Mirtle: Going 1-on-1 with NHL all-star John Scott on being a first overall pick and making his own sausages (2024)

John Scott is coming to Toronto. And you could play in a giant beer league tournament with – or against – him.

The 6-foot-8 former NHL enforcer will be one of the marqueenames in the Baycrest Pro-Am tournament this year, along with Wendel Clark, Darcy Tucker, Paul Coffey and Darryl Sittler. Scott, who grew up in nearby St. Catharines, has become a big draw at these thingssince he retired last spring.


The event, which benefits Alzheimer’sresearch, is the biggest charity hockey tournament in the world. So when they came to us a few weeks ago and said they wereinterested in partnering with The Athletic, we were happy to take part for a good cause.

As part of that, wewere able to chat at length with Scott about the tournament and what he has been up to since making international headlines last season as the unlikely MVP at the all-star game.

The movie about his life, written by Mitch Albom, remains a go, he says.

For more information about the Baycrest event, visit their website. They are taking entries – single players and teams – until April 15.


So whereabouts are you right now? Spending time at home, enjoying retirement?
JS: I’m in Buffalo right now actually – I’m doing the alumni tournament here then we’re going to cruise downto Disney World. [Scott has four young children.]

Nice. Are you in a lot of alumni and charity type games these days?
JS: I’m trying to pick and choose. I actually get a ton thrown my way because of I’ve been on so many teams [he played for seven in the NHL alone]. This one worked out. Because I grew up in St. Catharines I did it. I pick and choose the charities that I think are worthwhile and nice events.

Maybe we’ll just start there. You’re in the Baycrest tournament – why have you decided to be part of it for the first time?
JS: Obviously I had heard about it – it’s the biggest charity hockey tournament in the country so it’s a big one. Especially with the cause, getting awareness out for Alzheimer’s, all the money they raise for that foundation, it’s huge. Getting a chance to do that is well worth it for me. It’s a great event, and I’m honoured to be going.

Do you know any of the other alumni taking part?
JS: I have no idea who’s going to be there. So if you could tell me I’d be more than happy to listen.

Mirtle: Going 1-on-1 with NHL all-star John Scott on being a first overall pick and making his own sausages (1)

John Scott’s last NHL game came in his only appearance with the Montreal Canadiens at the end of last season. Credit: Eric Bolte-USA TODAY Sports

[Lists the big names] My understanding is each team gets one NHL alumni and then you guys go head to head?
JS: There’s a draft before. We get there and the teams draft a player and you play with that team for the tournament.

Any concern about where you’re going to get drafted?
JS: No. It’s funny – we just had a draft last night for the Sabres alumni thing and I was drafted No. 1 overall! So I’m expecting No. 1 again.


Is that a change from what you’re used to?
JS: What do you think? I was never drafted so yeah. No it’ll be fun just to be there. With those names there, I don’t expect to go high at all. It’ll just be cool to play with those guys.

You’ll be facing a lot of former Leafs greats. Did you grow up a Leafs fan?
JS: I did not. I was a Bruins fan growing up. But obviously being in Ontario I watched pretty much every Leafs game so I’m very familiar with the Leafs.

Why the Bruins? Cam Neely and that era?
JS: It was Ray Bourque. That was my guy. I just for some reason really liked him and it just it was all over after that.

Well that’s a good choice. You were always a defenceman as a kid then?
JS: Yes.

This is a stat that I find interesting – a decade ago in the NHL, the number of defencemen whowere under 6-feet tall was only about 6 or 7 per cent of the league. Now it’s closer to double that, with a lot more small guys playing D in the NHL. What do you think of the evolution of what’s happening on the blueline? When you and I were younger, the big guys were the defencemen. Now it’s changing.
JS: I like it. I just it’s the nature of things. Back when I was playing, they put the best players at forward because they would score goals. And the D-men, it was just a hockey mentality where, ‘okay you stay back, you prevent goals, just don’t do anything stupid.’ Now coaches are evolving. The game is evolving. The systems are getting better, and they’re utilizing every player on the ice and D are jumping into the rush. Fifteen or 20 years ago, the D would barely get into the rush. Scott Niedermayer was probably the only guy. So it’s a different game. They’re using every inch of the ice and every player has to contribute. It’s obvious that they’re going to get the D involved.

