(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training · The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 1 43

Version: September 2015

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

isaB c rotartibrA T gniniar dna Ex ma

eD a :rotartibrA r T eh iwollof ng is a tnirp rev s noi fo eht cisaB rtibrA a ot r Tr nia i gn . uoY m ya oc m etelp siht esruoc dna axe m htie er hguorht

iht s tnirp a elb noisrev ( rtsni u noitc s b wole ) ro on enil , d pe gnidne no yo ru individu la prefer ne ce o/dna r com gnitup norivne m ne t. M tso artibra t sro lliw eb ab el to re weiv the m laireta ni e hgi t ho ru s .

Af ret you ha ev iver e dew ht e esruoc m ,laireta uoy m ya nigeb t eh axe m. ehT exam noc sis st of 52 m itlu p el -c ecioh

noitseuq s, a dn you m tsu rewsna at ael st 20 snoitseuq erroc ctly (80 ep cr ent) ot pa ss eht c uo rse. fI y uo od not pa ss the exam on the f ri ts a tt emp ,t you will have only o en ad id t noi al inutroppo ty ot er take ti — rof a m ixa mum of owt ta tem stp .

uoY m ya oc m etelp eht xe am enilno ro ni a repap f tamro . lP e esa c no t tca Lu si rC uz ta luis rc. u @z f o.arni rg or 2 21 -858- 34 39

lP e esa noc tact me ta oosij k @eel. f arni . gro ro 2 21 -8 85 - 1215 iw th na y itseuq o sn ab tuo t eh con net t of eht cou sr e or exam.

V re y truly yours, © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 1143

to request a paper version of the exam. You will have one hour to complete the exam and return it to Luis Cruz. After grading your exam, FINRA will send you an email with the results and instructions on your next steps in completingthe training requirements.

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (3)

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

poC yright T eh ARNIF" siD p etu R itulose on cisaB Ar artib t ro T "gniniar si r rpe o ud ced by rep m noissi of eht Fi nan ic la I udn stry

otalugeR ry irohtuA t ,y nI c. )ARNIF( u redn a non-e cx ul sive lic ne se. ARNIF si ton r se isnop b el rof any orre sr ni or om si s snoi orf m eht ni f ro m noita co tn a deni ni t eh NIF" RA D upsi te loseR u noit aB s ci Ar rtib a rot Tr gninia ." llA us ch ni f ro m noita is

dedivorp sa" "si ohtiw ut aw r nar ty of any k dni . RNIF A mak se on tneserper a snoit and ialcsid ms lla erpxe ss , im ilp ed a dn s otutat ry seitnarraw of yna k dni ot the resu a dn / ro any driht rap t ,y idulcni ng yna w seitnarra of ca curac ,y tim enile ss , com ,ssenetelp m ilibatnahcre ty dna f enti ss f ro yna itrap c alu r up r op se. RNIF A eser r sev eht gir ht ot am dne eht " IF N AR

upsiD te eR s ulo tion cisaB rotartibrA T niniar g" ta sti dis rc noite .

ARNIF sh lla ton vah e any ,trot c cartno t ro na y to h re bail ili ty ot any resu na d o/ r any iht rd ap rty. U redn on cric ums nat ces lliw NIF RA be il a elb f ro yna ol st orp f sti ro tsol o ropp tunit ,y d ,tceri ni d ,tceri sp ice a ,l c no s uqe e itn a ,l ni ic ned t la or up n ti ive

ad m sega tahw soe ,rev e ev n if ARNIF sah be ne desivda of eht op ssibility of such dam ega s. ehT ret ms of siht sid claim re m ya ylno eb am dedne ni a gnitirw s ngi ed by NIF RA.

nI troduction T eseh era anyd m ci it mes rof seitiruces ra b ti rat noi . W rehteh a sid p etu c snrecno na in ,rotsev em lp oye ,e ro broker ega f ri m,

artibra tion is eht m tso of net desu f ro m of id s etup resol itu on. T esoh s ele c det as ar artib t ro s evah a un uqi e po por nut ity ot s evre ton only the seitrap erofeb eht m, tub a osl ot c tubirtno e ot t eh f ia r da m ini str noita of jus it ce. T eh tibra r ita on proce ss

tcerid ly a ff ects oep p s'el vil se dna vil e ohil o sd na d eneg r la ly vni olv se gis n ifi c tna am stnuo of m no ey. rotartibrA s' ed cis noi s netfo im tcap eht re tup a it sno dna em lp oym tne of eht eitrap s.

T eh s sseccu of eht ne t eri artibra t noi orp c se s ed p sdne no sk elli d and c no cs ie tn ious ar rtib ato sr . T sih c ruo se si ed s engi d ot

pleh rp o ediv uoy htiw eht ks slli ot be a com ,tnetep ,riaf dna uj st ar tib r ota r. uoY dluohs er view eht m slaireta oc m yletelp and guoroht h yl ni noitaraperp of r gnivres ni eht c ir t laci elor sa na ra b otarti r for eht Fi an nc lai I udn stry eR g lu a ot ry A rohtu ity

upsiD te eR s ulo tion (F NI RA).

difnoC e ecn ni eht ra b arti t noi ssecorp lliw eb veihca ed ylno w neh eht ys mets si iaf r ni fact and ppa ear na ce . oT uq o et na nE g hsil uj ris ,t uJ" s ecit ohs u dl ton ylno eb ,enod tub s dluoh am n efi st yl dna nu d uo b ldet y eb s ee n to eb enod ."

Dispute eR sol tu ion s' M si sion Sta et me tn

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi 's m si s noi si ot ha ev lla of o ru noc s tit u stne —t eh in sev it gn p bu lic, broker ega fi smr dna the ri em ,seeyolp na d lartuen s (a rotartibr s a dn m srotaide )— weiv NIF RA sa t eh pr ee m tneni prov edi r of id s up te res ulo t noi s ecivre s. To occa m hsilp th si ,laog it si ruo nats ding ple egd to rp o ediv im ap r lait arb otarti rs who are de id cat de to deli ev r gni

,riaf e ff evitce etupsid er s oitulo n ivres ces.

roF m ero no ARNIF na d sti ivres c ,se s ee F NI R ’A s W be s .eti

s’ARNIF W be :etis th tp:/ w/ ww.finra.org/ ni dex.htm

Additional Notice

FINRA Dispute Resolution attempts to present information to readers in a format that is easily understandable. However,please be aware that, in case of any misunderstanding concerning a rule in the Customer or Industry Code of Arbitration Procedure, the rule language prevails.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

In rt do ucti no

Welco em ot Arbitr ta oi n

ARNIF da m sretsini eht ra bit oitar n ssecorp lartuen ly sa to all par it cip tna s. To erusne taht t sih laog is m ,te we strive ot edivorp eht rap t ei s htiw srotartibra ohw lliw irb ng f nria e ss dna irgetni ty to the proc sse .

T ereh era eerht ts e sp ht at uoy m tsu oc m etelp in redro to qu ila fy sa a FIN AR arbitr ota r. ,tsriF uoy m tsu oc m etelp t sih c ruo se dna ssap eht axe m ta the end of this pr go ram. oceS n ,d uoy m tsu s lufsseccu ly com telp e eht on enil ex egnup m tne

iart n gni esruoc . T ,drih uoy m tsu oc m etelp eht oorssalc m noitrop of eht rt aining by etta n gnid )1( o etisn trai in gn ta a iger o lan of if ce ro )2( evil iv d oe rt ain ni g v ai W Ebe x.

nI ad noitid ot siht co ru s ,e F ARNI sp srosno to h re noc tin iu ng ra b rotarti ude ac it on pr go rams taht you may a cc e ss ta ruo

W be s ,eti o.arnif.www rg. We cne o egaru you to eb come a orp fic tnei tibra r rota a dn ot m niatnia ruoy sk lli s. Failure to reporp ly f lu f lli ruoy role sa an artibra t ro m ya ser u tl ni rem lavo f or m eht ARNIF ibra tr rota ros et r .

T sih esruoc lliw acqu tnia you iw th the ra b arti t noi orp c sse dna serp e tn you iw th many of eht seussi yo er'u il k yle ot

ne c retnuo sa an arb ti r ota r. T eh dividni u sla a dn f ri ms an m de ni siht gniniart era f ci t uoiti s. ynA sim irali ty to er al oep p el ro rif ms si erup ly dicnioc e tn a .l

.www f ro.arni g : ht /:pt / .www f gro.arni / edni x. mth

riF s ,t s'tel ans rew some qu noitse s you m thgi hav :e

• W tah si tibra r ta i ?no • W tah si m ?noitaide • woH od I f ti ni to the ra b ti r ta i no proce ss ? • W tah era ht e ihte c la oc aredisn tions for ar tib r ota sr ? • W tah ecruoser s era a aliav b el to m ?e • woH od I esu this c uo sr ?e

Wh ta is Ar ib t ar tion?

rtibrA a noit is a m dohte of ivloser ng a sid p etu eb t eew n owt or more ap r eit s. T eseh eitrap s eerga ni da v ecna to ab di e by eht d noisice of ht e ra b tarti o ,sr who era im laitrap srep o sn oc mm detti ot ner d nire g a f ria na d im ap r it al ed cis oi n af et r la l

seitrap ha ev dah na roppo t inu ty to pre es tn th ie r cases . T eh 'srotartibra drawa si f lani a dn ib n ,gnid su tcejb ot c truo iver ew no ly un ed r il m deti ci cr ums nat c se . T ereh si on a epp al

ssecorp tiw h ni IF N AR nu ed r t eh Co ed of rtibrA a it on udecorP re for Cus ot mer iD s etup s and the oC ed of Ar tib r ita on udecorP re f ro tsudnI ry siD p etu s vitcelloc( e yl refe rr de to as oC des or )edoC . Howev re , the p ra ties may file a mot oi n ot

av cate eht ra b noitarti a aw rd ni a truoc of com tnetep juris id tc noi . nI s ,troh artibra tion is a ciuq k, f ,ria dna evitaler ly xeni p evisne anretla t evi to il t agi tion. T ereh is til t el ow dn re yhw ht e esu of siht orp c sse sah sk ory ck dete s ni ce the la et 0891 s.

T sih prahs ni c aer se ni snoitartibra saw osla inf neul ced by a U.S. erpuS me truoC decis oi n ( raehS s no v. Mc ohaM n, 91 8 )7

taht epleh d es at b il sh ra b ti r ita on sa t eh m detadna orp c erude for reso vl gni secur ti ies id s etup s. roirP ot siht d ce is ,noi ht e idnib ng erutan of eht ar rtib a noit rga eem tne dna t eh rb o da epocs of na ra b arti t 'ro s tua h iro ty in securit ei s cas se ew re el ss

c ael r.

edoC of tibrA r noita ecorP d eru f ro otsuC m re etupsiD s dna eht C do e of noitartibrA orP c ude re for udnI stry iD sp setu : nif//:ptth r oc.a m oc.tenilp m lpsid/ne/ a _yalpsid/y m th.nia m ele&3042=dibr?l m i_tne d 4= 690

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 4 of 1143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Wh ta is Medi ta ion? nI ad noitid ot noitartibra es r ,seciv IF N AR o ff sre m noitaide as a on t reh m dohte of res lo ving id spu et s. uoY lliw deen ot be

a eraw of wh ta m aide t oi n si , woh ti row ks, dna how ti re setal to the arbitr ta i no proce ss . We lliw edivorp f rehtru ni f ro m noita no m aide t noi ta t eh salc s oor m noitrop of eht t ar in ni g. uoY nac le nra m ero tuoba m noitaide on o ru W be s eti ta

.www f ro.arni g.

eM d ai t oi n si an rofni m la dna non - irasrevda al pr sseco ni ihw ch na im itrap al osrep n, eht m aide t ,ro facil ati tes ne tog i ta i sno wteb e ne itupsid ng p ,seitra gnipleh them f dni a m yllautu ca c pe tab el so ul t noi . W tah osla id s gnit u sehsi m de itai on f or m

artibra tion a( nd c truo il tig )noita si th ta t eh m aide t ro ah s on po rew ot im esop a s ulo t noi dna eod s n to a ett m tp to od so. ,rehtaR eht m rotaide spleh eht eitrap s c etaer a oc mm no s lo u noit ot ht e ri comm no pr elbo ms.

.www f ro.arni g. th : t www//:p .f mth.xedni/gro.arni

How FIN AR s' M de iation Process Works

ruO m oitaide n argorp m si atnulov ry dna n nibno d gni . sesaC oc me ot su nehw eht seitrap eerga ot s bu m ti a nep d ni g artibra tion ac se ot m noitaide ro ot us bm ti a m retta ton f deli f ro tibra r ,noita tub involvi gn i ss eu s aht t are orppa pr etai for ruo

upsid te loser u it on forum. ehT p seitra se tcel eht m aide t ro dna ediced ehw n dna wh ere ht e m taide i no se ss ions iw ll take place.

lareneG l ,y eht m aide t oi n proc sse snigeb htiw a nioj t s noisse erehw e hca rap ty eg ts a ch na ce ot explain ti s side of eht s ot ry. tA os me tniop eht m aide t ro usu ally sedivid the p seitra otni se arap t ,e c no fid tne i la se iss no s. In those separate s ,snoisse ro ,sesucuac eht m rotaide er vie sw htiw cae h rap ty and th rie oc u lesn any s nert g ht s and aew k en sses of eht cas ,e

serdda s se eht rap t 'sei laer ednu r iyl ng eretni s ,st a dn erolpxe s opt noi s for res lo u oit n. T hguorh seht e se ss noi s, a dn da d lanoiti tnioj es s is o ,sn eht m rotaide h sple t eh seitrap at ke a m ero r ae lis it c appr ao ch a dn f ni d ar ae s of comm no gr dnuo .

O ecn na eerga m tne si re ,dehca eht rap t sei ard ft and ngis a f ro m ,la irw t net tes t el m tne agr ee m tne . Medi ta ion Sessions are Private and Co fn id ne ti la

eM d ai t oi n si a pr etavi corp e ss . gnihtoN a rap ty llet s ro swohs a m rotaide ni t eh avirp te c ucua s se nac be comm inu c deta by eht m rotaide ot t eh rehto p ytra tuohtiw eht sserpxe perm noissi of eht p ra ty hw o g va e ht e ni form noita . sihT ilaitnedifnoc ty si eht k ye to m s'noitaide sseccus esuaceb ti a swoll f ro a f llu and f nar k laid o ug e eb t neew the m otaide r na d eht par eit s.

W hti eht e cx pe tion of niatrec ger u al tory ro roper t ni g re eriuq m ,stne eht m aide t ro dna NIF RA m tsu k pee eht e itn re m oitaide n ssecorp and sdrocer f yllu difnoc e laitn . sA na rotartibra res v gni no a sac e, eht trap ies may a vd ise you th ta t ieh r c esa si a osl nieb g m taide ed. ,revewoH uoy era ton ne tit del ot a yn ni f ro m noita r ge idra ng the m taide i no na d s oh u dl

inifed tely ton ask yna snoitseuq of the rap t sei idrager ng ht eir m itaide on case. nA eerga m tne ot m etaide dluohs n to be iv e ew d sa a ngis of aew k ssen no eht trap of any party.

How Media it on Relat se ot the Arb ti rator s' Role

roF m itaide o sn aht t oc me ot su f or m ruo artibra tion cod k ,te ereht luohs d eb no de yal ni t eh artibra t oi n un el ss eht par seit eerga ehto r esiw . T eh m noitaide si dengised ot nur yltnerrucnoc htiw the artibra t oi n c ,esa so th ta no it me is ol st no t eh

ar ib trati no tra kc . You lliw il kely evres no na tibra r noita esac erehw ht e rap t sei era osla m aide ting the case. T ereh era key po stni ni the artibra tion wh ere ti m ya eb rppa o etairp f ro eht ch ria p ,nosre ohw pre is ed s evo r the ar tib rat noi

nap e ,l ot sa k eht rap t sei if ht ey era a eraw fo or c no sider de the m oitaide n pr go ram. T ih s 'ecafretni' ewteb en ar tib rat oi n dna m oitaide n ah s b oce me oc mm no sa eitrap s and th rie re atneserp t evi s b oce me m ero rawa e of m itaide on a dn its eneb f ti s. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 5 of 1143

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (6)

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng How Do I tiF into t eh Ar ib t ar tion P or cess?

sA na ,rotartibra oy u lliw he ra dna ed c edi t eh 'seitrap ac s se dna , sab ed on ht e evi ned c ,e ren ed r a f ia r, jus ,t a dn im ap r lait drawa .

setupsiD uoy m ya eb sa k de ot elur on :edulcni

• up b cil otsuc m re upsid t se us ch as claims of elbatiusnu ocer mm ,snoitadne evissecxe art d gni , m si r pe res oitatne n,

• em lp oym tne sid p setu t tah ar esi tuo of eht em yolp m tne ro ret m noitani of na detaicossa rep s no . hcuS sesac m ya vlovni e degella ircsid m noitani .

T eh eitrap s ni t eh se d upsi t se lliw iv ew uoy dna eht tser of eht enap l as j egdu dna jury. nI ilaer t ,y uoy evah m ero po rew

naht a duj g ,e b esuace ruoy snoisiced tonnac be revo rut den e cx pe t un ed r lim deti cric ums nat ces. traP ly eb c esua of siht ,rewop ti si c citir al th ta uoy era on t ylno im laitrap ni f ,tca tub osla im itrap al ni a epp a nar ce .

enO sselerac erutseg ro of dnahf er m ra k nac dael to an im noisserp of aib s— ihw ch is no e of eht ef w grou dn s for which

artibra tion ed cisio sn nac be utrevo rned. neuqesnoC t yl , artibra t sro m tsu wla a sy eb no draug dna ejorp ct dna ex bih it a h hgi erged e of suoires n ,sse orp f noisse a sil m, dna oc m etep ncy in lla fo th rie brev al a dn brevnon al oc mm noitacinu s.

eR mem reb taht srotartibra era inde ep n ned t artnoc c ot sr , ton em lp oyees of F ARNI . rA b rotarti s era on t ile g elbi to recei ev yna enu m yolp m tne stifeneb ro any NIF RA em lp o eey b ene f sti .

T sih ,esruoc la o gn htiw eht oorssalc m dna ilno ne gniniart rp o arg m ,s lliw he pl edivorp uoy htiw t eh com netep cy ot eb na e ff evitce artibra tor. Wh ta Are t eh tE hic la Considera it ons for Arbitr ta ors?

llA ra b arti t sro m tsu daer dna com ylp iw th eht e iht ac l s adnat rds ni t eh edoC fo tE h sci rof rotartibrA s ni oC mme cr lai etupsiD s edoC( of )scihtE . T eh edoC of Et scih saw de polev ed by t eh Am ire c

rtibrA a srot ohs u dl er f re ot it aluger r yl f ro diug ance. T eh edoC of tE h sci si on t a us bs tutit e for, on r does ti supe sr ,ede pa p elbacil law ro eht C edo .

T eh gniwollof era elbacilppa snonaC , hcihw era a ap rt of eht Co ed of tE hi sc :

nonaC I - nA ra b arti t ro sho dlu dlohpu eht tni e irg ty and f ia r en ss of eht ar artib tion p or ces .s nonaC II - nA artibra t ro dluohs esolcsid any tseretni ro aler t snoi h pi il kely ot af tcef im ilaitrap ty ro t tah m thgi rc e ta e an

ecnaraeppa fo ilaitrap ty. Canon III - nA rotartibra hs dluo avo di im eirporp ty ro the ap raep a ecn of im eirporp ty in comm inu c gnita iw th ap r eit s .

nonaC VI - nA rotartibra hs dluo c udno ct eht corp e ide n sg f ylria dna dil gi e tn ly. nonaC V - nA tibra r rota uohs dl make snoisiced ni a j su ,t ni d pe e edn n ,t a dn del bi er eta m enna r . nonaC IV - nA rotartibra hs dluo eb f ia thf lu to ht e ler a pihsnoit of tsurt dna conf edi n it a il ty ni h tnere ni aht t o ff ice.

T eh edoC

,ereH ew gih h thgil t eh f llo o gniw eerht Ca snon f ro ibra rt rota s ot revie .w

an Bar Association and the AmericanArbitration Association to guide arbitrators in their dealings with parties who have disputes.

Code of Ethics : http://www.finra.org/ArbitrationMediation/Rules/RuleGuidance/P009525

: http://finra.complinet.com/en/display/display_main.html?rbid=2403&element_id=4096

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failure to execute, or lack of supervision; and

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (7)

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng What Are the Ethical Considera it no s for rA ib rt ta ors? (Continue )d

nonaC I of ht e edoC of Et scih id s suc s se eht ra b rotarti 's agilbo t noi ot pu h dlo eht in get ir ty a dn f ia rne ss of eht ar tib rat noi

• gnisirppA NIF RA fo ruoy reneg al a aliav b ili ty si f eni . iciloS ting appo tni m stne si n to a rpp opr ai te. nopU ca c gnitpe na

tnioppa m ,tne ra b arti t sro dluohs avo di e etn r gni ni to na y f nani cia ,l ub sin sse ro ehto r noitaler ship th ta is il k yle to a ff tce im ytilaitrap ro m thgi nosaer ably aerc te an ap ecnaraep of ilaitrap ty or aib s. nrottA eys, repxe t iw t sen ses, or

tnuocca a stn hw o era tibra r srota ohs u dl eb ralucitrap ly m dni f lu of siht te h laci c no s noitaredi , dna ohs u dl review eht lacihte c no s redi a snoit of th ie r profe ss noi . roF axe m ,elp na rotta en y ro ot reh forp sse anoi l s oh uld t'n a cc tpe na y egagne m tne ivlovni ng a party ud r ni g ht e pe dn ency fo na noitartibra dna for a reas ano b el ep riod of it me af et r eht

m retta is c dedulcno . iL k ,esiwe na trepxe tiw n sse dluohs dis esolc iverp o su sesac of r ihw ch eh or s eh aw s r te a ni ed taht vni olv de a yn rap t ,y cou ,lesn ro iw t ssen .

• tibrA r srota dluohs evirts ot tneverp esuba ro noitpursid of t eh ar tib ra it on proce ss . • tibrA r srota dluohs ca c tpe na sa s ngi m tne no ly if yeht b ile e ev they nac tcudnoc eht ra b ti rat noi prom tp ly.

nonaC II of the edoC fo Et scih ediug s the ra b rotarti idrager ng di cs serusol taht era il k yle to affect im ap r ait lity or m thgi nosaer ably etaerc ht e appear na ce of aib s. nA ar artib ot r sah na noitagilbo to d lcsi so e cer niat fac ot sr taht m hgi t r ae s no ably

evig esir ot na a ecnaraepp of itrap a il ty ro bias. oN t e ev ry id cs erusol g sevi ir se to a c llah e egn for c ua se. woH e ,rev orp m ,tp com lp ete olcsid sure m thgi rep m ti a ytrap ot make a m ero rofni m de ed cis noi .

moC m no w htlae C ao t sgni Cor oitarop n v. nenitnoC t la C ytlausa C napmo y, 393 US 541 1( 9 ,)86 si the m tso f neuqer t yl detouq esac ni siht aera . In mmoC o laewn th, the truoc ack segdelwon taht an rtibra a s'rot isub ne ss r tale i no s pih s m ya deedni eb esrevid epse c yllai ni ot ad s'y oc m xelp os c ytei . No m retta how ivirt al t eh ,tcatnoc ti i s b ette r t tah eht ap r eit s know

oba ut ti pu f tnor ra reht t ah n f dni tuo retal ni eht corp ee gnid ta a time hw en t eh y m ya s ee k ot c llah e gn e cer at in ed ci is no s uoy evah m eda . eR mem ,reb ti si ton pu to you ot d ete rm eni eht sig in f ecnaci of ht e tcatnoc ro id s olc sure. Your du yt is ot

esolcsid !

rtibrA a srot evah a ud ty ot eb egilid nt by rofni m gni them sevles of eht lp a rey s ni the a tartibr i no na d exam gnini t ieh r aler t snoi h spi ot orp vide id sc ol s eru . T eh ,seitrap to ,o evah na ilbo g noita to in etagitsev ht e ri o nw ocer rds ot di itne fy op ss bi le noc f tcil s dna r ia se t eh m sa noos sa t yeh oceb me k nwon . T eh noitagilbo ot d olcsi se is a co itn n niu g o agilb t noi taht eod sn't

c esae nu t li eht f lani ed ci ois n is ren ed red.

serusolcsiD era ton il m deti ot snoitaler h pi s htiw t eh par ,seit oc uns le , or w enti sses. redisnoC any noitaler s spih eb t eew n ro am gno artibra t sro gissa ned ot eht same esac sa ni f ro m noita ot be di cs ol s de ot ht e ap rt ei s. sucoF no ob th past dna

tneserp b enisu ss aler tio sn h spi b te ew en uoy and the pa eitr s, snuoc e ,l iw t sen s ,se co- ap nelists, na d ht e tne ities f ro ihw ch th ye wor .k T eh rotartibra ta eussi ohs u dl oc mm etacinu a olcsid sure ot t eh s at ff dna per e ta ti in rf tno of eht parties ta t eh eb g nni i gn of

eht h irae ng. T eh seitrap sh dluo neht ack egdelwon the rofni m noita dna etats ehw t reh ht ey evah na objec it on ot proc dee htiw eht c esa .

Canon II G rp o iv d se nadiug ce hw en a olcsid s eru si edam af ret eht proc ee dings h va e eb g nu . T eh naC on a siss ts eht

artibra t ro ni reted m gnini fi eht ra b rotarti dluohs rdhtiw aw or er m nia no t eh ap n le . T eh sdradnats era :

• If lla seitrap euqer st that you w dhti r wa —do so . • If el ss th na lla p seitra r euqe st aht t you iw th rd aw— od os u sseln tie h re of eht f lo ol wi gn ci cr ums nat ces exists:

o nA rga eem tne fo eht p ,seitra ro ra b noitarti ru sel agre de to by the ap tr ei s, or pa lp ic ba le la ,w es at b il hs de

serudecorp f ro ed t re m gnini egnellahc s ot tibra r ,srota ni hcihw sac e esoht ecorp ud res s dluoh be f lo lowe ;d ro

o nI ht e sba e ecn of elbacilppa ,serudecorp if eht ,rotartibra af ret c lufera ly consi ed gnir t eh m etta r, ed term eni s taht eht nosaer f ro eht ch lla enge si n to s laitnatsbu , and ht at eh or s eh c na ne ev rthele ss act dna can dec edi t eh case

i pm artially and fairly.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 143

process. Keep the following concepts in mind:

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng What Are the Ethical Considera it no s for rA ib rt ta ors? (Continue )d

noC s tlu htiw sta ff if uoy ah ve any q snoitseu ager rdi gn w ti h laward . eK ep ni m dni taht os m ite m se ti is ssel ex nep sive for y uo ot step do nw ni t eh mid eld of eht orp c nidee g ht an f ro eht eitrap s ot itsni t etu a deecorp i gn ot av ca et an a aw rd. nO eht

rehto han ,d th si ohs u dl eb decnalab yb ht e sig in f naci ce of eht ,erusolcsid the id s desolc c ri cum nats ces or r le a noit sh pi s, dna idujerp ce ot a p ytra if uoy pets do nw .

Canon III of eht C edo of Et scih sevig g ecnadiu ot ibra rt ota sr r age rd gni comm inu c ita ons iw th the par eit s. W elih you do n to

tnaw to raeppa dloc and oola f, lausac conve sr ita on may cause a prob el m. A moc m tne uoy eveileb ot eb ingisni f tnaci m thgi f ro m eht ab sis f ro a egnellahc of the nif al isiced on. oC mm snoitacinu htiw t eh seitrap ohs u dl eb rcs pu ulou ls y avoid de ve en retfa the corp e gnide s are c no lc dedu .

