Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (2024)

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A chocolate olive oil cake is something I've been wanting to make for the longest time now. I've used olive oil before in muffins because it makes them really moist. So, obviously the same must hold true when adding it to a cake.

Add olive oil and raw cacao and you get this incredibly moist and super-rich chocolate olive oil cake. You might be thinking, "Ew, olive oil in a cake. That must taste really weird." Believe me though when I tell you, it actually works. Olive oil gives the cake a distinct taste but it's not overpowering. It adds a whole different depth of flavor to cake that regular canola oil or butter could never even come close to.

Why should I use olive oil in cake?

If you're looking to give your cakes a healthy twist and add some extra flavor, try using olive oil! Here are just a few reasons why olive oil is a great ingredient to use in your baking:

  • Want to lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease? Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats, which can help do just that.
  • Love a rich, flavorful taste? Olive oil has a distinct, savory flavor that can add depth and richness to your cakes (and it's particularly good in chocolate cakes, too!).
  • Need a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of baked goods? Olive oil fits the bill! It's perfect for cakes, breads, and muffins.
  • Worried about your oil going rancid during the baking process? No need to worry with olive oil - it's more stable at high temperatures than some other oils, so it's less likely to go rancid during baking.

So go ahead and give olive oil a try in your next cake recipe - it's a tasty and healthy way to take your baking to the next level!

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (3)Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (4)

What's even better when it comes to this chocolate olive oil cake recipe is that it is, yet again, really easyto make. I might have to change my blog to since it's something I nearly say for EVERY SINGLE recipe. Might just have to use a thesaurus though ;D

There aren't any intricate steps to making this cake. Just Mix all your dry ingredients, then add in all the wet ingredients. That's how easily you get your cake batter :)

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (5)

Bake it and you'll get a deliciously moist olive oil cake.

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (6)

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (7)

You can eat it now but why would you want to, if you can make it EVEN better ?!

Drizzle this bad boy with melted chocolate. I wanted to go overboard with the dark chocolate. So I used Lindt's 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate. If that's not dark enough for you then go for their 85% or 90% Cocoa Chocolate.

However, if don't want to be all up in this dark chocolate lovers' paradise then you can just use semi-sweet vegan chocolate chips or whatever other kind of chocolate you prefer.

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (8)Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (9)

Oh right, we're still not done yet! Put the fork down! Top the chocolate olive oil cake off with some whipped coconut cream for a truly satisfying dessert.

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (10)Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (11)

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (12)

5 from 3 votes


Chocolate Olive Oil Cake

Incredibly moist Vegan Chocolate Olive Oil Cake that is perfect for dark chocolate lovers.

CourseDessert, Vegan

Author Vanessa @


  • 8tablespoonRaw Cacao or Cocoa Powder, unsweetened
  • 1 ½cupsWhole Wheat Flour
  • 3teaspoonBaking Powder
  • ¾cupRaw Cane Sugar
  • ½teaspoonSalt
  • 2tablespoonApple Cider Vinegar
  • ¾cupAlmond Milkor other plant based milk
  • ½cupWaterwarm
  • 1cupOlive Oil
  • ¼cupVegan Chocolateof choice, dark chocolate, chocolate chips, etc. I used this melted (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 350F (180C). Grease and flour a springform or line with parchment paper (See notes).

  2. Stir together dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

  3. Stir in apple cider vinegar, milk, and water. Slowly add olive oil until just mixed.

  4. Pour cake batter into prepared springform and bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Cake is finished when the cake bounces back after being lightly pressed on or when a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

  5. Let cake cool before removing it from the springform.

  6. Melt chocolate chips and drizzle over chocolate olive oil cake.

  7. Serve with whipped coconut cream.

Recipe Notes

1) I used a 10-inch springform and the cake isn't very thick. The cake is so rich that it's great since you won't need a very big piece to feel full. You can use a smaller springform though to make it a thicker cake. Be aware that the bake time might vary then.

Browse through some of my other vegan cake recipes!

  • Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake with Lime
  • Vegan Peanut Butter Mousse Pie
  • Vegan Coconut Banana Cheesecake

More Vegan Cake Recipes

  • Vegan Raspberry Cheesecake
  • Vegan Coconut Chocolate Cake w/ Vanilla Coconut Oil Frosting
  • Blueberry Cranberry Pie
  • Chocolate Caramel Pecan Pie (V,GF,P)

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (21)

Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (22)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Liz Martone says

    Wow, I can't even put into words how beautiful this cake is! It's definitely next on my list of desserts to try!


  2. Lauren says

    Oh Lord this is heaven on a plate. I agree olive oil in baking is delicious! Or olive oil in anything really. Have you been to any of those olive oil stores? I'm like a kid in a candy store, I want to taste/buy everything!


    • Vanessa says

      YES! I love those olive oil stores. The olive oil there tends to be pretty expensive but it all looks sooo soo good. I was told on Instagram the other day that I should cut oil out of my die since it's really harmful. Em... no, thank you. I love my olive oil :)


  3. The Vegan 8 says

    Vanessa, you are hilarious! I'm cracking up reading so much of this post...."" and "dark chocolate lovers paradise" LOL! You are so funny! Ok, onto this cake....wowwwwwwwww It is MY chocolate lovers paradise because I love, love dark chocolate sooo much. I love the depth of flavor it reason I never liked milk chocolate is because it never tastes like freaking chocolate, it just tastes like sugar. No, I want to taste some damn chocolate! This is gorgeous and I will go to bed dreaming about it. I have actually heard about olive cakes before and how amazing they are!


    • Vanessa says

      Haha thanks Brandi, Olive oil cake was really on my list of things to try and make for over a year now. So, glad I did. I'm also right with you on the dark chocolate. Milk chocolate doesn't taste like milk or chocolate just pure sugar. Love how you can just eat a small square of dark chocolate and feel satisfied too. I might have to make this again and slather on some of your peanut butter caramel. Those two sound so good together :)


  4. Ceara @ Ceara's Kitchen says

    Ok - WOW!! This cake is a show-stopped, Vanessa!! It looks so moist, soft and SO Chocolate-y!! I love the dark chocolate drizzle and coconut whipped cream on top. Adding this cake to the list of things to make from your blog!! YUM!


  5. Jeni says

    YUM! I love a good chocolate cake! Thanks for sharing this fabulous recipe!


  6. carla says

    This looks amazing!! I will try it. I'm loving this site sooooo much!


    • Vanessa says

      Thanks so much Carla! I hope you like it :)


  7. Manali @ CookWithManali says

    The cake looks super moist Vanessa, love it!!


  8. Ann says

    Thank you so much for this excellent recipe...made it for a dinner party tonight and everyone loved it. I used spelt in lieu of wheat flour with no problems. So good!


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      I'm so glad you liked it! I love using spelt flour in place of whole wheat flour. :)


  9. Alina says

    I've made this cake for my birthday! All my non-veganfriends really loved it!


    • Vanessa Croessmann says

      Thank you & Happy Birthday, Alina! I'm so happy everyone liked it ;) It's always great when non-vegans love vegan food!


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Chocolate Olive Oil Cake - Vegan Family Recipes (2024)


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