Package 'marquee' reference manual (2024)

Classic styling for markdown


This function facilitates construction of a complete style set based on theclassic look of an HTML rendered markdown document. It contains stylespecifications for all the supported markdown elements as well as a sub andsup style that can be used for subscripts and superscript respectively.These are only accessible through custom spans (e.g. ⁠H{.sub 2}O⁠) asmarkdown doesn't provide a syntax for these formats.


classic_style( base_size = 12, body_font = "", header_font = "", code_font = "mono", ...)



The base font size for the text. All other sizing is basedon this


The font family to use for body text


The font family to use for headers


The font family to use for code and code block text


Arguments passed on to base_style


The font weight to use. Can either be a number (0, 100,200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900) or a strings("undefined", "thin", "ultralight", "light", "normal", "medium","semibold", "bold", "ultrabold", or "heavy")


Should the font be slanted


The font width to use. Can either be a number (“0⁠, ⁠1', '2','3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', or '9') or strings ('"undefined"','"ultracondensed"', '"extracondensed"', '"condensed"', '"semicondensed"','"normal"', '"semiexpanded"', '"expanded"', '"extraexpanded"', or'"ultraexpanded"')


A font_feature object specifyingany OpenType font features to apply to the font


Is the color of the font


The spacing between subsequent lines relative to the fontsize. Can be relative() in which case it is based on the parent lineheight.


The alignment within the text. One of "left", "center","right", "justified-left", "justified-center", "justified-right", or"distributed"


Additional character spacing measured in 1/1000em. Can berelative() in which case it is based on the parent tracking.


The indentation of the first line in a paragraph measured inpoints. Can be relative() in which case it is based on the parent indent,em() in which case it is based on the font size in this style, or rem()in which case it is based on the font size of the body element.


The indentation of all but the first line in a paragraphmeasured in points. Can be relative() in which case it is based on theparent hanging, em() in which case it is based on the font size in thisstyle, or rem() in which case it is based on the font size of the bodyelement.


The margin around the element, given as a call to trbl()


The padding around the element, given as a call to trbl()


The color of the background fill. The background includesthe padding but not the margin. Can be a solid color or a gradient or patternmade with grid::linearGradient()/grid::radialGradient()/grid::pattern()


The color of the background stroke. The background includesthe padding but not the margin


The line width of the background stroke, given as a callto trbl()


The corner radius of the background, given in points


A vector of strings to use for bullets in unordered lists.marquee_bullets provides a selection


Should text be underlined


Should text be strikethrough


The baseline shift to apply to the text


The default aspect ratio for block level images if notprovided by the image itself


A style set object


classic_style(16, "serif", "sans")
ggplot2 theme element supporting marquee syntax


This theme element is a drop-in replacement for ggplot2::element_text(). Itworks by integrating the various style settings of the element into the basestyle of the provided style set. If a margin is given, it is set on the bodytag with skip_inherit(). The default width is NA meaning that it willspan as long as the given text is, doing no line wrapping. You can set it toany unit to make it fit within a specific width. However, this may not workas expected with rotated text (you may get lucky). Note that you may seesmall shifts in the visuals when going from element_text() toelement_marquee() as size reporting may differ between the two elements.


element_marquee( family = NULL, colour = NULL, size = NULL, hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, angle = NULL, lineheight = NULL, color = NULL, margin = NULL, style = NULL, width = NULL, inherit.blank = FALSE)



The font family of the base style

colour, color

The font colour of the base style


The font size of the base style


Horizontal justification (in [0,1][0, 1][0,1])


Vertical justification (in [0,1][0, 1][0,1])


Angle (in [0,360][0, 360][0,360])


The lineheight of the base style


The margin for the body tag


A style set to base the rendering on


The maximum width of the text. See the description for somecaveats for this


Should this element inherit the existence of anelement_blank among its parents? If TRUE the existence ofa blank element among its parents will cause this element to be blank aswell. If FALSE any blank parent element will be ignored whencalculating final element state.