W elih srotartibra jne oy isauq - laiciduj imm inu ty, na rotartibra may eviaw th si mi m inu ty by gnisolcsid t eh tnoc e tn of

ucsid s snois am gno tibra ra ot sr . syawlA ussa me os m enoe is gninetsil . issucsiD o sn no ele av t ,sro ni er str oo ms, dna ni stnaruatser of et n it m se c na eb o ev r aeh rd.

tE h laci co isn d ,snoitare is ,seus dna axe m selp era nimaxe ed guorht h tuo iht s c uo rse. nitnoC u ylla re iv ew eht a ilpp c ta i no of eht C edo of tE h sci as you r dae throu hg t ih s c uo sr e. You lliw s ee oh w et cih al noc s edi snoitar im tcap lla acti no s at k ne by na

ar ib trator. eruliaF to wollof t eh snonaC noc s tit u et s dnuorg s for rem lavo from F 'ARNI s ar tib r ota r ros et r. What eR sources are vA ia lable to Me? T eh ecruoser s taht ac n he pl you eb come na fe f evitce dna just arb arti tor inclu :ed

• M laireta s: T eh Co ,ed t eh Ar artib t 'ro s ,ediuG dna T eh rtueN al renroC oc tn a ni a ew a tl h of r elu s,t pi s, gu di e enil s, dna rehto ni f ro m noita . ceB om gni fam raili iw th th ese m ireta als lliw he pl oy u oceb me a k elwon d eg a elb dna

fe f evitce rotartibra . • NIF RA st ffa : W elih ats ff lliw reven esivda uoy no t eh m stire of a evig n ,esac they c na divorp e ni f ro m noita no eht

artibra tion selur and proc de ures. • T eh rehto srotartibra on your panel: T eseh slaudividni m ya eb yo ru m tso ulav a lb e res ruo ce. ruoY co-pa en lis st

era ecruos s of "s dnoce noinipo s"— ihw ch yo ll'u n dee more of net naht you t nih k. • T sih esruoc mat re i la : yB eht it me uoy oc m etelp t ih s c ruo s ,e uoy lliw eb af m raili iw th m yna of eht seussi you' ll

uocne n artibra na sa ret t ro . • NIF R 'A s beW etis (w ww .fin .ar o )gr : ruO W be etis sreffo a tsav am tnuo fo rofni m noita ot tsissa you no ruoy

ac ses. srotartibrA ohs u dl r weive eht f llo

• enilnO niniart g progra sm : NIF RA si uorp d ot o ff re reves a ,l a cnavd ed artibra tor tr ia ning c uo sr es on il n ,e neinevnoc t yl liava a lb e aiv t eh W be 42 sruoh a da ,y eves n days a eew k. srotartibrA who s sseccu f yllu oc m elp te eht

enilno gniniart pr argo ms lliw have siht on t de on th rie Ar artib t ro olcsiD sure tropeR ,s hcihw FI RN A s ah res iw th t eh p ra ties.

to ensure the most current editions are being referred to during an arbitration case.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 8 of 143

owing documents on our Web site: The Cod e and the Arbitrator's Guide,

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ARNIF D si up te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng How to Use t ih s Cou sr e T sih esruoc ed cs sebir the p esah s in ht e noitartibra ecorp s ,s gnitrats htiw yo ru bei gn s ele c et d ot ser ev no na ar tib ration

nap el dna ne ding htiw t eh at s sk uoy a dn t eh tser fo eht lenap oc mp etel af et r the aeh ring. T eseh hgih - level p ah ses of eht ,ssecorp debircsed ni ,seludom :edulcni

• aperp r ni g ot c udno ct a f ria dna im laitrap aeh r ni g; • nitcudnoc g a f ria and laitrapmi h ae rin ;g a dn • gnidiced the o tu come of eht case .

T eh m ,seludo ni t nru , era dedivid ni to sm rella sat ks dellac nossel s. tA the end of ae ch ,nossel yo 'u ll have the c nah ce to

ecitcarp tahw ev'uoy le nra ed by na s irew ng qu itse o ,sn dna oc m gnirap ruoy na s srew ot eht sug eg s det na s ew rs pr divo e .d nI ad noitid ot eht ecitcarp noitseuq s ta eht dne of cae h el s ,nos siht co esru la so co atn ins euq ts noi s iw thin eht le ss no s .

T eseh snoitseuq dna a srewsn era on t los ely dnetni ed ot tset tahw uoy ' ev le enra d tub rp ov edi na oppo rtu in ty to s ,pot think, dna ni some esac s make na ude c deta sseug . T eh se q itseu o sn av ry eht ecap dna tel you anal ezy ro pa p yl the ni form noita uoy era rael n gni .

T tuohguorh iht s co ,esru you lliw s ee n ,seto hcihw ed s ebirc f ,stca elur s, ro er g snoitalu taht iw ll affect your r lo e ni t eh

artibra tion orp cess. T eseh seton la so prese tn su detsegg sehcaorppa ot tcudnoc na ra b arti t noi w ti h maximum fe fic nei c .y T eh seton era ni t arge t de ni to siht esruoc ni redro ot d ebircse hcae maj ro s pet ni a typic la bra itr ta i no . Exam Pro ot c lo W neh uoy ha ev oc m telp ed eht esruoc ele m ,stne uoy lliw eb er ady to nigeb the m adna tory 52 - euq s it o ,n m elpitlu -c ioh ce exam. oY u must rewsna ta tsael 02 q snoitseu oc rr ectly ( 08 ep ecr tn ) ot ap ss eht cou sr e. If y uo do n to pa ss t eh exam no the f ri ts attem ,tp you will h va e only one lanoitidda inutroppo ty to ater ke ti —f ro a m ixa mum of owt etta m stp . If you ah ve noitseuq s ab uo t eht co etn nt fo eht co ,esru lp ease c no tact Jis oo k eeL ta 212( ) 858- 1215 or

for assistance. [emailprotected]. If you have technical issues accessing your course, please contact our helpdesk at (800) 321-6273

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng M do elu :1 Pre ap re ot oC ndu tc a Fair a dn Impar ait l Hearing

nI troduction to Lesso :n Determ eni Whether You Can Ser ev on a Pan le nI th si m eludo uoy ' ll le nra oh w NIF RA ra b arti t sro era detceles dna woh ot aperp re for a aeh r .gni

Aft re moc plet ni g this m do ule, oy 'u ll be able to:

• ed t re m eni rehtehw you c na s evre on a p na e ;l

• de il b etare no eps cific m noito s . To oc m etelp th si m ,eludo ll'uoy ne de tuoba t ow dna a lah f sruoh dna eht f gniwollo m ,slaireta hcihw may be revie dew onlin :e

• T eh Co ed s of artibrA tion Pro ec erud • tibrA r s'rota G iu de

esuaceB m yna of eht ru sel ni eht C edo of tibrA r noita erudecorP f ro otsuC m re iD s etup s ( uC s ot m re edoC ) dna eht C edo fo

rtibrA a noit rudecorP e rof tsudnI ry D upsi tes tsudnI( ry C )edo ra e id ne t laci , siht niart i gn focuses primarily no t eh uC s ot mer oC de. T ofereh ,er eht co ru se er f sre ot eht otsuC mer edoC (1 02 00 ser ei s) only. esaelP er f re ot ht e 13 00 0 se ir es of

s’ARNIF elur s rof oc m elbarap nI d tsu ry C edo provis oi sn . T eh sedoC fo rA b arti t noi Pr :erudeco

nif//:ptth r oc.a m oc.tenilp m lpsid/ne/ a _yalpsid/y m th.nia m 2=dibr?l ele&304 m i_tne d=4 690

rtibrA a s'rot G :ediu /:ptth / .www f arni . gro / tibrA rat aideMnoi tio oitartibrA/slartueN/n n secorP s A/ rb ti ratio Cn sa eG diu anc eRe os u cr es A/ rbi otart rs

eR f uGecnere i ed /s nI th si el s os n, ew ' ll weiver t eh oc m itisop on of eht aeh r gni nap els and how a br ti rators are s ele c det . epS cif yllaci , ll'ew

ucsid ss how oy u wi ll :

• ed t re m eni rehtehw eht scitsigol of eht gniraeh lliw lla ow you to par it ic tap e; • d rete m eni wh rehte ht e f tca s of eht ac se wolla uoy ot eb f ria a dn im ap r ;lait

Before we cons di re these issu ,se we will if r ts examine l si t se el tc io .n

• investigate and make all relevant disclosures; • review the case documentation; and • comply with your ethical obligations to safeguard confidential information.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 10 of 143

• manage the prehearing process; and

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Compute ir zed Li ts S le e tc i no

ARNIF us se a com retup s etsy m ot tareneg e, on a r na od m ,sisab il sts of arbitr ota rs fro m ti s ros et sr for eht selec det niraeh g. seitraP g te a ingis f tnaci eciov ni eht oc m op s noiti sa they tceles ht e pa len ht r uo gh a proce ss of strik gni dna

nar k gni eht srotartibra cca ro gnid ot t ieh r prefer ne ces.

roF a otsuc m re esac gniriuqer a ap n le of eerht ,srotartibra ARNIF ivorp des ae ch rap ty iw th ht ree lists, ae ch c iatno ning

ahC irperson Ro ts er

rednU R elu 0421 0, pu cilb a rotartibr s era ile gib el f ro ht e srepriahc on etsor r if t eh y h va e com detelp IF N AR 's Ch ia r ep rs no

T gniniar DNA sa sit fy one of eht f llo o gniw qer u eri m tne s:

• ha ev a wal d erge e and era a mem reb of a rab of at tsael no e uj ris id ct noi , and ah ve served as na ar tib r ta or uorht gh drawa on ta le tsa t ow artibra t snoi adm retsini ed by a les f- aluger tory gro na tazi i no (SR )O ni ihw hc he sgnira erew held; ro

• ha ev ser dev sa na ibra t rotar hguorht a draw no ta tsael rht ee ra b ti r ta i no s da m ini s et r de by na SRO in which iraeh n sg erew he dl .

T eh cilbup ra b rotarti s ohw era elbigile rednu seht e irc t aire lliw eb p al ced no eht c riah pe sr no ros ret ta eht id rcs noite of eht

eriD c rot of artibrA t noi . rA bit srotar ohw era riahc - uq a il f dei er m nia no ht e pu cilb or s ret sa we ll tub their an mes iw ll a aepp r no only eno tsil ni a rap t raluci esac .

ecnO eht seitrap vah e un m yllacire r na k de eht rotartibra s, ffats niaga u sezilit eht com etup ir dez il st se el cti no system ot

c adilosno te the ap tr ei s' pref nere ces. rotartibrA s era ap iop detn gnidrocca to the cons lo i ad t de r na k gni s. fI y uo are c etcatno d ot s evre on a esac by NIF RA ats ff , uoy s dluoh opser nd imm taide ely !

s'teL sa sume taht you vah e eb en es lec det to serve on a case. T eh f tsri llac you lliw eviecer si f or m a ARNIF ats ff m ebme r ohw lliw sa k fi uoy are elba ot evres no a pa len . W ll'e weiver t sih pr seco s en xt .

eluR 00421 : /:ptth / .www f ni r o.a r /g f ni ram una a /l rules/r12 04 0

eluR 20421 : th t /:p / .www f ni r o.a r /g f ni ram una a /l rules/r12 204

Ru el 12 04 3: th tp /: /w .ww f ni r o.a r /g f ni ram una a /l rules/r12 304

strike up to four names from each list. Additionally, investors—who choose the all-public panel option for selecting ten names: one public list; one public chair-qualified list; and one non-public list. Each separately represented party may

arbitrators—may select an all-public panel by striking up to all names on the non-public list.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Determine Whether the L go istics of the eH ra ni g lA low You to P ra t ci pi eta

peD e gnidn no eht rutan e of eht ac se, NIF RA lliw llac lenap mem reb s f or m eht cilbup s rotce or from eht securit sei udni str /y n no -pu cilb es c rot b desa on the rap t ei s' nar k gni s .

iruD ng eht ini tial ,llac IF RN A lliw edivorp oy u iw th acitsigol l rofni m noita uoba t eht c esa and noitacol . tsriF dna f ero m ,tso

y uo s dluoh iced de tehw h re yo ru s dehc u el lla ows uoy ot icitrap p eta ni eht case. cA c tpe ylno t esoh esac s th ta y uo c na ylreporp co tcudn w ti hin eht itna c api t de t emi il m sti . ruP s tnau ot C na on I of the C do e fo eht ihtE c ,s you should no ly accept

na tnioppa m tne if you eveileb t tah you c na orp m yltp co tcudn eht ra b arti t noi .

Determine Wheth re the Facts fo the Ca es All wo Y uo to eB Fa ri a dn Imparti la

uoY evah aerla dy rifnoc m de ruoy ilibaliava ty. oN w oy u must redisnoc eht ilerp m ani ry ni f ro m noita rp o dediv by NIF RA a dn reted m eni rehtehw you ac n eb im laitrap .

W neh y uo in yllaiti eilppa d to oceb me na artibra t ,ro you orp v dedi NIF RA tiw h goib r pa h laci rofni m noita th ta w sa recor ded

no an rA b rotarti olcsiD sure opeR rt. T ih s troper lliw eb s tne to you ae ch time er'uoy detnioppa to a case. uoY um st er view it

nI c sesa vni o ivl ng lc e ra oc fn tcil s of tseretni htiw eitrap s ro c ,lesnuo you lliw on t eb ask de ot s evre by FI ARN . Howev re , ton lla noc f stcil fo tseretni can eb id itne f dei f or m uoy r pr ifo le. rehtO epxe r nei c se dna r ale tio spihsn m ya cneulfni e ruoy iba lity ot

f ia rly he ra a case. If you ha ev any do tbu tuoba htehw er uoy c na be f ria ro im itrap a ,l decli en t eh a pp ointm tne . oY ru im ilaitrap ty etxe n sd ot p eitra s, snuoc e ,l a ,stneg iw t en ss ,se nap el mem ,sreb dna e ev n ht e type of case vni olv de .

for accuracy and make any necessary updates promptly. For your convenience, you may review a Sample Disclosure Report.

Sample Disclosure Report:

Staff will provide arbitrators with details about the case, including the case name, case number, names of the parties, namesof current lawyers or agents representing the parties, and the nature of the case. Based on these facts, arbitrators must decide whether they can remain impartial. If an arbitrator determines that a potential conflict exists after learning theabove information, the arbitrator must advise staff immediately. Arbitrators should disclose any circ*mstance that might hinder – or even appear to hinder – their ability to render an objective determination.

Arbitrators should write down the case number when accepting an appointment as they will need this number whencontacting FINRA to inquire about the case.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 143


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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

ussA me taht you era c detcatno ot es r ev no a esac ivlovni gn L ra ry Sm hti . uoY er c tne ly daer ni a swen p repa elcitra taht Mr. Sm hti dah neeb ni d detci by a arg nd uj ry for fr dua .

dluohS uoy tpecca na appo tni m tne ot t eh ?esac Why or why ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc fI siht k lwon e gd e mak se you noitseuq rM . Sm s'hti rev a ic t ,y nilced e ht e ap op i tn m tne . nevE if uoy be eveil you dluoc eb

im ,laitrap you m tsu s llit d si c esol eseht stcaf ot NIF RA dna ot eht rap t sei ( ew lliw dis suc s iht s orp ce ss al ter in this sec noit ). Te ts Yours fle

ARNIF asks uoy to icitrap p eta ni a ac se nivlovni g a er t eeri ohw tsol m no ey ni s ot c sk . uoY eveileb itreC f aci t se of tisopeD era ht e ylno s iu tab el tsevni m tne f ro seeriter .

dluohS uoy ekat eht ?esac W yh ro why ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY shou dl enilced eht pa p tnio m ,tne esuaceb you era lbanu e ot eb im trap lai no t sih si s .eu

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 13 of 143

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FINRA Dispute Resolution Basic Arbitrator Training

Make All Relevant Disclosures You've determined that you can remain impartial on a case. Now you must disclose all facts that could provide an appearance of bias. Arbitrators will nearly always have contacts within their field of expertise. In fact, your knowledge and experience are valuable tools that you bring to the process. What you can determine, though, is whether your experience allows you to remain impartial about the issues and participants in a case. If you decide you can serve impartially, you still must disclose the facts you considered. We will review disclosures you'll make as an arbitrator.

participant—that might affect their objectivity. Rule 12405 requires each arbitrator to disclose any circ*mstances that might preclude an impartial determination or create an appearance of partiality or bias. Listed below are the various participants you should review for conflicts and the types of disclosures required by Rule 12405.

In addition to the categories listed previously, FINRA will forward to you questions that you must answer before the Initial Prehearing Conference (IPHC). These questions are located in the Arbitrator Disclosure Checklist, which is sent with the Oath of Arbitrator (Oath). You must review and sign the Oath every time you serve on a new case.

Rule 12405: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12405 Oath of Arbitrator:

It cannot be emphasized enough that arbitrators must disclose each and every fact—from the point of view of any

Arbitrator disclosure is the cornerstone of FINRA arbitration, and the arbitrator's duty to disclose is continuous andimperative. Disclosure includes any relationship, experience and background information that may affect—or evenappear to affect—the arbitrator's ability to be impartial and the parties' belief that the arbitrator will be able to render afair decision. When making disclosures, arbitrators should consider all aspects of their professional and personal livesand disclose all ties between the arbitrator, the parties and the matter in dispute, no matter how remote they may seem. If you need to think about whether a disclosure is appropriate, then it is: MAKE THE DISCLOSURE.

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FINRA Dispute Resolution Basic Arbitrator Training

You've determined that you can remain impartial on a case. Now you must disclose all facts that could provide an appearance of bias. Arbitrators will nearly always have contacts within their field of expertise. In fact, your knowledge and experience are valuable tools that you bring to the process. What you can determine, though, is whether your experience allows you to remain impartial about the issues and participants in a case. If you decide you can serve impartially, you still must disclose the facts you considered. We will review disclosures you'll make as an arbitrator.

participant—that might affect their objectivity. Rule 12405

For example, one of the additional questions you are asked is whether any member of your immediate family has been employed by a brokerage firm. Please take a moment to review the Checklist and the Oath now. The term "immediate family member" means: (i) a person's parent, stepparent, child or stepchild; (ii) a member of a person's household; (iii) an individual to whom a person provides financial support of more than 50 percent of the individual's annual income; or (iv) a person who is claimed as a dependent for federal income tax purposes. Remember, answering one of the questions affirmatively and disclosing the facts behind it does not necessarily mean you will be removed from a case. However, failing to disclose a fact may result in having your decision overturned—after significant expenditures of time and money. It may also result in your disqualification from FINRA's arbitrator roster. Do not feel personally offended if a party challenges you about a disclosure that you made. The parties seek and deserve fairness and the appearance of fairness. Challenges are rarely based on the ability or competence of an arbitrator.

Make All Relevant Disclosures (continued)

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

tA a rab noitaicossa d renni , uoy derahs a t elba htiw eno of eht ex ep rt w ti ne ss es id itne fied in the p el adi gn s. You did n ,to howe ,rev sp ae k htiw t eh pe nosr gnirud t eh nid n re .

dluohS uoy sid c esol t sih oc atn c ?t Why ro why on t?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

esolcsiD t eh ni f ro m noita . ohtlA u hg ef w elpoep ow u dl s ee a conf tcil ro a ecnaraepp fo aib s in iht s is aut t noi , ht e ap r eit s ah ev the r gi th to judge parti ila ty. Te ts Yours fle A mem reb of yo ru hcruhc is em yolp ed sa a aterces ry by the ta t nro ey f ro ht e pser o tnedn ni t eh .esac

dluohS uoy esolcsid siht rofni m ?noita W yh ro why ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

esolcsiD t eh rofni m ,noita gnidulcni the am tnuo of noc tact uoy h eva htiw t ih s ind vi i ud al. W neh ni od u ,tb sid cl so eru si eht rule. Te ts Yours fle

The lc ia m na t in t eh case is an m de E nd a Buckn re . You’ve never liked your A nu t E and and y uo are still bitter that Bost no Red S xo first basem na Bill Bu kc ner a oll w de a ball to og thro hgu his legs in a oW r dl Ser sei mag e . S oh uld y uo disclose ht is ni forma it on? hW y or hw y not?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY ow uld t’n ha ev ot d lcsi o es eseht f stca — sselnu ht ey ow u dl im riap ruoy ejbo ctivity in t eh case. T sih noitseuq em sezisahp eht f tca aht t you dluohs esolcsid any f tca opu n hcihw a re nosa a elb impr se si no of ap r it a il ty ac n eb m .eda

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Du yt to Inves it gate

erusolcsiD si os im tnatrop t tah ni da d iti no to d olcsi s gni k nwon re al t snoi h ,spi you um st la so make a r ae s ano ble e ff ort ot ni f ro m ruoy s le f of op t laitne noc f stcil vni o gnivl yo ru em lp o ,srey ,srentrap ub s sseni ssa setaico dna family mem eb sr . oL gic ylla , ti si not elbissop to eb lfni u decne by a re oital pihsn aht t you are ton a aw re of. ,eroferehT why od y uo ha ev a ud ty

ot ni v etagitse dna id s esolc such top e aitn l c no f il cts?

eluR 12 504 seriuqer tibra ra srot ot make a saer" o an ble" etta m tp ot uncover op t ne ti la c no flicts. T eh integrity of the artibra tion corp se s si b esa d no f ria a dn im ap r lait ar rtib a ot sr . T hguoh cal k of k lwon e egd may dulcerp e utca al b ,sai ti seod

ton a wl a sy verp e tn a anosaer b el naraeppa ce of itrap la ity.

roF axe m ,elp ni ht e le lag prof noisse na otta rney m tsu etta m tp ot nedi tify wh te h re sih ro h re rif m sah agne g de ni enisub ss htiw eno ro m ero of eht rap t sei ro per r evitatnese s of the ap rt ei s. nI eht uces r seiti f dlei , na own re of a orb k egare f ri m must

in ev s etagit hw e reht ih s ro h re rif m detcudnoc b enisu ss htiw eht itrap c tnapi s ro rt da de ni eht es cur eiti s in ov lved . Now try ruoy dnah ta a oc u elp of ex re cises.

12405: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12405

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

rtibrA a rot lliB eeL si a mem reb fo eht wal f ri m ,enotS eerG r & aD wson. Mr. eeL ac detpec na rtibra a it on invo gnivl A salt iruceS t ,sei ihw ch si a s aidisbu ry of A ll time oitaroproC n. Mr. eeL si un rawa e taht a ton h re entrap r of tS o ,en Gr ee r &

Da nosw ah n deld a c esa f ro itllA me itaroproC on five yea sr oga . uM st rM . L ee er s hcrae rehtehw sih law firm reve erper s detne itllA me oproC r ita o ?n If it did f evi ye sra ,oga seod eh ha ev a duty ot di cs ol se this fac ?t

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

seY . Mr. eL e m tsu esolcsid eht p tsa f nani c lai eretni st h si law f ri m dah ni the par tne com ap ny of one of eht ap itr es.

Te ts Yours fle

seoD rM . eL e ha ev na ilbo g ita on ot in sev t etagi t eh ilc e stn fo rehto mem sreb of eht law f ri m?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

seY . Mr. eL e sah t eh duty to make a anosaer b el e ff tro ot rofni m ih m fles of sih f s'mri f ro mer c tneil s. Te ts Yours fle

eB f ero eht ra b noitarti gniraeh s noisse be ,snig you note ni ht e sgnidaelp t tah eno of eht s ot cks ta i ss eu is IntellEct. B fe ore uoy tpecca eht tnioppa m ,tne ahw t spets m tsu you at k ?e

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY m tsu tcudnoc aer s elbano ser e ra ch otni tehw h re ruoy rif m ah s a rel ta i no sh pi htiw tnI ellEct. fI your firm od e ,s y uo sum t

id sclose that fa tc to FI RN A . © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 18 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Du yt to Inv se tigate (Co tn inue )d

erusolcsiD si a itnoc n gniu o oitagilb n—not no ly guorht h tuo t eh rp ehe gnira orp cess b tu also during the h ae r gni .

rof wen lesnuoc . eR mem reb taht some seitrap 'nod t ob niat c nuo es l u litn rohs t yl be erof a aeh r gni , and part ei s eneg ar lly t'nod nedi tify sessentiw nu t li rht ee weeks eb f ero a gniraeh .

Now s'tel sa sume taht you evah re iv e ew d eht rp e il m ani ry ni f ro m noita ivorp d de yb ,ARNIF c no f ri m de ruoy va alia bility, and in ev s detagit a dn d desolcsi lla netop tial noc f stcil fo i tn e tser or pa p ae ar nces of ap rti ila ty. fI uoy era se detcel for eht p na e ,l

ARNIF lliw send uoy eht ca es ucod m itatne on. Review the Case Documentation Af ret you era pa p detnio ot a pa ,len NIF RA lliw es nd uoy a ac se cap k te iw th a ll eht aelp d gni s, inclu :gnid

• ialc m ;s • na s ;srew • sorc s c ial ms ro etnuoc cr ial ms; • driht ytrap c ial ms; • buS m noissi rgA eem tne s; dna • m snoito dna r esnopse s fi( yeht era ulcni d de ni t eh lp e da i gn )s .

T eh elp a gnid s m ya re laev new ni f ro m noita ab tuo t eh seitrap ro to h re en it t sei er lat de to the case. daeR hguorht the

od cum stne ot ed t re m eni fi you ha ev idda t oi n la noc f il tc s taht eriuqer csid losur ,e a dn to un ed sr dnat ae ch ap r yt 's op sit noi . daeR eht idaelp n sg ev ry ca er f yllu a f we ad sy pr roi ot yna gniraeherp noc f nere ce ro aeh ir gn to refresh uoy r rec ello c it on fo

eht f stca dna eussi s of eht case. guohtlA h many cases lttes e ro era denoptsop sh yltro eb f ero t eh pr aehe ring c no fer ne ce

T eh elp a gnid s c isno st fo s reve al im op r tnat docum tne s. uoY dluohs be ev ry af m ili ar htiw t eh co etn nts of ae ch of oht se

ucod m tne s. T eh ialc m is eht ucod m tne deraperp yb the rap ty br ni g gni ht e ra b arti t noi ht( e ialc m tna ), or the claim 'tna s atneserper it ve. reneG all ,y t eh ialc m ,seniltuo ni rhc o olon g laci ,redro a ires es of f tca s taht t eh lc ia m tna a ss tre s as a ab sis

ot revocer ad m ega s. Of ,net eht c ial m lliw eniltuo a" le lag ab sis" f ro evocer ry, and eht iceps f ci dam ega s taht ht e claim tna si s ee k ni g . T eh dnopser e tn ro eht ser p s'tnedno serper e atn tive ge laren ly opser n sd ot t eh a ss er noit s m eda by t eh lc ia m tna in the f mro fo na na s rew . oS m ite m se eht er spo dn e tn lliw f eli a co lcretnu aim tsniaga eht ialc m ;tna taht ,si t eh er s dnop e tn will make a

ialc m niaga st dna ees k dam sega f or m eht nigiro al ialc m .tna T eh od cum stne may sla o c niatno a orc ss c ial m wh ere a er s tnednop lla e eg s rw no dg o gni ga a ni st a co- tnednopser . Als ,o

seitrap m ya sa s tre th dri ap rty c ial ms erehw r evoce ry si thguos ga a tsni seitrap rehto naht t oh se la re da y an m de ni t eh ar ib tration. ynaM of eseht ucod m stne lliw noc ta ni ihxe b sti ht at ,lliw ac gnidroc to the rap ty fil gni t eh exhib ,ti us opp rt ti s

oitisop n. T eh se ucod m stne era ht e f tsri pets ni the ra bitr oita n process .

sA uoy re iv ew th ese d uco m tne s, ti si citirc al ot er mem reb taht on f stca ha ev eb en vorp en ni the case, na d ht at da dit oi n la ni f ro m noita na d iralc f aci t oi n lliw be f htro com gni ni eht a artibr t noi procee gnid . uoY m tsu k pee na nepo m dni dna n to oc me ot any c noisulcno s un lit ht e dne of eht case.

nI yo ru ro el sa na ar artib tor, you must ton noc d tcu na edni p ne de tn in sev t gi a it on in ot the iss eu before you. i tI s 'seitrap eht

or hearing, you must nonetheless be fully prepared.

