.

I flip him off as I walk away from him.


"I don't like fishing... the fishes keep eating the hook and I didn't want to keep killing them. So I stoped."

"Oh...well if you want I can-"

"No." Immediately turning her down. "Thanks for the offer but I rather just read." Plus I'm tired...I just want to relax..

She seemed sad but never less pays attention to everyone else.

"THIS IS SOOO BOOORING! No fish are biting!" Mario complains.

"Relax, Mario. Fishing is all about patience." Bob looks in the water and a minute pass. "Okay, maybe patience and some dynamite." (I'm not doing that...I'm just gonna make him have bold from now on.)

"Wait-what-?!" I shoot up and try to stop Bob but he throws it where Boopkins was. Near Boopkins is- was a fish. But now it's dead and on the boat. Bob looks to see what fish it is and gets upset.

"Dammit, I don't want this fish!"

"Then don't blow up fishes then bastard!" I shout at him.

"Shut up you gay."

My cheeks gets a bit pink "I-I ugh!" I stuttered out. Mario watching this gets an idea.

"Yo, Bob! Come with me! I've got a better idea than telling SMG5 he's gay!"

"Oh, this gonna be good!" Bob follows Mario and they both leave.

"Well that ain't good." I frown, still upset.

Boopkins look over at us. "Meggy,SMG5, Bob and Mario plan to release the fish after they're caught, right...?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." her face shrinks as she does that and smiles sheepishly.

"No...they aren't." I bluntly said.

We turn to see Mario pulling out a harpoon. "Oh boy! I'm-a guess I'm-a go FISHING!"

"HOLY SH¡T MARIO! NO-" I shout running up to him.

"NOOOOO!!!" Just as Mario readies himself, Boopkins blocks the way. "I WON'T LET YOU! Fish are friends, not food!"

"Yea what he said! And plus a harpoon is for something more a shark." I said standing next to Boopkins.

"Out of the way, Boopkins and gay Five." Bob says.

Ignoring what he just called me.

Me and Boopkins didn't move. "NEVER! I won't let you hurt my friends!"

Bob and Mario both look at each other and back at us.

"So long, gay Boopkins and gay Five." And throws us in the water.

"YOU BAST-" I get cut off by the water. I hold my breath and take off my hat and dig through it. Boopkins is confused on why I am doing this. I get out an air tank, flippers, and a breather and put it on.

"Ugh..this is annoying. Wait- I CANT SWIM!" I start to panic. Boopkins swims over and calms me down.

"No no no no no! Don't panic! It'll be okay! I'll teach you while we are going back to them!"

I nod my head and began to swim the best I can back to the boat.

After a while Boopkins gets hooked and I grab on to him. We get lifted up to see Meggy surprise and worried. "You okay you two?"

I take the breather away from my mouth and let it hang around my neck. "Yea.. I'm good."

"Yeah.." Boopkins said sadly.

"Don't worry! I've told the boys to not harm the fish." Meggy reassures Boopkins.

Boopkins seems really happy about that. "Oh, really!? Oh, thank you, Megg-."

They hear something. Mario and Bob have brought Link with them to help catch some fish. Link raises his Master Sword in the air for power... and then swaps it out for a machine gun and begins to shoot the hell out of the water and the fishes.

Boopkins is horrified and so am I. "NO! FISH ARE ALLERGIC TO BULLETS!" Boopkins shout. Meggy and I yanks Link and swings him out of the area. She turns to Mario and Bob murderously.



"What? We didn't lay a finger on the fish." Bob smartassly says.

"Yeah, Link did." Mario says

"You smarta$$." I mutter.

Both me and Meggy are EXTREMELY angry. Meggy gets ready to strangle, or for me blow him up with my bazooka, the living daylights out of the uncaring, cross-eyed, yet correct plumber.

"If Boopkins and SMG5 doesn't like fishing, they can just go back to shore." Mario saids uncaringly.

"What?! But we're meant to be hanging out together!" Meggy defends the both of us.

"We CAN hang out together!"

Me, Meggy and Boopkins are on the shore, having been abandoned by the dastardly duo.

"Just hang with us from over there!" Bob high fives Mario and speed off to catch more fish. I am flabbergasted.

"Aw, man..." boopkins looks at the ground.

"YOU BASTARDS!" I shout. "WHAT ABOUT MY BOOK!" The book hits my face. "Ah-! Ugh..." I pick up my book and put it in my hat.

I was making a sand castle with some items I got out of my hat. Meggy suggested we all go back to Bob and Mario and I agreed to come along and so did Boopkins. So here we are back in the water. Honestly...I love swimming but it can be..scary... and exhausting... I'm so tired I could sleep in the water... I shake myself awake. We all get caught in a big net.

We all look at Bob and Mario angrily. Meggy pulls out a harpoon and shoot Bob in the head.


"ENOUGH! You two have killed too many innocent fish!" Boopkins yells.

"Nahhh. You're cool with us excessively fishing, right, Meggy?" Mario ask innocently.

"You... guys know I have a dear connection with marine life too!?" Meggy explained.

"I can respect that." Bob looks down and see a squid appears in front of him.

"I'm dying..." the squid said weakly.

"Oooh...!" Bob picks it up and eats it. Boopkins, Meggy, and I are horrified that Bob would go to such a low.

"You guys are going to kill the whole fish population at this point if you keep doing this!!" I yell and pointing at the piles of fish behind them.

"I... Uh... Mario, step on it!" Mario revs the boat up and they take off, leaving Boopkins, Meggy and me to falling off the boat and back in the water.

We all land on the ocean floor. I have my things back on as we fall down.

Meggy looks over at us. "Boopkins... SMG5...I'm sorry... I don't know if we can stop them."

I smile at her softly. "It's fine Meggy. Mario and Bob are a handful."

"Yea It's okay, Meggy! I have an idea!"He floats up and uses his calling powers. "CALLING ALL FISHY FRIENDS! CALLING ALL FISHY FRIENDS!"

Holy moly. Aqua man reference!

An army of marine life has been summoned. I look at all the different species that Boopkins called over.

Meggy is just as amazed as I am. "Huh? Wow...!"

"This is so cool! Good job Boopkins!" I do a thumbs up and smile.

"We need your help! All of fish kind is in danger! Two evil men are snatching up all of our brothers and sisters AND EATING THEM!" Boopkins tells the other fishes and such.The aquatic life begin to riot. They all have fire and pickfork in their hands/flippers.

"Wow... I've... I've never seen anything like this. Have you Five?" She ask, still amazed.

"No...I haven't." I replied.

"COME, MY BRETHREN! TONIGHT, WE FIGHT FOR OUR FAMILIES! TONIGHT, WE FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOOOOOM!l Boopkins yells.The fish applaud and follow Boopkins upward. We also follow along.

Up at the boat Mario and Bob continue fishing. Mario looks sad at the water.

"Yo... Do you think we should listen to what Five said and stop?" Mario ask Bob.

"I will not rest until all the fish have been captured and eaten!" Bob is determined.

Mario still ask his questions. "But if we keep going, won't we like... wipe out an entire species of fish like what Five said too?"

Bob is confused on why Mario keeps asking. "...So?" Suddenly, something begins pounding the side of the boat.

It's Boopkins on a dolphin."Stop right there!"

"I am Meggy, and I speak for the fishies! Release them now, or I'll cap your knee- ees!"

"Better do it or else!" I said with a wide smile.

Mario remembers that smile and was about to warn Bob but he shouts instead. "NEVER!"

"Then we have no choice but to unleash hell...!" Meggy says determinedly.

"Fishies of the sea... ATTAAAACK!" Shouts Boopkins.

An army of fish lunge upward to begin their assault... And merely smack into Mario and Bob, leaving them with no scratches or bruises. They get their nets out for more catching.

"Thanks for the fish!"

"...Alright, that's it!" Meggy is upset. We all leave to devise another plan. I would use my bazooka but they both warned me that it will hurt the fishes too so I don't.

Really want to though... maybe a knife?

It's nearing sundown. All the fish have been stored in boxes with Mario and Bob looking proud.

"We have caught all the fish!"

"I have eaten so many fish, I have become one." Mario says seriously.

"Me too." They turn into fish, but keep their heads intact. Mario hears something in the distance.

"Why do I hear boss music?"

Suddenly a pirate ship appears out of the water with Meggy on it and SMG5 both dressed up as pirates.


"That's right!" Boopkins says in a costume of a Pokémon character.

"You boys better runs~" I said and smile crazily with wide eyes.

"OH sh*t!" Both Mario and Bob says.

"Launch the canons!" Captain meggy yells.

"Ay Captain!" I head over to the canon.

Mario starts to freak out. "NO WAIT WAIT WAIT!"

I shoot at them causing the boat to explode and with them falling in.

So I couldn't use my bazooka but I can use a canon?

Boopkins points at them. "GET THEM!"

Meggy and I dive in the water.

"Holy crap, Boopkins and gae Five has gone nuts!" Bob says as they swim away.

"Maybe it's cuz we committed fish genocide and SMG5 can get like that...but he seems more...crazier then usual.." Mario looks down. He start to think about SMG5 and how he usually acts around. Bob interrupts his thoughts.

"Just keep swimming!"

Me and Meggy appears in front of them. She fires her harpoon, but they evade. The harpoon hits Squidward, who is escaping his watery grave, only to die again.

"Aw, man..." Squid pears said looking down.

"Ha! So then you only had one shot-"

"BOB!" Mario shouts.

Then out appears two angry people. Me and Boopkins.

"LOL! What the hell is this little piece of poo and gay Five gonna do?" He and Mario swim away. "Well, later loser!"

Boopkins pulls out two hooks, reaches back, and grabs the duo by their mouths.

"Good job Boopkins~" I pull out my bazooka.

"Ah, piss..."They get yanked upwards, I use my bazooka and shot them earning me and Boopkins 100 points.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" I laugh.

As punishment for their atrocities against the marine life, Mario and Bob have to release all the fish they caught back into the ocean where they belong.

"And don't stop 'til you returned the fish population back to normal!" Meggy raises her harpoon.

"Or else~" I said raising my bazooka up. A craze smile across my face.

"Yes, Meggy. Yes, SMG5" they both said and continued to put the fishes back in the water.

"We did it, Meggy and Five! Thanks so much!" Boopkins said with a smile.

"Aw, it was nothing! Somebody's gotta teach those boys to only take what they need, and- HEY!!!" She cut her self off because Mario and Bob are about to drop a toaster into the water when Mario gets harpooned through his head.

Mario's eyes are crossed "Well, that wasn't very nice."

"No sh¡t now keep at it. Or else." I said pointing my bazooka at them. They hurriedly get back to putting the fishes in that water.

I'm back home and laying on my bed horizontally, tired after today. " glad I didn't take you guys along...I'm exhausted..." Eggcat and Mini V are beside me. One of them is on my left and one of them on my right.

I get my journal and sit up, leaning against the wall. I open it and start to write.

Dear Journal,

Today was...exhausting... you see. I went with Meggy, Mario, Bob and Boopkins to fishing I expected to just relax because last night was insufferable for me. I did get some sleep but not a lot. Anyways back to what I was saying. Bob and Mario decided to fish until there is no fish in the lake.

Insane right? So Me, meggy, and Boopkins put a stop to it. I also got to use my bazooka! It felt nice to use it. Maybe I'll use it more often? Who knows. Oh! And before I forget, Bob somehow knows I'm gay? Like how? Am I that readable? If so then would that mean SMG4 and SMG3 knows too? Whatever...I'm exhausted and I need to take a shower and go to bed.



I put it away and head for the shower. While I'm the shower I put on a song that I also like hear.

I sang to it a bit too. I love it~

Outside the bathroom~

You see Eggcat and Mini V just at the door. Mini V has his father's phone in hand and record the singing. After they hear him stop and water stopped running they send the video to SMG4 and SMG3. They both chuckle and leave to go to bed.

With you~

I dry my hair and climb in bed. I think for a while until it hits 10pm. I close my eyes
Sleep welcomes me.

At night you can see SMG4 getting a notification. He picks up his phone and see that Five send him something. He smiles and clicks the video. It's pitch black but in the background he can here someone singing and water running. "Is that...Five?" He whispers and continues to listen. His voice is beautiful... he sighs and plugs in earbuds. For the rest of the night, until he goes to bed, he listens to SMG5 singing.

At Starbucks SMG3 was about to go to bed until his phone dings. "Who the f—k..." he picks it up and see that SMG5 send him something.

"This better be worth my time." He clicks on the video. All he hears is the shower running. He was about to click out of it until he hears someone singing. Five? He continues to listen until it was over.

"What an..." Not the type of music he listens to but listening to SMG5's singing... he'll gladly listen to it. He plays the video a couple more times until he actually goes to bed.


Words: 2840

Chapter 14: SMG4...Are you okay?