An element_marquee object that can be used in place ofelement_text in ggplot2 theme specifications


library(ggplot2)p <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_point(aes(mpg, disp)) + labs(title = "A {.red *marquee*} title\n* Look at this bullet list\n\n* great, huh?") + theme_gray(base_size = 6) + theme(title = element_marquee())plot(p)ggplot(mtcars) + geom_histogram(aes(x = mpg)) + labs(title ="I put a plot in your title so you can plot while you title![](p)What more could you _possibly_ want?") + theme(title = element_marquee())
Draw text formatted with marquee


The geom is an extension of geom_text() and geom_label() that allows youto draw richly formatted text in marquee-markdown format in your plot. Forplain text it is a near-drop-in replacement for the above geoms except somesizing might be very slightly different. However, using this geom you areable to access the much more powerful font settings available in marquee, soeven then it might make sense to opt for this geom.


geom_marquee( mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "identity", position = "identity", ..., size.unit = "mm", na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE)



Set of aesthetic mappings created by aes(). If specified andinherit.aes = TRUE (the default), it is combined with the default mappingat the top level of the plot. You must supply mapping if there is no plotmapping.


The data to be displayed in this layer. There are threeoptions:

If NULL, the default, the data is inherited from the plotdata as specified in the call to ggplot().

A data.frame, or other object, will override the plotdata. All objects will be fortified to produce a data frame. Seefortify() for which variables will be created.

A function will be called with a single argument,the plot data. The return value must be a data.frame, andwill be used as the layer data. A function can be createdfrom a formula (e.g. ~ head(.x, 10)).


The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer.When using a ⁠geom_*()⁠ function to construct a layer, the statargument can be used the override the default coupling between geoms andstats. The stat argument accepts the following:

  • A Stat ggproto subclass, for example StatCount.

  • A string naming the stat. To give the stat as a string, strip thefunction name of the stat_ prefix. For example, to use stat_count(),give the stat as "count".

  • For more information and other ways to specify the stat, see thelayer stat documentation.


A position adjustment to use on the data for this layer.Cannot be jointy specified with nudge_x or nudge_y. Thiscan be used in various ways, including to prevent overplotting andimproving the display. The position argument accepts the following:

  • The result of calling a position function, such as position_jitter().

  • A string nameing the position adjustment. To give the position as astring, strip the function name of the position_ prefix. For example,to use position_jitter(), give the position as "jitter".

  • For more information and other ways to specify the position, see thelayer position documentation.


Other arguments passed on to layer()'s params argument. Thesearguments broadly fall into one of 4 categories below. Notably, furtherarguments to the position argument, or aesthetics that are requiredcan not be passed through .... Unknown arguments that are not partof the 4 categories below are ignored.

  • Static aesthetics that are not mapped to a scale, but are at a fixedvalue and apply to the layer as a whole. For example, colour = "red"or linewidth = 3. The geom's documentation has an Aestheticssection that lists the available options. The 'required' aestheticscannot be passed on to the params. Please note that while passingunmapped aesthetics as vectors is technically possible, the order andrequired length is not guaranteed to be parallel to the input data.

  • When constructing a layer usinga ⁠stat_*()⁠ function, the ... argument can be used to pass onparameters to the geom part of the layer. An example of this isstat_density(geom = "area", outline.type = "both"). The geom'sdocumentation lists which parameters it can accept.

  • Inversely, when constructing a layer using a⁠geom_*()⁠ function, the ... argument can be used to pass on parametersto the stat part of the layer. An example of this isgeom_area(stat = "density", adjust = 0.5). The stat's documentationlists which parameters it can accept.

  • The key_glyph argument of layer() may also be passed on through.... This can be one of the functions described askey glyphs, to change the display of the layer in the legend.


How the size aesthetic is interpreted: as millimetres("mm", default), points ("pt"), centimetres ("cm"), inches ("in"),or picas ("pc").


If FALSE, the default, missing values are removed witha warning. If TRUE, missing values are silently removed.


logical. Should this layer be included in the legends?NA, the default, includes if any aesthetics are mapped.FALSE never includes, and TRUE always includes.It can also be a named logical vector to finely select the aesthetics todisplay.


If FALSE, overrides the default aesthetics,rather than combining with them. This is most useful for helper functionsthat define both data and aesthetics and shouldn't inherit behaviour fromthe default plot specification, e.g. borders().