At each stage of the process, identify and disclose potential conflicts, and repeat previously disclosed potential conflicts

responsibility to provide you with the necessary information.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

Cause or by filing a Director’s Authority to Remove request. Each method is addressed separately below.

Challenges and Disqualification

Parties are permitted to challenge the appointment of an arbitrator to their case. Parties may challenge the arbitrator directly by

If fewer than all parties request that an arbitrator recuse him or herself from the panel, an arbitrator should do so unless, after carefully considering the matter, the arbitrator determines that the reason for the challenge is not substantial, and the

arbitrator recusal are decided by the arbitrator who is the subject of the request.

Arbitrators should not feel offended if they are asked to recuse themselves from a case since such requests are generallynot based on the ability or competence of an arbitrator.

In some instances, an arbitrator may voluntarily choose to withdraw from a case. When in doubt, arbitrators should consult with

the middle of the proceeding than for the parties to complete the proceeding and file a motion to vacate the award. However, whether arbitrators choose to step down should be balanced by the significance of the disclosure, the disclosed relationships and the prejudice to the parties.

Motions to Recuse

Challenges for Cause Before the First Hearing Session Begins

the first hearing session begins. Once a party files a challenge for cause, all opposing parties are entitled to submit a response. FINRA staff, on behalf of the Director of Arbitration, will review the challenge for cause and responses filed, if any, to determine whether to remove the arbitrator.

The rule provides that a challenge for cause to remove an arbitrator will be granted where it is reasonable to infer, based on information known at the time of the request, that the arbitrator is biased, lacks impartiality or has a direct or indirect interest in the outcome of the arbitration. The interest or bias must be direct, definite and capable of reasonable demonstration, rather than remote or speculative. Close questions regarding challenges to an arbitrator by a customer will be resolved in favor of

Director’s Authority to Remove an Arbitrator After the First Hearing Session Begins

information required to be disclosed that was not previously known by the parties. The limitation on disclosing informationnot previously known to the parties prevents parties from raising challenges late in the process that should have been raised at the outset.

and recuse. Recusal under these circ*mstances is required under the Code of Ethics. In the event that all parties ask an arbitrator to recuse (i.e., “withdraw”) from the panel, the arbitrator should honor the request

Code of Ethics: http://www.finra.org/ArbitrationAndMediation/Arbitrators/Responsibilites/CodeofEthics/index.htm

the customer.

arbitrator can nevertheless act and decide the case impartially and fairly. FINRA Rule 12406 provides that requests for

FINRA Rule 12406: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12406

In accordance with FINRA Rule 12407(a), a party may file a challenge for cause to remove an arbitrator from the case before

FINRA Rule 12407(a): http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12407

According to FINRA Rule 12407(b), after the first hearing session begins the Director may remove an arbitrator based only on

FINRA Rule 12407(b): http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12407

filing a Motion to Recuse. Alternatively, a party’s challenge may be made directly to FINRA in the form of a Challenge for

FINRA staff. Even if the case has already proceeded, it may be less expensive for the parties if an arbitrator steps down in

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keep confidential all information obtained in connection with an arbitration or mediation. Information that needs

Social Security numbers;

Arbitrators must exercise caution when using, transporting, storing and ultimately disposing of case materials.These actions must be handled in a manner that preserves the confidentiality of the information. Arbitrators canprotect confidential information by taking the following precautions:

Do not leave case-related material out in the open where others can see it. Arbitrators should securecase material in a locked drawer when they are not being used.

Be cautious when reviewing case materials in public. Do not allow third parties to read the materialsover your shoulder.

Be aware of your surroundings when participating in prehearings or hearings by conference call toensure that others cannot eavesdrop. This is particularly important if you are participating by cell

Exercise extra caution when serving on multiple cases to avoid sending information about one case toparties in another case.

Verify that the correct order and enclosures are being sent to the intended recipients; arbitrators

number and case name should be specified when transmitting orders and rulings, even whentransmitting them to FINRA.

Keep FINRA apprised of current contact information. For example, if an arbitrator provides an incorrectfax number or neglects to update contact information, FINRA may inadvertently send confidentialinformation to an unauthorized person. Arbitrators may update their contact information quickly and

to be safeguarded includes, but is not limited to:

FINRA Dispute Resolution Basic Arbitrator Training

Ethical Obligations Regarding Information Security

Documents and information in FINRA’s arbitration case files are confidential. Arbitrators have an ethical duty to

individual taxpayer identification numbers; driver’s license numbers; party and arbitrator addresses; brokerage, bank or other financial account numbers; criminal history information; fingerprint cards; expunged records; attorney-client communications; and medical records.

phone in a public area (i.e., a train, a courthouse corridor, etc.)

should confirm all email addresses and fax numbers before hitting the send button. The case

will be away from your car for more than a short time, you should take the materials with you. However,you may want to leave materials in your car trunk—and lock the doors and windows—if you know you

Do not leave case-related material unattended in a car for an extended period. If you anticipate that you

will be away from your car briefly.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 21 of 143

DR Portal: http://www.finra.org/arbitration-and-mediation/dr-portal

easily on FINRA’s website using the DR Portal.

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arbitration case. Accordingly, no one other than the arbitrator should have access to the arbitrator’semail account containing such information.

Do not dispose of case materials in a regular trash receptacle. Arbitrators should shred all case-relateddocuments. If arbitrators are unable to shred documents in their possession, they may return them toFINRA for proper disposal.

FINRA office or in a Regus meeting room. When leaving materials behind, clearly mark them to beshredded. For hearings that take place at a Regus meeting room, arbitrators should alert the Regusonsite representative that documents remain in the room that are marked to be shredded. Regus willbill FINRA directly to shred the arbitrators’ documents. Arbitrators should not expense these costs.

Likewise, arbitrators should take their copies of the case materials with them when they leave andeither shred them at home or return them to FINRA for proper disposal.

If arbitrators believe that the confidentiality of sensitive information has been compromised or have anyquestions about safeguarding case-related material, they should contact their case administrator immediately.For more information, listen to the July 21, 2010 neutral workshop on Information Security.

July 21, 2010 neutral workshop on Information Security:http://www.finra.org/ArbitrationMediation/Neutrals/Education/P009530

FINRA Dispute Resolution Basic Arbitrator Training

with a particular matter are not authorized to view any correspondence or materials related to a FINRAassigned to the case should have access to case-related information. Individuals who are not involved

Do not use shared email accounts to receive or send case-related information. Only arbitrators

Consider leaving behind case materials at the conclusion of a hearing only if the hearing is held at a

Encourage the parties to take their respective materials with them for hearings in all other locations.

Any time the hearing room is not occupied it should be locked and/or secured. Thus, hearing rooms should be locked or secured during a short term recess, lunch breaks and of course overnight.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

sA sume taht eht c ial m tna h sa detsil rD . oJ hn sivaD as na e px ert iw t en ss . uoY tnew ot ohcs ol htiw a nhoJ Da siv dna tnaw ot k won if it si eht as me nosrep . W tah dluohs uoy od ?

uoY shou dl co atn ct NIF RA dna sa k eht m ot ni ves it g ta e.

Te ts Yours fle W neh uoy era con at c et d ot tis no a p na e ,l IF N AR ni f ro ms uoy aht t ht e ednopser tn s' nrotta ey is To m leB c eh r. rM . Belcher

na a pp o tni m tne ot eht ap en ?l If ,os sho dlu you solcsid e eht f tca taht you era na rotartibra no t eh fi sr t cas ?e

uoY can ca cept eht ppa o ni tm tne sa gnol sa ruoy ex ep r ecnei ni eht rp e uoiv s c esa lla ows uoy to er m nia f ia r and im ap r ait l.

,seY noc t tca NIF R ,A hcihw lliw tseuqer t tah uoy nialpxe ht e f stca ni irw t gni dna rea ff ri m taht uoy ac n ren ed r a f ria dna just rawa d. wlA ays eb s icep fic, ted a ,deli dna com elp te ni ruoy sid c ol sures .

Les os n muS ma yr : eD et rmine Wheth re You Can Serve no a Pan le nI th si el s os n, you ael r den how oy u lliw eb s detcele sa a nap el mem eb r. uoY osla rael n de eht im natrop ce fo disc ol sur .e

lacificepS l ,y you nrael ed woh t :o

nI the txen el s nos , ew ' ll weiver seussi re detal to m gnigana eht erp h nirae g gats e, in ulc id ng ruoy role in fac atili ti gn the evocsid ry process .

Question Feedback

Question Feedback

is the attorney in another one of your arbitration cases that has been stayed by the court for the last year. Can you accept

• comply with your ethical obligations to safeguard confidential information.

• determine whether the logistics of the hearing allow you to participate; • determine whether the facts of the case allow you to be fair and impartial; • investigate and make all relevant disclosures; • review the case documentation; and

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI troduction to Lesson: Man ga e the Prehea ir ng P or ce ss T eh srotartibra lliw be ppa o tni ed retfa lla na s ew sr are fi del or due. sbuS e uq e tn to rieht app io ntm ,tne eht D ceri t ro of

rtibrA a noit iD( rec )rot lliw sc deh u el na I in tial herP e ira ng noC f ecnere (I ,)CHP p ru s tnau to Ru el 21 5 00 , htiw all eitrap s a dn rieht re atneserp t evi s. T eh oprup s se of eht HPI C ni c ul de gniludehcs e aitnediv ry he gnira d eta s, as we ll as fac li i tat i gn

evocsid ry re stseuq dna rehto m ,snoito so ht at eht lautca gniraeh m ya pro ec de ex ep d ti i uo sly.

epS c ifi c la l ,y t eh ap n le m ya serdda s i euss s taht ni clude, tub era ton il m deti ,ot t eh f lo lowi :gn

• ve aitnedi ry h gnirae ad tes; • ARNIF itaideM on gorP ram; • di cs ov re y issue ;s • us b saneop / edro rs; • el g la mem adnaro ro feirb s; dna • any other issues.

eR mem reb taht you dluohs evirts ot ehcs du el h gnirae setad nihtiw n ni e m htno s ro el ss af et r eht I CHP . T ereh m ya eb

it m se nehw th si si ton f elbisae ; ho ,revew eht moc m ecne m tne fo sgniraeh more ht an ni en m htno s af et r ht e IPHC s oh u dl be eht xe cep noit .

iD re tc Communic ta ion Ru el

T eh CHPI osla secudortni ot ht e rap t sei eht o noitp to orp c dee u edn r Direct Com inum cation Ru el 21 2 11 . The rule allows

seitrap ni na rtibra a it on to moc m etacinu tcerid ly tiw h the a artibr t sro —if lla p seitra a dn a br ti r ota sr ga r ee to do so. T eh ru el dna sti guid senile era dedivorp ni t eh I CHP ircS pt dna dluohs eb sucsid s de duri gn eht confer ne ce .

Seni ro ro Seriously llI Pa tr ies T eh CHPI lliw a osl be eht it me ot id s uc ss rehtehw t eh ac se dluohs orp ce de no na ex ep d ti ed ab sis eb ac use fo s oine r ro

ylsuoires lli p seitra . fI eht p seitra esivda oy u taht th ere era ev ry lli ro es oin r ap rti se or ess itne al wi ent sses, the pa en l s dluoh make eve ry ta tem tp ot eles ct etad s taht lliw etidepxe eht ssecorp a dn provi ed a reason ba le am tnuo of it me for c esa pr ape r ta i no .

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 24 of 143

Rule 12500: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12500

To learn more about the Direct Communication Rule, you may register for our separate course on this rule on the Advanced Arbitrator Training page.

Advanced Arbitrator Training:


Rule 12211: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12211

IPHC Script: http://www.finra.org/file/initial-pre-hearing-conference-arbitrators-script

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul ti no cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Manage the iD scovery Process nI some esac s, eht f llu lenap a dn seitrap lliw r evlose na y evocsid ry i ss eu s ud ir gn t eh I CHP . lareneG l ,y th guo h, ARNIF wi ll

tnioppa t eh ch nosrepria of t eh p na el ot m egana eht dis evoc ry orp cess. T ereh m ya eb it m se hw en you era sa k de ot pleh f ilica t eta t eh d evocsi ry ssecorp . sihT m ya rucco :nehw

• eht c repriah s no is nu av lia abl ;e • eht c repriah s no r euqe sts eht f lu l pa en l; or • eht evocsid ry sid p etu a sesir ta eht e nediv t ai ry aeh r .gni

If you ra e es tcel e ,d o en of ruoy irp mary go sla si to e egaruocn eht rap t sei to eb r ae dy for the h ae ir gn on ht e cs deludeh dates. The steps oy u'll take will vary by case:

• nI os me c ,sesa eht p ra t ei s atnulov rily xe cha gn e ucod m tne s dna ni f ro m noita . ll'uoY at ke on noitca u litn the niraeh g.

• nI rehto c ,sesa uoy ' ll f etatilica eht evocsid ry corp ess. Af ret gnirehtag t eh f stca vni olv de ni a id s evoc ry id s tup e— tie h re rht o hgu wr ti t ne p epa r ,s a erp h gnirae c no f nere ce, ro ob th— uoy lliw ediced if dna w eh n ht e rap t ei s e cx ha egn od uc m stne dna ni f ro m noita .

nI th si el s ,nos ll'ew ool k ta snoitautis ehw n ll'uoy n ee d ot elur on csid o ev ry eussi s ot provi ed a ll ap rties tiw h a f ia r

utroppo nity ot eraperp t ieh r cases. ,yllacificepS ll'ew :weiver

• d uco m tne noitcudorp l si ts; • ru gnil on er q stseu ab sed no the p epa rs; • sc deh u gnil a aeherp ring c no fer ne c ;e and • oc n gnitcud a erp h ae ir ng c no fer ne ce.

W ll'e nigeb ruo re weiv by look gni ta d uco m tne egnahcxe rednu isU“ ng the ucoD m tne noitcudorP stsiL ” ni t eh Disc evo ry

diuG e .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Docume tn Production iL s st f ro U es in C su tomer Arbitratio sn

sa eht repap s.

Discovery Gu di e:

Now, let’s look at how you'll facilitate the discovery process by ruling on the parties' motions and responses, also known

customer cases without staff or arbitrator intervention.

to produce and one for customers to produce. The Discovery Guide, including the Lists, serves as a guide for theparties and the arbitrators. While the parties and arbitrators should consider the documents described in the Listspresumptively discoverable, the parties and the arbitrators retain their flexibility in the discovery process. Arbitrators can: order the production of documents not provided for by the Lists; order that the parties do not have to produce certaindocuments on the Lists in a particular case; and alter the production schedule described in the 12500 series of rules.

The Discovery Guide contains two Lists of presumptively discoverable documents: one for firms/associated persons

the parties must either produce to all parties all documents in their possession or control that are described in the Lists, identify and explain the reasons that specific documents in the Lists cannot be produced within the required

The Code and the Discovery Guide work together to streamline the exchange of essential documents among the parties in

time, or object to the production of specific documents. Parties must respond to all other document requests within 60 days from the date a discovery request is received.

Unless the parties agree otherwise, within 60 days of the date that the answer to the statement of claim is due,

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The Code: http://finra.complinet.com/en/display/display_main.html?rbid=2403&element_id=4096

Rules 12505-12511: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12505

The Discovery Guide and Document Production Lists (Lists) supplement the discovery rules 12505-12511 in the Code.

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (27)

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Rule on Requests Ba es d on t eh P pa ers

sA ew dis suc s de ni eht tni r udo c ,noit eht rup p eso of artibra t oi n si ot rp o ediv a iuq kc , f ,ria dna re al t evi ly xeni pens evi m dohte of res gnivlo etupsid s. T eseh sevitcejbo can only be re dehca hguorht rp o ep r m egana m tne by t eh ar tib rators .

tA any it m ,e a rap ty may co tcatn NIF RA a tuob d evocsi ry rp o elb ms ti is ne c uo n et ring. tsoM sid c evo ry euqer s st dna m snoito egella ht at the oppo s gni rap ty d di ton udorp ce euqer sted docum tne s dna ni form noita . seluR 60521 a dn 21 5 70 fo

eht C edo qer u eri p seitra to ecudorp od cum tne s ro elif a tirw t ne o itcejb on tiw h ni 06 days of rec vie i gn a r qe uest .

toN e ev ry tseuqer f ro cod um tne s is eporp r. tI lliw eb ruoy boj to de yn im reporp euqer sts a dn make erus ereht si com ilp a ecn htiw pr repo er q eu sts. eluR 30521 tua h seziro eht se detcel rotartibra , lausu ly t eh ch ia rpe sr ,no to ca t no b he a fl of eht panel htiw er ps tce ot gniredro eht orp d noitcu of od cum tne s .

rednU Ru el 21 503, a p ra ty m ya f eli a irw t net m ito on by gnivres ti d eri ctly on hcae rap t ,y ta t eh as me it me na d ni t eh as me m enna r. snoitoM m tsu la so eb f li ed htiw IF N AR iw th ad id t noi al eipoc s for ae ch a ibr otart r. seitraP ha ev 01 days f or m

tpiecer fo a tirw t ne m noito ot er s dnop u seln s the m ivo ng rap ty a seerg to na netxe s noi ro ht e iD rec ot r or nap el ed c edi s

,yllanoisaccO a rap ty m ya etta m tp ot noc t tca you yltcerid ab tuo a sid oc ev ry upsid te. oD ton aeps k htiw a ytrap a uob t eht

case. eR f re eht rellac to FI ARN s at ff. Ex parte moc m noitacinu ( rotartibra c noitacinummo iw th on yl one rap ty tiw h tuo t eh neserp ce of the rehto trap ie )s is pr iho b deti . We lliw disc ssu siht im tnatrop eussi al t re .

rednU some ucric ms nat c ,se you nac elur no a d evocsi ry er q eu st b desa isulcxe vely no t eh m noito na d res nop ses

s bu m detti iw t oh ut a f ro m la noc f nere ce. If uoy era u an b el to make na ni f ro m de gnilur b desa elos ly no eht ap p sre , atnoc ct ARNIF ats ff dna er q tseu ht ta a herp e ira ng noc f ecnere eb cs eh d lu ed htiw t eh ap rties.

uoY m ya tseuqer a aeherp r gni conf nere ce if you eted mr eni a noissucsid iw th eht seitrap dluow pleh uoy lc a ir fy a dn

evloser the i ss eu . A r gnilu no eht pa ,srep howe ,rev m thgi eb m ero onoce mic la na d ex ep d uoiti s. eR mem ,reb uoy nac osla tseuqer m ero ni f ro m noita in wr gniti f or m eht rap t ei s roirp ot mak gni a d noisice .

Common Discovery Reques st W elih evocsid ry d setupsi co ruc fr tneuqe l ,y eht as me seussi netfo taeper the sm evle s. oC mm no euqer sts uoy ' ll ees f mor

eht seitrap ni c :edul

• cudorp t noi of od cum tne s dna ni f ro m ;noita • ;snoitisoped • ni t agorre tor ei s; • sredro fo naraeppa ce a dn pr udo ct ;noi • opbus e an s; • to h re arudecorp l m etta rs; dna • nas c it ons.

ruO en xt ra ea of iver ew id s essuc s eht ssecorp you lliw esu ot ru el no ae ch of eht se id sco ev ry- er al t de req eu sts.

otherwise. Parties have 5 days from the receipt of a response to a motion to reply to the response unless the responding party

before a scheduled hearing, unless the panel decides otherwise. agrees to an extension of time, or the Director or the panel decides otherwise. Written motions must be served at least 20 days

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Rule 12506: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12506

Rule 12507: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12507

Rule 12503: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12503

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (28)

ARNIF D upsi te seR olut noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Production of Do uc me tn s and I fn ro mati no No ehw re sah t eh isnapxe on fo evocsid ry eb en m ero nuonorp c de t nah ni r qe uests for od cum tne s. T eh ni c aer se si ton s gnisirpru eb c ua se ucod m atne t noi of net lp ays a prim yra elor ni the uo oct me of a case. tA the same it me, howev re , p tra ies c na esu d uco m tne seuqer st ot ssarah na d ub dr ne the ri noppo e tn . nI th si itces o ,n ew ' ll weiver eht is seus aht t esira iw th d uco m tne stseuqer dna eht snoitseuq uoy shou dl ask ruoy s le f eb fore

ilur ng no th ese req eu sts.

sA eht se el c et d ra b ,rotarti uoy m tsu ed c edi if a od cum tne qer uest is reas no a elb . Please review the Arbitrator's Guideto assist you with this determination.

cO c ,yllanoisa you may w na t ot use eht repxe tise of to h re ap n le mem sreb ni mak gni a ed ci is no . nI siht ,noitautis atnoc ct ARNIF ats ff dna er q tseu ht ta the f llu lenap eb c denevno ro llac eht ot reh nap el mem eb sr id rectly.

To reted m eni ehw t eh r a ucod m tne qer u tse si saer o elban , yo ru f tsri og al lliw be ot reted m eni hw e reht t eh od cum tne si

tnaveler ro il k yle ot el ad ot r le eva tn e nediv ce.

ylnO af ret reted m gnini t tah ucod m tne s era ler e ,tnav ro il k yle ot el ad ot r le eva tn ve ,ecnedi sh dluo uoy c no sider eht cost or noitcudorp fo nedrub . If a p ra ty h sa ed m no s detart th ta eht tsoc ro drub en of orp ud c noit is id spr opo rt anoi te ot t eh n dee for

eht d uco m ,stne s ee hw e ht er ereht ra e nretla a evit s th ta nac sel sen ht e im ,tcap hcus sa rran wo gni eht rele nav t it me rf ame ro s epoc of eht r qe u ,tse ro rehtehw to h re ucod m stne nac provi ed t eh same ni form ita on.

rtibrA a s’rot G iu de

© 201

Confidentiality and Discovery

a stipulation between the parties that the documents in question will not be disclosed or used in any manner outside of the arbitration of the particular case, or the arbitrators may issue a confidentiality order. Arbitrators may also want to consider ordering the redaction (removal) of names or other information, or having the parties sign confidentiality agreements.

Ideally, the parties will agree on the form and content of a confidentiality order. In some instances, however, the parties willnot agree on what is or is not confidential. When deciding contested requests for confidentiality orders, arbitrators shouldconsider the competing interests of the parties. The party asserting or requesting confidentiality has the burden of establishing

designate all documents as confidential.

When the party requesting confidentiality has met the burden of establishing the need for confidentiality of certain documents

considering questions about confidentiality, arbitrators may consider the following factors:

Security number, or medical information).

• Whether the information contains proprietary confidential business plans and procedures or trade secrets. • Whether there is a threat of harm attendant to disclosure of the information.

• Whether the information has previously been published or produced without confidentiality or is already in the

• Whether an excessively broad confidentiality order could be against the public interest or could otherwise impede public domain.

the interests of justice. • Whether there are legal or ethical issues which might be raised by excessive restrictions on the parties.

If a party objects to document production on grounds of privacy or confidentiality, arbitrators or one of the parties may suggest

that the documents or information in question are entitled to confidential treatment. Arbitrators should not automatically

or information, arbitrators should strive to accomplish the confidentiality sought in the least restrictive manner possible. In

• Whether the disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (e.g., an individual’s Social

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

Te ts Yours fle

oF x rednA s ,no a c otsu m re fo EZE iruceS t ,sei a ell g de taht a un m reb of dezirohtuanu edart s of Smart secur iti se ew re m eda ni sih tnuocca . As p tra of a ucod m tne ,tseuqer An s'nosred atneserper t evi ed man ded taht E EZ produce a ll or red it ck te s of sti stneilc f ro eht tsap ht r ee ey sra who h da rup c ah s de Smart secur eiti s. nuoC s le f ro EZE tcejbo ed ot ht e re uq es ,t argu ni g

taht t eh tseuqer si on t tnaveler dna pr udo tc oi n is b dru ensome .

hW ta noitca dluow uoy at k ?e

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY co dlu ro d re EZE ot rp o ud ce eht Sm tra s seitiruce o redr cit k ste of ialC m tna An ed sr no or some ehto r od cum tne gniniatnoc siht rofni m noita . As ot eht pr noitcudo of rehto otsuc m re redro cit k ,ste you m thgi ton or ed r their orp duc oit n

elnu ss ht ey era s oh nw ot eb ler eva tn ,dna fi ,tnaveler uoy may redro t tah EZE er d tca eht to her c il e tn an mes ot pr eto ct irp vacy ni t stsere .

Te ts Yours fle

sA sume rof eht mom tne taht ni idda tion ot redro cit k te s of rehto EZE c il e tn s, rM . nosrednA detseuqer eht acc tnuo s etat m stne rof rehto otsuc m sre ohw ah d egella d una ohtu ir zed trades by the same brok re . nI nopser s ,e EZ ’E s c nuo sel

ejbo c det esuaceb nuocca t s etat m stne are c no f itnedi al. ussA me eht ucod m stne era ler eva tn ro eht od cum tne s may le da to ler e nav t e ecnediv na d tuo w hgie the ub r ed n inv lo ev d.

W tah spets thgim uoy ?ekat W ?yh Que oits n Feedba kc

esuaceB eht r qe u detse ti e sm niatnoc nedifnoc tial ni f ro m ,noita uoy dluoc or red EZE ot re ad ct otsuc mer an mes from eht ucod m tne s. If m ero suoires ateirporp ry noc( f edi n lait ro irp v )eta ni f ro m noita si evlovni d, you m thgi sa k eht p eitra s ot sign a

c no f ilaitnedi ty etats m tne gnidrager t eh ni f ro m noita .