Chapter Text

"Guys...SMG3 invited me to go do a 24 hours stream with him.. WHAT THE F—K DO I WEAR?!" I'm panicking because it has been awhile since I last seen him and I want to look good for him. Eggcat meows.

"I should wear normal clothes but wear the accessories he got me? Hmm.. Yea! This is the perfect moment to use them! Thanks for help Eggcat!" I walk over to my drawer and open the top drawer. There, inside, are the accessories he got me.

I have a chocker with spikes on them, bracelets with spikes on them, a skull pin for my hat, and some earrings!(or clip on earrings)I don't how the hell Three knows my ears are(n't) pierced but whatever. I put them on.

Unfortunately I have to leave my bandanna behind for the chocker to wear. I rub my neck. The bruise is still there but is A LOT more better than it was a few days ago. Luckily the chocker hides it.

"There! Now I'm ready! I'll see you two when I get back!" I go to the kitchen and grab an energy drink I then leave to go to the internet graveyard.


I get to Starbucks and knock. The door opens and I see a happy SMG3.

"Hey! Glad you could make it!"

I scratched the back of my head,nervous. "Yea I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

As I was talking he looked at my head to toe. "Your wear the stuff I got you? Wait how long have you been wearing the shoes?!" His cheeks got a bit light pink.

"I have started wearing the for a while now Three. And yes I am glad you noticed. Anyways you ready to start the stream?"

"Yea I already have it started so some followers can join in a bit. Let's go Five!" He grabs my wrist and drags me inside.

Im sitting at the desk waving at the viewers. SMG3 dances his way to a computer table with Eggdog. I pet eggdog and he leans towards me.

"TODAY!! I have a special guest and his name is SMG5! And we are going to be streaming for 24 HOURS STRAIGHT!! While in a BURNING BUILDING!!" The place magically catches fire. I start to panic a little.

"And if I fail... Well, I guess We'll die in this fire. Eggdog catches on fire and turns into a sunny side up egg. NOOO THE POOR EGGDOG NOOO-

"So, let's get right into the thematically-appropriate content!"

"Wait what-"

He begins to play Team Fortress 2.

"Does that mean I should've brought my computer?"

"Uh.. not necessarily... but it would give you something to do otherwise then watching me play."

"DAMNIT! Hold on." I take off my hat and rummage through it. I take out my computer and place it next to his computer. "Got it!" I booted up TF2.

"Do you have just about anything in there?" He ask.

"Yea! I could even give you a nuke if I wanted to. It does have some limitations like I can't make money appear out of nowhere."

"Huh... well, ready to actually play now?"


We both start to play TF2.


At Peach's Castle, SMG4 is watching this stream on his computer.

"Pfft. A challenge stream? That's ridiculous. Like anyone's gonna watch that." He also a bit annoyed that SMG5 is in it. He summons his cellphone and calls SMG3.

Ringtone: Hello, it is I, the fat and stupid idiot. Please pick up. Please, I am stupid and worthless-

"Really that's your ringtone for him?"

"What? It's true." He Answers. "Hey, SMG4!! Are you tuning into my 24-hour livestream?" He grins.

"Actually, I'm calling to offer up some advice! Challenge videos are so 2019! Do something more relevant, like spinning for 10 hours. And why drag Five with you?"

"...Nice opinion, but there's just one small problem with it: WHO ASKED? Like, genuinely, who asked? Who gave you the Talking Stick? I'll tell you, nobody did! Nobody asked, dude!" He then grins evilly at the camera. "What are jealous~?" He laughs and gets crushed by falling rubble.

"OH SHOOT, THREE ARE YOU OKAY!?!" SMG5 shout in the stream.

"Hmph. I'm not jealous. Nobody's gonna watch them anyway." He heads off to bed.

The next morning...

"WHAAAAAT!!?? Their live viewer count has skyrocketed to three million!?" He rushes out for a confrontation.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room...

"Yes! I've been waiting to collab with people like them!"


Eventually, SMG4 reaches Starbucks. He pulls the doors open and gets blasted by fire as a result.

"Only you can prevent wildfires." The safety guy says.

SMG4 points a revolver at Pyro "Strip..."

SMG4 walks in dressed in the Pyro's uniform. He finds SMG3, SMG5 and Eggdog dancing in their seats. Although... SMG5 has like...5 cans of energy drinks around him. So not worrying....

"What the hell did you two do!? How do you have so many viewers!?"

"Hey, do you mind? I'm streaming here with Five so leave."

He receives a $20,000 donation from Mr. Yeast.

"comin in hot boiiiiii"

"Woah that's a lot of money! Wait is this just for you, Three?" I ask.

"No I have been sending some of the money towards you since your helping me and Thanks for the donation, Mr. Yeast! ...Wait, what does "comin' in hot" mean?"

"DUCK!" I grab a hold of SMG3 and drag him down. He's on top of me while I'm below him. MR. YEAST flies in through the monitor and lands on SMG4. While looking at Mr. Yeast I didn't notice Three's blush or his stare. He clears his throat and stands up, helping me up as well.


SMG3 is unimpressed while SMG4 is in awe. I'm just annoyed. How could this man have so much money but never does anything good. Just challenges after challenges.

"SMG3!! Your viewer count broke the world record! Let's collab!"

"OH MY GOOOO-" SMG4 yells.

"I dunno. Maybe we can do that after my fire stream is over." He gestures his computer. "And what about Five? He also helped me. I'm not doing anything until he is coming with." He crosses his arms.

"It's a deal! My people will contact your people! Buh-bye!!" He leaves and gets in his Lamborghini. A bunch of people crowd around it.


MR. YEAST drives off as two people get thrown from the car.

Back at Starbucks, SMG4 turns to SMG3. I'm still upset with Mr. Yeast. He's just using us for his own personal purposes.

"Hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fellow brother amigo pal buddy friend chum friend pal-" SMG4 says as he gets closer and closer.

SMG3 sighs and pushes his face away "Let me guess. You want me to put a good word in for you to collab with him too?"

A begging SMG4 nods with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. I'll do it. But only if you help us with our stream!"

SMG4 is happy. ...Until he has to help film SMG3 horribly singing karaoke. He shrinks into despair over hearing SMG3 sing a Minecraft parody of "Ocean Man".

I cover my ears. I take the mic away from him. "Your not doing it correctly, either you suck at singing or doing it on purpose. Here let me sing a song. Let me know if it's good viewers."

I put a song on.

As SMG5 is singing both SMG4 and SMG3 are hypnotized. SMG5's voice sounds so much better in person. Even the viewers like it-no- love it!

I get done with singing and look at the chat. "Holy pfft- they really think my singing is that good? Haha! What do you guys think?" I honestly don't think I'm a good singer.

No response.

"Guys?" I look at them and their cheeks are red and their mouths are open. Their just staring at me. "Uh..." is my singing that good? I'm not some siren.


Me, SMG4, SMG3, MR. YEAST, and Mario are all in a kitchen.

"Today, we're cooking ONE MILLION DOLLAR SPAGHETTI! I'm joined by special guest Mario, who will cook it." He gestures to Mario

"Pffff, too easy!"

"While on a crashing plane!!!" SMG3 says and the plane starts to crash.

"WHAAAT!?!?" Me and Mario says at the same time.

The plane we are on begins to fly downwards.

"Mario didn't sign up for this!!" Mario panics

45 seconds until imminent crashing.

"Better hurry! Time's ticking!" Him and Mr. Yeast have their feet taped on the ground. Three is hold my wrist so I don't fall off.

"You got this Mario!" I encourage him

Mario leaps his way over to the counter.

30 seconds until imminent crash.

"OH, sh*t!" Mario shouts. Mario takes his mustache, pounds the tomatoes to make the sauce, and tries to open the noodles, only to be twice interrupted by the plane speeding up.

Giving up, he eats the box and spits out the noodles onto the plate. The plane jerks itself forward, causing Mario and the plate to fly back. As this goes on, SMG3 and MR. YEAST watch the view count go up. Mario then takes his head off and hurls it at the plate, catching it in his mouth as the view count reaches 10 million.

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" They both celebrate. Im just wondering what the f—k is wrong with them.

"I-I DID IIIIT! I DI-" Mario got cut off my the plane crashing.

The plane crashes. Me, SMG3 and MR. YEAST fly down on a magic carpet as SMG4 regains consciousness. I'm worry for them and jump off. SMG3 try's to stop me but couldn't.

"Great work, guys! You did a fantastic job!" Mr.Yeast congratulates them.

SMG3 whisper to him a bit and clears his throat. "Thanks, dude! Say, would you also be up for a collab with SMG4 next?"

Mr. Yeast thinks. " ...No."

SMG4 is saddened. I rub his back to comfort him. He smiled at me sadly.

"If you haven't already, hit the subscribe button" He takes the pile of money and throws it, turning it into a boat. He boards. A bunch of people put there's hands on it


The boat takes off as two people, Frankie being one of them, get thrown back down to the ground.

SMG4 is sad "How could he not want to collab with me...? Am I... Not with it anymore?"

"Welp, I tried. Later. You coming Five?" He ask.

"No I'm gonna stay here with Four for a bit."

SMG3 didn't show it but he is a upset and disappointed. "Okay then see you later." He leaves.

SMG4 walks over to the screen and picks it up. His sadness turns to anger.

"No... I just need to make more content... A LOT MORE!" He looks over to Frankie.

"Four, whatever your thinking of, don't do it."

"I saw Heaven!" Frankie says.

"I have to Five! If I want to be famous and have a lot of viewers I just need more content."

"It's better of what your doing right now. People like-no- love the videos your already making. It doesn't have to be perfect but at least it is good quality and not crappy. Okay? Now I'm going back to my home because I have a feeling my children's did something." I pat his back and teleported away.


"I knew it..." I pinch the bridge of my nose. Somehow...Eggcat and Mini me got into due and dyed themselves. Eggcat is now pink and Mini me is now black. "Where the hell did you guys get the dye!?! I don't own any dye!"

Mini me 'bleped'

"You went to the store, bought some dye, and tryed to dye eggs? ITS NOT EVEN EASTER! Ugh!" I rub my temple.

"It's going to be a pain in the neck to get rid of this due, especially you Eggcat! Your fur color will make it impossible to get it off!" I pick them up but the scruff of their necks and take them to the bathroom. I place them in the tub and turned the water on.

After while...

"Ugh...finally..." I got the dye off of them. It took me... all night to just to get rid of it. Eggcat still has a hint of pink but other while Mini me skin color is...well it's back to normal.. sort of. The color black is still on some of his skin but it will come off sooner or later.

"Jeez.. never do that again you two. Understand?" They both nod.

Just then a door bell was heard. "Who the-?" I go and answer the door. There is SMG3 outside my door. "Oh-! Hey Three!"

"Come! My meme guardian senses are tingling." He grabs my wrist and portals us.


"Welcome to Exposed! It's ya bois SMG3 and SMG5 here! And we're here to expose the world's worst content creators."

"This is SMG4's office." I point out. SMG3 pushes a button and a door opens, revealing SMG4 mistreating his army of Toad slaves.

"MAKE BETTER CONTENT, YA DAMN TOADS!!!" SMG4 shouts swinging a whip.

He stops when he notices SMG3 filming him. Lakitu even looks ashamed. Even his curs- I mean- his friend, SMG5, is there. He is embarrassed.

"...I, uhhhh... We're playing Fortnite together...?" He says in a questioning tone.

"No...just no..." I whisper.


Later, SMG4 is curled up in the corner, crying. Suddenly, the door opens.

SMG4 says tearfully "Who... Who is it...?"

It's SMG3 and SMG5 behind SMG3. He extends his hand out.

"Time to get back on your feet, scrub."


SMG4 seems confused. "Wha-? But you just exposed me and got me cancelled." And embarrassed me in front of my crush- I mean Five

SMG3 helps SMG4 up "I only exposed you so you'd stop damaging yourself online."

"Yea what he said. It was hurting me to see those crappy videos on your channel." I said honestly.


"Pfft, YouTubers get cancelled all the time and bounce back. The Internet moves so fast, everyone's gonna forget by the time they see what we have planned." SMG3 says proudly.

"What? What do you guys have planned?"

I snap my fingers. The room gets dark but them the lights turns back on. The room changed into a more hobby-like appearance.

"We're gonna make you... SOME SPICY QUALITY CONTENT!!!" SMG3 yells.

"Not those crappy videos that made me cringe. Something good."

Mr. Potato Head behind us talked "If you could kill me, that'd be great!"

SMG4 is overjoyed. Especially if his crus- FRIEND is helping him.

We all begin filming spicy quality content.

SMG4 is holding an anime book? "I haven't lost my virginity, because I never lose!" He does a backflip and breaks his back.


Me, SMG4 and SMG3 are playing with Luigi matryoshka dolls when Meggy walks in. She awkwardly leaves after seeing three grown men playing with dolls.