Styling of the text is based on a style set with the exception that thestandard aesthetics such as family, size, colour, fill, etc. are recognizedand applied to the base tag style. The default style set (classic_style)can be changed using the style aesthetic which can take a vector of stylesets so that each text can rely on it's own style if needed. As withelement_marquee(), the fill aesthetic is treated differently and notapplied to the base tag, but to the body tag as a skip_inherit() style soas to not propagate the fill.

Contrary to the standard text and label geoms, geom_marquee() takes awidth aesthetic that can be used to turn on soft wrapping of text. Thedefault value (NA) lets the text run as long as it want's (honoring hardbreaks), but setting this to something else will instruct marquee to use atmost that amount of space. You can use grid units to set it to an absoluteamount.


A ggplot2 layer that can be added to a plot


library(ggplot2)# Standard usep <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg))p + geom_marquee(aes(label = rownames(mtcars)))# Make use of more powerful font features (note, result may depend on fonts# installed on the system)p + geom_marquee( aes(label = rownames(mtcars)), style = classic_style(weight = "thin", width = "condensed"))# Turn on line wrappingp + geom_marquee(aes(label = rownames(mtcars)), width = unit(2, "cm"))# Style like labellabel_style <- modify_style( classic_style(), "body", padding = skip_inherit(trbl(4)), border = "black", border_size = skip_inherit(trbl(1)), border_radius = 3)p + geom_marquee(aes(label = rownames(mtcars), fill = gear), style = label_style)# Use markdown to style the textred_bold_names <- sub("(\\w+)", "{.red **\\1**}", rownames(mtcars))p + geom_marquee(aes(label = red_bold_names))
Marquee-aware string interpolation


If you want to create your markdown programmatically you'd probably want touse some sort of string interpolation such as glue(). However, the customspan syntax of marquee interferes with the standard interpolation syntax ofglue. This function let's you use both together.


marquee_glue( ..., .sep = "", .envir = parent.frame(), .open = "{", .close = "}", .na = "NA", .null = character(), .comment = character(), .literal = FALSE, .transformer = NULL, .trim = TRUE)marquee_glue_data( .x, ..., .sep = "", .envir = parent.frame(), .open = "{", .close = "}", .na = "NA", .null = character(), .comment = character(), .literal = FALSE, .transformer = NULL, .trim = TRUE)



Unnamed arguments are taken to be expressionstring(s) to format. Multiple inputs are concatenated together before formatting.Named arguments are taken to be temporary variables available for substitution.

For `glue_data()`, elements in `...` override the values in `.x`.

[character(1): ‘""’]
Separator used to separate elements.


[environment: parent.frame()]
Environment to evaluate each expression in. Expressions areevaluated from left to right. If .x is an environment, the expressions areevaluated in that environment and .envir is ignored. If NULL is passed, it is equivalent to emptyenv().


[character(1): ‘\{’]
The opening delimiter. Doubling thefull delimiter escapes it.


[character(1): ‘\}’]
The closing delimiter. Doubling thefull delimiter escapes it.


[character(1): ‘NA’]
Value to replace NA valueswith. If NULL missing values are propagated, that is an NA result willcause NA output. Otherwise the value is replaced by the value of .na.


[character(1): ‘character()’]
Value to replaceNULL values with. If character() whole output is character(). IfNULL all NULL values are dropped (as in paste0()). Otherwise thevalue is replaced by the value of .null.


[character(1): ‘#’]
Value to use as the commentcharacter.


[boolean(1): ‘FALSE’]
Whether to treat single ordouble quotes, backticks, and comments as regular characters (vs. assyntactic elements), when parsing the expression string. Setting .literal = TRUE probably only makes sense in combination with a custom.transformer, as is the case with glue_col(). Regard this argument(especially, its name) as experimental.


A function taking two arguments, textand envir, where text is the unparsed string inside the glue block andenvir is the execution environment. A .transformer lets you modify aglue block before, during, or after evaluation, allowing you to create yourown custom glue()-like functions. See vignette("transformers") forexamples.


[logical(1): ‘TRUE’]
Whether to trim the inputtemplate with trim() or not.