Confidentiality and Discovery (Continued)

Arbitrators shall not issue an order or use a confidentiality agreement to require parties to produce documents otherwise subject to an established privilege, including the attorney-client privilege and the attorney work product doctrine.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Producti no of oD c emu tn s and Info mr ta oi n C( no ti un )de

hcaE d uco m tne tseuqer m tsu eb noc s deredi no a sac e- yb -case basis. roF axe m ,elp a esac vni olving a orb k s're f ulia re ot etucexe a art de ron m la ly d seo on t eriuqer a v ulo m ni ous e cx egnah of od cum tne s. W elih edart ucod m itatne no luow d eb

ler e nav t, the claim s'tna f laicnani is t noitau m thgi ton eb tnaveler .

ecnO uoy ussi e a ru ,gnil i cn etaropro ti tni o a wr tti en or red iw th a ildaed ne f ro oc m lp i na ce. ruoY wr tti en ilur ng s dluoh be s bu m detti ot IF N AR f ro s ecivre pu on ht e ap rt ei s. Te ts Yours fle

sA sume taht opser n ned t s’ c lesnuo r qe u detse any enohpelet n seto m eda by the uc s ot m re r itale ng ot eht transac noit s in tupsid e. roccA d gni ot t eh cus ot m ’re s ,esnopser ht e no et s c uo ld not be ol ca det . W tah spets m thgi you at k ?e

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY co lu d ro d re eht c otsu m re ot oc n tcud a se ra ch and rehtie orp d ecu the od cum tne or sign an a ff adi v ti sta it ng ih s or reh

e ff stro ot etacol eht d uco m stne dna th ta t eh d uco m tne s dluoc ton eb etacol d or no ol n eg r exist . © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 30 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Producti no of oD c emu tn s and Info mr ta oi n C( no ti un )de nI ad noitid ot r euqe s st f ro ucod m ,stne seitrap may er q eu st the pro ud ct noi of ni form noita . nI f ro m noita qer u stse are a f mro fo otagorretni r ,y tub era m ero il m deti ni ocs p ,e un m ,reb dna eps cificity.

nI ge ren a ,l stseuqer f ro ni of rm noita as is st t eh id sc evo ry proce ss . reporP stseuqer rof rofni m noita may lcni u ed eht

f lo ol wing:

• W oh aw s eht hcnarb m ana g ?re • W sa eht tnerruc oc m ecnailp m launa ni fe f tce irud ng ht e ep ir do ni q eu stion? • W oh rew e ht e in udivid a sl aht t epus r siv ed the broker?

euQ s it o sn aht t sa k f ro noinipo s ro c ,snoisulcno rehtar t nah ees k gni ni f ro m noita no tcaf s ro tneve s, may eb im eporp r. roF

axe m ,elp a noitseuq sa k de of a entiw ss s hcu ”,sa W tah si yo ru un gnidnatsred of siht ucod m "?tne shou dl eg en r la ly be left rof eht aeh r gni .

iL m gniti eht ocs pe of stseuqer f ro ucod m stne dna ni f ro m noita ot the facts of a c sa e k spee eht dis evoc ry process m ivo ng.

nedI tif gniy is seus nu d re co netn tion foc sesu eht p seitra dna erp v tne s nu necessary euqer sts th ta ls ow od nw the orp ce ss . qeR u stse f ro od cum stne dna ni f ro m noita era tsuj no e a aer in hcihw a id s etup may ira se gnirud id s oc ev ry. nA o reht euqer st

si ot d esope a rap ty ro tiw ne ss . W ll'e ool k ta siht t epy of tseuqer en xt. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 31 of 1 43

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

peD ositions T eh laog of rtibra a noit si ht e eps de y dna in isnepxe ve r ulose tion of a tnoc rov re sy; t ereh f ,ero de isop tions are n to ge aren ll y

trap of eht tartibra i no proce ss . A noitisoped si eht itset mony of a sentiw s at k ne nopu laro q tseu ion ro wr netti otagorretni r ei s. isopeD t noi s era c udno c det un red o hta tuo side fo eht truoc oor m ro( tibra r ta i no aeh r gni ) and are r ude c de

ot irw t gni ,)tpircsnart( tua eh acitn t de a dn ni t dedne to eb us de ni preparat noi for eh ar gni .

lareneG l ,y tiw n sesse m ya only be com dellep ot tta e dn a de noitisop ro h gnirae fi ti si dleh tiw h ni eht county ni :hcihw they ,ediser era em lp o dey , nart s tca ,ssenisub ro ni na o reht vnoc eni tne loc ita on. sA k eht rap t sei ot ivorp de eht a ilpp cab el s at te

ro col al laws rof uoy r esac .

nevE nehw seht e tis u noita s ,rucco ho ,revew you m tsu ecnalab t eh n ee d f ro eht t itse mony aga inst the e px ne se dna nedrub rehni e tn ni tak gni a oped s iti on (e.g., rt avel ex nep s ,se otta r en ys' f ee s, rt ans rc tpi costs, te c ). . Before you rule on a

,tseuqer uoy ' ll aw nt ot k :won

• W tah rofni m noita si t eh rap ty seek ?gni Is it im ?tnatrop • sI ereht some nosaer t eh p ra ty co t'ndlu oc m lep eht iw t en ss ot ivorp de the inform noita ta eht hear ni g (e. ,.g ill en ss

ro trave )l ? • sI t ereh a sel s nedrub some way ot cer e evi t eh ni f ro m noita e( . ,.g its p noitalu by eht rap t ,sei in et rr ago tor ei s,

cinohpelet itset m ,yno ?).cte

Te ts Yours fle

roirP to a aeh r ,gni ht e ser p dno e ’tn s rotta en y elif s a m noito itseuqer ng th ta oy u ro d re t eh ed posit noi of eht lc aim ’tna s iw f .e oD you evah t eh a tu h iro ty ot narg t this tseuqer ? If ,os tahw orp v edi s this au oht r ?yti

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh s ele c det tibra r rota h sa eht a irohtu ty ot eussi ru nil g ,s lcni u gnid an redro f ro de isop t noi , ihw ch w li l expedite arb ti ration

eecorp d gni s rednu R elu 12 305 of eht Co ed . W hti er s tcep ot the er q tseu ot de op se t eh ialc m s'tna iw f ,e uoy ow u dl tnaw f rehtru in rof m noita ot eted rm eni hw e eht r you s dluoh gra tn the order .

uoY ow u dl naw t ot ask eht llof o gniw euq ts noi s:

• W tah ni f ro m noita si t eh tnednopser s ee k ?gni sI ti r ele v tna ro il k yle to l ae d ot r ele v tna evid ne ce? • sI ereht a saer on hcus sa senlli s ro tsid a ecn th ta p ever n st eht c ial m s'tna iw fe f or m et s it f iy ng ta eht aeh rin ?g • sI ereht a sel s nedrub some anretla t evi for eht rap ty ot s uce re the inf ro m oita n?

itisopeD o sn of net play na im tnatrop elor ni co oortru m til i ag t noi . uoY evah rg e reta noitercsid ni f ni d ni g a el ss ex nep is ev

,evitanretla uoht g ,h b uace se srotartibra era ton strictly uob nd by ht e r elu s of ve idence. A rehton d si c evo ry m sinahce m si orretni g ota r ei s. W ll'e iver ew th si ni f ro m noita de iv ce en x .t

of a party, arbitrators may permit depositions, but only under very limited circ*mstances, including:

otherwise be required to participate in the hearing; • to expedite large or complex cases; and • if the panel determines that extraordinary circ*mstances exist.

Depositions are strongly discouraged in arbitration, pursuant to FINRA Rule 12510. However, under Rule 12510, upon motion

FINRA Rule 12510: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12510

• to preserve the testimony of ill or dying witnesses; • to accommodate essential witnesses who are unable or unwilling to travel long distances for a hearing and may not

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Rule 12503: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12503

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI terrogato ir es

orretnI g seirota era wr tti en q itseu o sn f or m eno rap ty to ona t eh r. W sel elih s b osnedru m naht e isoped t ,snoi seirotagorretni

c na eb us de ot h ssara na o tnenopp orht u hg t eh sh ee r vo ul me of eht euqer sts.

aM ny ats te and f larede iruj s noitcid s evah tpoda ed il m sti no the num eb r of retni r otago ir es a party may se vr e no an tnenoppo gnirud evocsid ry.

W elih stseuqer f ro ni f ro m noita orp m eto ef tneicif d evocsi r ,y seitrap ohs uld sa k m ero rof m la noitseuq s ta t eh ar artib t noi

gniraeh flesti . roF axe m ,elp ask gni erehw a er g eretsi d rep s no row k de m thgi dael to rehtruf id cs o ev ry wi ht res ep ct ot t oh se f ri sm . tI si a orp p re qer u tse of r ni f ro m noita . ,revewoH sa k gni ab tuo eht co itasrevn ons eht re ig s et red pe sr no ah d iw th a s rosivrepu m ya eb im reporp irud ng sid oc ev ry and c dluo eb sa k de ta the hear gni . Te ts Yours fle nI a tseuqer f ro rofni m noita , eht er ps nedno t s’ snuoc el sa ks “W oh saw eht orb k re taht hand del eht tr na sac it ons for eht

ialc ma ”?tn sI siht a rp o rep evocsid ry seuq t ?noi Why or yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc tI is a reporp seuq t oi n ceb a esu ti si il k yle ot dael ot da d lanoiti d ocsi ver ba le e iv d ne c .e

Te ts Yours fle

snuoC el f ro eht ser pon ned t s’ txen er q tseu is, etatS“ how t eh c ial m tna w sa ortni d decu to ht e broker.” Is iht s a p repor yrevocsid ?noitseuq W yh ro yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

No. T sih noitseuq ow u dl eb m ero reporp ta a hear gni . T ereh may be it m ,se oht gu ,h wh ne oy u ll’ d rete m eni taht niatrec

otagorretni r sei dluow erts am enil a case a dn ow u dl be airporppa te.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Orders fo Appearan ec and Production

eluR 12 315 rep m sti an ra b rotarti ot redro eht ppa e ara n ec of yna nosrep em lp oy de ro ossa c etai d iw th na y mem eb r fo

• T eh artibra t ro orp m yltp selur no ht e redro na d r ute rns ti ot IF N AR .

sselnU the p lena d stceri ot eh r ,esiw eht rap ty er q gnitseu the ppa e nara ce of ntiw se ses by or the rp o ud cti no of od cum stne orf m non - seitrap u redn siht elur llahs pay anosaer b el c stso of ppa ecnarae s dna / ro pr udo cti no .

uoY ' ll ana l zy e na redro of aeppa r ecna ni a m renna s ralimi ot a r tseuqe for pr udo cti no of od cum tne s. W neh uoy er c evie a

• The requesting party drafts an order and sends it to FINRA staff with copies to all parties to the arbitration.

In general, the process used to order an appearance of a witness or production of documents is the following:

extension or the Director or panel determines otherwise. Parties have 5 days from the receipt of a response to a motion to reply to the response unless the responding party agrees to an extension of time, or the Director or the paneldecides otherwise. Once FINRA either receives all the responses or the deadline to respond has passed, FINRA staff

will forward the request and the responses to the arbitrator for signature.

• The order of appearance or production of documents is treated like a motion under Rule 12503. The responding

• FINRA returns the signed order of appearance or production of documents to the requesting party who is responsible for serving it on the person named therein, as well as providing copies to all parties to the arbitration.

request for an order of appearance or production, balance the likelihood of the testimony or documents leading to relevant

party(s) must submit a response within 10 days of receipt of the motion, unless the moving party agrees to an

FINRA—even nonparties—or the production of any documents in the possession or control of such persons. In most instances, arbitrators should issue orders, instead of issuing subpoenas, when industry parties seek the appearance ofwitnesses or the production of documents from non-party firms or their employees or associated persons.

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Rule 12513: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12513

evidence against the burden to the individual who must appear.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

buS op en sa

tA tim ,se im tnatrop set tim yno dna od cum stne era n to rednu t eh co lortn of a orb k egare rif m or ti s em lp o eey s. roF such c ,sesa eluR 12 215 lla o sw a otartibr rs to i ss eu s bu p aneo s. rednU Ru el 1521 2, no ly rtibra a srot era rep m detti to iss eu s saneopbu f ro htob rap t sei dna non - ,seitrap ehw t reh of r evocsid ry or for ap aep rance ta a aeh ir gn . hguohtlA eluR 1 2152

tua h seziro eht esu of bus p ,saneo ti osla ts a set th ta t" o eht ful el st ext tne op ss ib ,el ap r eit s shou dl rp o ud ce od cum tne s dna make entiw s es s va a ali b el ot hcae rehto iw t oh ut eht use of s aneopbu .s "

seitraP m ya make nettirw m noito s gnitseuqer eht rotartibra ot eussi a aneopbus ot a p ra ty or a non - ap rt :y

• seitraP lliw dnes ht e ri stseuqer f ro cnaussi e of a opbus e an ot NIF RA dna to a ll ap rties ta t eh same it me dna ni eht as me m renna . T eh tseuqer m tsu eb in ht e f ro m of a nettirw m noito and m tsu ulcni de a draft sub eop na.

• If rehtona rap ty o tcejb s ot the epocs ro porp r ei ty of eht bus p eo n ,a t tah ap rty must - w ti h ni 01 cal ne dar days fo ecivres of eht m ito on - f eli nettirw itcejbo o sn iw th IF N ,AR htiw na da dit lanoi c po y f ro eht ra b ,rotarti dna m tsu ser ev seipoc on a ll to h re rap t sei at eht same it me dna ni eht same m enna r as no IF RN A.

• T eh p ra ty t tah r qe u tse ed eht eopbus na may er spo dn ot ht e noitcejbo tiw h ni 10 lac e radn days of tpiecer of eht noitcejbo s.

• ecnO F ARNI seviecer rehtie lla of eht res sesnop or eht enildaed ot re ps dno has ap ss ,de s at ff wi ll for aw rd eht opbus e an dna eht r nopse s se ot the selec det arbi otart r for r gnilu .

• Af ret isnoc d nire g it m yle itcejbo o ,sn the ra b rotarti nopser sib el f ro ed c gnidi evocsid ry-re al t de m noito s iw ll r lu e orp m yltp on eht i ss nau ce a dn cs epo of ht e s opbu e an .

• tibrA r srota lliw use t ieh r noitercsid to ed t re m eni rehtehw ro n to to eussi a us b ,aneop dna hw e eht r or n to ot il m ti eht pocs e of eht us opb e an eb f ero ti is issued.

Af ret eht re seuq t gni rap ty r seviece bus p aneo ed cod um stne f or m a non - rap t ,y the qer u gnitse rap ty m tsu iton fy lla o eht r

seitrap iw t ih n f evi cale radn syad of rec tpie . If rehtona rap ty re stseuq oc p sei fo od cum tne s taht ew re recei ev d in er s nop se ot a non - rap ty us eopb n ,a the rap ty th ta re tseuq ed the od cum tne s m tsu edivorp t eh seipoc with ni 10 cal ne dar days.

ilnU ke sredro of ppa e nara ce f ro ARNIF mem reb s, eopbus n sa may no ly eb eussi d tiw h ni rgoeg a cihp il m ti s s te by ol cal or

ats te la .w roF axe m ,elp in os me dsiruj ,snoitci uoy c na n to com lep eht netta d ecna fo a sentiw s il v ni g ro row k gni more naht 04 m seli orf m eht aeh r gni noitacol .

s'teL iver ew exam elp s of stseuqer f ro edro sr of pa p ae r na ce a dn s pbu o ane s.

These same principles apply equally when arbitrators are reviewing challenges to subpoenas issued to third parties.

may set up a conference call with a non-party and the parties to discuss the non-party’s objection to the subpoena. Staffadvises the non-party and the parties of the arbitrator’s decision. Non-parties also may ask the arbitrators to resolve questionsconcerning who pays the costs incurred as a result of producing subpoenaed documents.

Concerns about confidentiality and privilege might also be raised regarding subpoenas issued to non-parties.Pursuant to Rule 12512, a non-party may file an objection to a subpoena served upon the non-party. The arbitrator

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Rule 12512: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12512

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng a herp e ira ng noc f ,ecnere caJ k anoD ,nosdl c uo lesn f ro eht c ial m ,tna ni f ro ms you th ta he w li l be r qe ues nit g or ed rs of aeppa r ecna f ro thgie of eht seR p tnedno T la senoJ tiruceS ies’ re ig s et red ep osr ns. dnopseR e tn o tcejb s. W tah s pet s m thgi uoy at k ?e W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY dluow sa k eht c ial m na t s’ lesnuoc why eig th tiw n sesse era en c asse ry dna ed t re m eni rehtehw t eh t itse mony of eht essentiw s si uc m ,evitalu ht ta ,si no ly da d gni ot ro c aroborro t gni rehto itset mony.

uoY co dlu sa k wh rehte eht nopser d tne ow u dl pr ecudo eht er g retsi ed srep ons iw ht tuo an or ed r. idroccA ng ot eluR 21521

of eht ,edoC seitrap s dluoh arepooc te ni udorp c gni witne ss es. uoY co dlu tcerid T la enoJ s’ co nu s le ot make eht entiw ss se av ia lable. Te ts Yours fle

sA sume taht T la enoJ s eS c eitiru s’ lesnuoc ilper ed taht eh wo dlu make neves of eht ei thg er ig ster de pers no s va ailab ,el tub taht t eh rehto ni d udivi al m evo d 500 m eli s away ot a gien h gnirob etats erehw eh krow s f ro rehtona F NI RA broker ega f ri m .

W tah snoitseuq thgim uoy ?ksa W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

laitinI l ,y uoy ow u dl aw nt ot k won tahw ni f ro m noita t eh c ial m tna uos g th f or m eht entiw ss dna hw e reht sih itset m yno aw s rassecen y. If eht ni f ro m noita aw s n assece r ,y sa k uoc n les wh rehte ereht saw a el ss nedrub some way ot tbo ain ,ti such sa

let e ohp n ci et s it mony ro its p alu t noi s of fact . If you reted m eni the itset mony si m ero c lacitir t ah n eht drub en of gniraeppa ta the aeh ir ,gn or ed r ih s ap aep rance up sr tnau ot eluR 31521 .

Te ts Yours fle If eht laudividni saw ton em lp oyed ni the es c iru t ei s ni d tsu r ,y oc u dl uoy us b aneop ih m ro reh ot ap ?raep W yh ro why ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc tI is d tbuo f lu a tiw n sse ni a ton h re etats co dlu be oc m dellep to tra lev 05 0 m eli s ot a hear gni . fI eht lc aim s’tna c nuo s le

stseuqer a s pbu o ne a, ask reh ot edivorp t eh utats tory tua h iro ty behi dn t eh req eu st . W elih eussi s gnivlovni bus p saneo dna sredro of eppa a ecnar era b oce m gni m ero moc m ,no you c na il m ti sid ga eer m stne by em gnizisahp to the rap t sei t tah oy u ex tcep eht m ot ecudorp d uco m stne dna make av alia b el tiw n sesse who are rednu ht eir control. rP o elb ms llits m ya co c ,ru howe ,rev m tso itrap es tnaw to c etarepoo htiw an rotartibra a dn iw ll a ett m tp ot comply with your requ tse . No ,w el t’s look ta rehto rp co larude is seus detaler ot id sc evo r .y

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Other P cor edural Matte sr If you ra e ht e ra b rotarti s le e detc ot fac ili t eta id s evoc r ,y itrap c ralu ly ni egral ro oc m xelp esac s, you can do so by ruling on

larudecorp m sretta . T eseh m sretta may ni clu :ed

• pits u al t noi s of etnocnu s det f tca s; • gniriuqer ad cnav e nedi tific noita of ex ih b ti s; • e cx egnah fo entiw ss lists; • es it m gnita t eh le tgn h of a ac s ;e a dn • es nihsilbat g a di cs yrevo sc eh d elu .

sA eht se el cted ra b arti t ,ro uoy may es at b hsil elur s t tah nac expe id te the arb ti r ta ion proc idee ngs. roN m ,ylla ll'uoy ylno

make hcus reted m snoitani f llo o gniw a rp e aeh r gni ecnerefnoc htiw eht ap rt ei s. fI a orp se p ra ty (a rap ty gnitneserper ih ms le f ro lesreh f dna aeppa r gni tiw h tuo el g la serper ne t )noita is ovni lve ,d you m thgi eb come m ero evlovni d ni the sid c evo ry orp ce ss ot eh lp m evo eht case ola ng. roF axe m ,elp uoy m thgi rp o div e iceps f ci

sA uoy h eva see ,n th ere are a num reb of rg ay saera in eht id scovery process. W elih gnilur no ae ch m noito ba des los ely no the p srepa bus m detti si arised b el , ti is not wla ays po ss elbi . gniraeH eht eitrap s may ercni esa yo ru nu d natsre d gni of eht ek y seussi of eht upsid te.

eB f ero ew iver ew how ot co tcudn a gniraeherp conf ecnere no is seus er q gniriu da d noiti al ni f ro m noita ro iralc fic ita o ,n el t s’

weiver cnas tions .

siD c evo ry Sa cn tio sn W elih eluR 521 13 of the Co ed a htu or sezi ht e celes t de artibra t ro ot erid ct na a pp ear na c ,e Rules 21 2 21 dna 1 1152 prov edi

eht f llu panel iw th the au ht o ir ty to enforce or ed sr . uliaF re ot co etarepo ni t eh hcxe a egn of od cum tne s dna inform noita as riuqer ed rednu t eh C do e yam ser u tl ni s na cti no s. T eh lenap may eussi sa itcn o sn tsniaga na y p ytra ni a cc or nad ce htiw

eluR 12 a(212 ) for:

• f gnilia to oc m ylp htiw the csid o ev ry rp o noisiv fo eht ,edoC un el ss the panel reted m eni s taht there is subs tnat i la uj stificat oi n for t eh failure to compl ;y ro

• fr suolovi ly o itcejb ng ot t eh rp o ud c noit of detseuqer ucod m stne ro rofni m noita .

and never become an advocate for any party. dates for document requests, responses, and any replies to those requests. However, you must always remain impartial

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Rule 12212: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12212

Rule 12513: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12513

Rule 12511: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12511

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB Arb ti r ota r T iniar ng

naS ctions

rednU R elu 1221 2, the lenap may s noitcna a rap ty f ro eruliaf ot oc m ylp htiw any pr ivo sion in the oC d ,e or na y or ed r of eht nap el ro s elgni rtibra a rot ua eziroht d ot act no heb alf of eht p na el. selnU s orp hib deti by la ,w nas c it sno may ni c ,edul tub era

not li im et d to:

• a ss se s gni m ateno ry pe lan t sei ayap b el ot no e or more ap r eit s; • gnidulcerp a p ytra orf m itneserp ng e iv d ne c ;e • mak gni na esrevda ni ef ecner niaga st t eh rap t ;y • a ss se s gni p ptso o en m tne ro/dna forum f ee s; • a ss ess gni a rott en ys' f ee s, oc sts dna ex nep ses;

• sid m gnissi iw th jerp u ecid a lc aim, ed f ,esne or pr co dee i gn s( ee Ru el 1 3152 ). If gnissessa m ateno ry nep a ,seitl er mem reb ot urtsni ct eitrap s to make eht m paya elb ot eno ro m ero seitrap . yratenoM

rtibrA a srot m ya a osl co isn d re eseht nas c it o sn ot rdda e ss a er s nop d 'tne s f ia lure to s ngi a dn subm ti a buS mi ss noi eergA m tne ,)AS( a tnesb a s icep f ci noitcidsiruj al c ah lle egn .

tnausruP ot eluR 1 ,2032 ialc m stna m tsu bus m ti eht SA wh ne f gnili eht St eta m ne t of ialC m; ARNIF lliw ton res ev the c mial

litnu t eh c ial m tna s bu m sti eht dengis AS . nidroccA g to eluR 0321 3, seR p no d tne s must f eli a is gned dna tad ed SA tiw h ni 54 ad ys of er c tpie of the etatS m tne of C ial m .

As stated in Not eci ot Memb re s 40 - ,11 a p ra t s'y f rulia e ot is gn a dn s bu m ti the AS m ya c esua confus ,noi le da ot na c li lary il t itagi o ,n dna nu d re m eni eht ne f ecro ab ili ty of noitartibra a aw rds. roF axe m ,elp noitceS 31 of eht redeF al Ar ib tr oita n Act

)AAF( er q seriu th ta a m noito ot noc f ri m na arbi tart i no a draw must ni c ul de the parties' ga r ee m tne ot a br ti r ta e. hguohtlA t eh c ial m tna may eb a lb e ot ed m no s etart taht the pser ond tne taht f lia ed to exe cute an AS aw s on n hte e el ss re uq ir de to

artibra te tnausrup ot NIF AR ,selur f erulia ot exe cute eht SA nac nu n ece s iras ly hin ed r ht e ability of a lc ia m tna ot s ee k c no f ri m noita of na awa rd p tnausru to oitceS n 31 of eht F AA . nI the CHPI tpircS , FI ARN as sk rotartibra s ot rem dni t eh ap r eit s of th ie r er iuq rem tne to sign and s bu m ti eht AS . Af et r the

artibra t sro ca k delwon ge lla lp e ida ngs, eht rcs pi t provides:

fI eno fo eht seitrap sah f delia ot s bu m ti a dengis S bu sim s noi eergA m ,tne p ael se da vise the ap rt ei s fo the following: A" ny rap ty taht sah ton ey t f eli d a buS mi ss noi gA r ee m tne ro ehto r esiw o detcejb ot iruj s noitcid m tsu od os tiw h ni 03 da sy ro may be s tcejbu ot s itcna o sn sa pr divo ed ni the Co sed of Arbitr ita on Proce ud re (C edo )s ."

cO c ,yllanoisa you lliw deen iralc f noitaci f or m eht itrap se eb fore r ilu ng on a er euq ts . uoY m ya evah IF N AR c oo etanidr a let e cinohp cnerefnoc e htiw eht eitrap s ot d si cu ss any o tu s nat ding i ss eu s. txeN ew lliw le nra oh w to pr ape er and c udno ct a

gniraeherp c no fer ne ce .

oN tice to M bme re s: th t /:p / .www f o.arni r tsudnI/g r eR/y g italu o itoN/n c /se 2 400 /P0 30 272

penalties should not be made payable to FINRA as FINRA is not a party to the arbitration. Awards containing monetarysanctions payable to FINRA are inappropriate .

• initiating a disciplinary referral; and

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IPHC Script: http://www.finra.org/file/initial-pre-hearing-conference-arbitrators-script

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Schedule a P er hearing Conference

sA ew uj st d ,dessucsi uoy m ya eb come vni o devl ni ht e sid oc ev ry orp c sse ni two ways:

• yb r qe u tse of a p ra ty o ; r • yb ruoy o nw ini t ai t evi as eht detceles ra b otarti r.

nI most ,secnatsni you lliw eb sa k de ot er s evlo a sid p etu by o en of eht rap t sei who lliw eneg ra ll y fi el a m oito n ot com lep .

ecnO uoy d rete m eni taht a niraeherp g c no f nere ce si n assece r ,y the spets ll’uoy at ke ot cs ludeh e a h rae i gn i cn :edul

• atnoc tc gni FI ARN ats ff dna nidivorp g setad yo ’u re ava i al b ;el • seuqer t gni NIF RA ats ff ot noc t tca eht rap t sei a dn nedi tify a m autu lly ga reeable it me. oD ton yltcerid cont tca ht e

;seitrap dna • h gniva NIF RA ats ff ni f ro m you a dn t eh p eitra s of eht sc deh u del preh ae ir gn confer ne ce .

esuaceB of it me dna xe pen ,es m tso iraeherp ng noc f ecnere s era g yllarene ha ldn ed by te el c no fer ne c .e

Te ts Yours fle W neh m thgi uoy tseuqer an ni - rep os n rp e aeh r gni co ?ecnerefn W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY m thgi tseuqer na ni - nosrep herp e ira ng noc f cnere e ehw n you dna rap ty erper s sevitatne are ol cat de ni the same eneg r la acol t oi n dna the dis evoc ry seussi era un usu a yll com ilp c deta . tI si of net e sa rei ot cont lor na ni - nosrep pr he ear gni

c no f nere ce naht a celet o efn r ne ce. nI m tso c ,sesa ,hguoht t cele onf nere c se rp o div e eht m tso fe fic tnei m dohte of res vlo i gn evocsid ry setupsid .

written information before you. If you do not fully understand the facts in dispute or believe a discussion with the parties will help clarify the issues, schedule a prehearing conference.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 39 of 143

After reading the motion, response, and any reply, you must ask yourself whether you can resolve the issue based on the

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Conduct a P er hearing Conference

at ke ot tcudnoc a rp e aeh ring noc f ecnere ni c dul e ht e f llo o gniw :

• pr erape rof eht rp e aeh r gni oc nfer ne c ;e • m egana eht erp h nirae g c no f nere c ;e • ru el no t eh i ss eu s; and • moc m etacinu eht luser ts of eht erp h gnirae c no f re e ecn ot IF N AR ats ff ni irw tin ,g who iw ll ni turn fo wr ard ruoy rul gni

ot the rap t sei dna rehto ap n le mem sreb .

s'teL iver ew hcae s pet ni om re ed tai .l Prepare for t eh Prehear ni g oC fn er ne ec

tI is im rop tnat ot eb we ll rp e derap rof eht rp e gniraeh conf ,ecnere ceb ause th oro gu h prepar ta i no conveys na a aepp r na ce of oc m ecnetep a dn o ivitcejb ty and stes the to en for ht e ne tire case. tI la so mak se eht noc f ecnere m ero e ff tneici . Now th ta oy u ev’ pr rape ed rof eht p aeher r gni noc f nere c ,e s'tel iver ew eht st spe oy u’ll at ke ot m egana ti ni a f ia r dna im laitrap m renna . Manage the Pre eh ra gni oC fn erence nI most gniraeherp t cele onf ecnere s, eht only dividni u sla who lliw d ssucsi eht is us se era rap ty r pe res tne ati ev s dna the

s ele c det tibra r ota r. nevE htiw hcus a il m deti un m reb of aeps k ,sre gnillortnoc a t le ce no fer ne ce c na eb di ff ic tlu . To nigeb eht ,ssecorp na o rotarep lliw tcennoc uoy ot eht noc fer ne ce call. eB rac e luf ton to d ssucsi yna m etta rs itnu l all

seitrap era no t eh enil . This is v re y imp ro tant. We lliw d ssucsi siht m ero erac f yllu nehw ew axe m eni ex p ra te comm itacinu o sn retal ni t eh uoc sr e . To a ss ist uoy htiw eht orp c larude sa p stce fo eht rp ehe gnira conf ,ecnere please r fe er ot the Arbitrator's Guide. Arbitrators Guide


© 201

These papers, along with the pleadings, will help you identify the issues that must be addressed during the conference.

when you discuss the issues with the parties during the prehearing conference, identify the moving or requesting party beside each issue. Once you have identified the issues, determine the sequence in which you and the parties can logically

In most cases, you will have the motions, responses, and any replies of the parties prior to the prehearing conference.