" I'm embarrassed...." I hide my face with my hands. My face feels hot. They both laughed a bit at me, making my cheeks grew hotter.

SMG4 is now performing a ritual with BEEG SMG4 plushies hoping to get a girlfriend. Or a boyfriend-

"The f—k? That's not how you get a partner. This is how you get a partner." I then grab SMG4 and dip him.

"Hey handsome~ Your looking mighty fine tonight~ How about we head somewhere more...private~?" I pick him back up.

"Now that how it's done!" I walk away from the madly blushing SMG4.

SMG4 pov-

OH MY GOOODDD- did he just!?! Did he just flirted at me...AHHHHHHH-

Back to your pov-

SMG4 finishes the ending of his video. Unsatisfied, SMG3 changes it.


This rips the clothing and skin off the duo. I got out of the way and covered my ears.

"PERFECT!" The skeleton of SMG4 says.

"THATS AN EARRAPE YOU TWO!" I shout at them.

One montage later, the video is finally finished and uploaded.

"It's done. My masterpiece..."

"Our masterpiece, SMG3. Our." I bluntly said.

SMG4 points at the screen "SMG5! SMG3! LOOK!"

The views and likes/dislikes go back up.

SMG4 is enlightened at this. "We... We did it...!"

SMG4 has been uncancelled.

"See? People care about quality above all else. Can't believe I had to teach YOU that, SMG4. ...SMG4?"

"I told him that but he didn't listen to me.." I muttered.

SMG4 smiles . "This... This is just the beginning... If people want quality... What if... What if I made the best video ever!?" He begins typing like crazy. "Yes!!! Ooo yes... IT'S GONNA BE PERFECT!!!!"

I get worried. SMG3 shrugs and calls his phone.

"Yo, I'm done here. Can you come and get me" MR. YEAST drops down.

MR. YEAST shouts. "I"M GONNA DONATE $10,000 DOLLARS FOR EVERYONE I ABDUCT!" He and SMG3 leave aboard his spaceship.

SMG4 is still typing "Hoo hoo, yea, this video's gonna be the best. It's gonna have boobs, and... Wait, I can't have that... GODDAMMIT!" It needs to be perfect for Five...

I have a bad feeling about this...really bad feeling...


Im home and chilling on my bed. I sigh. "Eggcat,mini me, I have a bad feeling... I know I show be happy that SMG4 is...well... it's
Just.. his smile and his tone was making it sound like he is going to stop at nothing to make this video perfect..."

I realize something. "Wait... oh... sh*t... 'It's gotta be perfect' movie... i didn't stop it...I helped it... and now it too late to stop him..." No no no no no what did I just do!?! I need to...I can't... UGH HOW COULD I FORGET SOMETHING THIS IMPORTANT?!

I get my journal.

Dear journal,

I just did something that I could've stop. Ya see, I don't come from this world. This world is just made believe. And there is a video where the castle gets destroyed and can't come back. SMG4 goes crazy with a video because he wants to make it perfect.

I could have stopped it but I didn't. And now we are all screwed. It's seem like my 'sleep schedule' is messing up with me. I can't remember much of anything anymore. I just need to remember that it's coming... and it's coming pretty soon.

Wish me luck,


I place it down and get myself ready for bed. I look at my neck. The bruise seems... like it's almost gone? What the f—k did Three do to the chocker? Put healing properties in it? Yes

After changes and taking most of the accessories off I head to bed. I take some melatonin and laid down. I close my eyes....

Sleep welcomes me.


Words: 3184

Chapter 15: Mario goes to Ohio!

Chapter Text

I'm on my couch brushing eggcat's fur. The melatonin I had yesterday did work...but not much. I still woke up early in the morning, more specifically one in the morning. So what do I do? I work. I also had to come up with plans incase the 'IGBP' incident happens earlier than expected but that won't happen until after Mar10 video. So I plan a few but not many. Anyways. I was getting done with brushing Eggcat's fur went Mario bust my door open.

"JEEZ! what the hell?! My door!" I sit up and walk over to the crossed eye Mario. "Uh.. hey Mario? What cha need?"

"Mario and Tari are going to Texas want to come along?"

I think for a minute. I'm not feeling my best but... "Sure! I love to come. Do I need to pack anything?"

"No time!" He then grabs my shoulders and picks me up, taking us to the castle.


We arrive at the castle and we waited for the taxi. While waiting I start to get a headache. Surprise I didn't get it sooner with all the 'sleep' I get...

"YEAAAAAAH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI!" Mario shouts as the taxi has arrived.

Tari appear out of nowhere carrying luggage and a large duck. "OK, I wasn't too sure what to pack, so I-" She get cut off but Mario grapping her, knocking the luggage out of her hands.

"NO TIME, TARI! TEXAS IS WAITTIIIING!" He throws Tari into the taxi and tries to get in, but Tari stops him.

"Wait! What about SMG4?" She asks.

"Yea I don't really like leaving people out of something if they can come along. Let's go get him and see if he wants to come!" Mario reluctantly comes with me to goes to SMG4's room to get him.

Mario shakes the door. "HELLLLLOOO!"The door vanishes and SMG4 pops out.

"Y-Yes?" He ask somewhat nervous?


"And we were wondering if you want to come along?"

"Oh, uh, was that today? Uh... I'm sorry, Mario. I can't come today. I'm in the middle of making a special video." He says gesturing to his computer.

"What!? But you're always making videos! That's never stopped you!" Mario seems to be upset.

"Yea what Mario said. Even when I have something planned I always postpone it for Mario and everyone."

"Not this one... This one's going to be different... K BYEEEEEEE!" Four goes back to resume working on his special video, but not before planting a sapling and watering it, making a new door grow in place.

Mario's head turns into SMG4 head but with the glasses and the weird smile. "...NEERRRRD!!"

I punch his face. "Oh! Sorry! I just don't really like seeing Four with glasses on...they weird me out...especially with that stupid smile..."

"It's-a okay! I'm-a fine! Let's get back to the car!"

"Right." We both walk back down. However I look back at the closed door. I get another headache. F—king leave me alone you headache... ugh.. I hate these. Let's hope I don't throw up in the taxi. I rush downstairs, not wanting for Mario to leave me behind for being slow.


On the road, Mario is jamming to music, to Tari's amusem*nt. I have one of my ear buds in my ear listening to my own music.

"You seem really excited for Texas, Mario!" Tati points out.


"DUDE! Not in my ear! Ow..." and my headache is back... thanks Mario...

Tari turns to Heavy, the cab driver "Driver, how long till we're there?"

No response as Heavy just sits there, menacingly...

"Well that ain't creepy at all."

Tari is freaked out a bit. "...Uhh... OK..." She turns to Mario "Anyway, why are we going to Texas again?"

"Yea I'm also wondering that."


"Hmm a BBQ sounds good! I like BBQs." (If you don't just change this dialogue)

"But... Mario, I recently became a vegetarian." Me and Mario stops. "It's OK! We can still have fun! Oh hey, look!"

Holy sh*t...thanks for making my heart stop Tari!

She points to a "Welcome to Ohio" sign. "We're entering Ohio! Why does that name seem familiar...?"

"Hey! I went to Ohio for a vacation three times! Can't wait to see it ag-"

Ohio ends up being a deserted wasteland.

"The f—k?!"

Mario seemed nervous. "Uh-oh..."

Tari seemed confused. "Uh... Mr. Driver, what just happened?"

"Yea what gives?! This isn't our stop!"

Heavy turns around to face us "GROG." He morphs into the engine.

"...What the hell?!" Me and Mario says simultaneously.

He tries to get Heavy back, but pulls the car's engine out, resulting in the taxi exploding, followed by Mario's hat.

"My hat..."

I sigh and take my hat off and place it on his head. He seemed confused but when I hand him a mirror my hat changed to look like his hat. He smiles widely and hugs me.

"Thank you SMG5!"

"No problem. I can wait until I get back home to get another hat."

Mario looks around the place. "What the hell? This isn't Texas!"

"We must've taken the wrong cab. Let's look for a bus stop to get us the rest of the way there." Tari then walks off.

"Ugh.. feels weird without wearing my hat." I pat my head.

Mari looks at my head and back at my face. "Can Mario touch your hair?"


"Uh.... Sure?"

Mario reaches up and touches my head. "Ooooh... you have soft hair!" He then walks away from me catching up to Tari.

"My hair is soft? Hm." I catch up to Tari and Mario, looking around this so called Ohio.


Me, Mario and Tari walk down the road.

"Hello...? Anyone...??" Tari called out.

She notices an Ohioan dancing on his back.

Mario is amazed by this. "Looks like fun!" He proceeds to do the same.

I sighed. "Who else but Mario to follow along."

Tari hears something behind her. Two Ohioans are having a conversation.

Tari decides to talk to them. "Hey, excuse me," They turn to her. "Could you point us to the nearest bus stop?"

One of the Ohioans emits a loud, ear-piercing scream that shatters glass.

"AHHH MY EARS!!! WHAT THE F—K IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE?!" I cover my ears. I'm surprised I'm not deaf.

"Daf*q?" An Ohioan said. His head explodes and his body is sucked into the wine bottle he was holding.

He finally stops and walks away.

Take seems to be uneasy. " ...Okay, thanks..." She grabs my wrist and runs off with me. "Ugh, this place doesn't seem righ-" She hears honking. A group of Ohioans are driving... Except they are underneath the cars and their hands and feet serve as the wheels.

"The f—k... this is not how I remember Ohio being..."

Mario rolls over to us "Hello!"He drives up to us, with his hands and feet as tires. "Hey, Tari, SMG5! Wanna ride!"

"Uh... Can you get us out of here?" Tari ask.

"Yes please tell me you can... I don't really want to be here any longer."

Mario hums "...I don't know!" He drives off, running over two Ohioans in the process.

Tari is overwhelmed and is heavy breathing. "Is this... a nightmare??"

"Hey! It's okay! Don't worry we'll get out of here!" I try to reassure her.

She looks around. Three Heavy birds fly off and two Ohioans are walking their dogs.

Dog 1 talks "Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier."

Dog 2 copy's him. "Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier."

The two dogs continue repeating this as a horrified Tari looks up to a "Welcome to Ohio" billboard. Mario drives back up behind her.

"Hello!!" Mario says.

Tari remembers. "Oh my God... Ohio... NOW I REMEMBER!! THIS IS A BAD PLACE, MARIO, SMG5!!"

"What? But this... maybe that was in a different city..."

Mario seems to be disappointed. "...But Mario likes Ohio!"

Tari worry's more. "Come on, Mario! Come on, SMG5! We need to get out of here!"

She grabs our arm, alerting every Ohioan in the vicinity.


But she grabbed me before??? Why are they now upset with this?

We all then look up and see that we are on a ten star wanted level.

Tari freaks out. "What did we do wrong!?"

"Yea what she said! She grabbed me before! Why are you guys getting all up at us hm??"

The Ohioans melt into the ground, then pop back up, zombie-like.

"Eghh... well that's going to haunt my dreams..."

Mario seemed to be just as weird out or scared as Tari. "I just sh*t my pants..."

An Ohioan speaks up. "One doesn't simply leave Ohio."

Tari didn't like that and neither do I. "What!? You can't just keep us here!"

Mario shouts. " YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!"

He proceeds to use Tari as a bat, despite her protests.

"Mario use something better..." I reach in Mario's hat and take out my bazooka. "Now this is a weapon!" I aim in at them with a craze smile.


The Ohioans begin dancing their way towards them.

"You leave me with no choice..." Mario holds Tari on her front side, presses a button on her arm, and...

"Candice." Tari suddenly says.

The Ohioans stop. "Who the f*** is Candice?" One of the Ohioans said.

Mario smiles widely. "CAN DEEZ NUTS FIT IN YOUR MOUTH!"

I shoot as he talks.

The Ohioans get blasted back. Mario picks up Tari and they head off. They pass by a Heavy car.

One of the car speaks. "Hey, have you seen Joe?"

Mario confused asks. "Who's Joe?"

"Wait.. NO-"

"JOE MAMA!" The car exploded. We all get blasted back, and a group of Ohioans gather up to them.

"Ahhh... f—k..."

"Take them to... THE FARM."


I wake up. "Where the f—k are we?"

Mario and Tari also wake up at an Ohio Cabbage Farm. Their bodies are cabbages.

Tari, dazed, ask. "What... happened?" She looks down at her cabbagified body. "AHHH!! WHAT'S HAPPENED TO US?!"

"MARIO'S WHAT HE HATES MOST!!! A VEGETABLE!!!!" He starts to cry.

"Ugh... I don't feel so good..."

"C'mon! Let's try to get out of here!" We all then wibble and wobble, but are unable to free themselves, though Mario does dislocate his head.

"JEEZ! Uh.. you okay?"


Cabbage Medic the pops up. "First time?"

"Wait what do you mean first time?" I just want to go back to normal... my headache isn't helping me either.