An environment, list, or data frame used to lookup values.


If you choose a different set of delimiters than "{" and "}" for theinterpolation the functions will call the equivalent glue functions directly.However, if you keep the defaults, the functions will use a customtransformer that will make sure to keep the marquee custom span notation. Youcan both interpolate the content of the span, as well as the span class (seeexamples)


A character vector


# standard usered_text <- "this text will be red"marquee_glue("This will be black and {.red {red_text}}!")# if the span is not valid it will be treated as standard glue interpolationtry( marquee_glue("This will be black and {.red}!"))# You can interpolate the tag name as wellcol <- "green"marquee_glue("This will be black and {.{col} this text will be {col}}!")# Tag name interpolation must follow a `.` or a `#` as these identify the# bracket pair as a custom span classcol <- ".yellow"# This is not what you want probablymarquee_glue("This will be black and {{col} this text will be {col}}!")# Tag interpolation should also interpolate the full tag and be followed by# a space in order to be validpart <- "l"marquee_glue("This will be black and {.ye{part}low this text will be {col}}!")try( marquee_glue("This will be black and {.{part}avender this text will be {col}}!"))
Construct a grob rendering one or more markdown texts


This is the main function of marquee. It takes a vector of markdown strings,parses them with the provided style, and returns a grob capable of renderingthe parsed text into rich text and (possibly) images. See marquee_parse()for more information about how markdown is parsed and see details below forfurther information on how rendering proceeds.


marquee_grob( text, style = classic_style(), ignore_html = TRUE, x = 0, y = 1, width = NULL, default.units = "npc", hjust = "left", vjust = "top", angle = 0, vp = NULL, name = NULL)



Either a character vector or a marquee_parsed object as createdby marquee_parse()


A style set such as classic_style() that defines how the textshould be rendered


Should HTML code be removed from the output

x, y

The location of the markdown text in the graphics. If numeric itwill be converted to units using default.units


The width of each markdown text. If numeric it will be convertedto units using default.units. NULL is equivalent to the width of theparent container


A string giving the default units to apply to x, y,and width


The horizontal justification of the markdown with respect tox. Can either be a numeric or one of "left", "left-ink", "center","center-ink", "right-ink", or "right"


The vertical justification of the markdown with respect toy. Can either be a numeric or one of "bottom", "bottom-ink","last-line", "center", "center-ink", "first-line", "top-ink","top"


The angle of rotation (in degrees) around x and y


An optional viewport to assign to the grob


The name for the grob. If NULL a unique name will be generated


A grob of class marquee

Rendering style

The rendering more or less adheres to the styling provided bymarquee_parse(), but has some intricacies as detailed below:

Tight lists

If a list is tight, the bottom margin of each li tag will be set so thespacing matches the lineheight. Further, the top margin will be set to 0.

Block images

In markdown, image tags are span elements so they can be placed inline.However, if an image tag is the only thing that is contained inside a p tagmarquee determines that it should be considered a block element. In thatcase, the parent p element inherits the styling from the image element sothat the image can e.g. adhere to align properties, or provide their ownpadding.

Horizontal rulers

These elements are rendered as an empty block. The standard style sets abottom border size and no size for the other sides.

Margin collapsing

Margin calculations follows the margin collapsing rules of HTML. Read moreabout these at mdn

Underline and strikethrough

Underlines are placed 0.1em below the baseline of the text. Strikethrough areplaced 0.3em above the baseline. The width of the line is set to 0.075em. Itinherits the color of the text. No further styling is possible.

Spans with background

Consecutive spans with the same background and border settings are mergedinto a single rectangle. The padding of the span defines the size of thebackground but will not modify the placement of glyph (i.e. having a leftpadding will not move the first glyph further away from it's left neighbor).

Bullet position

Bullets are placed, right-aligned, 0.25em to the left of the first line inthe li element.

Border with border radius

If borders are not the same on all sides they are drawn one by one. In thiscase the border radius is ignored.

Image rendering

The image tag can be used to place images. There are support for both png andjpeg images. If the path instead names a grob, ggplot, or patchwork objectthen this is rendered instead. If the file cannot be read, if it doesn'texist, or if the path names an object that is not a grob, ggplot or patchwork,a placeholder is rendered in it's place (black square with red cross).