As we just discussed, FINRA staff will inform you of the specific time the prehearing conference call will occur. Steps you'll

When you read the pleadings, motions, responses, and any replies, list the issues you’ve identified on a notepad. Then,

and efficiently discuss those issues. Arbitrators presiding at prehearing conferences should always give consideration to theoral arguments set forth by parties, as well as the documentary information provided prior to the conference.

5 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 40 of 143


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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Manage the Preheari gn Conference (Continue )d

uoY ' ll nigeb eht conf ecnere yb sa k gni eht in udivid als on ht e enil —and th eso etsil n gni to t eh noc fer ne ce—to id itne fy eht m evles s. If un m uore s in ivid dua sl era ,gnitapicitrap ro ht e ri seciov are on t id st cni t fro m eno ,rehtona r euqe st taht

speak re s i ed ntify themselv se each time ht ye s ep ak.

ilerP m ani ry ni f ro m noita y uo lliw rp o ediv eht rap t apici n st ni c ul des:

• ac se an me dna un m ;reb dna • a er q tseu th ta eht seitrap noc f ri m rieht ac pec t cna e of uoy as ht e arbitr ota r for up r op ses of eht pr aehe r gni

noc fer ne ce.

ecnO uoy h eva dis snep ed htiw eht ilerp m ani ry m ,sretta ll’uoy f ilica t eta a d sucsi sion of t eh i ss eu s. peeK ni im nd ht at uoy od n to h eva the dni e dnep e tn au iroht ty ot d edice d evitisopsi m snoito e( . ,.g m oito sn ot id smiss lla or trap of a case). fI a

evitisopsid eussi ar esi s, llet eht seitrap ti lliw eb at b del litnu eht full panel con nev se .

ganaM gni a erp h gnirae c fno ecnere si ton un il ke m gnigana eht aeh ir gn ti s le f. ehT m gnivo ro gnitseuqer rap ty laitini ly lpxe a sni eht ca t noi ro ilur gn euqer s det . T neh eht oppo s gni rap ty er spo dn s, f llo o dew by a sh tro ber u ,latt if en cessar .y

Af ret eht eitrap s evah oc m detelp th rie pres tne a ,snoit sa k euq s snoit if uoy en ed ot itnedi fy ro c al rify an si s eu . aM ke sure yo ru seuq t snoi era serp ent de sa ques it ons and not as s etat m tne s. reporP ed m ronae ni qu itse o gnin vorp i ed s na

ecnaraeppa of rtuen a il ty. T ereh era it m se rud ni g a pr aehe r ni g noc f ecnere nehw y uo m ya f lee m ero il ke a rotaidem ht an na tibra r rota . W reveneh

op s ,elbis oy u ohs u dl tsissa eht eitrap s ni gnihcaer rga eem stne am gno eht m sevles rehtar th na iss iu ng edro sr . If na eerga m tne t'nac eb re ,dehca ediced ehw t reh you eerga htiw eht m gnivo rap t s’y op s noiti , ht e op op sing pos oiti n, ro os m erehwe in neewteb .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

snuoC el f ro Se edisa eS c ,seitiru D ana rF ank ,nil sa ks uoy to redro t eh oppo sing pa ,ytr otsuc mer J ca k Br ,egdi to pr udo ce nab k s etat m stne revo t eh p tsa f evi yea sr . rM . s’egdirB nuoc s le ejbo cts ab es d on veler a ecn and th ta many d co um tne s on

regnol tsixe . oY u ha ev s hc e delud a gniraeherp conf nere ce f ro ot m ro r wo mor gnin . W tah ucod m stne dluow uoy daer ot pr erape f ro eht pr aehe r gni noc f ?ecnere W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

Te ts Yours fle Af ret tsil e gnin ot sM . narF k s’nil ugra m tne s ta the rp e gniraeh , uoy llits ha ev a un m reb of euq s noit s oy u een d to ha ev

na s derew roirp ot mak gni a ed cis noi . W dluo uoy sa k ruoy euq s it o sn no ?w W yh ro why on t?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc nI ge ren a ,l oy u dluow lla ow eht po p niso g c snuo el to am ke sih ro reh ar ug m stne eb f ero ask gni euq s noit s. yB ,gnitiaw y uo ll’

edivorp na pa p rae a ecn of n tue ilar ty a dn lliw n to dnu uly ni t re f ere htiw eht erp s tne ta noi of Mr. ’egdirB s c esa . uoY osla m thgi nrael ad id t lanoi f stca ht at lliw e rehti evloser ruoy q snoitseu ro make f utu re ques it ons more focus de .

Af ret tsil e gnin to bo ht s edi s dna ht en c al rif gniy any si eus htiw euq s snoit as n assece r ,y you lliw make uoy r ru il .gn

You would read the pleadings, motions, responses, and any replies to try to identify the issues involved and determine whether Mr. Bridge's bank statements could lead to relevant evidence on these issues.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Rule on the Issues Y uo now tsrednu a dn t eh stcaf deriuqer ot make a r gnilu . narF k ,yl ehw t reh uoy era noc f nedi t fo yo ru ed c noisi ro ,ton you

era eht irohtua ty. Be p ilo te, b tu f ri .m oD ton lla ow eht seitrap ot de ab te na is eus o ecn you ha ev ur del . Take c rael eton s of ruoy redro s as ht ey are m eda . If na redro qer u seri m ero liated s naht a sta et m tne of g" ran det " ro d" e ",dein er ad yo ru nettirw redro ot eht seitrap ot ne s eru taht reht e si no noc f noisu rager ding eht precise ow r gnid .

ruoY sgnilur luohs d eb iceps fic dna c ael r. Af ret you ha ev noc d detcu eht rp e aeh r gni nocelet f ere cn e no t eh si s seu esiar d by t eh p seitra and sti ll ha ev ever oy ne no eht c ,lla you may tes a ef w da d noiti al selur f ro eht u ocp m gni gniraeh . nI add noiti to the scipot noc s edi r de ud r gni ht e

gniraeherp csid o ev ry noc ,ecneref you may co ev r:

• fo f gnire pits u al tio sn ot nu c no tes det facts; • gnidivorp stsil of w ti ne ss es; dna • erp -m ra k stibihxe lla gni .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle nI esnopser ot a er q ,tseu uoy d rete m eni taht the lc aim tna m tsu nrut o ev r certa ni records ot the respo dn e tn . W tah ni f ro m noita dluohs you edulcni ni yo ru nilur g?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

oY u wi ll aw nt to speci yf :

• cihw h er c dro s lliw eb pr udo ced; • the relevant t mi e frame; • acol tio sn rehw e eht er cords iw ll eb pro ud ec ;d • ad t se yb wh hci the er c sdro will eb pro ud ec ;d a dn • ohw sraeb the oc st of p udor c ,noit if en ce ss ary.

Te ts Yours fle W yh od uoy eveileb ti si tnatropmi ot eb rif m htiw ruoy sgnilur neve if uoy b ile e ev they af ll nihtiw a rg ay ?aera

uQ e oits n Feedba kc tI is im tnatrop taht ht e rap t sei k won uoy era ni lortnoc of eht hear gni . Un ssel a erper s atne t evi sah na idda t oi n la argum tne rof uoy to isnoc d ,re do not lla ow him ro reh ot aer r eug is eus s la r ae dy dec di ed. fI uoy liaf ot eb f ri m, eht itrap se lliw il kely

egnellahc many ro a ll of ruoy f erutu ed c noisi s. Te ts Yours fle W tah spets nac you take ot erusne a ll rap t sei u tsredn a dn uoy r ur li ?gn

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY can make ruoy ru gnil d gniru eht erp h gnirae efnoc r ,ecne a dn t neh tatser e ti gnola tiw h lla ruoy to her r lu ings ta the dne of the tele oc nference. niF a yll , ll’uoy tnaw to d uco m tne ruoy gnilur ni a nettirw dro re .

ecnO uoy h eva dis suc s de lla of eht ,seussi sa k eht pa seitr rehtehw t eh y ha ev any rehto i ss eu s ht ey ow u dl il ke ot id scuss erofeb you e dn t eh confer ne ce. If ereht era on f rehtru seussi ot sid c ,ssu naht k ht e ap rties for ieht r par it ic tap oi n and ha gn

up. If eht f lu l pan le si gnitapicitrap ni t eh t ele c no f nere c ,e eb sba o etul ly trec a ni that eht eitrap s are o ff eht line eb fore oy u nigeb ruoy lenap di cs su s noi s .

T eh lanif pets ot a erp h gnirae noc f ecnere si ucod m gnitne ruoy decisi no s in a preh ae r gni or ed r. W ll'e br ylfei re iv ew th ta ts ep ne .tx

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Communicate t eh Prehea ir ng Confere cn e Res lu ts W elih eht ni f ro m noita si fr se h ni yo ru m ,dni od cum tne eht d snoisice you m eda . You erla da y evah raelc seton of ruoy

,sgnilur os fi it me ,swolla il s nit g ruoy f sgnidni ni an redro s luoh d eb r le a vit e yl ae sy. uoY m ya osla re tseuq taht a rap t s’y lesnuoc s bu m ti a ard ft dro er taht oy u nac e ti h re tpoda ro m ido fy.

ecnO uoy h eva eraperp d an ,redro mi m etaide ly f ,xa m ,lia ro em lia a oc py to eht dengissa FIN AR s at ff mem eb r. Up no

,tpiecer staff lliw oc py dna f drawro ruoy redro ot ht e seitrap and ot eht to her ap n le mem eb sr .

sA uoy m ya ,llacer howe ev r, ton lla fo ht e seussi lliw ylirassecen have be ne dec di ed. In os me ,sesac eitrap s file m snoito taht im tcap eht sutats of eht case. roF th ese t sepy of noitom s, a full p na el must eb c no s etlu d. We lliw weiver d itisopsi ve

m snoito ni eht next les nos . uB t f ,tsri com etelp t eh f llo o niw g citcarp e ex re cises on id cs overy i ss eu s.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iar in ng Te ts Yours fle

deretsigeR neserper t evita J tena snavE a ell g se aht t eh r m ,regana eteP oP s et n, us de sex au lly i an ppr po r etai la augn ge in reh ,ecneserp nicrof g reh to res ngi reh op s ti i no . Ms. Ev na s s’ nrotta ey er q detseu eht lennosrep f eli s of a ll er ig s et r de

nosrep s who had dengiser nihtiw t eh tsal f evi years. riF m s’ lesnuoc o detcejb sab ed no relevance a dn t eh ub r ned of gnicudorp t eh od cum tne s.

W tah spets dluow uoy ekat ni siht ?noitautis W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY m ya f ni d ht at the il k ile h doo of eht er q tseu el a gnid to ht e id s evoc ry of da m elbissi e iv d ecne sraeppa il m deti . hT e nedrub of eht er q tseu la so raeppa s hi hg . T eh lennosrep f seli of no ly t esoh em lp oye se ohw dah r dengise na d oc m denialp

rof m ylla ro rofni m ylla of es x lau sarah sm tne wo dlu m ero il k yle le da ot re navel t ive d ne ce dna edivorp a el sser bu edr n to eht rif m. gniredrO eht eler a es of eseht f ,seli oh we ,rev etaerc s c no f di e ilaitn ty is us se r age rdi gn t eh f ro mer em lp oyees.

desaB no eht oc m ixelp ty of eht ,eussi oy u baborp ly dluow cs hedu el a herp earing c no f nere c .e

Te ts Yours fle

opseR n ned t s’ nuoc s le ard f st a s pbu o ne a rof eS cond naB k ot niatbo eht c ial m ’tna s nab k sdrocer revo eht ap st ht r ee yea sr . T eh dnopser e tn es n sd a c po y of eht aneopbus ot eht lc ia m tna dna F NI RA. T eh c ial m tna f seli na cejbo t noi iw th NIF RA b desa on rele nav ce dna p ir av cy. W tah spets dluow you at ke ot evloser t eh

?eussi W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY m thgi at ke eht f gniwollo :spets

• iver ew eht aelp d sgni ot reted m eni the an ture of ht e c ial m; • ed t re m eni rehtehw eht nab k sdrocer era r tnavele or dluoc re nosa ably el ad ot r ele v tna evid ne ce ba o tu the c ial m;

a dn • ed t re m eni rehtehw eht itcejbo ng rap ty sah ed m detartsno t tah eht tsoc or ub rd ne of produc it on is id spr po ro noit a et

ot eht ne de f ro od cum tne s. Te ts Yours fle If eht iro gin la c ial m saw b sa de no eht tius a ilib ty of eht orb k s’re ocer mm snoitadne , ow u dl oy u s ngi t eh us opb e ?an

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

peD e gnidn no eht facts of eht ac s ,e uoy wo dlu id ne tify eht sp ice f ci is eus f ro cihw h eht er sp no d tne aw s s ee king e iv d ne ce dna reted m eni tehw h re equ la ly rele tnav b tu ssel evisurtni od cum tne s c dluo be used.

itlU m eta l ,y uoy m tsu redisnoc dna ba cnal e eht avirp cy thgir s of ht e claim tna ga ain ts eht naveler cy of eht cod um tne s gnieb

sought .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

uoY osla may or red th ta niatrec ucod m stne eb k tpe conf nedi t ,lai a dn eht orig slani dna lla seipoc be uter r den to eht gnicudorp rap ty ta t eh co noisulcn of ht e case.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

daetsnI of gniussi a s pbu eo an ot a t drih rap t ,y uoy era sa k de ot redro eht claim tna ot ut nr o ev r c tre a ni records. lacificepS l ,y tahw type of ni f ro m noita lliw you itnedi fy in eht ?redro

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

oY u wi ll aw nt to di ne ti yf :

• specific recor ;sd • time frame fo the recor sd ; • acol tion wh ere the claim tna sdeen ot eviled r ht e records; • ad te by wh hci eht ocer r sd era ot eb de revil e ;d and • rap ty pser o isn b el f ro pa gniy t eh c stso of copyi gn a dn deliv ire ng the records.

Les os n Su mm ar :y Manage the Pr he ea ir ng Proce ss nI th si el s os n, you ael r den to m egana the pre niraeh g proce ss . You osla nrael ed h wo ot id ne tify s ti u snoita ni hcihw you

m ya deen to m egana eht sid c evo ry process. Speci if call ,y y uo el arned to:

• conduct the IP CH ; • elur no re stseuq bas de no eht epap sr ; • eludehcs a gniraeherp c no ferenc ;e dna • tcudnoc a rp e raeh i gn c no fer ne ce .

nI the txen el s nos , ew lliw review ru sgnil th ta on is n lg e ap n le mem reb — neve t eh c iah r ep sr on or selec det arb ti r ota r—c na

make ,yllaretalinu tub rof hcihw uoy deen a m iroja ty of eht f llu pa len . © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 48 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI troduction to Les os n: eD liberate on Speci if c Motions

hguohtlA eno tibra r rota can elur no many herp gnirae tseuqer s and m snoito u etalin r la l ,y eht ne t eri p na el m tsu redisnoc c niatre si s eu s. nI th si el s os n, ew ' ll weiver t esoh er q tseu s and m noito s eht ne tire panel must eted rm eni . ,yllacificepS ll'ew kool ta the

gniwollof stseuqer :ot

• sid m ssi a ialc m; • ed ny eht f uro m; • enoptsop ro nruojda a gniraeh ; • reves ro adilosnoc te lc aims;

Some c mmo on yl us de et rms oy u w li l es e in m to ions ar :e

• Ca es -in-ch ei f: t eh m nia esac serp e etn d by the pa ytr who f deli the s etat m tne of ialc m, ht r hguo eht use fo

• gnivoM ytrap : p ra ty mak gni a er q tseu f ro a gnilur or edro r. • noN - gnivom p ra ty: rap ty th ta si eht ejbus ct of eht s’tnenoppo m noito . • M noito pap sre : wr tti ne tseuqer f ro a ru gnil or or ed r . • Re ops nse: wr netti po p noitiso to the m noito of rehtona rap ty.

• W ti h rp ej du eci : a ru il ng taht stneverp a p ra ty f or m ref gnili a claim . • W ti oh ut ujerp dice: a ilur ng th ta seod ton retni f ere iw th a rap t ’y s gir ht ot refi el a claim .

documentation, evidence and witnesses at an arbitration hearing.

• Reply: a party's written response to the non-moving party's response to a motion.

• change the location of a hearing; • bar a party from presenting facts or defenses; and • motions in limine.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Motions ot Dismi ss A m noito to d si m ssi is a tseuqer m eda by a p ra ty— irp or ot ro retfa the c no lc usion of eht case- ni -ch ei f— ot t eh tibra rato s(r )

sid m :ssi

• eluR 1 4052 (a) M to io sn : m snoito ot sid miss f deli eb f ero a gniraeh no ht e m stire ,.e.i( preh ae ring m noito )s ro m snoito f deli d gniru the h gnirae no t eh m stire tub eb of er a rap ty ah s c no cl du ed ti s case- ni -c eih f.

• eluR 125 )b(40 M to snoi : m noito s ot id sm ssi m eda af ret a rap ty h sa dulcnoc ed sti c esa -in-c eih f.

• eluR 21 2 )b(60 E il gib li ity Mo it no s: m snoito ot sid m ssi desab on ilibigile ty rg o .sdnu

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to extinguish some of all claims raised by the party filing a claim. Under the Code, there are three types of motions to

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Rule 12 05 (4 a) Motions to Dismiss Before a Par yt oC cn ul des its Case-in- hC i fe

ARNIF ileb e ev s t tah eitrap s ha ev t eh thgir to a hear ni g ni arbitr noita . T ereh f ,ero itom o sn ot sid m ssi f deli roirp ot the c isulcno on of a p ra t s’y esac - ni - eihc f era uocsid r ga ed dna sh dluo be g ar etn d only nu d re il m deti circ*ms nat ces. gnidroccA

1. eht n no -m gnivo rap ty p suoiver ly desaeler the lc a )s(mi ni upsid te yb a is gned s eltte m tne ga r ee m tne na d/or writ net

release; or 2. eht m nivo g rap ty saw n to sa s aico t de tiw h ht e cca o ,)s(tnu uces rity( ei )s or c no duct ta i ss eu .

If a ytrap f seli a m oito n ot sid miss no m itlu p el uorg n ,sd gnidulcni ilibigile t ,y eht lenap m tsu ediced ilibigile ty f tsri (s ee uR el

60221 ). If eht pa len stnarg t eh m noito to dism ssi no ilibigile t ,y ti must ton elur no yna ehto r gr dnuo s for eht m oito n . A rap ty m tsu elif a R elu 12 )a(405 mo noit ni wr gniti , tarapes e yl orf m eht na s ,rew a dn only af ret fil gni eht ans ew r. Su hc m snoito must eb f eli d ta el a ts 06 ad ys in vda a ecn of the he ira n ,g a dn t eh rehto pa eitr s lliw ha ev 54 da sy ot res dnop .

toN only od th ese m snoito eriuqer the pni ut of eht ne t eri pa ,len tub the panel m tsu osla dloh a aeh r gni eb fore ti gra tn s a eluR 12 )a(405 m oito n, unless eht rap t ei s w ia ev t eh hear gni . If eht p lena stnarg the m ,noito the d noisice must eb

inanu m suo dna occa m deinap by a tirw t ne ex alp n ita on. fI eht lenap seined ht e m noito to id sm ,ssi a rap ty m ya ton elifer it, elnu ss s icep f yllaci p re m detti by nap el ord re .

If eht pa len stnarg a eluR 40521 ( )a m noito and d si m sessi lla c ial m ,s eht ap n le m tsu oc m etelp t eh follo gniw at sks:

• redner na a draw nu d re eluR 1 092 4; and • acolla te urof m seef na d oc sts am gno eht par eit s.

Fees, Costs a dn Sanctions If eht pa len de ein s a Ru el 1 4052 ( )a m ,noito the p lena must essa ss f uro m f ee s tsniaga eht rap ty ohw f deli the m noito . fI

eht p na el d ee ms eht m noito f ,suolovir ti m tsu osla a draw anosaer b el oc sts a dn a nrott eys’ f see ot eht ap rty ohw oppo s de the m to ion. fI eht nap el det re m seni taht a rap ty f deli a m noito ot sid m ssi ni dab f ,htia it may eussi nas c snoit ednu r Ru el

21221 fo eht edoC . T eh nap el hs o lu d ask eht seitrap to rp o ediv br sfei fi ti n sdee lanoitidda ni f ro m noita ot ed c edi a Ru el 12 405 (a) m noito ot

FINRA staff will forward motions, responses, and any replies to the full panel for review. Moving parties may reply to responses to motions. Any such reply must be made within 5 days of receipt of a response.

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to Rule 12504(a), the panel cannot act upon a motion to dismiss a party or claim, unless the panel determines that:

Rule 12504(a): http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12504

dismiss. Now, we’ll look at Rule 12504(b) motions to dismiss after the claimant has presented his or her case-in-chief.

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (52)

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Ru el 1 52 40 (b) Motio sn ot D si mi ss fA ter a Party Concl edu s ti s Case-in- hC i fe T eh snoitcirtser tes f htro ni luR e 12 )a(405 od ton ppa ly ot Ru el )b(40521 m snoito to sid m si s af et r a ap rty c no c edul s ih s ro

W neh gnilur on m snoito ot sid m ssi af ret a ialc m tna sah dulcnoc ed sih ro reh ac se- ni - eihc f, always view t eh evi ned ce ni a

thgil m tso elbarovaf ot ht e ialc m tna . If eht ialc m tna sah detneserp elbiderc nedive ce ot s troppu a cer o ev r ,y you s uoh ld deny the m to oi n. Ho ,revew if eht itset m yno and stnemucod do on t s troppu any p so elbis er c evo r ,y eht ap n le m ya grant the m noito ot d si m si s eht ialc m.

htoB sedis evah detsevni a tol of it me dna e ff ort ni the ar tib ration. eB su er t tah lla seitrap dah a f llu inutroppo ty ot argue eht m noito to d si m si s. redisnoC t eh f llo o gniw si s seu eb f ero narg t gni a m noito to id ms i ss :

• diD eht ialc m tna evah eht hc a ecn ot c lla lla entiw s ?ses W yh ro why n ?to • iD d eht ialc m tna m tee sih ro reh ub nedr of ?foorp W neh reted m gnini t ,sih er mem reb ot ool k ta lla nedive ce

detneserp ni eht thgil m tso rovaf a elb ot ht e claim tna . F ro erom noitamrofni ba o tu t eh a pp r po ir eta sta adn rd fo pr foo ni ra b ,noitarti aelp se refer to Mo elud 3: ediceD t eh uO ct emo of ht e Case fo these tr nia i gn am t ire als.

• seoD t eh ialc m tna vah e yna f rehtru ,sessentiw e ecnediv ro tes it mony to o ff er?

uoY m ya tcerid the nopser d tne to eserp nt h si ro reh ca ,es neve fi eht ialc m ’tna s case is weak dna the respon ’tned s m noito sah os me idilav ty.

If eht pa len sid m essi s eht ialc m af ret eht serp e atn tion of eht ialc m s’tna ac s ,e eht nap el m tsu llits com etelp the f llo ow gni

sat k :s

1. er n red an a draw rednu eluR 1 092 4; na d 2. redisnoc oh w to a acoll te f uro m f ee s dna costs gnoma the ap tr ei s.

lA t oh ugh R elu 12 405 ( )b eod s ton orp vide iceps f ci ecnadiug on sa s gnisse f see and costs, ti eod s n to p er ev nt a pa en l rf mo

niussi g nas c snoit rednu R elu 12 212 of eht C edo fi ti de ret m seni taht a p ra ty fi del a m noito ot dismi ss ni dab f htia .

Te ts Yours fle

tA eht end of eht lc aim s’tna tneserp a ,noit t eh er s dnop e tn m evo s ot id smiss eht case. W tah dluohs t eh p na el do eb fore rul ni g?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

riF s ,t ex nialp ht at eht nap el iw s eh s to anal ezy t eh m noito carefu ll y. sA k eht lc aim tna if eh ro ehs h sa any m ero iw t sen es s, dive e ecn ro itset m yno ot o ff re ro iw s eh s ot er ps dno ot t eh m noito to dismiss. etsil retfA n gni ot a ugra ll m lenap eht ,stne

s dluoh de arebil te dna make a ur il ng.

respondent may ask the panel to dismiss the claim on the grounds that the claimant failed to prove the allegations in thestatement of claim or failed to prove a right to recovery. Generally, these motions are made orally after the claimant’s presentation at the hearing.

her case-in-chief. After the claimant has presented his or her case—all documentary evidence and testimony—the

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Ru el 12206(b) Eli ig b li ti y M to ions A er spo dn e tn may elif a m noito ot sid m ssi a esac ceb a esu of ilibigile ty nu d re uR le 221 06 of ht e oC de. eluR 12 602 s setat

taht on ialc m s llah eb e elbigil f ro s bu m noissi ot ra b noitarti u redn t eh C edo ehw re is x yea sr ha ev pale es d fro m eht nerrucco ce ro ev tne gnivig rise ot t eh c ial m. eluR 12 602 f rehtru c al rif sei ht at the f llu lenap lliw evloser na y q eu s noit s

rager d gni ile gib ili ty fo a ialc m . T eh eluR h sa eves r la corp e larud r qe u eri m tne s:

• A p ra ty m tsu f eli an ile g ytilibi m ito on ni irw t ,gni etarapes ly orf m eht na s rew , dna ylno af ret lif i gn t eh answ re . • A p ra ty m tsu f eli the m ito on ta le tsa 90 days eb fore a h ,gnirae na d ht e to her ap r eit s have 30 days ot res nop d.

• If a rap ty f seli a m noito ot d si m ssi no m elpitlu rg uo ,sdn gnidulcni e ilibigil t ,y ht e ap n le m tsu ed c edi e ilibigil ty f tsri . • fI eht lenap d rete m seni taht a ialc m saw f deli af ret t eh xis - raey igile b ili ty tuc -off dna stnarg t eh igile b ili ty m ito o ,n ti

tonnac elur on a yn to h re gr dnuo s f ro id smiss la .

T eh lenap reted m seni ehw t reh a ialc m m stee eht xis - raey ile gib ili ty er q eriu m tne by re gniweiv t eh s bu m oissi ,sn lp e sgnida dna ugra m stne of eht itrap es dna g gnivi the seitrap na roppo tunity ot tcudnoc id sc evo ry if r qe ues det . fI t eh arbitrators

ah ve a itidd o lan q snoitseu a tuob eht ile g ilibi ty of eht ialc m, yeht shou dl sa k eht p eitra s ot br ei f the i ss eu . T eh ar rtib at sro m ya f dni t tah t ereh si a c nitno u gni nerrucco ce ro tneve givi gn rise ot the dis etup . roF exam ,elp htla o hgu a cus ot mer

ahcrup s de ts co k 01 sraey a ,og t ereh are a agell tio sn fo gno oing f duar gnitrats htiw t eh purc ah s ,e b tu c no t uni ing ot a etad nihtiw s xi sraey fo eht ad te eht ialc m saw fil de .

If eht pa len sid m essi s a ialc m no eht org u sdn of ilibigile t ,y t eh n no -m ivo ng rap ty may tiw h rd aw any er m gninia r tale ed c ial ms iw t uoh t ujerp d eci dna m ya p ru s eu a ll lc aim ,s nidulcni g eht d si m si s de c ial m, ni court. erofeB sid m gnissi a lc aim,

fI the panel den ei s na e ilibigil ty m ,noito t eh lenap m tsu sa s sse f uro m f see as detaicos iw th any aeh r gni s on t eh m noito

tsniaga eht gnivom rap ty. If eht p na el d ee ms taht na igile b ili ty m noito saw f ir uolov s, eht ap n le must awa rd reas bano le c stso dna at nrot e ’sy f see to any rap ty t tah oppo s de ht e m noito . fI eht lenap senimreted taht a p ra ty f deli na igile b ili ty m noito ni dab f ,htia ti m ya eussi itcnas ons nu der Ru el 1221 2.