A farmer walks by.

Tari speaks up. "Hey, mister! Hold on! This is all just a prank, right?"

The farmer doesn't respond as he picks up a Hello Kitty cabbage.

Cabbage Hello Kitty talks. "Why, hello there, sir. May I ask what-"

To all of our horror, Hello Kitty gets shredded. The shredder gets jammed, but the farmer messes around with it to get it working again. A green liquid gets poured into a cup, which the farmer grabs.

The farmer raises the glass. "CABBAGE MILK."

He hands it to an Ohioan, who swallows not just the liquid, but the cup as well. He gets possessed... And a clone of him spawns.

Ohioans both look at each other. "HELLOOO!" They leave.

Another Ohioan looks over to Mario and Tari, indicating they're next.

Tari starts to freak out. "I don't wanna be shredded up!"

Mario also freaks out "I DON'T WANNA BE FROM OHIO!!!!"

"I DONT WNAT TO BE HERE AT ALL! I just wanted some food from Texas..."

"Hey! Mr. Farmer!" The farmer goes over to her. She does her puppy dog eyes. "Please... Let us go..."

Farmer looks down at her "...NO."

He whacks Tari with his pitchfork, walks over, and shreds Medic next. Mario screams as the farmer walks back over to them.

"It's time for the punishment..." the farmer says menacingly.

Mario suddenly gets an idea. He lets out a loud singing noise, and he and the farmer engage in a music battle. Eventually, the farmer has enough.

I cringe as they shout at each other.

"OOO VERY CUTE VERY NICE!" He explodes, leaving behind a single coin. We are all finally freed from their vegetable prisons.

Tari breathes a sigh of relief. "What did you say to him...?"

"Yea what made you that loud.." I said annoyed.

Mario smiles. "I said I liked his hat."

Tari is confused. "Oh... Good job?"

I'm dumbfounded that all that loud noise only comes up into a small sentence.

We jump up and high five.

"Only in Ohio!"

Suddenly, another army of Ohioans has shown up.

Ohioan enraged. " "Only in Ohio" SHUT THE F*** UP, YOU UNFUNNY NINE-YEAR-OLD!"They give chase as we all runs for theirs lives

"DONT CALL MY BUDDY THAT YOU A—HOLE!" I throw a huge rock at him. It's hits his face and he falls down. "HAHAHAHA TAKE THAT YOUR PRICK!"


We all run until we past an exit door. We head back to it.

"Let's hide in there!" Mario opens the door... It leads to the Backrooms. "Oh, this ain't so bad."


Tari looks around. She spots a dumpster.

Tari points to it. "No, in there!" She picks him up and throws Mario in there. We hide in the dumpster as the Ohioans run past it.

Tari sighs. "OK, I think we can just hide here for a while till the coast is clear."

Mario, meanwhile, is looking inside an empty cream jar.

"Mario don't even think about it." I warn.

Tari looks over at Mario. "Mario, I've been meaning to ask. What made you want to go to Texas in the first place?"

"Oh, uh, I think Mario's sleep paralysis demon told him about it." He says casually.


It's night time at the Mario Bros. residence, and Mario is snoozing peacefully in the top bunk bed.

"You... have a sleep paralysis demon?"

"Yeah. His name's Juan."

Juan, the sleep paralysis demon in question, shows up at the edge of the bed. He pokes Mario's nose with his claw. This makes Mario wake up. He looks over to see Juan holding an advert for an all-you-can-eat steak in Texas. Juan gets on the phone.

"He even called the cab for me!"

Hey! Writer here. I know him! He is...weird... he can be nice but... don't trust him all the time. As you can see what happens when Mario trusted him. Bye!


"Welp. That explains everything."

"Sure does." I agree with Tari.

Suddenly, the dumpster starts vibrating.

The Dumpster suddenly talks. "You know, I've changed my mind. Kill yourself." The dumpster spits us out.

Mario is annoyed. "Can't even sit in a dumpster in Ohio."

The Ohioans have found them.

Tari is scared and so am I. "Mario. Don't. Move."

Mario screams, and the Ohioans begin to chase them for the third time. They eventually get cornered.

"DAMN IT MARIO!" I shout

Tari try's to bring up the mood. "Well... Maybe being an Ohioan ain't so bad..."

Mario getsan idea "TARI! THAT'S IT!!!" He morphs his hands and feet back into wheels, becoming "Da Mario Car" (Performance: F***ed up). We hops on top of him and Mario bowls right through them. However, the Ohioans return with their own cars.

"Why do they want us so bad??"

"We need to find an exit!" Tari says.

Mario looks around and spots an exit. He proceeds to drive into it. A family of mantises are about to have dinner. The mother serves a Turkey Scout. "I don't need to explain sh*t." The turkey scout says.

Mario drives through the house, killing the mother and Scout.

Mario is upset. "GODDAMMIT! THE EXIT SIGN LIED TO ME AGAIN!" He drives off as the Ohioans drive through the house, killing the father and child.

Back on the road, Tari is desperately looking for any possible escape route.

"I'm guessing Mario isn't going to trust exit signs anymore after this." I mutter under my breath.

Mario shouts to Tari. "TARI, IT'S NO USE! I have no idea where the exit is!" An Ohioan begins ramming into Mario's rear.


"Get the hell off him you pricks!" I use my bazooka and throw it at them. Some dodged it but some didn't.

An Ohioan talks. "You, my friend, haven't even thought about buying Spotify Premium!"

Tari gets an idea "MARIO! THAT'S IT! We need to think like Ohioans!" She takes Mario's hat off and pulls out the cream jar.

Mario crossed eyes "Uh... I can explain..."

"Yes you f—king will. What the hell did I told you?!"

Tari throws the jar, which enlarges.

"MARIO! DRIVE INTO IT!" Tari shouts.

Mario smiles. "I GOTCHU!!!"


Mario drives into the jar, and the jar vanishes. The Ohioans begin to throw tantrums.

We all spawn in a desert-like area.

Tari raises her arms in the air. "WE DID IT! We escaped Ohio!!! High five Mario!"

Instead of giving a high five, Mario is too surprised to learn that they actually spawned in Texas. Happy, We all run off to have fun.

Mario proceeded to eat so much BBQ meat he had a stroke. The end.

I get back home. Thankfully I'm not too tired to teleport is all back home. Though now I am exhausted. The less I sleep the less I can use my power. I sigh. I go upstairs and see my children already asleep.

"Sorry I'm not home that often guys.. I will try to make it up some day." I whisper and head to take a shower. After a day like this I need one. After that I head to bed. Not before I write in my journal of course!

Dear journal,

Today Me, Mario and Tari went to Texas! Well not before going to Ohio. Ohio is not like how I remember it. Maybe we were just in another city? Whatever.

Also I am correct about Four. He didn't come with us to Texas. He too busy making that video! But I know I can't change it... once it starts there's no stopping him. He is determined to make the video he's working on to be perfect...
Well I'm gonna go to sleep now.



I put it away and close my eyes.

Sleep doesn't welcome me instead it gives me a nightmare.



Words: 3107

Chapter 16: Mario steals the..THE WHAT?!

Chapter Text

I'm in the living with Eggcat and Mini me. We planned today to have fun at the park. I have already packed the picnic basket and eggcat and mini me are gathering toys to play with over there. Just then a hear a knock on the door. I walk up to it and open it. There I see Mario.

"Your invited to Mar10 day!"

"Aww! Thanks! I will definitely be coming hold on let me put it on my calendar." I pull out my calendar from my hat and wrote it down.

"Yay! Also can you help me with something?"

"Uh...wait one moment please?" I head back inside.

" me.. looks like we are going to have to postpone this for another day... Mario needs my help with something and I want to help...I'm sorry we can't spend the day together..." I close my eyes and frown. I'm sad and I feel like I failed my kids. I feel weight on my legs and I look and see eggcat and mini me hugging me. Eggcat meows and mini me 'blep'

I smiles and wipe the tear that were forming in my eyes. "Thank you two for being so understanding.." I crouch down and hug them. "How about I send you to SMG3 and see if he would babysit you guys." I hand mini me an envelope. "In here is a paper and money make sure you give this to him okay?" He nods.

"I will do whatever you tell me to do for an entire week, is that a good deal?" They both nod. "Alrighty I will see you kids later." I teleport them to SMG3.

I head back to Mario who is spinning. "Sorry for the hold up. Anyways I would love to help you!"

"YIPPPPEEEE!" He grabs me and runs off with me in his hands. "We need to make one more stop!"


At Bowser's Castle, Bowser is exercising. Suddenly, the Wii Fit Trainer starts acting likes she's possessed, creeping Bowser out. Her head then transforms into Mario's making Bowser scream. Mario crawls out of the TV, reverts back to his normal self, and kicks away the Trainer's corpse.

"Hey, Bowser!"

I burst through the window and stick the landing. "You could have entered in a more cooler way, ya know?"

"I wanted to be-a scary!"

"Meh." I shrug my shoulders.

Bowser sighs in relief. "Oh. Hey, Mario. Hey, SMG5. Ready for the upcoming MAR10 Day?"

"Yeah, but everyone's gonna be working except SMG5. So, I'm stealing the Constitution to make it a holiday! Wanna join me?"

Bowser hesitates. "Oh... I don't know. I gotta look after the kids and all..."

Mario whispers in his ear. "We can also write in a National Chicken Nugget Day."

That finally convinces Bowser. "You son of a b****! I'm in! But wait. How are we gonna get in?"

Mario grins. "I know a guy who can help." He pulls out his phone.

"Who?" I ask.


At the Capitol Building, a Luigi's Flower Shop truck pulls up to a gate. Swag is the guard.

"Hello! I'm here to make a flower delivery!"

Swag very carefully inspects a nervous Luigi. "Ye ok. This doesn't seem suspicious

The gate raises up and the truck enters. Luigi stops and opens the back door, only for Me, Mario and Bowser to run out.

"THANKS FOR LETTING US HIDE IN YOUR VAN, LUIGI!" He and Bowser run up the Capitol steps.

"SORRY LUIGI!" I shout as I run.

"What? You didn't ask me if you could hide in my van... ...WAIT! Was that you who ordered the flowers!?"

Multiple sniper lasers are aimed at him.

"You did me dirty, Luigi... No one does Swag dirty."


Just then a (fav color) hat flew and sucked Luigi in it an flew away like a boomerang.

Mario and Bowser continue making their way through the front of the Capitol when they come across a locked door. I catch up to them. "Sorry had to do something real quick. So how are we gonna get in?"

"I'll melt this lock with my breath and we'll enter undec-" Bowser got cut off by Mario.

"GO GO GADGET, GAY BOWSER!" Mario picks up Bowser by his tail and swings him up through a window. This alerts Swag.

"Mario you idiot!"

Inside, Bowser hears commotion. No doubt knowing the guards are coming, he looks around for a place to hide, before noticing a flower.

Swag and his fellow guards arrive in the room. Swag looks around and spots Bowser disguising himself as a flower. He inspects it...

"Damn, this flower ugly as hell. ugly as flower." He looks over to the broken window. "He probably broke that window 'cause if its ugliness. So damn ugly." He leaves. Mario and Me pops up outside the window.

"Good job!" Bowser starts crying over the insults he received.

"It's okay Bowser... your none of those! Don't like those thoughts cloud your head okay?"

Bowser smiles at me. "Thank you SMG5. I need to hear that."

"No problem! Now let's catch up with Mario before he does anything else stupid."


We sneak past two more guards while disguising themselves as paintings. Bowser stops to check in on a conference that's going on.

A Clone JFK is speaking. "I don't care what gender you are, put on the maid outfit!" The crowd cheers. Bowser does too.

Mario stops at a door holding government secrets. He opens to reveal aliens conducting an experiment on Snake.

"A weapon to surpass Metal Gear."

"Metal Gear!" He gets impaled.

Mario is shocked. "...Definitely not in here."He leaves, Bowser following him.

I enter in a different door way and see a future car from 'Back to the future' "Aww hey! It's the dolorian!" I close the door and follow the two.

We eventually reach the Main Government Court. They open the doors to reveal the Obama Prism. They hide behind some seats.

"It's him... The protector of the Constitution..." Bowser says.


A guard walks in. "Hi!"

Obama Prism has no time for him. LNo, f*** off." He fires a laser at the guard, vaporizing him.

Mario and Bowser both gulp. I'm not or less scared. But I know we can do this. Even with how tired I am. Though...I seem to be more tired then usual and it doesn't feel like it belongs to me...

We sneak past him some more. Obama Prism spots a suspicious looking statue in front of him where we are hiding behind it.

"You... You think he saw us?" Bowser ask.

"Yeah, I think so..." Obama Prism has indeed found us. We all scream and run for their lives as Obama Prism tries to kill us. Bowser hides under his shell, deflecting a lase that goes out into the hall and vaporizes a guard's head.