Image sizing

There is no standard in markdown for specifying the size of images. Bydefault, block-level images fill the width of it's container and maintainit's aspect ratio. Inline images have a default width of 0.65em and a heightmatching the aspect ration.

However, if you wish to control sizing, you can instead provide the image asa grob with a viewport with fixed dimensions, in which case this will be usedas long as the width doesn't exceed the width of the container (in which caseit will get downsized). If a rastergrob is provided without absolute sizing,the aspect ratio will match the raster, otherwise the aspect ratio will betaken from the styling of the element (defaults to 1.65)

Table rendering

While marquee does not support the extended table syntax for markdown it doesallow you to include tables in the output. It does so by supporting gtobjects as valid paths in image tags in the same way as ggplots etc. Thismeeans that you can style your tables any way you wish and with the fullpower of gt, which is much more flexible than the markdown table syntax.

Textbox justification

The justification options exceeds the classic ones provided by grid. Whilenumeric values are available as always, the number of possible text valuesare larger. Horizontal justification add "left-ink", "center-ink", and"right-ink" which uses the left-most and right-most positioned glyph (orhalfway between them) as anchors. Vertical justification has the equivalent"bottom-ink", "center-ink", and "top-ink" anchors, but also"first-line" and "last-line" which sets the anchor at the baseline of thefirst or last line respectively.

Parse a text as marquee


marquee uses an extension of CommonMark with no support for HTML code (it isrendered verbatim). The focus is to allow easy formatting of text forgraphics, rather than fully fledged typesetting. See marquee syntax formore about the format.


marquee_parse(text, style = classic_style(), ignore_html = TRUE)



A character string. The core quality of markdown is that any textis valid markdown so there is no restrictions on the content


A style set such as classic_style() that defines how the textshould be rendered


Should HTML code be removed from the output


A data frame describing the various tokens of the text and the styleto apply to them. The output is mainly meant for programmatic consumptionsuch as in marquee_grob()

marquee tags

marquee tokenizes the input text into blocks and spans. It recognises thefollowing tags:

Block tags

body is the parent tag of a markdown document. It never contains any textit*elf, only other blocks.

ul is an unordered list. It contains a number of li children

ol is an ordered list. It contains a number of li children

li is a list element. If the list is tight it contains text directly insideof it. If not, text are placed inside child p blocks

hr is a horizontal line, spanning the width of the parent block. Forstyling, the bottom border size is used when rendering

h1-h6 are headings at different levels

cb is a code block. Text inside code blocks are rendered verbatim, i.e. itcannot contain any children

p is a standard paragraph block. Text separated by two line-ends areseparated into separate paragraphs

qb is a quote block. It may contain children

Span tags

em is an emphasized text span. Often this means italicizing the text, butit is ultimately up to the renderer

str is strong text, often rendered with bold text

a is a link text. While marquee rendering doesn't allow for links, it canstill be rendered in a particular way

code is text rendered as code. Often this uses a monospaced font. Textinside this span is rendered verbatim

u is text that should be underlined

del is text that should have strikethrough

custom spans is a marquee specific extension to the syntax that allows youto make up tags on the fly. See the section on marquee syntax for more.

marquee syntax

marquee uses md4c which is a fully CommonMark compliant markdown parser.CommonMark is an effort to create an internally coherent markdownspecification, something that was missing from the original markdowndescription. If you are used to writing markdown, you are used to CommonMark.Below is a list of notable additions or details about the specific waymarquee handles CommonMark

Underlines and strikethrough

While not part of the basic CommonMark spec, underline and strikethrough aresupported by marquee using ⁠_⁠ and ~ (e.g. ⁠_underline this_⁠ and ⁠~this was an error~⁠).


Image tags (⁠![image title](path/to/image)⁠) are supported, but the title isignored. The path is returned as the token text.


HTML tags are ignored, i.e. they are rendered verbatim. This is not thatdifferent from classic markdown rendering except that people often convertmarkdown to HTML where these tags suddenly have meaning. They do not carryany special significance when rendered with marquee

Custom tags

While markdown provides most of what is necessary for standard text markup,there are situations, especially in visualisation, where we need somethingmore. Often users reach for inline HTML spans for that, but since HTML isfully ignored in marquee this is not an option. Further, adding in HTMLdecreases readability of the unformatted text a lot.