Do you think part of that is the focus on analytics now and measuring how the D impact the play? You’ve got a degree in mechanical engineering so I’m sure you’ve read about some of this stuff. A lot of the players I talk to aren’t really that into the analytics. What do you think of the numbers?
JS: No, you know, it definitely serves a purpose. The analytics, they have a place, but like in everything, you can’t just rely strictly on analytics. You look at that, and that’s a useful tool, and then you have to take other things into account. It’s not something I would totally ignore like the people who say ‘aw we don’t use them.’ But it’s useful. You can see who’s doing well in situations. If you have a choice between two players who are the same, you’re going to pick the guy who’s a little more productive in certain areas. It’s a useful tool, but I wouldn’t just hang my hat on it and rely strictly on analytics. You’ve got to go on hockey sense and different things that are part of the game.


I think some guys don’t like it because it’s kind of commoditizing the players and putting a number on them? I talk to some guys now and they’re in their late 20s or early 30s and they’re worried that there’s not really a place for them in the league and that teams are shuffling guys through faster and faster and the numbers are part of that.
JS: I can see that. It just loses the personality of the game. If you’re going strictly at a data sheet, you’re looking at graphs and this and that, you don’t really see a hockey player anymore. I can totally see that – how they would feel that way. I luckily was at the tail end of that because I would have hated it. Even just looking at the stats after a game. I know I played for some coaches like Kevin Constantine [with Houston in the AHL] who was a huge stat guy, and we’d come off the ice and there’d be like shots, missed shots, hits, impact hits, blocked shots, missed plays, missed passes, this, that. You’d get so focused on trying to impact your stats, that you’d end up not playing the game, you know? I think that works with Corsi and other stuff like that. You could get a shot from anywhere. What that doesn’t tell you is there could have been a guy going in that could have had a breakaway or missed a play there. If you’re so focused on improving your stats, it does affect your game. It’s not the best idea for hockey. I wouldn’t have liked it.

There’s obviously a lot of attention around you right now with the book and the movie and stuff like that, but did you ever think of doing something else in hockey? Being a coach or an executive or anything like that?
JS: If the opportunity was there, I would love to. Honestly. I just haven’t had anyone approach me. I think I would be good at it. Maybe? It’s an unknown. But if the opportunity arose, I definitely would like to try it.

Where do you think your skill set would be?
JS: I don’t know. I would love to do management. I’m good with people, I’m good at reading situations and putting a team together sounds like it would be fun. But I think everybody would want to do that. I consider myself a jack of all trades. I’d like to try everything.

Was there are particular GM that you played for who you admire or that you could see yourself being like?
JS: I played for so many GMs. Some of them rubbed me the wrong way and some of them – all GMs are a little strange to be honest with you! They all have a little something up with them. Some are super friendly and some are super ornery. I think the one I got along with the most was Doug Wilson in San Jose. He was just a really personable guy and he didn’t BS you and that’s what I kind of look for. A guy who shoots straight. He just looked me in the eye and told me what he thought and I could trust him. That’s who it went. I just really appreciate guys that tell you truth and not what you want to hear.

Mirtle: Going 1-on-1 with NHL all-star John Scott on being a first overall pick and making his own sausages (2)

Step 1 at charity tournament: Draft Darcy Tucker. Credit: baycrestproam.ca

You’ve obviously done a million interviews the last year and half with everything that has gone on, but I’m curious what you’re up to now in your life, day to day.
JS: The book came out last month, so I’ve been doing a bit of that, some book signings here and there. I just honestly stay at home with the kids. It takes up a lot of my time. I just focus on that now.

You talked about all the alumni game offers – do you get weird offers in other respects, too?
JS: There’s all these beer companies, the little ones, saying ‘come endorse this and do that.’ I do a couple speaking engagements here and there. I just did one for my parents’ friends in London, Ont. If it’s a nice event, I’ll do it, but for the most part, I wanted to take this year off and not do anything and that’s what I’m trying to do. But there’s a gold company that wants me to sign on with them and I kind of work with them a little bit. There’s so much stuff. It’s funny how much stuff there is out there.