"What do we do against this guy!? Don't you have weapons in your hat!?"

I take off my hat and reach in. I pull out Luigi's head. Oops sorry!" I put him back in while he's screaming and reached again. This time I brought out bombs. "Here." I hand some to Mario and Bowser.

Bowser and Mario both throw their bombs but it did nothing. So Mario had another plan.

"Let's-a go!" Mario hops on top of Bowser's shell and throws his Pokeball, releasing a screaming Peach, who lands on Obama Prism's face.

Obama Prism tries to get Peach off. "EWWWW! What do I do!? What- Ah! Ah, what is that!?"

Bowser seems to be dumbfounded. "Was she in your pants... the entire time?"

"Not in that way..." I tell him.

Mario stylishly confirms. Obama Prism gets Peach off and she proceeds to loudly rant at him as we sneak by undetected.


We make their way to the President's office. Bowser makes his way to the desk and opens the top drawer, revealing the Constitution, which Mario takes.


Alarms blare and Swag and his men reappear.

"Oh shoot.."

"Swiggity swooty, I'm gonna do the shooty!"

They fire. We hide behind the desk. Mario grabs Bowser and throws him, knocking the guards down.

"OK! Bye-bye!" He grabs Bowser and me and we escape.

Meanwhile, Peach is still ranting at Obama Prism until the alarms blare again. Obama Prism activates Diplomatic Immunity and destroys Peach.

We continue running down the hall.

"HOW DO WE GET OUT OF HERE?!" Mario shouts.


I stay quiet because my headache is back. Ugh...

The guards catch up to us from the other end of the hall.

"FIREEEE!!!!" They fire more, but Mario helicopters the bullets back at them.

"Nicely done Mario!" I thumbs up

Swag is DED. "Damn it, not again."

We keep running as more guards show up.

Bowser stops. "GO ON AHEAD! I'LL HOLD THEM BACK!" He turns back to the guards. "You shall not pa-" Gets tackled and beaten

We keeps running until Mario notices the Government Secrets door again. He uses Snake, who was still being worked on, to take out the guards.

"MARIO IS SO PROUD OF MARIO!"He helicopters the guard's bodies out of the way.

"You saved me..."

"Hell yeah."

"It's not like we will leave you behind." I help him up.

We all high five each other. Suddenly, Obama Prism catches up to them and whacks them away.


We all land on an abandoned ship in a dark, stormy land.


I groaned. The way I fell did not feel good. "Ouch..." I get up and look around.

Obama Prism rises from below. "I've had it with these motherf*cking weebs on this motherf*cking military base!!"

We get prepared to fight. My first ever

The Obama Prism seemed to laugh at that. "Oh. So you would, uhh- challenge me? How frivolous." Obama Prism turns into his true form, gaining eight extra hands.

"It's a beautiful day outside... Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like this, kids like you... are gonna have a bad time." True Obama Prism begins shooting lasers out of his hands towards us, Mario dodges them, I narrowly Dougherty them all since I haven't fought before and Bowser hides behind a pole, worried, he eventually gets hit.


Mario throws Bowser up and hops off of him to gain height. Just as Mario is about to hit Obama Prism, an Illuminati comes out of a portal and shoots Mario.

"Gotcha b*tch!"


Illuminati looks around for anyone else and before he could spot me Bowser shows them a horrible drawing of Bowser and Luigi.


After seeing the drawing they begin shooting everywhere. True Obama Prism gets shot multiple times and falls to the ground.

I almost got shot but i dodged it. Though it did graze my cheek. Just as Bowser was about to shoot fire at him, Obama Prism shoots a Bullet Bill at Bowser, damaging him.



Mario starts spinning Bowser by the tail and Obama Prism gets prepared to stop them, and begins shooting multiple Bullet Bills towards the duo. Mario uses Bowser to deflect all of the bullets back at Obama Prism. I bring out my bazooka.


I shoot...


And I score.


Obama Prism falls to the ground and returns to normal, and Mario gets the Constitution.

"HEHE!! I GOT IT!!! It's finally time!"

Mario rewrites the constitution to: "Mar10 Day = public holiday". Bowser checks the calendar on his phone and March 10th turns into Mario Day.

"YES!!! I DID IT!!!" Mario starts dancing.

"Heheh! Congrats Mario!"

Bowser coughs.
"Uh, don't forget about my end of the bargain."

"Oh, Right!"

Mario rewrites it again to say: "Bowser = chicken nuggets".

"Uh I don't thinks thats correct-"

"HAHAHAH!!!" Bowsers whole body turns into a chicken nugget and they both start dancing. I sigh.

"Welp, if you can't beat em, join em." Obama begins dancing with Bowser and Mario.


I get home and go the the bathroom I take a bandaid and place it on my cheek. I did apologize to Luigi for sucking him in my hat but he said it was okay. I also looked on my closet and see that yea.. it is true. Mario now had his own holiday. I hear a knock on my door.

I open it to see SMG3 holding two sleeping kids. My kids. "Ah! Let me help you." I take mini me.

"Follow me I will show you where they sleep." He follows me upstairs and in their room.

We set them down in their beds and leave and go back to the entrance with me leaning against the door frame and him back outside. "Thank you for babysitting them SMG3... I know you have better thinks to do but I hope the money was enough. If you need more I will give you some more." I prepare to get my wallet out. Three shakes his head.

"No need. You don't need to pay me anything. I don't mind taking care of your kids." He smiles softly and crosses his arms. You they're surprisingly tame and not so crazy like Beeg or eggdog. Well eggdog is good Beeg is not."

I chuckle. "Well thanks again." I get up and kiss he cheek. "Goodnight Three~" I shut the door and walk back upstairs to head for bed

Three pov~

Did he just? I stare at nothing as I put a hand at where Five kissed me. My cheeks feels like their on fire.

Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x reader) - Alison78 (4)

I can't believe it.... I portal home to immediately put this is my notebook.


Back to you~

Why the f—k did I do that!?!?! My cheeks are on fire.... I...I guess I do have a crush on him...I get my journal and write.

Dear journal,

Today Mario made Mar10 day real. That means a week from now is when everyone will see how messed up SMG4 is. I just hope with me being there I can stop him. This might me the one chance I get to stopping the perfect incident.

With my sleep's messed up big time. I don't know why...but I feel more and more tired...but it does necessary feel like mine... I wonder why? I had to drink so many energy drinks this morning I don't how...I'm still awake... hmm... I feel drowsy now... I better stop writing or else I'm might sleep with this open on my lap...



I close it up and get comfortable. I close my eyes.

Sleep welcomes me a vision of me in a...dress?


Words: 2458

Chapter 17: Mar10 day!

Chapter Text

It's the last day of when my kids can control me and it's the day of Mar10 day. So guess what my kids forced me to wear. A f—king dress.... AAAAHHH-

I'm standing in front of the mirror looking at the dress and heels they drove me to wear. My hat even changed into somewhat the same as the dress's design.

Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x reader) - Alison78 (5)

(Obviously you can change the design of the dress or what type. This is just what I imagine him in.)

"Do I really have to be in this dress...and heels...?"

Mini me threaten me with a knife.

"OKAY OKAY I WILL WEAR IT!!!!" I hold my hands in front of me.

Mini me put it away. Eggcat meows. "Yea your right... I should get going. You sure you two don't what to come?" They both nod.

"Hmm alright..." I walk and immediately fall down. "I hate the heels..."

I get up and try to teleport to the castle but it doesn't work and instead gives me a headache. "S-sh¡t..." i reach into my hat and take out a motorcycle. I get on and drive off.


I drive and skid to a stop. A large crowd of people line up in front of Peach's castle for the special event. I get off and...try to walk to the door. Unfortunately I fail at that and fall again. I brace for impact....nothing? I open my eyes and see Three. Three caught me before I could fall. My cheeks reddens. "A-ah! H-hey three! Thanks for the catch!"

He brings me up. "No problem." He look at my outfit. "Pff- what the hell are you wearing?!"

"I was forced to by my children's okay!?" I blush harder.

"Heheh! You look...r-ridiculous in that!" He laughs some more.

"Bah! Screw you!" I walk away from the laughing Three.

I almost fell again but Three catch my arm. "I don't think you got used to those yet. I'll help you."

"T-thanks.." we both head back to the door.

Saiko looks around. "Wow, he really managed to get everyone here."

Boopkins is excited. "Ooh, I wonder what's in store?!"

"Whatever it is... It better be good." Warrior rubs his hands together.

The doors open and Mario appears. "Welcome to MAR10 Day!"

Some random Dude decided to be rude. "What the hell is a MAR10 Day? It sounds like you just got the fact that March 10th conveniently abbreviates to "MAR10"-" he gets shot by Mario.

Mario clears his throat. "Mario has set up a bunch of Mario-themed attractions for today! So without further ado... LET'S-A GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


The MAR10 Day jamboree has begun. Tari and Bowser bob for spaghetti, with the latter getting Old Man Hobo instead.

"I just sh*t my pants!"

Melony and Luigi visit a Mario petting zoo. While Melony pets a Mario chonk, Luigi gets attacked by a swarm of them.

Wario and Waluigi attempt to deface a large Mario doll, only for it to pull out a pistol, scaring the mischievous brothers.

Whimpu visits Mario's Tunnel of Doom. "Oh boy, this looks fun." He gets blasted.

Some dude is selling hats. "GET YOUR MARIO HATS! ONLY 70000 DOUBLOONS!" Meggy and Boopkins buy one for each of them.

Swag is riding a Yoshi "IT'S TIME FOR SUPER SWAG 69! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He shoves a device up Yoshi's bum, causing him to blast off.

Three party-goers are doing the Mario. Mario notices and joins in.

Luigi appears. "I'm the superstar!" He shows off his moves. Unhappy, Mario and Luigi engage in a dance-off until the TV explodes form the intensity.

Mario celebrates. "Alright, a tie! I win again!" He looks over and notices a "SUPAH MARIO FACE GAME" is about to commence. Contestants have to match the given Mario face with their own Marios.

Melonyi splaying with hers. "What the heck did you just heckin' say about me, you little bean?"

Tari and Boopkins match theirs up.

Boopkins smiles. "Hey, that's pretty good!"

Bob seems to be unimpressed. "...Let me show you how a pro does it!"He prepares to whack his Mario with a pipe...

Mario appears in front of it. "Hello! Can I have-"...And he gets whacked instead. This accurately matches the Mario face.


"Man, I'm dead." Mario collapses.

Bob is upset. "This is BS!" He tosses his pipe. "My Mario face is broken!"

The pipe flies out of the room.

While all of this was happening Three helps me with the heels.

"So why did Eggcat and Mini V force you in this?" He gestures to the dress.

"Well last week, I made a deal with them that I will do whatever they want for a week since I haven't been spending much time with them then I expected." I explain.

"Hm... well they picked a good like really good on you.." He looks away as he is saying this, trying to hide his blush.

"Thanks Three..." I smile.

A loud tapping noise is heard. Mario is top of the staircase, hitting a fork against a plate of spaghetti to get everyone's attention.

"Hello! Thank you all for coming to Mario Day! There's going to be a very special MAIN EVENT coming up soon!"

The crowd applauds.

"But first, I need..." Mario looks around. "Where's SMG4?

Mario looks over to the door to SMG4's room. Three guesses to what SMG4 is doing in there, and the first two don't count...

Mario chuckles nervously "...Uh, one second!"

He knocks on the door. No response. He pulls the door off its hinges... And another door appears in its place. He pulls that off too, and another shows up. He pulls off as many doors as he can to get to SMG4.

Mario gets upset. "Come on, SMG4!! I can't host the main event without you!." A door smacks into Whimpu. Mario has finally had it up to here with SMG4.

"Fine! Be that way!" He heads back to host the event, then looks back towards the door. He begins to feel sorry that SMG4 couldn't make it... Until he gets an idea.


Me,Three and Meggy are hat the guy selling the hats when Mario shows up.

"Let's go!"

Meggy is confused. "Mario?"

"Lets go!" He picks us all up and throws us at SMG4's office door.

Meggy gets up. "Alright, what's the problem this time, Mario?"

Mario teary-eyed says "SMG4 is stuck working in his room! And he's supposed to be part of the Main Event!"

Bob is annoyed. "Ugh, still?! It's been weeks!"

SMG3 smiles. "Don't worry, we'll flush him out of his goblin hole. You just keep the other party-goers busy."

Mario sorrowfully heads back to the party.

"Don't worry, lads! I got this!" Bob tries to break the door down with his hammer, but Tari grabs it out of his hands. Bob swings with nothing and falls through the floor.

"Let's just try talking to him first."

She uses her Meta Runner arm to send SMG4 a duck gif... Only to find shes been blocked, much to her sadness.

Meggy is upset. "Get out here, SMG4! This has gone on long enough!"