With marquee you can create a custom span using the ⁠{.tag <some text>}⁠syntax, e.g. ⁠{.sm small text}⁠ to wrap "small text" in the sm tag. You canalternatively use ⁠{#tag <some text>}⁠ for the same effect. The onlydifference is that in the former syntax the . is stripped from the tag name,whereas in the latter the ⁠#⁠ remains part of the name. See the Stylingsection for the primal use of the latter syntax.


During parsing, each token is assigned a style based on the provided styleset. The styling is cascading, but without the intricacies of CSS. A childelement inherits the styling of it's parent for the options that are set toNULL in the style matching the child tag. Any style element that arerelative() are computed based on the value of the parent style element.em() elements are resolved based on the size element of the child style,and rem() elements are resolved using the size element of the body style.If a style is not provided for the tag, it fully inherits the style of it'sparent.

Automatic coloringRecognizing that the primary use for custom tags may be to change the colorof some text, marquee provides a shortcut for this. If a style is not foundfor the tag in the provided style set, marquee will check if the tag matchesa valid color (i.e. a string from grDevices::colors(), or a valid hexstring, e.g. ⁠#53f2a9⁠). If it is a valid color it will set this as the fontcolor of the style. This means that parsing "Color {.red this} red"automatically sets the color of "this" to red, even if no style is providedfor the red tag. Likewise, parsing "Color {#00FF00 me} green" willautomatically set the color of "me" to #00FF00 (fully saturated green).

Additional parsing information

Apart from splitting the text up into tokens, marquee_parse() also providessome additional information useful for rendering the output in the expectedway. The id column refers the tokens back to the original input text, theblock relates tokens together into blocks. Block elements increment theblock count when they are entered, and decrement it when they are excited.The type column provides the type of the block. The indentation columnprovides the node level in the tree. A child block will increase theindentation for as long as it is active. ol_index provides the numberassociated with the ordered list element. tight indicates whether the listis tight (i.e. it was provided with no empty lines between list elements).The ends column indicate until which row in the output the tag is active(i.e. the tag is closed after the row indicated by the value in this column).


marquee_parse("# Header of the example\nSome body text", classic_style())
Create a style specification for a single tag


style() constructs a marquee_style object specifying the styling for asingle tag. The meaning of NULL is to inherit the value from the parentelement. It follows that top parent (the body element), must have values forall it's options. The base_style() constructor is a convenient constructorfor a style with sensible defaults for all it's options.


style( family = NULL, weight = NULL, italic = NULL, width = NULL, features = NULL, size = NULL, color = NULL, lineheight = NULL, align = NULL, tracking = NULL, indent = NULL, hanging = NULL, margin = NULL, padding = NULL, background = NULL, border = NULL, border_size = NULL, border_radius = NULL, bullets = NULL, underline = NULL, strikethrough = NULL, baseline = NULL, img_asp = NULL)base_style( family = "", weight = "normal", italic = FALSE, width = "normal", features = systemfonts::font_feature(), size = 12, color = "black", lineheight = 1.6, align = "left", tracking = 0, indent = 0, hanging = 0, margin = trbl(0, 0, rem(1)), padding = trbl(0), background = NA, border = NA, border_size = trbl(0), border_radius = 0, bullets = marquee_bullets, underline = FALSE, strikethrough = FALSE, baseline = 0, img_asp = 1.65)



The name of the font family to use


The font weight to use. Can either be a number (0, 100,200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, or 900) or a strings("undefined", "thin", "ultralight", "light", "normal", "medium","semibold", "bold", "ultrabold", or "heavy")


Should the font be slanted


The font width to use. Can either be a number (“0⁠, ⁠1', '2','3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', or '9') or strings ('"undefined"','"ultracondensed"', '"extracondensed"', '"condensed"', '"semicondensed"','"normal"', '"semiexpanded"', '"expanded"', '"extraexpanded"', or'"ultraexpanded"')


A font_feature object specifyingany OpenType font features to apply to the font


The size of the font in points. Can be relative() or em() inwhich case it is based on the parent font size (for size these areequivalent) or rem() in which case it is based on the font size of the bodyelement.