A gold company?
JS: It’s a mining company. They approached me. I’m an engineer so I kind of gravitated towards that. It’s called Enforcer Gold.


[chuckles] Where is that?
JS: It’s based out of Toronto. But we have a mine in a little plot of land in Northern Quebec that we’re going to start digging on in June. I actually signed on because I’m down. I want to learn how to mine and get in there and get my hands dirty with the machines. It sounds interesting.

Did they want you to just put some money into it?
JS: It was kind of an investment/endorsem*nt/work. Like I’m going to be on the ground doing work. I go out and try to raise funds for the company. It only just happened. I did one event for them, the mining expo in Toronto, where we did a three day little thing where we talking to financiers trying to buy drills, doing geothermals and different stuff. It’s really interesting.

Did you do some of that in school?
JS: Not specifically for mining. But it’s all relative when you’re dealing with machines. It’s all the same stuff. Just different applications.

Do you have a title with them?
JS: Gosh. The title’s a work in progress. I’m trying to get business cards so no title yet.

Well you need a title on business cards.
JS: Right!? I know. They don’t know what to call me. I don’t really care.

You’re only 34, but I read one interview you did last year where you talked about the incredible wear and tear the game put on your body. Not really from concussions but your hips and stuff like that. Is that something that bothers you day to day?
JS: Yeah. Yeah. It’s just every day. Getting out of the car, once every five times, I almost have to hold myself up because my hip will give out. Compared to other guys, I’m good. I just have achy joints here and there. I’m still young so it’ll probably get worse. But yeah hockey takes it’s toll. When you’re skating 30 miles an hour full speed at somebody [for a hit] and then added onto that punching guys in the face and getting in hockey fights. It’s a tough sport.

Do you think the fans and media appreciate the toll it takes on guys?
JS: No, I don’t think they know. It’s tough. I think they see the guys on the ice and ‘oh everyone’s in great shape they’re pro athletes.’ But it takes a toll on your body. It’s sad to see guys who I played with. I’ve been lucky. I haven’t had really any major surgeries. One knee surgery – that’s about it. But some guys have had knees and shoulders and everything and hip replacements. It’s just a massive toll on your body.


Do you need to take painkillers for that then?
JS: Gosh no. I don’t touch that stuff. I manage it. Keep the body moving. That’s the best thing to do. Stay active and not get out of shape.

You played 280-some games I think – I know a lot of retired guys talk about how they want to get to 400 games because they get a full pension at that number. Was that ever something that was on your mind when you were playing?
JS: That’s different now. That was the old pension. I did get that because they count every game, even if you’re on the roster and not playing. If you count all my games, healthy scratches, I would have been up in the 600-some mark. That was the old pension. But they do it now based on time – years played… I think I was four years on this pension and four years on the old pension. I’m in the middle there.

Is it enough?
JS: Oh it’s fantastic. It’s really, really good. That’s the one thing we did right in the lockout in 2012 because it’s a great pension for everyone.

Did you get typecast as a fighter when you were really young because you were always the biggest guy?
JS: No, I never fought really until I made the jump to pro. I fought a little in Junior B but nothing crazy. The AHL [when he was 24 years old] was the first time I really started to fight a lot. I was always a stay at home D-man. I played college so I didn’t really have the opportunity. In minor hockey, no one fights.

You had quite a few PIMs in college.
JS: It was all minors. I would take at least two or three penalties per game.

A lot of really big guys in Canada werepushed into that role fairly young. I grew up watching the WHL and guys like Derek Boogaard, just because he was so big, he didn’t have a chance. Do you think maybe it was good you didn’t go that route into major junior?
JS: 100 per cent. I would have been out of the game a long time before if I didn’t do that. I was so blessed I got to go to college. I got to build my skills. Not just fighting. In college, I learned how to make a pass and skate and read the ice and different things. If I didn’t do that, I would have been out of the league years ago. You see those guys and it’s like man oh man. You feel bad for them because that’s all they’ve ever known. It’s got to be such a tough life.