No response. Meggy has reached her boiling point and begins to kick the door.
"ME! Uh... "

SMG3 pulls her away. "Uh... Calm down, "mom". Let me try something." He plays a loud meme as Meggy and Tari cover their ears. I also cover my ears. Not the headache....


Still nothing.

From behind, Mario is looking at them sadly.

Kaizo is impatient . "Hey! Mario! When's the main event?"

The audience agrees in disappointment and frustration.

"Right! Main Event... That's coming up soon! For now, I'd like to do, ah, uhh... ...Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... ... a song!" Mario drags me back to him.

"Wait what?! I can't sing in front of all these people and plus I'm a man in a dress! What if they laugh at me..."

"Plllleeeeeaaaasssseee..." Mario gives me the puppy dog eyes.


"Yiipppeee!!!" Mario gives ma a microphone.

I then start to sing.

(Don't f—king judge me! It's good)

SMG3 pov~

As SMG5 sings, Me and crew are still trying to get SMG4 to come out of his room. I try using another loud meme when Meggy finally shuts off phone off. I looked at her surprised. She goes up to the door and knocks.

"What's wrong, SMG4? Why won't you let us in?"

I frown and walk up besides her. "Come on, these are your friends... You can't just treat them like this.... And plus I bet you hear Five's would hear it a lot better if you come out of your room..."

Silence still hangs in the air from the other side...

"Enough talk!" Bob replaces his swords with large hammers. "Time to MC Hammer this door!"

Meggy and I get out of the way as Bob collides with the door... There's a steel door behind it.

"Bring it on." Bob goes berserk to get the door open until his hammers break. He sits on the ground in defeat.

"Did any of you bring high yield explosives?" No one answer him. "Actually, never mind. If I didn't, I doubt you guys would."


Back to your pov~

I get done singing and immediately walk off the stage. I am nervous as hell! Mario seems to be panicking.

"Uh... ...Hey! How about the newest Mario games coming out!"

Curtains reveal that the new games are... Nothing.

"Wow look, nothing!" A goomba shouts.


The audience boos and grumbles.

"What a ROTTEN DAY! The Main Event is probably a lie!" Wario says.

"HEY SHUT THE F—K UP YOU UNGRATEFUL B—CH!" I shot at him and throw a knife at him. It miss by one inch. I glare at him.

Mario is nervous. "It's not a lie! Uh..."

Meggy, Bob, Tari, and SMG3 walk up to him.

Meggy frowns. "Sorry, Mario... He's not coming out, and nobody's getting in..."

This depresses Mario.

Mario looks over that the crowd. "MAR10 Day is cancelled..." The audience gasps in shock. "Sorry, everyone..." Meggy comforts him as the audience loudly complains.

"Oh no...." I gasp. God damn this head ache is killing me...

A wiggled shouts out. "We all came here instead of doing other things!"

"I skipped my clarinet lesson to come here!

"I had to skip picking up my son from soccer practice!" His son is indeed still waiting in the rain for his dad.

Wario charging up the stairs. "FORGET MARIO" He punches Mario out of the way. Meggy catches him. "IT'S WARIO DAY, NOW! WAHAHA!"

"You b—ch!" I shout out I try to reach for him but Three stops me. "What the f—k are you doing let me at 'im!"

Three shook his head.

All the Mario decorations and memorabilia change to become Wario-themed. Chris Pratt even changes into Elon Musk.

"Time for Crazy Wario's Microgame Emporium!"

Smack a betch!

Various audience members smack each other.

Bowser grabs his kid. "I gotta get outta here!" He tries to escape with Bowser JR., but they are blocked by Waluigi, who holds up a TV.

"Obey me, Wario. I am your master."

Bowser is getting hypnotized. "Yes, master..."


Bowser suddenly grows a Wario mustache and hat as he starts going crazy.

"I can't sh*t!"

Various audience members start turning into Wario.

Swag now has a cop hat on him. "Alright, this is getting out of hand. Everyone, let's le-" A Wario bike speeds past him. "HOLY CRAP!"

The rider, Squidward, crashes into a wall. Swag decides to ride his own Wario bike.



I look at the chaos that's happening... none of this is helping my headache...I need to get away but I can't leave my friends... my vision blurs. f*ck what's happing to me? I blink multiple times. I reach in my hat and take out a 5hour energy drink and chugged it down. The blur disappeares for now.

Mario is still being comforted by his friends.

"So much for Mario Day..." Mario says sadly

Meggy, now furious, goes over and kicks Wario down the stairs. "Come on, people! This is supposed to be Mario Day! We're supposed to be celebrating our friend Mario!"

The audience is silent.

I actually hoped they listen but...


The audience lends Wario enough energy to transform him into Wario Apparition.

Wario Apparition looks down. "They took my ass!"

Wario Apparition flies around the room, dodging attacks and ripping Luigi's skin off along the way.

Saiko try's to hit it with her hammer but faded through him. "What the hell!? What do we do!!?!"

Wario Apparition chases Mario around. Mario tries throwing Goombas at him, to no avail. Meggy then notices Wario controlling the Apparition. She goes down and kicks him again... Where he flies into and destroys the Internet router.

Waluigi freaks out. "WAH!! BRO!!""

"Mario's gonna f*** you up!"

Mario and Meggy proceed to fight Wario and Waluigi. Meggy kicks Waluigi in his Waluweenie and he flies into the ceiling. Wario butt crushes Mario until Meggy punches him. She and Mario kick Wario around back and forth like he's a soccer ball.

While their fighting I try to move but I can't. What's happing to me?


Everyone freezes in shock and turn to look at the door; a beyond furious SMG4 finally emerges out of his room, with bloodshot eyes and a five o'clock shadow but no eye bags under his eyes...


In the midst of the destruction going on, the Internet router getting destroyed resulted in the Wi-Fi disconnecting.

"Hey, SMG4! You finally came out-" SMG4 hits Wario with an aluminum bat.

Waluigi gets upset at him. "HEY!! WHY YOU LITTLE-" WHACK!

SMG4 grabs Waluigi. "Get out! GET OUT! GET OUT!!!!" He rapidly fires the Waluigi Launcher at the guests.


The guests flee in a panic.

Meggy and Mario hides. "What's gotten into him!?!


SMG4 pants in frustration.


SMG4 turns to face him with the burning fury of a thousand suns.

SMG3 is there with me besides him. "We're all here to celebrate your best friend's day, and you're acting like THIS!?!"

"NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORK I DO!!!" He puts the router back on the shelf, reconnecting the internet.

Mario Pulling the paper out of his pocket. "But SMG4, the Main Event-" but SMG4 walks pass him.

"Come on Four... I do... I understand the stress your having how about you stay out of there and come-" I get cut off by a punch. I fall down and hit the back of my head hard. I hold my nose...My eyes tears up.

"OWWW-!" Blood...

"JUST LEAVE ME THE F*CK ALONE!!!" He heads back to his room and slams the door harshly, leaving his friends wordless at him suddenly acting out of character. Mario tearfully looks down at the paper in his hands. It's a drawing he drew just for SMG4, as an award for being his best friend...

Everyone checks their phones. SMG4 has gone live...


Three is with me in the bathroom tending to my bloody nose.

"I don't understand...why would he punch me..."

"He's an idiot that's why..."

"Do you think I'm a bad friend..?"

Three looks at me surprised. "Your not a bad friend, Five. You would sacrifice everything and yourself to help everyone if you could."

"Heh I would.."

"Don't. I don't need you dieing on me." He throws away the bloody tissues.

"Thanks for helping me Three."

"No problem, Five." He smiles.

I smile softly. "Well I guess this is a goodnight?"

His smile twitched. "Uh...yea... I guess I'll see you later.."

"Goodnight three."

"Goodnight Five" he leaves.

I get to my bedroom and open my journal.

Dear journal,

Today was Mar10 day! A lot happens but I'm just going to get to the good part. My headache came back and my eyes blurred. I couldn't see anything but thankfully I stored an energy drink in my hat. It fixed but I'm afraid it will happen again. SMG4 came out of his room. But not in a good state. He looked like a mess.

I don't know if he knew what he was doing but...he punched me...hard... I am hurt by it but... I can't hate him...I love him..and Three too... I love two people... what should I do?



I get change and literally throw the dress and shoes away. I'm never wearing heels again... I crawl in bed and lay down. I close my eyes.

Sleep....felt weird? I saw...a human?

Words: 2859

Chapter 18: It's gotta be perfect... Pt.1

Chapter Text


Third pov~

SMG4 walks into his room carrying a truckload of drinks and snacks.

"Alright, I'm restocked and ready! This is MY year, and I'm going to make THE BEST. VIDEO. EVER!"

SMG4 gulps down his drink and begins to work at a rapid fire pace.

Several days later...

"OK! Let's play that back!"

The video consist of Kermit the Frog fighting Jesus Christ until Kermit blows up. The End.

"Hmm.. Mmhmm... Mmhmm." A realization hits him. "NO!" SMG4 throws his monitor back, which explodes. "How am I gonna make the best video ever and impress him with this MEDIOCRE CLIP!?"

He hears a pounding at his door.

Maerio is heard through the door, muffled. "HELLOOOOOOO!" The door vanishes.

"Y-Yes?" SMG4 ask nervous while looking around.


"And we were wondering if you want to come along?" SMG5 ask with a smile.

"Oh, uh, was that today? Uh... I'm sorry, Mario. I can't come today. I'm in the middle of making a special video." He gestures to his computer.

"What!? But you're always making videos! That's never stopped you!"

"Yea what Mario said. Even when I have something planned I always postpone it for Mario and everyone." SMG5 says, disappointed.

"Not this one... This one's going to be different... K BYEEEEEEE!" He goes back to resume working on his special video, but not before planting a sapling and watering it, making a new door grow in place. He looks back at the door. He's disappointed with himself for not going with them..or him I should say. He sighs.

"OK, let's try again." SMG4 begain to type in a rapid pace.

More days later...

He has now made a music remix featuring Kermit. After all that, SMG4 now has bloodshot eyes. He slams his keyboard in frustration and pulls out a new one.

"THIS IS NO GOOD! I NEED IT PERFECT!" More typing. "It's gotta be perfect, it's gotta be perfect, it's gotta be perfect...for him..."

"OI!!" Mario crashes his head through the door, but SMG4 doesn't answer back. "S-M-G-FOOOOOOOOOUR!"

SMG4 got startled and turns around fast looking around and sees Mario at the door. "Huh? What?"

"Hiya! Celebrate MAR10 day with me next week!"

An irate SMG4 throws a chair at Mario, who ducks back.

Much, much, much later...

Having now lost his sanity, SMG4 throws his keyboard onto a pile of other keyboards, pulls out a new one, and begins to search Google to find some funny. He even attempts a ritual.

"Why isn't it perfect...?! Why isn't it perfect...?! Why isn't it perfect...?!"

He repeatedly slams his head onto the desk.

"Why isn't it perfect...?! Why isn't it perfect...?!"

SMG5, Meggy, Bob, and Mario have attempted to talk with him, only for him to turn them down, eventually barricading his room with multiple doors.


It's now March 10th. MAR10 Day. As everyone is celebrating, SMG4 is stilled holed up in his room. He spent so much time on his video that he started growing a beard and his eyes are more bloodshot than before.

"Why isn't it perfect!? Why isn't it perfect!?"

Meggy is the first to speak. Muffled through the door. "SMG4? Can you come out?"

SMG3 speaks next. (Muffled) "Yeah, dude, get out of your room."

"So loud... Everyone's so loud!"

He places two keyboards in his ears and resumes... The Wi-Fi disconnects... SMG4 has now lost it. He starts laughing like a mad man, gets up, and goes to visit the party-goers.


He causes mass destruction until he finally heads back to his room but SMG5 stops him. So he did something he will regret later...he punches his crush. He walks back into his office with a slam of the door. With the Wi-Fi back on, he resumes. But then a little Adware guy pops up.

"Hey! It looks like you need a bit of editing help! Can I interest you in a magical keyboard?"


"It's guaranteed to make your work PERFECT!"

Amazed, SMG4 purchases this supposedly magical keyboard. Then the adware guy vanishes.


The magical keyboard flies into the room and smacks him. He tosses his old keyboard to the side and places the new one in front of him. He begins to work more as his sanity has now hit the negative integers.

"This feeling! Yes! YES! YEEES!" SMG4 feels even more energized then before...where did he get this energy from? Not from the keyboard that's for sure...

As he types more, a mysterious, monstrous anomaly awakens from the void...



I wake up. I feel... different... I get up and look in the mirror.. I changed! My eyes are now what they are supposed to be, (fav color or 2nd color), and my hair feels...softer? And fluffer.. hm... Then thats's today... I speedrun my morning routine. I kiss my children's forehead. "Sorry guys can't talk I gotta run see ya, my loves!" Even with how tired I am I have to be there... I will do anything to help them...maybe I can even get the USB since I can teleport...hopefully...