St ta utes of Limit ta ions

lA t oh u hg t eh xis -ye ra e ilibigil ty elur eser m selb a ts a etut of il m itati o ,sn ti si arapes te f or m any s etat dna f larede il m itati on sdoirep f ro f gnili a cl ia m .

nevE hguoht a ialc m si f eli d tiw h ni eht xis -ye ra igile b ytili p doire rp o dediv in ht e Co ,ed f larede ro sta et ats t etu s of il m itati on m ya edulcerp a m ateno ry a draw f ro stneve co c irru ng d gniru aht t xis -ye ra it me ep ir do . A stat tu e of l mi it ta ions si a time lim ti

retfa hcihw a ialc m m ya on t eb thguorb . roF axe m ,elp some etats s vah e a owt -ye ra etutats of lim itati ons for br ae ch of c tcartno c ial ms. W rehteh ro ton s at t setu of il m itati on are ap elbacilp to ht e ra b noitarti or t eh claim dna ht e el n htg of any

pa p elbacil st uta tes de ep sdn no the na erut of the ella g ita ons and the law of ht e rel ve a tn juris id cti no . uoY yam ask eht seitrap f ro urtsni c it ons no these i ss eu s. etoN taht a s etutat of il m itati o sn may apply ot o en c ial m ni a etats m tne of ialc m

tub n to to a ll eht ialc sm . If a etutats of il m snoitati seilppa ot a rap t raluci lc aim, uoy m tsu osla noc s redi ehw t reh trec nia circ*ms nat ces vah e to ll ed ro

netxe d de t eh tats u et . A ats t etu of il m noitati s nac be dellot f ro lagel and eq atiu b el r ae s no s. axE m selp of us ch nosaer s are c laecno m tne fo norw g iod gn by a p ra t ;y nitnoc u gni gnorw ro m itatneserpersi o ;n ro gnilif of a pr oi r l ge al ac it on. In ad id t oi n,

eht d eta no hcihw eht st uta te of il m snoitati b snige ot run som ite m se eped n sd nopu eht etad taht a rap ty id scov ,dere ro s dluoh anosaer b yl ha ev id s erevoc d, eht all ge ed wr no g gniod . ,niagA you sho dlu look ot eht p seitra f ro ni struct noi s no

eseht si s eu s. fI uoy find t ah t a s etutat of il m itati o sn a pp seil dna , eht ref ,ero rab s a c ial m, uoy dluohs sid miss eht claim htiw cidujerp e. A dn er mem reb ot redisnoc eht tats u et of il m ati t snoi ugra m tne arapes t yle f ro hcae ialc m as id ff tnere c ial ms are

s ejbu ct ot di ff tnere il m noitati s ep r doi s .

• FINRA staff forwards the eligibility motion and all response and reply papers to the full panel for review.

ruling promptly and provide a written decision.

however, the arbitrators should carefully consider each party’s positions in their moving, response, and any reply papers

Moving parties may reply to responses to motions. Any such reply must be made within 5 days of receipt of a response.

and oral arguments. If the panel reaches a unanimous decision to grant the eligibility motion, it should inform FINRA of its

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Rule 12206: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12206

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Deny the Forum

tsoM iruces t sei f ri sm dot ay roprocni a et a erp d si up te ar tib rat oi n clause in th ie r customer ga r ee m tne s. etupsiderP artibra tion ualc s se ge yllaren s at te th ta the f ri m dna otsuc m re eerga ot evloser es c eitiru s-rel deta dis etup s ni ar tib ration. otsuC m sre ohw h eva n to deerga to artibra te th rie ialc sm may qer ue ts sid m lassi of eht noitca in f ova r of rem eide s in the


yB eutriv of ti s mem pihsreb ni IF N AR , a rif m si riuqer ed ot etartibra lla sid p etu s f deli by otsuc m sre rehtehw ti ah s c yllautcartno erga ed ot od so ro ton . aicossA t de osrep ns e( m lp oye se fo IF ARN rb oker ega f ri m )s are il k iwe se r qe uir de ot ar ib trate. nI ad noitid ot a cal k of a artnoc c ut al ob agil t noi ot tibra r eta d upsi tes, rap t sei may eugra t tah tibra r noita is ton ht e pr repo

urof m ot raeh eht esac . eussI s uoy m ya ees htiw tcepser ot f uro m tceles noi inclu :ed

• salc s itca ons; na d • eruliaf ot tbo a ni siruj dic noit revo a en c se sary rap t .y

s'teL ylfeirb ool k ta e hca si s .eu

Class A tc ions

tA it m ,se na s'laudividni ialc m may eb o en fo many ivlovni ng a sp ice f ci mem ,reb eretsiger d ,nosrep dna / ro se ruc yti . rednU eluR 12 402 , any ialc m bus m detti sa a alc ss noitca si ton ile gib el for ar tib rati no . W neh a claim si itrec f dei sa part of a c al ss oitca n by a co tru of la ,w hcae ialc m tna m tsu reted m eni ehw t reh he ro s eh stnaw t eh lc ai m aeh rd as part of the c al ss or as

a arapes te ca t oi n ag nia st t eh er s op n tned . To tpo tuo of a salc s noitca , seitrap eg n lare ly is gn a form gnitats they do ton tnaw t rieh ac se edulcni d ni ht e ac oit n dna send it to the cl sa s representa it ve. nI c ssal ,snoitca seitrap nac hs ow t rieh int ne tion ot tpo tuo of a c al ss eb fore the lc a ss is cer it f dei . A rap t s'y ni t noitne nac be

dive e decn by na a ff ivadi t, p idael n sg ro ot reh d uco m tne ni d aci t gni taht eht rap ty stnaw ot corp e de ni ar tib r ita no dna ni t sdne ot opt out of eht c al ss noitca if na d nehw it si rec tif dei . roF na noitartibra to ,deecorp ti si eneg rally ton en ce ss ary for a

c truo ot a rpp o ev a otsuc m s're netni t noi ot tpo tuo ehw re a lc a ss ah s ton eb en certif dei .

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Rule 12204: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12204

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

lC aim tna lieN nuB t ni g f eli d f ro noitartibra ella g ni g m erpersi s ne t noita ni t eh esahcrup of ec r niat securit ei s rf om J B& eitiruceS s. B&J uceS r eiti s, t eh pser o ,tnedn deugra eht lenap hs o dlu d si m ssi eht artibra t oi n ceb ause B nu ting si a mem reb

of a c deifitre c al ss noitca delif ni redef al d tcirtsi truoc a tsniag J&B eS curit ei s dna o eht r f ri ms . W tah itseuq o sn ohs u dl eht lenap sa k roirp ot ed t re m gnini wh te h re nitnuB g’s case s uoh ld be id smi ss ?de

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

• ehw t reh Mr. nuB t ni g s’ alc ims f lla iw t ih n eht ssalc ca s’noit c ial ms; dna • ehw t reh Mr. nuB t gni sah detpo o tu fo the c al ss .

Te ts Yours fle

sA sume taht lC aim tna raL ry piL p dlo f deli h si ialc m tsniaga sih orb k re eb fore a court cer it f dei t eh lc ass. ecnO eht truoc c deifitre the cla ss , Mr. piL p dlo dlot eht p na el a dn t eh r nopse d tne taht eh ow u dl tpo out of eht c al ss ac noit ot c nitno ue w hti

eht ra b noitarti . tA t eh ,gniraeh pser o tnedn elif s a m noito to sid mi ss ab s de on eht fact taht rM . dloppiL deliaf ot po t uo t of eht ssalc noitca ni c uo rt.

W tah snoitseuq ow u dl uoy ask ot reted m eni ehw t reh uoy hs o lu d eunitnoc htiw ht e itartibra o ?n

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh nap el hs o lu d sa k rM . dloppiL f ro oorp f taht eh tpo ed uo t fo eht lawsu .ti Te ts Yours fle fI Mr. L dloppi d di ton evah oorp f taht eh tpo ed tuo fo t eh alc ss , b tu s at t de t tah eh ,dah ni fac ,t d eno s ,o tahw ac noit s m thgi

uoy ?ekat W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc fI Mr. dloppiL saw anu b el to divorp e ht e ni f ro m ,noita the pa en l s uoh ld adj uo rn. If oorp f si ton pr divo ed nihtiw a r ae s ano b el

irep od of it m ,e sid m ssi eht esac uohtiw t prej idu ce. Of ,esruoc be erus uoy for draw ruoy ilur ngs ot FINRA .

The panel members should read the pleadings, motions, responses, and any replies and determine:

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

aF ilure to Obta ni Ju ir s id cti no over a Ne ec s as yr Par yt

sA ew dis suc s de e ,reilra om st f ri ms eriuqer otsuc m sre ot is gn a upsiderp te arb ti ra oit n ga reem tne eb fore ht ey etne r tni o a ub s eni ss aler tio pihsn . tA times, woh e ,rev idni vidua sl ohw ra e assecen ry seitrap to a case ah ve not sig den such

eerga m tne s. W neh eseht ucric m secnats ,rucco you m tsu reted m eni ehw t reh it si m ero atiuqe b el ot raeh os me fo eht i ss u se ni

artibra tion ro tehw h re the eritne esac hs ould be aeh rd in c uo rt.

rednu t sih ru el may be htiw ro tiw h tuo ,ecidujerp de ep n gnid no t eh er q eu st of eht par eit s.

Te ts Yours fle

sA sume taht lC aim tna aM ry naS d lavo , ohw is g den a iderp s up te artibra t noi lc a su e tiw h opseR n tned aB ker & aB k re orB k ,egare ,.cnI ivorp d de ragdE eB n tten htiw rewop fo nrotta ey to oc n ud ct bus eni ss w hti aB ker & Baker .

aB k re & aB k re selif a m noito ot sid m ssi eht rtibra a it on a ss er gnit Mr. ttenneB ro che detarts a ll of eht orw n dg oing.

opseR n ned t f rehtru stressa ti can ton f eli a th dri party lc ia m niaga st Mr. Be ttenn ni artibra tion ceb a esu he never s ngi ed a etupsiderp tibra r noita a erg em tne nitaler g ot t sih ortnoc versy.

dluohS eht lenap sid m ssi eht ?esac W yh ro why n ?to

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

esuaceB eht po rew of otta r yen did n to ib nd rM . Be enn tt ot ra b arti tio ,n the p na el em m sreb m tsu reted m eni wh ehte r ti

dluow be m ero tiuqe a elb ot raeh Ms. naS d s’lavo ialc m ga a tsni aB k re & aB k re ni artibra t ,noi ro h eva the e ritn e case aeh rd ni co ru t. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 56 of 1 43

Rule 12700 authorizes arbitration panels to dismiss actions on their own initiative or at the request of a party. Dismissals

Rule 12700: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12700

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi B cisa rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Rule on Other oM ti no s Now th ta ev’ew weiver ed m noito s ot id sm ,ssi ew lliw go revo to h re comm no m oito ns taht req iu re revie .w

epS c ifi c la l ,y ll'ew re weiv re euq sts to:

• nruojda ro enoptsop a iraeh n ;g • reves ro adilosnoc te lc aims;

T eh tsrif m noito ll'ew weiver is eht m tso oc mm :no a m noito ot nruojda ro to op s pt o en a .gniraeh

T eh nosaer s rap t sei er q eu st enoptsop m stne ,edulcni tub era ton il m deti ,ot t eh fo oll :gniw

• r te aini gn c uo ns le ; • oc m gnitelp evocsid r ;y • etta m gnitp ot set lt e ht e cas ;e • ed a ht ro ssenlli of a iw t en ss ; dna • nu a aliav b ili ty of a ntiw e ,ss rap t ,y ro c .lesnuo

eluR //:ptth:10621 f oc.arni m oc.tenilp m /ne/ d lpsi ay/ sid pla _y m th.nia m 42=dibr?l 0 &3 am ele;p m =di_tne 4 690

Consensual Motions ot Postpone

eluR 12 106 lla ows rof sop t enop m stne by rga eem tne of lla par eit s. T sih t epy of po enopts m tne lliw not be for aw r ded to the lenap rof gnilur . fI lla p eitra s eerga ot a tsop p eno m ,tne eht h rae i gn shall eb op s pt o den .

W rehteh lla seitrap snoc ent ot eht p optso nem tne ro on t ht ey llits m tsu orp v edi ni f ro m ita no no ot reh m yllautu a aliav b el dates.

rednU Ru el 21 6 10 , if lla ap r seit tnioj ly tseuqer ro erga e ot m ero naht owt p enoptso m ,stne eht ap n le may dismi ss eht artibra tion tuohtiw idujerp ec .

• change the location of a hearing; • bar a party from presenting facts or defenses; and • motions in limine.

Rule 12601 authorizes arbitrators to adjourn any hearing on their own initiative or at the request of a party. While the rules

Adjourn or Postpone a Hearing

do not limit the number of times the arbitrators may postpone a hearing, arbitrators should be mindful that one of the goals ofarbitration is to provide a speedy method for resolving disputes. The arbitrators' role is to bring the parties’ disputes to a fairand expeditious conclusion so arbitrators should refrain from postponing hearings on their own accord whenever possible.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Contested Motions ot Postpone W neh seitrap re tseuq a op s opt nem tne tuohtiw t eh rga eem tne of lla rap t ei s, ht e lenap may on t grant a op ts po en m tne

tseuqer m eda htiw ni 10 da sy of a deludehcs h gnirae s sse ,noi u eln ss ht e pa en l ed t re m eni s taht doog c ua es exists. ARNIF lliw for draw to the nap el a ptsop o en m tne qer u ,tse dna any o oitcejb n, ehw n eht seuqer t ni g rap ty provides all of eht

f lo ol wing informat oi :n

• nosaer f ro the qer ues ;t dna • f ruo stes of gniraeh ad t se taht ra e m yllautu liava ba el to the ap rt ei s.

T eh artibrA t s’ro Guide er c mo m sdne taht eht lenap co redisn t eh following fac ot sr eb f ero rul gni no a op stp no em tne

:tseuqer t eh f ria n se s ot the ,seitrap eht un m reb of oirp r ptsop o en m ,stne eht drub en plac de no t eh parties, and ht e pa s'len iliba ty ot tcudnoc a rp o evitcud iraeh ng.

T eh nap el hs o lu d sla o noc s redi ehw t reh the rap ty ro pa eitr s dah ni f ro m ,noita ihw ch f ro m de eht ab sis for eht re euq st ta an

reilrae it me os aht t t eh y co dlu ha ev av io d de t eh deen ot r qe uest a pos enopt m tne . T eh artibrA t s’ro Guide:

Te ts Yours fle

viF e days erofeb a cs deh u del gniraeh ,noisses aG ry H ,ewo co lesnu f ro lC aim tna ahC lr es J nho so ,n r euqe sts a ptsop o en m tne eb c esua sih k ye sentiw s ah s ellaf n lli . ehT nopseR d tne ejbo cts ot t eh req eu st.

dluohS eht lenap tnarg eht enoptsop m ?tne W yh ro why n ?to

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

rednU R elu 0621 1, the lenap may ton arg nt a enoptsop m tne tseuqer m eda within 01 ad ys of a cs deh u del hear gni se ss noi

elnu ss doog c ua se exists. nI th si ,esac eht nap el ohs u dl noc sid re eht ugra m stne m eda yb bo ht trap ies and d ete rm eni tehw h re go do esuac exists.

If ni th si esac ob th p seitra a eerg to ht e op stponem ,tne eht h nirae g uow ld be op pts eno d, dna no ru il ng rf om eht nap el

dluow eb secen sary. nevE t uoh gh the er q eu st saw m eda tiw h ni 01 ad ys of eht gniraeh , eht he ira ng would be op s pt o den rednu R elu 621 0 ,)1()a(1 and on gnidnif of doog ca esu yb t eh nap el would eb en cessary.

Te ts Yours fle T rih ty da sy eb f ero a he ,gnira eht er s dnop e tn er q stseu taht t eh gniraeh eb denoptsop eb c ua se t eh lc ia m tna f delia ot

ecudorp lla fo ht e ucod m stne ehs euqer s et d . W tah rofni m noita luow d ht e ap n le en ed ot r elu no siht r ?tseuqe

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh nap el deen s ot reted m eni wh te h re ht e ucod m stne eht ialc m tna f delia to rp o iv de erew is g in fic na t or ton . fI you

reted m eni the pser o dn e tn dluow eb anu b el to erp es nt a orp p re ed f esne eb c ua se of siht f rulia e ot pr udo ec , you ow u dl tnarg eht m noito .

lA thou hg t eh ser p no d tne , sa eht p ra ty t tah f deli eht m ,noito wo lu d eb r riuqe ed to p ya eht op s pt o en m tne f ,ee eht p na el

c dluo ssessa eht eef ga ai sn t eht ialc m tna if ti d rete m seni eht ialc m tna uac s de eht ed al y.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 58 of 143


Rule 12601: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12601

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (59)

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Sever ro Consoli ad te C al ims

sA saw the esac htiw ruoy iced sion ot optsop ne a ,gniraeh t eh ap n le lliw tnarg ro ed ny a m ito on ot se rev ro c no s ilo d eta a ialc m desab no eq iu tab el pr ni c selpi .

A itom on ot eves r srucco nehw a rap ty stnaw to ha ev a ialc m draeh arapes tely fro m ehtona r c ial m. A m noito to snoc oli tad e rucco s nehw a rap ty tnaw s a c ial m draeh ta the as me aeh r ni g as ehtona r lc ia m.

noitoM s to reves ro noc s tadilo e c ial ms dnet to be fact-s ep cific. ruoY noisiced may eb ni f ul e decn by ta tsael ht e f llo o iw ng two factor :s

• W dluo ti eb iffe c tnei ot raeh m ero naht no e ialc m ta eht as me ?gniraeh • W dluo ti idujerp ce a pa s'ytr ac se if lla ialc ms rew e aeh rd to eg t ?reh

eht as me f ,smri orb k ,sre ro/dna es curit ei s. nO eht o reht dnah , if aeh r ni g lla of the ialc ms rehtegot m thgi pre uj id ce eno of eht p seitra , eht lenap m thgi iced de the ialc ms s luoh d be he dra arapes tely.

nI most ,sesac ARNIF lliw make eht ini tial reted m noitani as ot wh rehte esac s lliw eb noc os adil t de or es ev r de . hT e p ra ties,

howe ,rev evah the ir g th to esiar eht i ss eu wi ht t eh pan le .

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 59 of 143

The Code: http://finra.complinet.com/en/display/display_main.html?rbid=2403&element_id=4096

Rules 12312-12314 of the Code list a number of situations in which efficiency is served by consolidating claims involving

Rules 12312-12314: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12312

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

iS b gnil s J ca k, ,lliJ eP t ,re and hteB alB key lla ahcrup s de Ma cig C tepra uces r eiti s orf m lexA & noS s eS cur eiti s . tfA er the s cot k arc s ,deh ht ey a ll f deli f ro noitartibra esab d no degella mis per res tatne i no s involv ni g ht e risk of eht secur ti ies.

rehtruF m ,ero eht same orb k re m eda lla eht a egell d m itatneserpersi o sn ta t eh same it me ot all claim tna s. fI eht alB k sye sa k de ot ilosnoc da et rieht lc aim ,s dluow you narg t ht e ri ?tseuqer Why ro why ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

E ff neici cy wo dlu orp bab yl s troppu eht co noitadilosn of eht sim rali claims. Te ts Yours fle

sA sume rof eht mom tne taht ni idda tion ot eht c ial m of mis ,noitatneserper B hte lB akey osla ella g de t tah sab ed no eh r icnanif al is t au t ,noi ht e eitiruces s pu cr ah s de ew re nu sui bat le. enoN of eht rehto sgnilbis m eda iht s c ial m .

W dluo siht egnahc ruoy o noinip sa to rehtehw t eh ap n le s dluoh snoc o il d eta t eh c ial ms? W yh ro why on t?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh idda tion of siht eno ialc m dluow orp b ba ly ton egnahc ruoy sup trop for c no so il tad i no . T eh oc mm no noitseuq s of law

dna f tca c dluo s llit eb d ete rm deni m ero fe f tneici ly ta one aeh ir gn .

nevE if eht p lena d ice d se to c ilosno d eta ialc m ,s ti nac s llit redro t tah eht c ial m tna s itset fy o en ta a time dna n to di cs uss rieht itset mony htiw eht rehto ialc m tna s. We lliw d si c ssu iraeh ng itset mony ni eht n txe m eludo .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Change ht e Loca it on of a Hearing

ARNIF se stcel the noitacol dna time for eht in ti i la raeh i gn . nI most esac s, up b cil c otsu m re esac s are aeh rd at eht ol cat noi

c egnah ht e he gnira itacol on atse b il s deh by IF NRA . If lla p seitra eerga ot nahc ge eht col a ,noit t eh lenap sh uo ld gra tn eht m ito o .n

Te ts Yours fle

lC aim tna Ray ubdarB ry f seli a m noito ot m evo t eh gniraeh f or m soL gnA e sel ot naS D ,ogei erehw eh neserp t yl res edi s. lA o gn htiw ih s euqer s ,t Mr. darB bury atta c seh h si s’rotcod el t et r ni dic ta i gn t tah Mr . ubdarB ry si rednu g io ng ra aid tion

taert m stne dna s dluoh ton t var el ou edist t eh ic ty. seR p dno e tn o stcejb ot eht m noito eb c esua m gnivo t eh h ae ir gn is a edrub n.

dluohS eht pa len m evo eht acol t noi of the aeh r ?gni

uQ es oit n Feedba kc

fI Mr. darB bury si un elba to vart e ,l t eh ap n le dluow pro ab bly ga ree ot eht cha egn . If eht od c ’rot s n eto cal ks

icificeps ty, ,revewoh the pa len m thgi sa k eht ialc m tna ot rp o ediv idda tio lan ni f ro m noita .

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 61 of 143

closest to where the customer resided at the time of the controversy. However, Rule 12213 authorizes arbitrators to

Rule 12213: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12213

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Bar a Party f or m Pr ese tn i gn Facts ro Defenses

eluR 12 303 of eht C do e re seriuq er s nop d stne ot na s rew noitagella s tiw h ni 45 cal adne r days of receiv gni a s etat m tne fo ialc m. If a dnopser e tn m sessi eht ed a enild , ht e artibra t ro s c na rab him ro reh f mor pres ne t gni def ne ses or f tca s ta ht e

niraeh g.

eluR 12 702 lla ows seitrap ot rga ee ni irw t gni ot etxe dn ro m ido fy t eh d ae dli en to ser ev na na s ew r. tnesbA s hcu na eerga m ,tne if a ser p no d tne seod n to a rewsn nihtiw the it me doirep s icep f dei ni t eh ,edoC t eh p lena m ,ya up no m ,noito rab

taht rap ty orf m itneserp ng a yn ed f esne s or facts ta ht e aeh r gni . T eh nap e 'l s ed t re m noitani no wh rehte ot rab etal ed f sesne si sab ed on eq iu t elba fac ot sr , ni c dul i :gn

• re nosa f ro eht delay; • l ne gth of the dela ;y dna • rehtehw eht etal f ili ng p ecidujer s the claim 'tna s ytiliba ot eb pre ap red for eht h ae rin .g

T eh nap el m tsu trexe lortnoc o rev t eh eh ar ,gni and erusne taht lla p seitra era r deriuqe ot "play no a level yalp ing f ei l ".d tI si nu f ria to qer u eri eno ytrap ot f llo ow the selur uohtiw t gniriuqer the same from eht to her ap rty.

Te ts Yours fle T eh dnopser e tn a ewsn r de t eh claim 09 days af ret tpiecer . T eh ialc m tna tseuqer ed taht lla ed f sesne ni t eh ans ew r be

derrab f or m eht raeh i gn . nI er s ,esnop eht ser p no d tne s detat s eh h da eb en in an a otu m libo e a cc edi nt dna w sa anu b el to weiver eht epap r ow rk .

dluohS the pa len rab t eh def ne s se ta aeh r ?gni

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

nesbA t a hs o gniw of ujerp d eci ot a claim ’tna s ab ili ty ot eraperp f ro eht h irae n ,g you ow u dl orp b ba ly ton rab the res nop se .

T eh nap el oc u dl ssessa oc sts tsniaga ht e opser n tned if eht aeh r gni saw pos opt en d as a id rect re us tl of the al te res nop s .e

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 62 of 143

Rule 12303: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12303 Rule 12207: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12207

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

on dispositive and other motions. Before we move to the next module, however, complete the practice exercises to test your understanding of deliberating

equitable principles in the next module: Conducting a Fair and Impartial Hearing. As you have seen, many of the motions that panels review are based on equitable principles. You will see many of these

Ruling on Motions

A motion in limine is a request for the arbitrators to rule on the admissibility of evidence in advance of the hearing. Parties

claims. Arbitrators should treat any requests for dismissal of claims as motions to dismiss and respond to them in accordance with FINRA's motion to dismiss rules. As with all motion practice, arbitrators should be alert to the possible misuse of motions as tactics to delay the hearing.