Is the color of the font


The spacing between subsequent lines relative to the fontsize. Can be relative() in which case it is based on the parent lineheight.


The alignment within the text. One of "left", "center","right", "justified-left", "justified-center", "justified-right", or"distributed"


Additional character spacing measured in 1/1000em. Can berelative() in which case it is based on the parent tracking.


The indentation of the first line in a paragraph measured inpoints. Can be relative() in which case it is based on the parent indent,em() in which case it is based on the font size in this style, or rem()in which case it is based on the font size of the body element.


The indentation of all but the first line in a paragraphmeasured in points. Can be relative() in which case it is based on theparent hanging, em() in which case it is based on the font size in thisstyle, or rem() in which case it is based on the font size of the bodyelement.


The margin around the element, given as a call to trbl()


The padding around the element, given as a call to trbl()


The color of the background fill. The background includesthe padding but not the margin. Can be a solid color or a gradient or patternmade with grid::linearGradient()/grid::radialGradient()/grid::pattern()


The color of the background stroke. The background includesthe padding but not the margin


The line width of the background stroke, given as a callto trbl()


The corner radius of the background, given in points


A vector of strings to use for bullets in unordered lists.marquee_bullets provides a selection


Should text be underlined


Should text be strikethrough


The baseline shift to apply to the text


The default aspect ratio for block level images if notprovided by the image itself


A marquee_style object


# A partial stylestyle(color = "red", underline = TRUE)# Full stylebase_style()
Create or modify a style set that describes a full markdown text


A style set contains information on how to style the various tags in amarkdown text. While it is not necessary to provide a style for all tags (itwill just inherit the parent if missing), it is required to provide acomplete style for the body tag so an option is avialable through inheritancefor all tags and all style options. It can often be easier to derive a newstyle set from an existing one rather than building one from scratch.


style_set(...)modify_style(style_set, tag, ...)remove_style(style_set, tag)



Named arguments providing a style for the specific tags. Formodify_style() a number of style options to change. If the first argumentis a marquee style it will overwrite the tag and subsequent arguments areignored


A style set to modify


The name of a tag to modify or remove. Tags are internally alllowercase and tag will be converted to lowercase before matching


A marquee_style_set object


# Create a styles_set <- style_set(base = base_style(), p = style(indent = em(2)))# Modify an existing tagmodify_style(s_set, "p", size = 16)# Add a new tag, supplying a full style objectmodify_style(s_set, "str", style(weight = "bold"))# Same as above, but style object created implicitlymodify_style(s_set, "str", weight = "bold")# Remove a tag styleremove_style(s_set, "p")
Helpers for defining styles


marquee provides a small set of helpers for constructing the needed styles.relative() specifies a numeric value as relative to the value of the parentstyle by a certain factor, e.g. a font size of relative(0.5) would give astyle a font size half of it's parent. em() specify a numeric value asrelative to the font size of the current style. If the font size is 12, andindent is set to em(2), then the indent will be equivalent to 24. rem()works like em() but rather than using the font size of the current style ituses the font size of the root style (which is the body element). trbl()helps you construct styles that refers to sides of a rectangle (margin,padding, and border size). The function names refers to the order of thearguments (top, right, bottom, left). skip_inherit() tells the styleinheritance to ignore this value and look for the value one above in thestack. marquee_bullets is just a character vector with 6 sensible bulletglyphs for unordered lists.


relative(x)em(x)rem(x)trbl(top = NULL, right = top, bottom = top, left = right)skip_inherit(x)marquee_bullets



A decimal number. If a vector is provided only the first elementwill be used

top, right, bottom, left

Values for the sides of the rectangles. Eithernumbers or modifiers (relative, em, or rem)


An object of class character of length 6.


Objects of the relevant class


relative(0.35)em(2)rem(1.2)# Argument default means it recycles like CSS if fewer values are specifiedtrbl(6, em(1.5))skip_inherit("sans")marquee_bullets
Package 'marquee' reference manual (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.