I get to the castle and open the door I see Meggy and SMG3 talking to each other... I got here just in time... I walk up to them as Three walks up the stairs.

"This has gone on long enough. Nothing is worth killing yourself over a dumb video. I'm gonna slap that boy back into reality."

"Wait! SMG3, I'm all for physical intervention but... Maybe wait till he's not upset?" Meggy try's to stop him.

"Why doesn't anyone care if I'M upset? I'm sick and tired of this crap."

"I'm sorry meggy but I'm siding with Three on this... something bad is going to happen..I can feel it. So we need to get him out of there as soon as possible." I said speed walking to be beside Three. SMG3 looks at me with amusem*nt. He then walks towards the door. SMG3 goes to SMG4's room and bangs on the door.

"DUDE, ENOUGH OF YOUR PSYCHOTIC EPISODE! WE GOT STUFF TO DO!!!" He pounds more until the door opens by itself. The room is dimly lit, SMG4 is still rapidly typing, and there are scribblings coated on the walls. "IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT"

"Well this ain't creepy at all." I said sarcastically, putting a hand on my hip.

Meggy whispers to us. "Maybe we should leave him alone."

"Nope. We gotten this far we aren't going back."

Not listening, SMG3 and I walks up to SMG4.

"SMG4! Snap out of it!" SMG3 reaches his arm out to touch SMG4's shoulder, when suddenly the environment around them distorts. An unknown anomaly emerges out from the unknown. We all react with fear.

"HOLY sh*t!"

"IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT, IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT! i̴̟̩͛̎̋͠t̸̩̓̓͑ṣ̸̡̘̿́̓̕͜ ̴͖̀̀g̷͚̻̱̑̊̊o̷͕͑̿͂t̴̙̃͗͠t̴̡̔̐͒͠a̸͚͗ ̴͉͊̆b̴̨͓̈́̎̆̾ê̵͚̮͍̒̐ ̴͚͓̞͙̆̅p̸̡̫̍e̵̹̤̬̞̎r̶̪̱̲̿͒̕̚f̷̤̯͎͂͝é̸̢̛̻͓͇c̵̲̲͎͂̈́́t̴̢͖̘̩̂̔̚͝.̶̱̥̈́"

SMG3 look at him worried. "Bro... what... what happened to you...?"

SMG3 is finding himself surrounded by this unknown hostile force. I pick him up and drag him away from the weird goop.

SMG4? talks. "A perfect video requires sacrifice."

This is so much more scarier in person...

"Sacrifices? Ever since Me and Five helped you out with your channel, you've done nothing but have a hard-on for making this freaking video! Why don't you just go and touch some grass!?"


We find ourselves in a darkened hallway. Four demonic tentacles suddenly emerge and grab SMG3 and I. I struggle against it. It doesn't seem to be pulling me down but it is for Three.


Suddenly, Meggy flies in and kicks SMG4. She goes over to free SMG3 and Me. She throws us out a nearby window. SMG4 lets out a demonic roar as more tentacles emerge form his computer. Meggy jumps out the window as the room explodes. She lands next to me and SMG3, who is lying face down on the ground.

Meggy looks at us. "You alright?"

SMG3 still has his head on the ground so his voice muffled a bit. "Yeah... I think so."

I hummed. God, that fall hurt my back. Ouch... I can't fail this... I just can't... not with their lives of the line...

A rumbling occurs. I turn around and see...

"Oh my God..." Meggy mutters.

A demonic monster with two large eyes begins to engulf the castle...


Mario and his friends are walking along.

"OK, you guys. What's the plan to make SMG4 feel better?"

"We're gonna beat the crap out of SMG4 until he gets back to normal." Bob suggested.

Boopkins did like that idea "What? I thought we were just gonna tell him that life isn't just all work and he has friends who love him!" He holds up chonks of himself, Mario, SMG4, SMG5 and Tari.

Mario hummed in thought. "I kind of like Bob's idea, thought"

Luigi looks over at the castle. "AHHH WHAT'S THAT?!"

Everyone faces what Luigi saw. The monster has now consumed a good majority of the castle. Large eyes have now popped up everywhere.

Mario freaks out. "WHAT THE HELLLLLL!?" He gets run over by Meggy, SMG5, and SMG3. "HEY!! WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON!?"

SMG3 stops. "SMG4's gone completely mad and has corrupted the castle!"

"Sounds like just another Tuesday."

"I don't believe this is your average afternoon Bob.." I said with a frown

Meggy agrees. "SMG5 is right...I don't think that was SMG4 in there... SMG4 would never do this... he would have never punched Five in the first place too since ya know..." Everyone nods except me and Three. We both look at each other a shrug our shoulders and back to them.

"Do you... Do you think it could be SMG0?" Tari ask nervously.

"Who?" I ask. I may have watch SMG4 but I don't think I can really remember it right now...

SMG3 shakes his head "That's not meme energy. This is something completely different..."

Boopkins smiles. "Don't worry, guys! The power of friendship will save the day!" He makes his way to the castle entrance. "I'll just go give SMG4 a hug and everything will be all better!"

Meggy shouts for Boopkins. "WAIT, NO! BOOPKINS, WAIT!"

"SMG4! I'm coming!" To everyone's horror, he tries to swim through the demonic sludge. "Almost there..."

Suddenly, a tentacle monster rises up, it was about to grab him but a hat came flying and sucked him up and flys back to the owner, me.

I shake my hat and he pops out. "You okay Boopkins?" I put my hat back on.


Saiko gets out her hammer. "C'mon, guys! Let's take this down!"

Everyone agrees.

Bob didn't like the idea. "Fine, I guess."

Everyone springs into action and a battle commences. Saiko takes a few tentacles out with her hammer. "CHEF! ORDER UP!"

"One order of creepy tentacle sushi coming right up!" He makes tentacle sushi, which he throws to Luigi, who catches it with his vacuum cleaner. He blows it back into a tentacle, who swallows it and explodes. Luigi celebrates, only for Tari to smack into him after getting hit by a tentacle.

"IT DIDN'T LIKE MY PEACE OFFERING!!!" Said peace offering was a rubber duck. Suddenly an explosion was heard from behind and see that the tentacle is blown up. I give them a grin and a thumbs up and continue to blow the tentacles up with my bazooka.

SMG3, Mario, and Meggy band together.

SMG3 looks at the tentacles with a glare. "You guys ready?"

"Bring it on."


SMG3 summons Eggdog and engages in a duel with a tentacle. Meggy hurls Splat Bombs at a few others. Mario enlarges his mustache and uses it as a helicopter, severing three more.

"Wow, that was actually pretty cool, Red." Meggy commented.


A tentacle emerges behind them.

SMG3 notices it. "LOOK OUT!"

I get in front of him and try to blow it up deflects my bomb and smacks us into the castle.

"NOOOOO GUYS!!!!" Luigi makes his way to the doors, only for the sludge to grow larger, blocking his way completely.

"Oh no..." Luigi gets smacked away.


Inside the castle...

SMG3 groans. "Well, that's just great. We're back where we started!"

I sit up and cough. I take my hand away. Blood... I guess the explosion got to was pretty close to me. Luckily it was only me that got the blast. I see a hand reaching out.

"You okay?" SMG3 ask, worried for me.

I take his hand and stand up. "Y-yea I'm good.. did you get hurt?"

"No, what about you?"

"No I'm good too..." Liar...

"Stop acting gae to each other and we didn't start where we were, not with... NEW FUNKY MARIO!" We look around the room... "Where's all the creepy, goopy stuff from before?"

Indeed, all the sludge is gone... that's because it's hiding itself...

Meggy sighs. "Let's just find SMG4 for now... I'm sure if we can somehow get him out of here, all of this will stop."

SMG3 looks at her likes she's crazy. "Whoa whoa whoa... What do you mean "find SMG4"? We just escaped from him, and now we want to find him again?!"

"Well of course..we can't leave him behind." I said with a smile.

"3..." she sighs again. "SMG4 is our friend. I know he's tried to save us no matter what in the past."

"Hey, I'm all for saving the idiot, but you saw what he did before to-"

Mario suddenly screams. The door to SMG4's room is mysteriously open. We all rush up to find out what's going on.


The room is as it was before. No scribblings, no sludge, no monsters... Nothing.

"What the-...? Everything's back to normal? Why the hell did you scream then, Mario?!" SMG3 ask.

"Because..."He's looking at a notepad window on the computer containing a blurred message. "MARIO HAS TO READ!"

I sigh of relief. "Please don't don't do that again Mario...I almost had a heart attack..." Mario looks at me worried.

Meggy and SMG3 are weirded out.

"Oh my f—king God..." He shoves Mario out of the way and they examine the message.

Meggy Reading the message "I just want to make everyone happy..."

My eyes tear up a bit. I know that feeling all to well...

SMG3 is confused. "Well... What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Without warning, the power goes out.


"NO TAKE ME!" I shout.

The lights come back on... And the monster is standing around them...

"Oh f—k..."

Mario is calm. "Well, this ain't so bad..."

A sign appear. On the sign it says "Boo!"

Mario screams. "AHHH READING!!!"

We all run out of the room. Three grabs my hand.


They all freeze in place.

"Uhh..why ya stop?" I'm confused until three points at toad... a different toad..

"...Toad?" Meggy speaks.

Toad is glitching through the ground. SMG3 goes down to him dragging me with him.

Mario shout out, "SMG3, SMG5, be careful!"

SMG3 scoffed. "Pfft, it's just Toad. The hell is he gonna do?" He turns to Toad, "Yo, Toad man, Do you know where SMG4 is?"

No response.

"SMG3... allow me." Mario walks over to Toad and begins to repeatedly slap him across the face. "TOAD, OL BUDDY, OL PAL, WHERE IS SMG4?"

A box appear and text begins to appear. "Guys... I don't feel so good..." The ground shakes as Toad's legs get taller. "Do you like my redesign?"


We all scream and run for our lives, but Toad leaps in and blocks the way.

"Oh, God! Looks like SMG4's been experimenting with redesigning more characters!" Three shouts as he dodges the attack, dragging me with him.

"He's been doing what-?!"

"Stupid sexy Toadies!" Mario runs over to kick Toad's leg. Toad stomps on him in return. "Ow!"

"Oh god he knows how to use the legs! Aim for the knees!" I shout as I shoot my bazooka at him. The toad kicks it away and blows up somewhere else.

"God damnit.." Three grabs my hand again.

"How about we run instead of attacking hm?"

Toad is leaping in a field... In reality, he's still fighting the trio. He eventually kicks Meggy to the side.

"MEGGY!!!" Me and Mario shout simultaneously.

Toad crushes her.

"God, I wish that were me!"

I look at Three weirdly. "The f—k..." Three blushes and looks away from me.

"Hey, stinky!" Mario is filming Toad. "Now all of China knows what you're into!"

"NOOOOOOO!" Toad tries to escape, but can't due to being too tall.

Meggy gets up. "Th- Thanks, Mario... I think."

"Here.." I use some of my vine magic to help her.

"Thanks Five!"

"No problem..." Can't do that too much...I'm tired...but I can't sleep...

The doors to the second floor open.

We all look at it. "Well... Guess we're going up there." Meggy takes the lead.

We all make our way up.

"I miss just being the villain. This good guy sh*t is too tiring." Three mutters

"But then I wouldn't have met you if you were bad. I like the way you are now.." I smiles softly at him. Three blushes.

"S-shut you baka.." He mutters

I snicker.

On the second floor, Meggy notices that a painting is covered in a message.


"What... What could this mean?"

"All the paintings are like this!" Mario points out.





"Wow. Whoever wrote these sounds like a nice person."

"Mario no! These aren't good things! Their bad!" I tell him.

"SMG4 wrote these. These are all his thoughts." SMG3 suddenly has tears in his eyes.

Just as I suspected but...

I look at a picture that was off to the side with the others


Who's he? Three? Me?

I look back with the others

Meggy seems surprised. "What? No way... How do you know?"

"Because I felt the same way... Do you know what it's like? To live with the kind of expectation he has? Well, I had his channel for just a week, and it was the most stressful thing in my life." His lips quiver... I frown..and hug Three from behind.

"Having millions of eyes on you... Being worried you'll make one mistake and lose everything... Always having to try and be perfect..." Meggy places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It can make you go... kinda crazy..."
He looks at his phone. It's him attempting to kill SMG4.


Meggy smiles. "Aww... 3... SMG4's really lucky to have someone that understands him like you do."

SMG3 stop feeling sentimental and shoves me off gently. "What?! NO! I don't care about him! I only feel like this cause I'm cosmically linked to the idiot!"

I think I am too but not in a good way...

Meggy smiles some more. "AWWWW, SMG3! IT'S OK! LET IT OUT!" She hugs him.


Meanwhile, Mario is looking up the stairs. Beeg SMG4 is at the top.

"You okay Mario?" I look up at what he's looking at. "Oh! Why hello Beeg!"