Motions in Limine

may try to include other issues for ruling when filing motions in limine, including requests to dismiss one or more of the alleged

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

ialC m tna laD e pS r ni g re f deli a etatS m tne of ialC m no peS tem reb ,7 ,8002 ni ihw ch eh degella sih orb k ,re M anry treboR s ,no m erpersi s etne d eht irp ce fo aP m derep oP o hc es c eitiru s no uA gust ,91 002 4, and c no t uni ed ot misr pe res tne

eht pr eci of eht s iruce ty thr guo h ht e dne of taht year.

tA eht e dn of ialC m tna ’regnirpS s case- ni -chief, Ms. streboR on f seli a m noito ot d si miss eht c ial m ab s de on t eh s at te s etutat fo il m itati o sn taht ab sr sesac vni o ivl ng m atneserpersi t noi f deli m ero naht eerht yea sr af et r eht tr na sacti no at i ss .eu If eht etats sta etut saw elc ar uoba t ht e rht ee-ye ra tats u et of il m noitati s, sh dluo the nap el dismi ss eht cas ?e Why or why not?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh nap el hs o lu d erac f lu ly iver ew the nopser d ne t s’ and ht e ialc m s’tna eirb fs no the ,eussi as we ll as eht lp ea gnid s.

esuaceB ereht is an a agell t noi of itnoc n iu gn m atneserpersi tio ,n the ats t etu fo il m itati o sn may ha ev t dello be dnoy t eh thr ee ;sraey eht etutats m ya ton evah e pal s de . T eh ap n le dluohs ees k itidda o lan rofni m ita on f or m eht seitrap ba out pa p bacil le

s etat la ,sw if en c se sar ,y eb f ero mak gni a d noisice no eht m noito . Te ts Yours fle If eht opser n ned t a aerl dy ar eug d ht e s utat te fo il m itati o sn noitseuq ni truoc , dna eht truoc aff ri m evita ly sta det t tah t eh c ial m saw nihtiw t eh il m noitati s ,doirep c na t eh p na el r weive t eh co s'tru noisiced ta eht eheb st of eht er spond ?tne

uQ e oits n Feedba kc No. If os tcerid ed by a ruoc t of oc m tnetep iruj s cid t ,noi t eh p na el m tsu udnoc ct the ar tib ration. nI artnoc s ,t if the c uo rt er f derre eht is eus ot artibra t noi iw t uoh t ,tnemmoc eht p lena oc u dl review t eh argum tne s dna ed ic ed t eh s at tu et of il m snoitati seuq t noi . Te ts Yours fle

lC aim tna dahC snruB f deli a lc aim tsniaga h si orb k ,re opseR n ned t E drawd ,streboR f ro ol ss es ni cu rr de in ih s a cc tnuo wteb e ne raM ch and uJ ly 20 90 . opseR n ned t Ro streb dnopser ed to eht ialc m dna f deli a se ap rate m noito to dism si s. In sih

m ,noito dnopseR e tn R rebo ts etats s taht eh did ton m eka ht e sedart ni id s up te in Cl ia m tna uB rns’ accou tn ud ir gn the s icep f dei it me ep ir do . ialC m tna nruB s pser o sdn to eht m noito dna pro iv des od cum noitatne s oh iw ng th ta R se op tnedn

treboR s aw s eht an m de erper s atne t evi no t eh tnuocca gnirud t eh time doirep ni dis etup . How ohs u dl eht rotartibra s r lu e no nopseR d tne oR b ’stre itom on to id smiss?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

T eh nap el hs o lu d iver ew eht m noito ot sid m ssi dna lla per ly srepap erac f lu ly ni aperp ration for eht h ae ir ng. esuaceB iht s si a eluR 521 0 )a(4 m noito to sid m si s, eht f llu ap n le must dloh a aeh r gni eb f ero gnilur no t eh m noito a dn re redn a wr tti en

analpxe t noi of sti ed cis noi . eB f ero ilur ng on ht e m oito n ot d si m ,ssi eht nap el m tsu f tsri reted m eni wh rehte )1( Claim tna snruB rp e suoiv ly rele desa t eh lc aim ni etupsid by a dengis es t elt m tne a eerg m tne dna / ro wr ti t ne er ael es or (2) taht t eh opseR n ned t oR b stre saw n to aicossa t de htiw eht ca c ,tnuo seitiruces ro c tcudno at i ss eu eb fore ac nit g no eht m noito . lnO y

if eht p na el f sdni t tah R se p dno e tn R strebo h sa m te eno of eseht itidnoc o sn c na it act no ih s Ru el 40521 (a) m ito on to sid m si s.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

nairB ,senoJ eht otta rney f ro a rap t ,y f exa s ot NIF RA a euqer st to sop t enop a ep dn gni ar tib r ta i no h ae ring th ta aw s cs deludeh ot b nige thgie syad f or m eht day of ih s fax. ehT detats aer s no f ro eht r euqe sted op st enop m tne is th ta one of rM . ’senoJ key iw t sessen uj st rofni m de ih m taht eh wo dlu ton eb aliava b el rud i gn t eh week fo eht aeh r gni . T eh oppo is gn

c lesnuo stcejbo ot t eh op s enopt m tne r euqe st. nairB senoJ ialc ms taht eht tiw n ’sse itset mony lliw eb a critical ap rt of ih s cas .e W tah spets dluohs the p na le take ni this tis u ?noita dluohS it ptsop o en t eh aeh rin ?g

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

eluR 12 106 r qe u eri s the pa len ot f ni d doog suac e ot op s opt ne a aeh r gni if a qer u tse is m eda iw thin 10 days of t eh fi sr t cs deludeh aeh r gni es s nois . nI iht s c esa , ht e lenap dluohs hgiew t eh fac ot sr , inclu id n :g

• eht re nosa )s( for eht re euq s ;t • eht af ct eht o gnisopp party objects; • ehw t reh siht si a f tsri r euqe st for a pos enopt m ;tne • eht iliba ty ot c udno ct a p evitcudor aeh r gni fi eht re tseuq is d ine e ;d

• ehw t reh eht er q gnitseu ytrap k wen ro co dlu ha ev id sc evo r de t eh cs hedu il ng pr bo lem ae r eil r. T eh nap el hs o lu d isnoc d re eht ugra m ne st fo eht rap ti se dna t neh re hca a ed cision ab s de on wh te her eht r qe ues nit g ap rty

ah s atse b dehsil g doo uac se. If eht lenap stnarg t eh po enopts m ,tne it m tsu tlusnoc uR le 12 06 1 and c no si red t eh i ss ue of op s pt o en m tne f ee s. T eh lenap m ya ssessa ht e m nivo g rap ty htiw eht stsoc fo dna f see derrucni by t eh objecti gn pa tr y as

a tluser of eht p enoptso m tne . Te ts Yours fle

liB ly a dn eduaM navE ski devil ni notsoB nehw orb k re ihC p uS mm re s m eda un m suore asnart c snoit no rieht b he alf. pU on eriter m ,tne eht snavE k si m evo d ot Fort L edua rdale.

W neh eht snavE k si f deli a com tnialp tsniaga rM . uS mm sre f ro gella edly gninruhc evissecxe( tra id ng for eht pur op se fo

eneg r gnita commis )snois rieht occa u ,tn eht ra b arti t noi was cs deh u del for h ae ir gn in oB st no . T eh snavE k si won elif a m noito ot m evo t eh h gnirae to irolF da b uace se ti would be ae s ei r for eht m. lesnuoC rof Mr.

muS m sre tcejbo s, gnitats t tah t eh d uco m stne dna iw t sen s se era ni soB t ,no dna th ta the tr na sa tc noi s ew re m eda t eh r .e

dluohS the pa len m evo the acol t noi fo eht he gnira to adirolF ro os me rehto acol t ?noi Why ro why n ?to

uQ e oits n Feedba kc W tuohti idda tio lan ni f ro m noita f or m eht ialc m tna s, eht gniraeh sh dluo rem nia ni oB s .not Les os n Su mm ar :y D le ibe ar te on Sp ce ific oM tions nI th si el s os n, you ael r den oba ut m snoito gniriuqer lenap noc sid noitare dna revie dew t eh a an lysis th ta wo lu d pa ply ot

ea hc . lacificepS l ,y uoy le denra to elur no se larev dif tneref typ se of m ,snoito gnidulcni id s isop t evi m snoito . © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 65 of 143

• the burdens placed on the party opposing the postponement; and

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

M do elu :2 C no duct a iaF r and Im ap rt lai Heari gn

nI troduction nI th si m ,eludo you lliw ael rn woh ot tcudnoc a f ria dna im laitrap aeh r .gni

Aft re c mo plet ni g this module, you l' l be ab el to:

• oC m etelp t eh niraeh g . T sih m eludo at k se ixorppa m yleta t ow dna lah f ruoh s to com etelp . To pleh uoy oc m etelp siht m ,eludo uoy m ya iver ew the of gniwoll m slaireta no ruo W be etis ta .www f rni a :gro.

• T eh edoC • rA b otarti r s’ G iu de

T eh :edoC ptth : // f .arni com oc.tenilp m sid/ne/ pla _yalpsid/y m th.nia m ibr?l d 2= 4 a&30 m ele;p m 6904=di_tne Arbitrator's Guide:

nI troduction to Less no : Organi ez t eh Hea ir ng Se tt i gn

eB f ero eht iraeh ng b ,snige oy u lliw rep f ro m s lareve rp e il m ani ry t sa ks ot s te eht sta eg for a f ia r and effic tnei hear gni . nI th si ,nossel ll'uoy ael rn eht im ecnatrop of:

• itnedi f gniy the he ira ng ;stnapicitrap • av idio ng ex parte oc mm noitacinu s; a dn • itrap c api ting ni eht in iti al ucexe t evi ses s oi n.

oS s'tel trats htiw yo ru rif st :pets edi n it f gniy t eh rehto in udivid a sl ni eht r oo m.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 66 of 143


• Let each party present its case; and • Call the hearing to order; • Organize the hearing setting;

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng dI entify t eh Hearing Pa tr i ic pants W neh uoy f tsri evirra ta eht ,gniraeh you may dnif uoy r les f ni a oor m f llu fo oep p el y uo t'nod k won . uaceB se ereht may eb m elpitlu aeh r sgni gnieb c no detcud ni eht as me bu nidli g, eht f tsri th gni you sho dlu od si make c niatre taht you are ni t eh c tcerro aeh r gni r oo m. If ,os ecudortni sruoy elf dna t eh n sa k, erA" eht to h re nap e stsil ereh ?" The rehto panel mem reb s s dluoh ecudortni eht ms vle es.

uoY dna ht e ot reh pa tsilen s dluohs n to serdda s eht ap r seit d eri ctly b esuace gniod os -howe rev h ra m ssel ly ti is enod -m thgi c etaer an ecnaraeppa of bias. To m niatnia the a aepp r ecna of ilartuen t ,y uoy m tsu k pee a f ro m la ed m ronae . T eh doirep uj st eb f ero the h irae ng is na es icep ally ir sky it me f ro rppani o airp te oc mm snoitacinu — epse c lai ly if no ly o en

ytrap sah devirra . roF the same ,nosaer ne rev a erdd s s eht ap rties or r erpe se atn tives by ht e ri first an mes. Any ilerp m ani ry sm lla lat k htiw a rap t ,y dnoyeb a is m elp ortni d itcu o ,n m tsu eb a iov d de .

s'teL ool k m ero ylesolc ta how dna why uoy must diova s hcu oc mm noitacinu s. Avoid Ex Pa tr e Commu in catio sn

comm etacinu htiw na y ra bit rotar tuo s edi of a sc deh uled he ira ng ro noc f ecnere re drag i gn na arb ti ration un el ss lla ap r eit s or rieht re atneserp t evi s are pres tne .

xE etrap oc mm snoitacinu m ya ni c ul de na y sid c noissu eb t neew na rotartibra dna a rap t ,y p ra ty r erpe s ne t ita v ,e ro entiw ss

nehw eht rehto rap t ei s are ton erp sent. T sih edulcni s p ael s seirtna xe c degnah ni eht elev ota r, hallway, or rest r oo m .

nevE b gnie ni t eh aeh r gni r oo m tiw h no ly one of ht e pa seitr eserp nt dluoc uac se ht e to h re ap rt ei s to erp sume taht an xe trap e moc m inu c noita took alp ce. As na ,rotartibra iova d hcus moc m snoitacinu eb of r ,e ud ir gn , a dn af et r the hear gni . raE ly ni t eh h ,gnirae eht osrepriahc n lliw nialpxe why t eh p na el mem reb s tonnac s aep k iw th a rap ty o istu de t eh h ae r .gni eeS( t eh H gnirae ecorP d eru Script).

Now s'tel look ta some exam elp s.

eluR :01221

Hearing Procedure Script:

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Please refer to Rule 12210 and Canon III of the Code of Ethics.

Code of Ethics: http://www.finra.org/arbitration-and-mediation/code-ethics-arbitrators-commercial-disputes

Rule 12210 expressly prohibits ex parte communication. Specifically, no party, or anyone acting on behalf of a party may


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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle W yh m tsu uoy diova ex parte moc m noitacinu s?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc Avoiding xe ap rte oc mm snoitacinu lla o sw uoy ot pr se e evr eht irgetni ty of eht ra b ti r ita on proce ss . Ev ne c lausa c revno sation htiw o en fo eht rap t sei ro re evitatneserp s c luo d c ua se you ot pa p ae r ap r it al to aht t s edi . Te ts Yours fle

gniruD a aerb k ni eht ,gniraeh uoy ssap ciM key uerK tzm ,nna eht ialc m ,tna in ht e h wlla ay. oH“ t hguone f ro oy u, c eih f?” eh sksa yllaivoj . dluohS uoy ?dnopser W yh ro yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

oD not dnopser b esuace you dluoc dam ega your un ib sa de ed m onae r. W neh eht gniraeh r use m ,se eht c nosrepriah c na

er m dni eht p eitra s t tah xe p ra te oc mm inu c noita is ton p re m detti . Te ts Yours fle Now us p op se you pils pu a dn f dni yo lesru f ni na ex ap r et oc mm noitacinu tiw h eno of eht seitrap . How dluohs you oser l ev

siht ?noitautis

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

,tsriF ret m etani the oc n rev s ita on imm taide e yl . ppA e gnira f eer of saib so sdnu is m ,elp tub ti is na no g gnio ser p no s bi ility- ll’uoy evah ot hctaw yo lesru f eve ry m etuni . If uoy ppa e ra aib sed to a rap ty, uoy co dlu find lesruoy f enu x ep ctedly

degnellahc iw th a m noito to esucer ,.e.i( a m noito r nitseuqe g taht you er m evo y uo flesr f or m eht ap n )le f or m eht o ff dedne p ra ty. If you er m nia on eht nap e ,l eht gnisol p ytra may esu your xe etrap communicat oi n ot ask a court to vacate the

s’lenap drawa .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Avoid Ex P ra te Commu in cations (Co tn ni ue )d

nO a taler ed p io n ,t do not d ssucsi eht ,esac t eh dive e ,ecn ro ht e r pe rese atn tives htiw eht to her pa en l mem eb rs wh ne the ,seitrap r eserpe n at t ,sevi ro rehto nosrep s are tiw h ni ae sr toh . roF a ll hcus d snoissucsi — dna rof any acti iv ty o tu s di e ht e gniraeh oor m—f dni a ecalp erehw on o en can o ev hr e ra uoy . T eh c riah p nosre ac n etaerc hcus a place in the h ae r gni r moo

flesti by sa k gni e ev r enoy b tu the panel ot le eva . roF exam ,elp he ro ehs lliw baborp ly od th si eb f ero eht ap n s'le initial evitucexe s isse o ,n cihw h w ll'e id scu ss now.

Pa tr icipa et in ht e In ti ial Executive Sessi no

ecnO ev'uoy m te eht rehto lenap mem ,sreb eht hc a ri p re s no lliw sa k eht ,seitrap essentiw s, a dn r pe res ne t ta vi es ot s pet istuo de the gniraeh room os you ac n ssucsid m sretta nepo ly htiw eht rest of eht p na el in a pr vi a et m itee ng ac ll ed an

exec tu ive s se si .no T eh ap n le hs o dlu evirra rae ly to ho dl th si ex vituce e se ss noi eb fore ht e it me s te for eht hear 'gni s moc m ecne m ne t.

T sih ini tial m gnitee sh dluo take ecalp ni eht h gnirae room os lenap memb sre nac at ke erac of such im op r tnat at s sk as:

• m ra k gni eht er c ro d sgni dna t itse ng eht rocer d ni g devic ;e • gniraperp na ibihxe t list; • pu d gnita hcae rehto on any erp h gnirae r ;sgnilu • na s gnirew any devlosernu ;snoitseuq • mak gni erus lla p na el mem reb s evah s dengi t eh htaO of rotartibrA ( uoy ' ll le nra m ero tuoba this htaO ni t eh en xt

el ss no ); and • e irusn ng th ta ae ch ra bit rotar sah er ad a ll of eht lp e da i gn s inc ul ding any at at hc de ex ih b ti s. T eh lenap lliw m ra k

eseht d uco m stne sa rtibrA a s'rot ihxE b ti 1# d niru g ht e h ae r gni . T eh evitucexe s isse on is a osl a rep fect troppo u in ty to tes gr uo nd ur el s for ar tib r ta ro c udno ct ud ir gn t eh h ae ir gn . roF

axe m ,elp erga e no how ot sa k euq s ,snoit how to edivid ,seitud dna how ot ca ll an exec tu i ev sess noi . How na d Wh ne to Ask Que ts ions

sA ll'uoy nrael ,retal you and eht to h re ra b srotarti lliw eb elba to sa k itseuq ons aft re ae ch wi ent ss has eb en exam deni dna c ssor - axe m deni by a ll oc nu les . Sa ev ruoy ni -d tpe h snoitseuq u tn il then . Ho ,revew you may yllanoisacco deen to ask snoitseuq ot alc rify ht e e ecnediv sa it si nieb g erp s detne . You deen to rga ee

no wh rehte ht e lenap mem sreb ohs u dl sa k hcus seuq t snoi t eh m sevles ro have the c iah r ep sr no ask euq s oit ns . How to Divi ed Routine Du it es W oh si isnopser b el f ro k gnipee a rocer d of eht entiw s ses dna xe h ?stibi W oh m segana eht rocer d gni of eht proc ee d ni g? T eseh at s sk era yllausu ga r dee pu on yb eht ar tib ra rot s. eR mem reb taht eluR 621 06 fo eht Co ed re iuq r se aht t a record be k tpe of lla sgniraeh .

eluR :60621 oc.arnif//:ptth m tenilp oc. m sid/ne/ pla lpsid/y a _y m th.nia m 042=dibr?l 3 a& m ele;p m 6904=di_tne How na d When to C lla Executive S se sions

evitucexE es s snois m ya be tseuqer ed by any otartibra r f ro any re nosa pr dedivo ht ey f etatilica a f llu dna f ria h ae r gni . uoY m ya llac us ch noisses s ot dis suc s larudecorp ro evitnatsbus m noito s or ot di cs u ss a ques ,noit c no cer ,n or bo ser av t noi

orf m yna mem reb fo eht lenap , ta any it me irud ng eht iraeh ng .

toN lla lenap iced s snoi lliw eb u inan m suo . tA os me po tni ud r gni t eh aeh r ,gni you m ya eb ni eht m roni yti na d will have ot tpecca a ru gnil tiw h ihw ch uoy dis ga r ee . diovA the a pp narae ce of nessid sion in the hearing r oo m. W elih eergasid m stne

m ya ,rucco eht aeppa r cna e of ac m eiredara dna aet m row k am gno artibra t sro si k ye ot a h ae ir gn s' succe ss . © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 69 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle W yh od uoy t nih k s gnitte h irae ng iug d senile eb f dnahero si im ?tnatrop

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

teS t ni g seht e enilediug s ni ecnavda si im tnatrop aceb u es loser ving eseht is eus s before ht ey occur ne sures taht the gniraeh snur sa sm htoo ly as sop s elbi f or m eht tuo s te .

• nA ad cnav e m gnitee spleh ne s eru t tah you and eht to h re ra b srotarti u redn sta dn uoy r res ep cti ev or el s. • sA gis ning uor t eni itud es erusne s aht t ht ey are cover de . ’tI s im tnatrop ot be raelc no ohw rep f ro ms iuqer r de at sks

hcus sa k gnipee a drocer of eht aeh ir gn . • T sih m nitee g lliw he pl uoy serp e tn a inu f dei nap el to ht e rap t ei s .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Record of the P or cee id ngs

ecnO uoy h eva f sini h de the laitini evitucexe ses s ,noi ht e c riah p nosre iw ll ca ll t eh par eit s in ot t eh roo m dna s at rt eht eecorp d gni s by gninrut no t eh er c ro d gni device. T eh gnidrocer is eht of laicif drocer of eht ecorp e nid g, e ev n if it is

transcribed. Any rap ty m ya make a ets n cihpargo er c dro of eht raeh i gn . nevE if a s net o arg ph ci r droce si m ,eda the recording lliw eb t eh o ff ic lai drocer of eht orp cee ,sgnid un ssel ht e nap el determ eni s ehto r iw se. If eht gonets r pa h ci er c dro si t eh laiciffo record fo

eht corp e nide g, a c po y must eb rp o div ed ot t eh eriD tc or, ae ch ar tib rator, dna ae ch rehto ap rty. T eh tsoc fo mak gni dna cop gniy eht st ne o cihparg r droce lliw eb rob ne by eht p ra ty gnitcele ot make eht gonets r pa hic recor ,d u eln ss eht p ena l

If you ra e gnidrocer t eh ,gnideecorp t eh lenap mem reb ni ahc r eg of reco dr i gn sho :dlu

• nedi tify ht e sgnidrocer htiw eht c sa e an me dna un m ,reb eht aeh r gni ad te a dn eht rocer ding un m eb r;

• e erusn t tah t eh gnidrocer ecived si f nu c gninoit p or ep lr ;y • be trec a ni t tah eht re oc gnidr cived e si rut n de fo f gnirud lla executi ev se ss noi s; • er mem reb ot tratser ht e idrocer ng d ve ice af et r l nu c ,h br ae ks dna executive s se s noi s; dna • er t nru lla gnidrocer s to F ARNI ta the e dn of eht hear gni .

T eh nap el may erp p era na etta n cnad e s eeh t ae ch da ,y os ti sah a wr netti er cord of eve ryo en pres tne . tI may be helpful to c etaer a se gnita trahc as p icitra p tna s tni r udo ec eht m es l ev s.

W hti eht gnidrocer de eciv o ,n the hc ai nosrepr lliw ecudortni the lenap a dn evah lla snosrep ni the r oo m— ni clu gnid ap r eit s, erper s ,sevitatne entiw s ,ses dna evresbo sr —intr udo ce eht ms evle s for eht record.

Now th ta oy u k won how to agro n ezi the h ,gnirae yo er'u aer dy to nrael how to con ud ct the hearing its le f. tuB f ,tsri tset tahw ev'uoy le enra d by na s irew ng ht e ecitcarp esicrexe taht f swollo .

Te ts Yours fle

tsiL rht ee ssi u se you hs o dlu evloser htiw eht ot reh ra b srotarti bef ero eht ch ia rpers no c lla s a h ae r ni g ot or .red

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

T eerh is seus ot ser o evl iw th ht e to h re pa len mem eb rs ni c ul d :e

• how na d ehw n ot ask ;snoitseuq • how na d nehw to llac e ex c itu ve se ss noi s; and • how ro enitu d eitu s lliw eb di iv d de .

determines otherwise.

recordings or transmissions of the proceedings unless otherwise agreed by all parties and arbitrators.Regardless of how the official record of the hearing is created, parties and counsel should refrain from making audio or video

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• clearly identified recordings on different hearing dates;

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Secu ir yt Tips

neviG dot a s'y dlrow of heig eth n de ytiruces na d rcni e desa a eraw n ,sse ARNIF noc s edi sr it f itti ng to s erah eht of ll o iw ng s iruce ty spit htiw eht srotartibra who ser ev in our forum:

• trelA eht NIF RA ats ff mem reb sa s dengi ot ruoy ca es of any es cur yti c no cerns r tale ed ot ser iv ng as a FINRA ar ib tr ta or.

• If uoy ecneirepxe an imm etaide iruces ty ht r tae elihw gnivres sa na tibra r rota o ff NIF RA premises, od ton hes ati te ot oc tcatn ht e lacol a tu hor ti ies.

• If ruoy s'esac gniraeh is gnieb co detcudn ni a oh t le , tcurtsni eht h leto f tnor sed k ep sr enno l taht on o en tub t eh nosrepriahc si ot evah a k ye ot eht iraeh ng oor m .

• W neh nisu g ht e he ira ng f ilica t sei no NIF RA prem esi s, dna uoy era dengissa na ssecca ,egdab wla ays w ae r eht ecca ss egdab ni nialp iv ew .

• eR f niar f or m id s suc s gni nosrep al m sretta hcus sa erehw uoy il v ,e tahw t epy of rac uoy rd ive, the name fo your esuops a ro/dn c dlih r ,ne te c.

• If uoy gnirb a potpal com retup iw th uoy , od ton le eva ti un tta e dedn . Les os n muS mary: O gr na zi e the eH ra ing S te ti gn nI th si el s os n, you ael r den how to gro anize ht e aeh ring. ,yllacificepS uoy rael n de woh t :o

• itnedi fy ht e he gnira rap t ;stnapici • avoid xe par et moc m ;snoitacinu dna • itrap c api te ni the itini al evitucexe se ss io .n

nI the txen el s nos , you lliw nrael how ot ca ll eht iraeh ng ot or ed r.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI troduction to Lesso :n aC ll the Heari gn ot Order

ecnO eht st ega si tes rof eht ,gniraeh eht ch ia r nosrep lliw call t eh h ae ir gn to o dr er. In t ih s l se son, w 'e ll look at t eh steps eht p na el lliw at ke ot nepo t eh h nirae g:

• ecudortni eht cas ;e • xe p nial gniraeh g diu e enil s ot eht rap t ei s; a dn • ru el no t eh f erulia of a party ot pa p ae r.

W ll'e axe m eni eht tsrif sat k, gnicudortni eht ac se, .won nI troduce the Ca es Am gno rehto t ,sgnih ortni d gnicu eht sac e ni c ul d se ht e f niwollo g s pet s:

• gnitats eht eps cifics of eht cas ;e • gnirusne t tah lla eitrap s a cc tpe the p na e ;l dna • da m gniretsini htaO eht of rotartibrA .

s'teL trats htiw gnitats eht s icep fics of eht cas .e

Co fn ri m that A ll P ra it es Accept t eh P na le

gnirusnE t tah lla seitrap tpecca t eh oc m noitisop of ht e nap el is a rc itic la s pet . em lenap hcae ,yllaitnessE m :lliw reb

• er p tae iverp o su d olcsi sures dna make any en w di cs losures; dna • nopser d ot snoitcejbo ot t eh p na el.

W ll'e ssucsid hcae of th ese sat ks .won

State the Specifics of the Case At a minimum, the chairperson will state the case name, case number, and the date and time of the hearing. The chairperson will use the Hearing Procedure Script to state this information.

9:30 a.m. on Monday, November 19, 2009.” Once the chairperson has made this statement, the next step is to confirm that all parties accept the panel. Hearing Procedure Script:

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For example: “We are here today to conduct the hearing of case number 08-5000, Widget versus Dilbert, being heard at


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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Repeat Previous Di cs ol sures a dn Make New iD cs ol sures

,reilraE uoy nrael ed a tuob eht serusolcsid th ta oy u and eht rehto ap n le mem sreb m tsu make roirp ot t eh aeh r ni g. E ax mples i cn ul de:

• a sentiw s uoy ro ruoy if rm ah s r erpe s etne d; • a sentiw s ohw nrut s out ot be a italer ve of yo ru nei obhg r; • a serper e atn t ,evi rap ty, ro iw t ssen you know soc ai ll ;y • ac se rofni m noita ni v gnivlo a f ri m uoy h eva row k de f ro ro htiw hcihw uoy vah e a ub s seni s r tale i no sh ;pi and • a serper e atn t ,evi rap ty, ro iw t ssen sohw e nos ro rethguad rap tic pi a et s ni e ev nts—such as s iw m aet m ro os cc re

aet m— iw th o en of ruoy c nerdlih T sih is ton na ex evitsuah il st. If eht ,noitseuq hS" o lu d I olcsid se t sih re al t snoi hip "? neve essorc s your m ,dni d csi ol se .ti

nevE if uoy be eveil the rap t sei erew ni f ro m de of eseht ,serusolcsid tser a et t eh m f ro eht record.

retfA you make a olcsid sur ,e seitrap typ yllaci sa k f wollo -up snoitseuq . sA uoy a rewsn eseht itseuq o ,sn pl ae se eb s eru t tah y uo era llits elba ot oc n tcud a f ria and im laitrap he gnira .

sA eht esac nu f ,sdlo k pee na e ey tuo f ro ad lanoitid d si c ol sures you ne de to make. nI os me ac s ,se ll'uoy een d ot make new d serusolcsi sa so no as eht seitrap evah udortni ced eht ms vle es.

ecnO eht lenap sah m eda lla qer u deri ,serusolcsid ht e srepriahc on will ask eht par eit s if ht ey accept the com op sit noi fo the nap e .l In mo ts case ,s ht ey iw ll accept the panel. Ho ,revew eno ro ob th fo the rap t ei s m ya sa k uoy ot ts pe do nw ta a yn it me irud gn eht aeh ir gn process. s'teL ees woh you

lliw h na d el s hcu a m oito n.

s'teL ool k ta os me axe m .selp

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB Arb ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle W yh dluohs uoy etatser dis erusolc s v’uoy e la r ae dy m ?eda

uQ e ts ion Feedback

uoY shou dl tser a et pr suoive sid c ol sures bec ua s :e

• you tnaw a brev al drocer fo yo ru ;serusolcsid • yb niod g ,os uoy usne re ht at lla seitrap er c devie ruoy olcsid sure s etat m ;tne • a serper e evitatn m ya h eva f lia ed to s erah ruoy id s erusolc iw th ih s or her c eil n ;t • if a rap ty hc a degn uoc n ,les siht lliw rusne e taht t eh wen re neserp t evita kno sw of pr ve i uo s id sc ol sures; dna • tser a it ng rp e suoiv d lcsi seruso sevig t eh p eitra s the c nah ce to ask fur eht r euq s noit s dna es bat lish a comfort el v le

with the p na el . Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng eht rp e il m ani ry rtni o itcud o ,sn you re ezila the dnopser e ,tn D pee iD cs tnuo B or kers, ah s r alpe c de ti s c uo ns le ta t eh al st minut .e T eh wen nrotta ey sah ap aep r de bef ero you a un m reb of it mes ,erofeb dna on eno detcejbo to your ser niv g no

eht p na el at th eso aeh r gni s. You do ’n t be eveil the otta rne s’y erp es ecn lliw fa f tce uoy r ed cision. W dluo uoy esolcsid siht pihsnoitaler an wy a ?y Why ro yhw on t?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

,seY uoy dluohs esolcsid eht snoitaler h pi . Ev ne if you b eile ve yo ru roirp gnilaed s htiw t sih otta rney are a non -i ss ,eu yo ru eruliaf ot d esolcsi ti dluoc r tluse ni a rap ty a ett m gnitp to etacav your a aw rd la et r .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Respo dn to Obje tc ions to t eh P na le Af ret eht f tsri he gnira moc m ,secne a rap ty may qer eu ts taht a pa len mem reb iw t dh ar w fro m ser gniv on ht e cas ;e such a

tseuqer si dellac a m noito to recuse. rednU Ru el 421 0 ,6 any rap ty may sa k na rotartibra ot er c esu ih m or he sr le f for doog c ua se. stseuqeR f ro artibra t ro ucer s la are ed c di ed by t eh artibra t ro ohw is the s bu ject of eht r euqe st. uoY m tsu elur riaf ly

no hcus m snoito . To pleh uoy d edice hw e reht to dhtiw ra ,w p sael e er view ht e ba gnicnal et st c no tai den ni aC n no II -G of eht edoC of scihtE .

edoC of tE h :sci

Te ts Yours fle

eR mem reb woh uoy d dice ed ot esolcsid yo ru suoiverp c tcatno htiw t eh al st-m tuni e alper c tneme nuoc sel for D pee tnuocsiD orB k re s? uS p op se ht a ,t ot ruoy ,esirprus lla seitrap sa k you ot iw t rdh aw f or m eht ap ne ,l ev ne t uoh gh you f lee

y uo c na d ice de the ac se af lri y.

dluohS uoy od ?os W yh ro yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

,seY uoy m tsu rdhtiw aw f or m eht ,esac uaceb se lla ap r seit h eva euqer sted th ta you od so. nonaC II -G mocer m dne s taht uoy iw t rdh aw if lla eitrap s ask uoy to.