Was it book smarts that helped push you into college?
JS: I don’t know. I think it was the fact I wasn’t a really good hockey player and I couldn’t make the OHL. I made Toronto out of camp, but I wasn’t going to be a top guy so I said no. Then it was like well what else is there? And I got this opportunity. I didn’t try to get into college. It just worked out. I went to Chicago [in the NAHL] and that was a feeder league to the NCAA and I got a scholarship. That’s just how it worked out. It was very strange.


I read you did an interview with Men’s Fitness at one point and you were saying you didn’t start working out until you were quite old, like 19 or 20. I see kids in the GTHL now and they’re training like elite athletes when they’re 13, 14 years old. Do you think your career could have been different if you did that?
JS: It could have gone either way. I could have been a really good, Eric Lindros type player, or I could have just burnt out and got sick of it. You never know. I wasn’t one who wanted to go at anything 100 per cent and not do anything else. I think I would have just quit. To me, it’s not fun to do that. Even now. I can’t do hockey 24/7. You’re not going to be sane doing that. Balance is good in life.

Mirtle: Going 1-on-1 with NHL all-star John Scott on being a first overall pick and making his own sausages (3)

Step 2: Give Darcy Tucker the puck. Credit: baycrestproam.ca

How much time do you spend around NHL circles these days?
JS: I’ll do an interview here and there. When I go to Toronto, I’ll sneak on with TSN Radio and do something there. But not too much. I wanted to get away from it and I have. I watch a game here and there. But I don’t search it out. I check the scores. But other than that, I just do my thing.

Iheard somewhere that you make your own sausages?
JS: Yeah!

What can you tell me about Scott’s secret sausages?
JS: I have a nice organic butcher in town. I get pork shoulder from him. You grind it up, you chop it up, you throw it in the freezer. Because it’s easier for the fats in the sausage. You don’t want them to get too warm because they congeal and it ruins the sausage. Then you add a little spice. It depends what you want to do. You can do brats, you can do Italians, you can do breakfast sausages – there’s like hundreds of different recipes that you can use. You put in the stuff, then you grind it through the meat grinder – I have a manual hand turning meat grinder – then you stuff them in the casings.

Why did you get into that?
JS: My wife’s dad got into it and he’s been doing it for a long time. I just watched him. I would eat his sausages and I loved them. I was like well I need to do that, too. We go and buy 60, 70 pounds of pork and do it every few months and then we have sausages. It is like the real deal. They’re really good.

Sounds awesome. Maybe that’s your calling?
JS: Maybe! No they are good though. Honestly. Sausages are so expensive at the grocery store. They’re like $5.99 a pound! I buy the meat and it’s only I think $2.80 a pound so I’m saving so much money. It’s a practical thing. And it also tastes better. It’s better for you. There’s not much junk in there. It’s a win-win.

It sounds like you’ve got a lot going on. I read you like kayaking.
JS: Where we live [in Traverse City, Mich.], in the summer, I’m in the water every day. Canoeing. Fishing. Hanging out at the beach. We bike ride a lot. Just normal family stuff. I’ll try anything. That’s what I’m good at. I’ll never say no to something.


What’s the latest on the movie? Is that still in the works?
JS: Yeah, Mitch has the script done. Right now it’s the time in the process that takes the longest he said. Because you have to get everyone’s schedule in line. So they can actually start filming. They have all the stuff ready – they just are trying to get actors and directors to sign on for it. It’s something I’m slowly learning. Let’s say you get a Brad Pitt. And he’s already got four movies on his schedule. And it’s like do you want to wait five years for Brad? You know what I mean? You have to find someone it works for and then get the director and it’s just a massive puzzle that Mitch Albom is going to put together. He’s the one who’s doing it.

Is Brad Pitt an option?
JS: No gosh no. But if he wants to do it, I’m sure we can make it work. I don’t think we’d say no to him.

But the idea is this will be a big Hollywood kind of movie?
JS: Yeah they’re trying to market it like a Rocky thing. Have it be more than just hockey. That’s the idea. Who knows if it’ll sell that way? I don’t know.

Mirtle: Going 1-on-1 with NHL all-star John Scott on being a first overall pick and making his own sausages (2024)


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