Beeg makes some happy noise.

Mario looks back at the others. "Uhh.. Guys... ...Can we get a move on?"

Meggy stops hugging Three "Yeah, let's just start checking rooms. Maybe SMG4 is in one of them."

They enter the first room they see.

"Hello? SMG4??" Mario calls out.

The room is surrounded by something light blue.

SMG3 is confused. "Odd... ...Isn't this supposed to be a mirror? Why has it been replaced with-"

Meggy then points at something or someone.. "GUYS!! LOOK!!"

It's SMG4... His old design, at least.

"Holy hell is this what you guys used to look like?"

SMG3 nod. "Yea...Why is.... Why is SMG4's old design here?"

Mario takes out a camera and sunglasses. "Ahhh, don't you miss how handsome he used to look!"
He takes a selfie.

"Maybe SMG4 is trying to turn his design back...?"

"Why would he want to do that?"

Three was about to reply when the SMG4 suddenly gets angry and pulls SMG3 inside.


I grab him tightly and try to pull him back. Mario and Meggy run over to pull him free.


"WE'RE TRYING!!!" Meggy shouts.

SMG3 try's to talk to the old version of SMG4 "SMG4! My man, you have to stop! I understand the pressure you're under, but we're here to-" He gets pulled in."-heeeeeeellp!"

"NOOOO!!" I bang on the glass with my fist. Tears streaming down.

SMG3 appears next to SMG4 in the blue void.

Meggy freaks out. "OH CRAP, THIS IS BAD!" She begins pounding. "SMG3!!!!!"

Mario punches, but breaks his fingers. "IT'S NO USE!

"C'mon, we need to find SMG4 quickly!" We hurry out of the room.

But before I could take a step the ground swallows me "GUYS-"

Mario and Meggy looks behind them only to see SMG5's hat is on the ground...where did he go?

Black is all I see...


Words: 3600

Chapter 19: Its gotta be perfect... Pt. 2

Chapter Text

With Meggy and Mario~ (very short)

"SMG5! NO!!" Mario runs to the hat. He picks it up. He looks at the hat sadly...

Meggy walks up to him. "Don't worry...we will find them... let's go find SMG4!"

Mario nods and put SMG5's hat in his pocket and they both run to the stairs.

Where they both have to face Beeg SMG4.


With you~

Ugh...where am I?

I sit up. I look around in the dark. I reach up- wait- "MY HAT!! Oh no oh no! My hat must have been left behind..." I get up from the ground.

I began to walk around the darkness.Wish I have a flashlight... I can see something's... I put one of my hands in front of my eyes. A glow...MY EYES GLOW IN THE DARK?! SO COOL! Anyways...

After walking for what felt like eternity I see a computer. I walk towards it. On the screen it says:

Do you wish to remain here for all eternity or do you wish to go back to the real world?

Stay here. Or. Leave.


"No...I..don't believe this..." I think about my past in the real world

No one really wanted to be my friends...the friend I had only stayed around because of my money...

Even my job family only wanted one child...not me..

I think about the time I had here.

SMG4 was the first to meet me..and he didn't hate me...

Even after I met everyone...they still hang out with me

They all care about me...

I even...have a crush on two idols...SMG4 and SMG3...

I can't leave them...i-...they will be heart broken...

I made my decision... I can't leave this place while this is happening! I will never leave them!

I grab the mouse.

Do you wish to remain here for all eternity or do you wish to go back to the real world?

>Stay here. Or. Back home.

You chose to stay here?

In this weird world?


How interesting...

You may go back to your friends...

A hole opened below me and sucked me through.


I land on the ground with a loud thud. I groaned.

"Oooooohh that hurt..." I look up and see Meggy, Mario, SMG4 at the computer not looking too good, and a monster with SMG3's head popping out.

"O-oh! H-hey guys! What's I miss?"

"SMG5!" The M&M duo runs at me quickly picks me up, dodging a hit from the monsters feet. Mario hugs me.


"I fell through a hole in the ground and it sucked me down- listen we can talk about this later right now let's save Three and Four,okay?"

Mario grumbles. "'s your hat by the way.." he reaches in his pocket and takes out my hat.

"Ah! My hat! Thanks!" I place it back on my head. "Now let's go help Meggy!"

Mario nods and we fight the monster.

Meggy pulls out her Splat Charger. "Mario, let's pretend this is Splatfest. Remember the ol' Meggy Switcheroo?"

Mario smiles. "Ooo... Yeah!"

Mario pulls out a mic and begins to sing horribly, I cover my ears.., as Meggy prepares to attack.

Meggy grins "Splat."

She fires at the monster until it falls. It dissolves and SMG3 is in its place. I run up and pull him out of the sludge.

"SMG3!! Are you okay??" Meggy ask worried.

SMG3 shakes his head. "Y-Yeah... What happened? I... I don't remember..." He looks behind him. "SMG4!!"

I look at him. "Jeez! Four!" Looking at it more looks so horrible.

"It's almost finished..." SMG4 smiles.

A void appears and engulfs the room.


SMG3 and I tries to pull SMG4 away.

"COME ON, GUYS, HELP!!" SMG3 shouts.

We try to pull him free, but four tentacles reach out and grabbed us.

"AHH! OH NO!" Meggy struggles .

"WAH! HELP! NO!" Three yells as he struggles to get out.

I'm not getting pulled down but they are! I struggle in the tentacles.

Gotta! Get! OUT!

I blink. The blur is back... NO NO NO NO NO!!!

Do you feel that?

Your energy depleting..?

You may not know how your connected to these two..

So I will tell you!

Your just a battery to them!

Whenever they need energy or meme energy, they unconsciously take your energy!



And they don't even know that they do that!

That voice... it's the same one in the computer... What I didn't know is that I was getting sucked into the fleshy wall by the tentacles or that SMG4 snapped out of it.

"SMG4! Bro your back!" Three says with tears.

"Yea... I really needed to hear all of that.."

"Wait- MARIO! FIVE!" Meggy shouts.

SMG4 and SMG3 both go after Five as Meggy goes for Mario.

"Wha—uh?" I shake my head. "Where are we-?" I notice Four. "HOLY F—K YOUR OKAY!" I run over to him and tackle him in a hug.

"Woah! Hehe... I missed you too..." SMG4 smiles softly and hugs me back. Four looks at trio. "I'm... I'm so sorry, guys. And thanks, SMG3. I didn't know you felt that way."

SMG3 stops smiling. "NO!!! I Only said all that so I wouldn't die in the eldritch goo!!" He says in denial.

Four snicker as I let go of the hug. "Yeah sure, whatever you say, man. Now let's get out of here!!"

We all run to the broken window. Meggy and Mario jumps out but Four gets grabbed by the tentacles. Me and Three saw what was happing and stopped to go after him.


The castle begins falling apart while SMG4 is stuck tied to his chair.

"SMG4?! WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Three ask frantically.

SMG4 stranding "Dammit... I... I don't think I can leave..."

"What!??" I shout.

SMG3 got the wrong idea. "What!? Forget your stupid video!"

"No, I mean... I psychically won't be allowed to leave till I finish this video..." He sighs in defeat "You two should go." He begins to type.

Me and Three look at him like he is insane. "What!? This is crazy!"

SMG4 stops typing. "SMG3... SMG5...Please go... This is entirely my fault, and I'll suffer whatever fate is in my way... At least I go down doing what I love..." he smiles.

SMG3 slaps him. "You idiot! You think after all these years of rivalry, after I pretty much went through a whole Vegeta character arc... I'm just gonna let you die? HOW SELFISH IS THAT!?!"

"Why would I leave you behind? Yea you may have punched me and ignored me but I'm not a person that hold grudges."

SMG4 seems to be surprised at this. Why...why is he so nice to me...after I did that...

SMG3 pulls over two chair and his and mine laptop.

"Wh-What are you two doing?"

"What does it look like we're doing? We're gonna help you finish this video!"

"Hell yea we are! We're gonna get this done so fast!" I laugh. tired... I rub my right eye. I pull my hand back and see...the make up... I rubbed it off... I frown.. I get back to working.

With the support he needs, SMG4 continues working on his video, his former rival and his crush by his side helping.


"OK! AND DONE!!!" We all say simultaneously.

The render has been completed. And it didn't crash. Nice.

The USB drive glows and the keyboard disables itself.

"Congratulations on finishing your project. Would you like to rate your experience with the magical keyboard?"

SMG3 destroys the monitor.

"Don't order stuff from sus websites, dude! Stuff like this is why you got hacked a few months ago!" Three lectures Four, but four doesn't here him he's too busy look in awe at the USB.

SMG4 picks up the USB "This... This is it... My life's work... The online respect this is going to give me..."

The castle continues to crumble.



We runs towards the window... Only to find that the castle has already sunken into the ground. Webrace ourselves and leap out, grabbing onto an eldritch wall. A boom occurs, and SMG4 accidentally makes the USB leap above him. He tries to reach for it while SMG3's hand slips... SMG4 catches him. But the USB is now on his foot.

Im dangling on to Threes hand with my life. Three is holding tightly to hold on to me. He seems to be so scared and so am I...

"Don't worry, guys! I got you! I'm not letting you guys go!" SMG4 shouts

The USB slides further down his foot...

SMG3 looks up at him. "Wh-What are you thinking? SMG4?" No response. "We can make another! Remember what I said? We... We're friends."

Here it comes...

SMG4 is wordless. SMG3, his former rival, the same SMG3 who tried to take over his channel many times in the past, and briefly succeeded, just now declared themselves friends...and Five...his crush...who he met a few months ago... always there when he needs him...always kind to other...always spend time with everyone else..

He made his decision he lifts Three up. I see the USB falling down. I shove Threes hands off me and leap for the USB.


The gang is still mourning the loss of their home and their Meme Guardian friends... Suddenly, they hear screaming. SMG3 and SMG4 emerge from the sinkhole, alive and well.

Boopkins smiles "You guys made it!"


Mario runs up to hug them. "WAHHHHHH YOU SCARED MARIO AGAIIIIN!" They both smiles but SMG3 panics and frantically looks around.

"F—K FIVE!" Smg3 runs to the hole.

"Wait what!?!" Four runs to him "What do you mean? I thought you had him?"



Everyone goes up to the duo. Four and three has tears running down their face. They all morn over there friend and crush.


I have the USB in my hand. Right now I'm trying to teleport while falling. Come on come on! Teleport!

I feel something sharp at my side. I looo and I see blood... a tentacle must have got me... I can't use my powers to heal it...I need to teleport...

I start to panic. COME ON! Please... I can't leave them... not yet...

I land on the ground with a thud. I look tiredly up and see everyone huddled together. "Four...Three!" I managed to shout out. I stand up.

They all quickly turn around to see me. I hold my hand out, weakly, showing the glowing USB. Four looks at me still. "I got the you can...upload it to YouTube..." I smile. I blink...the blackness returning. All I could here hear before I hit the floor again was Four and Three shouting my name.


Four pov~

When I heard his voice I thought it was just imagination but there I see Five. He looks horrible. He's bruised everywhere, scratched, blood coming out of his side and more importantly the heavy eye bags under his eyes.

But now here he is passed out with everyone around him. Mario is panicking, I'm worried sick and so is Three.

I can't believe it...he would sacrifice himself for this...USB...

"We got to take him to his house...I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind us all staying at his house.." Three suggested.

"How are we going to get in?" I ask.

Three takes out a key. "He gave me his spare house keys..."

Everyone else is talking about the castle.

I look back at the hole. "We can make a new castle... with whatever we want!" I suggested.

Everyone got excited about that. They all had ideas on what to put in or add in the castle.

"Let's get Five home.." I pick him up.

We all walk to SMG5's home.


I set Five down nicely in his bed. Taking off his hat and shoes. We manage to bandage him and sort of changed him into clean clothes. I didn't want to look at his body with out his permission and Three's face was red as was mine...Eggcat and Mini V shows up and cuddle with their father, worried.

I sigh and head out of his room, closing the door behind me softly. There was beside the door, leaning against the door, arms crossed and with one of his feet propped on the wall.

"He looks so horrible... why did he looked like that... how didn't we realize it..."

Three sighs. "I knew something was up...but I did nothing about it..." he then realized something.. "wait.. how do you feel Four? Shouldn't you be like- exhausted?"

I pause. "No...I don't..."

"Could it be possible that you have been sucking his energy like... how we are connected...?"

I'm horrified. "OH GOD!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!"

"Calm down Four! You didn't know this! It's just a possibility... We all need to rest especially after a day like this. We can ask Five about it when he wakes up...okay?"

I calm down. "Okay...let's get some rest..."

We all get into rooms or in the living room and fell asleep in weird positions.


Oh no!

Are you going to be okay?

Everyone's worried about ya.

But don't worry!

With your pets by your side they will help you recharge!

Words: 2109

Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3 x reader) - Alison78 (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.