Te ts Yours fle

esoppuS t eh ser p no d tne h sa dellac re tub t la sentiw s aS m enotS of carP tic la F ani cn ,lai nI c. uoY erper s tne ed t sih firm ni na alernu t de c esa f ruo sraey oga . W neh uoy olcsid se iht s f tca eht er s ednop nt m sevo taht you tiw h ward f or m t eh lenap .

W tah snoitseuq ow u dl uoy ask sruoy elf eb f ero ed c idi ng how ot elur no t sih m ?noito

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh wt o qu itse o sn you ow u dl sa k sruoy elf desab on C ona n II -G ar :e

• sI eht re nosa f ro the hc nella ge tsbusni a ?laitn To rewsna siht euq ts oi n, you must c no sider how c ol se the aler t snoi h pi si and woh im tnatrop t eh t itse mony si ot ht e case .

• C na I r elu f ria ly and im yllaitrap ni sp ti e fo eht ?erusolcsid In rehto ,sdrow ow u dl kno gniw iht s iw t en ss a ff ect ruoy iliba ty to redner na atiuqe b el and un aib des d ?noisice uoY shou dl tiw h ward f or m eht c esa fi you c na n to be

oc m telp e yl af ri na d im itrap al ni lla epsa c st of eht ca es . Te ts Yours fle W tah era t ow t ih n sg you co dlu od if oy u ha ev fid f ytluci nidiced g rehtehw to er m nia no the p ?lena

uQ e oits n Feedba kc To pleh uoy make siht ,noisiced c tlusno htiw eht rehto lenap mem reb s. They lliw pleh uoy hcaer a riaf iced is on. fI the to her

artibra t sro t’nac as is st ,uoy redisnoc c nilla g a ecer ss to lla ow t eh eitrap s ot prepare br ei sf no eht i ss eu . fI uoy at ke siht or ,etu t’nod f tegro ot tes wen setad f ro eht h gnirae ot rec vno e en .

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 76 of 143


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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Respo dn to Obje tc ions ot the Panel (Con it nue )d If you ed cide not ot ,wardhtiw eht m gnivo rap ty m ya euqer st t tah t eh D rotceri of Ar oitartib n )rotceriD( or the Pres tnedi fo

upsiD te eR s ulo tion iserP( d )tne er m evo uoy f or m gnivres no the case pu sr tnau to luR e 12407 of the Code. Af ret eht f tsri he ira gn noisses ro pr he e gnira nerefnoc ce ,snigeb eht eriD c rot ro Pr dise e tn may rexe cise this n no -de gel a elb

tua h iro ty dna er m evo an ar artib t ro f or m a c esa opu n tseuqer of a rap ty ro no t eh eriD c s'rot nwo i in t ai tiv ,e provi ded aht t eht ni f ro m noita roppus ting omer val m stee lla of eht f llo owi gn req eriu m tne s:

• T eh ni f ro m noita saw not erp vio su ly k nwon by the eitrap s hw en eht ra b rti a ot r aw s s ele cted ot ser .ev • T eh ni f ro m noita saw re riuq ed ot eb sid c sol ed rednu eluR 421 05.

Af ret eht eitrap s evah detpecca eht oc m op noitis of ht e ap n ,le eht c repriah s s'no txen s pet is ot da m ini s et r eht O hta fo

rtibrA a ot r. s'teL at ke a iuq kc ool k ta siht pets .

eluR 1 042 5: ptth :// nif.www r arnif/gro.a m una a /l rules/r12 504 Rule 1 042 7: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12407 Administer t eh Oath fo Ar ib trator W neh uoy era es etcel d ot s evre no a ac s ,e NIF RA lliw dnes uoy a cap k te c ,gniniatno am gno rehto ,sgniht your O hta fo

rtibrA a ot r (O hta ). uoY lliw s ngi the aO th and er t nru it ot ARNIF eb f ero any gniraeh s ro aeherp r gni noc f nere ces ah ve comm ne ced . If a nap el mem reb sgnirb sih ro reh ex uce t de aO th to t eh h ,gnirae the c nosrepriah lliw c tcello ti a dn send it ot IF N AR for sti f li e . If eht pa len mem sreb evah aerla dy s gi n de dna r denrute ht e ri htaO ,s eht riahc p re s no lliw an nuon ec no t eh record ht at

ae ch p na e tsil sah exe cuted dna delif ih s or her O ta h. The Oath states:

oD hcae fo yo ,u sa t eh ar ib t srotar detceles to h rae a dn enimreted the m retta ni oc n ort v re ys , s melo nly s raew or iffa rm t tah y uo era n to an me p reyol fo , olpme ey d by, ro re al t de yb lb o do ro am irr ega ot any of eht ap rties or wi ent ss es ohw se eman s

ah ve b nee id s desolc ot y uo ; taht you ah ve no d tceri ro ni d tceri etni rest ni t ih s tam ter; y uo k on w fo on exis gnit or ap st nif a icn a ,l isub n ,sse ,lanoisseforp fa ylim ro icos al aler tio pihsn hcihw ow uld impair y uo from ep r of rming y ruo du eit s; a dn t tah

y uo lliw ediced t eh oc ysrevortn ni a f ria man ren and er edn r a uj st awa rd?

oD uoy raews ro af mrif aht t, desab no FI ARN siD p etu uloseR t 'noi s Te opm r ra y na d eP r am n tne Arb ti r ota r Dis uq a il fic ta i no ,airetirC y uo era ton t me p liraro y ro nenamrep t yl id s uq la fi i de from bei gn a F NI RA ar tib rator?

oD hcae fo yo ,u h niva g deweiver eht rA b rotarti D si c ol s eru ehC c ,tsilk c tre ify aht t y uo have ma ed all disc ol sures fo it me s no eht rtibrA a rot Dis erusolc C eh kc il s ?t

oD hcae fo you s raew ro fa f mri th ta ruoy rotartibrA D si c ol s eru R ope rt is a cc ur ,eta cu rr ,tne a dn pu to da ,et dna taht you ah ve no ad noitid al d solcsi ru es ot am k ?e

ecnO eht ch ria p nosre sah decudortni eht sac e, the n xe t at sk is ot ex lp a ni aeh r ni g ug ide enil s. s'teL ees how t ih s si d .eno

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Explain Heari gn Guidel ni es to the Pa tr i se To ex nialp iraeh ng g enilediu s ot the eitrap s, t eh ch ia pr e sr no will:

• re da t eh o ep ning ges m tne of eht cs ;tpir dna • d rete m eni ohw dluohs eb ni eht r oo m.

s'teL ool k m ero ylesolc ta ae ch at sk.

Re da the Opening S ge ment of the He ra ni g Procedure Script T eh cs tpir sniatnoc t eh al gn egau ht e iahc r nosrep sh dluo daer nehw gninialpxe t eh raeh ing guidel eni s.

oS m ite m se orp es seitrap m ya eb ssel fam raili htiw ht e ecorp d laru r selu of ar tib ra noit . If any fo eht eitrap s are orp es , ht e c nosrepriah may pxe la ni eht diug e senil ni m ero ted a li t nah t eh s rc tpi . W rehteh ro ton p seitra era serper e detn by co nu s le ta the he ira n ,g the epriahc r nos ohs u dl ask eht eitrap s if ht ey h eva na y er m ia n gni euq s snoit eb fore you proce de iw th eht eh ari gn .

stnioP the hc a osrepri n may ex lp a ni ot pro se seitrap in edulc the f llo o niw g:

• tibrA r noita si ton m ide a noit . T eh ra b s'rotarti elor is ereht f ero ton ot re hca a moc orp m esi ed cis ,noi tub to make a

f lani ed cision no the facts, reted m eni tehw h re ail b ili ty ,stsixe ,dna fi s ,o the am tnuo of eht ad m ega s, if any. • T eh hc a repri s no lliw lpxe a ni t eh itartibra on ecorp d eru — idulcni ng the edoC and eht sequence of et s it m yno a dn

tseuq i no s— ot a orp se rap yt . H wo e ,rev sa tibra r ,srota t eh p na el ac n ton tneserp a ap tr 'y s case. • T eh p esopru fo t eh ope in ng etats m tne si ot lla ow t eh p seitra to xe p nial wh ta they in et nd ot vorp e—not ot pres tne

nedive ce . • W elih the he ira ng m tsu eb ro d re l ,y ar srotartib era ton dnuob by f ro m la elur s fo nedive ce . • A rp o se rap ty m ya rp e tnes sih ro reh itset m yno ni a arran tive etats m tne . • W neh gninoitseuq tiw n se s ,se seitrap may not eugra iw th them. • seitraP m tsu erdda ss any m snoito ro snoitcejbo ot eht p na e ,l ton to the ot reh s edi . • If a p ra ty fee sl a euq ts noi f or m eht rehto rap ty si tnavelerri ro ,etairporppani eh or s eh may object . • seitraP m tsu evig ipoc es of hcae od cum tne ot the oppo s gni rap t sei — ohw m ya ejbo ct ot t eh od cum tne s— eb fore

eht nap el iced d se rehtehw to da m ti ti as evid ne ce. • llA seitrap ha ev eht gir ht ot be serper e detn yb a l wa rey ta any it me ni ht e proc gnidee .

ecnO eseht in laiti etats m stne era dulcnoc e ,d the n txe sat k si ot eted rm eni hw o sh uo ld be in eht aeh r gni r oo m.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

T eh nap el lliw ed c edi wh ci h tiw n sesse dluohs be a ll o dew to er m nia ni eht aeh r gni oor m dna hcihw should be s euqe s deret

sa( k de ot tiaw tuo s edi of eht )moor . sA uoy m thgi ,sseug t eh p seitra may dif ref no siht eussi .

s etseuqe r gni iw t ,sessen he ro ehs nac s raew ro a ff ri m eht m lla at no ce. ll'uoY ael rn tuoba th si sat k ni eht en tx sel s .no

• tcaF sentiw s se itset fy no ht e m laireta af cts of eht case. elnU ss ob th p seitra eerga ehto r ,esiw eht ap n le lliw usually s retseuqe f tca iw t en ss es .

• xE p tre entiw s es s rpxe se s weiv s, evig aterpretni tio ,sn na d apply th ie r sta adn rds of ex ep r it se ot facts hto e sr evah edivorp d. bA s tne evisausrep snosaer to the artnoc r ,y e trepx iw t en ss se ohs u dl eb ep rm detti ot tta e dn all hea ir gn s.

T eh same nosrep nac eb htob a af ct tiw n se s dna an xe ep rt iw t en ss .

a non-party witness may attend a hearing while that non-party witness is testifying. Unless otherwise authorized by the panel, the attorney’s role is limited to the assertion of recognized privileges, such as the attorney client and work productprivileges, and the privilege against self-incrimination.

A member of a partnership may represent the partnership. A bona fide officer of a corporation, trust, or association mayrepresent the corporation, trust, or association. In addition, a non-attorney may represent a party, unless state law prohibits such representation, the person is currently suspended or barred from the securities industry in any capacity or the person

Generally there are two types of witnesses present during an arbitration hearing: fact witnesses and expert witnesses:

Expert witnesses are likely to be present during a hearing. The main reason for the expert's presence is to help both the parties, as well as the panel, understand technical or complex issues as the facts are presented.

Second, the expert's presence can expedite the hearing. Consider what would happen if an expert witness were sequestered. To elicit a relevant response from an expert who is unaware of the facts of the case, the parties would have to construct an elaborate hypothetical scenario that sounds exactly like the actual case. To avoid this time consuming step, experts are often allowed to hear the case itself.

presentation of its case. inexperienced pro se party, having the latter party's expert witness present may assist the pro se party in a fair In addition, if one party has an experienced attorney and a corporate representative in the room, while the other side is an

According to Rule 12208(a), parties may represent themselves in any arbitration held in a United States hearing location.

Rule 12208(a): http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12208

Rule 12602: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12602

This training assumes the chairperson will swear witnesses in individually as they take the stand. However, before


Determine Who Should Be in the Hearing Room


Pursuant to Rule 12602, the parties and their representatives are entitled to attend all hearings. Additionally, an attorney for

is currently suspended from the practice of law or disbarred.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

roF axe m ,elp fi fact sentiw s A h srae f tca tiw n sse B set tify ht at a orb k re - relaed m eda ht ree aug ra tn ees ot a cus ot mer, neht f tca iw t ssen A may retal etats th ta he he dra ht r ee g au r tna e se sa we ll uaceb se he deiler un ud ly no the set timony of fact

tiw n sse ,B ar t reh naht no h si nwo cellocer t noi s of wh ta pah p ne ed. aelP se ees R lu e 21 6 20 a dn the Arbitr ota 'r s Gui ed for ilediug n se no gnilur no eht etta n ecnad of ex ep rt tiw ne ss es .

nO eht rehto ah n ,d t eh un m reb of tnaraug e se si un il k yle ot af ef ct eht t itse m yno of epxe rt wi ent ss C ta a ll , eb c ua se he ro

s eh may be th ere m ylere to pa p yl st sdradna . roF axe m elp , eht trepxe tiw n sse m ya itset fy sa to wh te her ht e ni ev stm stne erew atius b el evig n ht e claim s'tna f laicnani sevitcejbo dna in ev stm tne s ihpo s it c ta i no .

T eh nosrepriahc sh dluo ca itu on sessentiw ton ot csid su s rehtie eht esac ro ieht r tes it mony tiw h ae ch to her before

gnisucxe eht m.

Test Yourself

At a hearing, the respondent objects to the presence of the claimant’s expert witness, J.R. “Bob” Dobbs, who will testify on the psychological nuances of misleading sales tactics that were allegedly used with the claimant.

What should the panel do? Why?

Question Feedback

First, determine the basis for the respondent’s objection and obtain more detail on Mr. Dobbs’s testimony. He may also plan to testify that he was privy to the actual conversations or correspondence he will analyze. If so, he is also a fact witness and should be excused. If the respondent’s reasoning sounds compelling in light of the planned testimony, excuse this witness. If not, allow the witness to remain.

Fact witnesses are sequestered more often because their testimony should be independent and not influenced by other witnesses.

Determine Who Should Be in the Hearing Room (Continued)

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Ru el on t eh F ia lure of a Party to Appe ra

yB eht it me eht cha osrepri n com setelp eseht ilerp m yrani s ,spet yo ll'u ylbaborp know if lla ap rt ei s are erp s tne . fI on ,t the nap el m tsu erdda ss any pa ’ytr s iaf lure to ap aep r.

If a ytrap seod ton raeppa at eht aeh r gni , yo ru pser o esn lliw neped d no hw e reht eht ba s tne ap rty is a er s nop d tne or a

ialc m na t. If a rap t s'y erper s atne t evi si ,tneserp the ytrap si cons edi r de pres tne . Respondent sI Ab es tn Of eht owt p ,seitra a tnednopser si m ero il k yle to be a sb tne . nO e gis n aht t the tnednopser seod ton pl na to a aepp r is t eh f ia ul er to fi el an an ws er. If you ra e deifsitas aht t a re tnednops cer e devi da e auq te on t eci of eht gniraeh f or m ,ARNIF you may proc ee d in eht

ba s ecne fo eht er s op n ed nt.

rednU R elu 0321 0, the iD re rotc lliw res ve eht ini tial ats tem tne of ialc m ot eht an m de ap rt ei s, and s dne cop ei s of eht s etat m tne of ialc m ot hcae rotartibra . T sih ucod m tne si lausu ly tnes by r ge u ral m ,lia f wollo ed yb na drevo ue n ito ce if eht

nopser d tne eod s n to na s rew nihtiw 45 cal adne r days.

sselnU a res nednop t sah pr suoive ly ni d taci ed t tah ti wo dlu ton pa p rae ta the ra b itarti o ,n oy u s oh u dl ascer iat ,n ht r uo gh IF NRA sta ,ff why t eh responde tn is abse .tn

T ereh f ,ero ruoy g lao si ot lo etac od cum atne ry ive d ecne ot hs ow taht a pser o tnedn rec vie ed on tice of ht e aeh ir gn . To do

iht s, re iv ew a ll c nopserro ed ecn ot eht ser p no d tne htiw eht o reht p na el mem reb s ni na executi ev se ss ion. aB s de on eht se ucod m ,stne ed c edi if:

• T eh nemetats t fo alc im w sa eliam d to ht e respo dn e tn . fI eht lc aim aw s s tne by r ge u ral m lia dna re denrut ot

,ARNIF t eh ser pon ned t m ya ton h eva er ceived it. • T eh tnednopser llits w skro in ht e uces rit sei ind su t yr . If ,os a c nerru t ad erd ss si more il kely to be av ia bal l .e

T eh lartneC eR g artsi t noi D isope tory C( RD®) si a com eziretup d ad tab ,esa m tnia a deni yb FI ,ARN th ta c tno ai sn ni f ro m noita

oba ut es c iru t ei s f ri sm dna brokers. T eh DRC sys et m ,sniatnoc am gno rehto iht n ,sg noitartsiger dna em yolp m tne ni f ro m noita ba o tu a ll deretsiger nosrep s ezirohtua d ot tr eda secu ir eit s ni t eh U in et d St eta s. nI ad id tio ,n a tnerruc C DR

drocer may a osl hs ow the s'tnednopser tnerruc oh me dda ress and bus eni ss aff li i ita on. If eht pa len si ton as t si f dei t tah t eh er spo tnedn dah ud e iton ce of eht aeh r ni g, it m ya op s opt ne the h ae ring na d re cs eludeh it ot a future da .et nO the r ce ,dro eht ap n le m ya ask eht ialc m tna if eh ro sh :e

• deviecer a m egasse orf m ARNIF ats t gni aht t ht e r se dnop e tn cou dl n to be r ae c ;deh • evres d eciton to the er s tnednop no ih s or reh o nw . nopU gnieb iton f dei by FIN AR of sti ilibani ty to es evr a

er s nop d ,tne c ial m stna netfo erih a pr sseco evres r ot d le i ev r t eh c ial m. If so, t eh y am y have an a ff idavit from the revres irev f gniy t tah t eh ialc m aw s eviled r de . Re tseuq a copy of iht s a ff ivadi t fi ti xe ists;

• d dessucsi th si ra b itarti on iw th the res op n tned . W elih s hcu a co noitasrevn ni flesti si on t a ab sis ot orp c ee d, ti is a f rotca ot redisnoc , sa the ialc m tna si grahc ed htiw ne of gnicr any drawa dna m ya w tna to wa ti u litn t eh res op dn tne is locate .d If rehto er spo stnedn era vlovni e ,d sa k eht m as ew ll.

desaB no eht na s srew ot th ese euq s it o ,sn you ac n su u la ly ediced if the pser o tnedn aw s on tif dei . fI siht ees ms ot be eht

c ,esa eht ch ria p nosre lliw ask eht rap t ei s if ht ey tnaw to proceed in the abs ne ce fo eht er s dnop e tn . fI ehto r r se dnop e stn era p ,tneser eht lc aim tna m ya tnaw ot corp e de . If, ho ,revew eht c ial m tna iw s seh to op stp no e ht e hearin ,g do so .

s'teL isnoc d re the llof owi gn exam .elp

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ARNIF D upsi te R se o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

uoY era d ice d ni g wh rehte ot deecorp htiw a he ira ng in ihw ch eht er s dnop e tn is abs tne . T eh nednopserroc ce f eli sniatnoc a oc py fo eht co rev tel t ,re b tu the opser n tned d di ton a rewsn ih s hp o en nehw IF N AR ma ed a rem redni call ey s et rday. W tah dluohs eht lenap d ?o

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh nap el hs o lu d ool k f ro ecnedive aht t ht e er s ednop nt deviecer d eu on tice of eht aeh ring. redisnoC gnicudortni any

dive e ecn you f dni th ta n ito ce saw cer eiv de sa na tibrA r s’rota Ex ih b ti . roF axe m ,elp eht ap n le sh dluo sa k ARNIF wh ta the nopser d ne t s’ uc rr tne a rdd sse is. T eh lenap ohs u dl la so sa k eht rehto rap t sei fi t eh y sid cu ss de the h ae ring wi ht the nopser d ne t. T eh nosrepriahc s dluoh sa k eht ialc m tna if eh ro ehs sehsiw to proce de iw th eht hear gni .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

feD a lu t rP ocedur se nI some ni s nat c ,se the alc im tna m ya tcele to esu tluafed erudecorp s, uo t enil d in R lu e 21 8 10 of eht Co ,ed na d ha ev a

s elgni ra b rotarti elur on eht esac htiw o tu a hear gni . teL 's ool k ta th si erudecorp .

gniwollof etac g seiro a dn f slia ot f eli an na s rew iw t nih the it me divorp ed by t eh Cod :e

• a mem ,reb esohw mem pihsreb sah eeb n ret m tani e ,d s epsu n ,ded c elecna d, or r ove k ;de • a mem reb taht sah eb en dellepxe yb FINRA; • a mem reb taht si ehto r esiw def nu c ;t or • na taicossa ed srep on esohw artsiger t noi is et rm detani , revok ,de or sus dnep e .d

To etaitini afed u tl sgnideecorp tsniaga no e ro m ero ednopser nts taht af li to f li e a it m yle na s ,rew t eh lc ia m tna must iton fy

eht D rotceri ni itirw ng a dn s dne a oc py of eht on tif itaci on ot lla ot reh p seitra ta the same it me dna ni eht same m enna r as eht n ito ficat noi saw tnes to eht Direc rot . If ereht si m ero naht o en ialc m ,tna A LL c ial m stna m tsu eerga ni w ir ti gn to proceed

rednu siht ru el .

Ru il ng on the Claim Under Defa lu t Pr co edu er s If eht ialc m tna us se eht luafed t lur e, a nis g el rtibra a rot lliw be appo ni t de to ed cide eht case no ht e s etat m tne of c ial m dna

rehto d uco m stne etneserp d by t eh c ial m tna . ON GNIRAEH W LLI EB DLEH . T eh rotartibra may n to eussi na drawa ab s de ylelos on on n pa p narae ec of a ap tr y. lC aim stna m tsu tneserp a su ff ic tnei

ab sis ot s troppu eht mak gni fo na a draw . T eh otartibra r may ton a draw dam sega ni na am tnuo gr retae ht an the ad m sega tseuqer ed ni the ats tem tne of ialc m, dna may ton a aw rd any o reht re eil f taht saw ton qer u detse ni ht e s etat m tne of claim.

If a ed f lua t gni opser n ed nt f seli an na s rew retfa eht D rotceri iton f dei the pa seitr t tah eht lc ia m aga inst th ta resp dno e tn iw ll

deecorp nu d re this lur e tub erofeb na drawa sah neeb ,deussi the corp e de i gn ga ainst eht respo dn e tn un ed r this lur e liw l eb ret m tani ed and eht ialc m tsniaga aht t opser nde tn lliw corp e de nu d re ht e r uge l ra provis noi s of eht Co ed .

Now s'tel look ta eht sba e ecn of a c ial m tna . Claima tn Is Abse tn

esuaceB eht claim tna aitini t se eht c esa , eh ro s eh si hcum ssel il kely to eb tnesba , sselnu eht claim :tna

• did ton eviecer eht r qe u deri iton ce f or m ARNIF of eht h ae ir gn d eta na d ol catio ;n • si dela ,dey rof exam lp e, eht lc aim tna may eb sick ro cuts k ni fart fic; or • dediced ton ot orp c dee .

If, f ro revetahw aer os ,n a ialc m tna f slia ot pa p ,rae t eh c nosrepriah lliw etats no eht record th ta t eh lc ia m tna i s ba s ne t, and

neht po en the drocer to eht s'tnednopser op sition. T eh er s nop d tne m ya m evo ot sid mi ss eht case .

Under Rule 12801, a claimant may request default proceedings against any respondent that falls within one of the

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12801: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12801

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Claima tn Is Absent (Co tn inue )d

erofeB sid m gnissi eht esac , you may ask ARNIF ot llac eht ialc m tna and try ot ed t re m eni why eht lc aim tna f delia ot aeppa r. If eht lc aim tna tonnac be caer h ,de t eh ap n le h sa t ow s eggu sted o itp ons:

• tnarG the pser o s'tnedn m noito dna id smi ss eht case . • uojdA rn and s ehc d elu a day to ocer n enev to g evi eht ialc m tna it me ot bus m ti a tirw t ne xe pla an t oi n of ih s or eh r

absence. T eh nosrepriahc osla may etats f ro the ocer rd ht at the c esa lliw be id smi ss de elnu ss the claim tna gi sev a er osa n elba isab s for ih s or reh ba es nce.

eB f ero ew m evo ,no s'tel look ta na gnitseretni av r ai tion no iht s eht me of ba s tne p eitra s.

Te ts Yours fle Af ret owt syad of ,sgniraeh eht ialc m tna llet s NIF RA ht ta he nac n to at dnet eht en xt ludehcs ed hear gni eud to a family vacation. NIF RA ex lp a sni — yllabrev na d ni irw t ni g— eht rudecorp e f ro mak gni a p so enopt m tne r euqe st. T eh ialc m tna

stseuqer a tsop p eno m tne . W tah od uoy niht k eht lenap ohs u dl od ni th si itautis o ?n Wh ?y

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh c ial m tna sah on t eci of eht h gnirae . T eh gniraeh m ya pr deeco tiw h tuo t eh ialc m tna u sseln eht nap el gr tna s eht

ptsop o en m ne t. rednU eluR 621 0 ,3 t eh lenap may go drawrof htiw a aeh r ni g if any rap ty f slia ot aeppa r af et r rec ie v ni g eud noti ec .

:30621 oc.arnif//:ptth m oc.tenilp m /ne/ lpsid ay/ sid pla _y m nia . mth Te ts Yours fle T eh nap el ah s nrut ed on eht er c gnidro ed vice to p al ce eht h irae ng no t eh record. hS o dlu you aeper t previ uo s id cs ol sur se ta siht ?tniop W yh ro yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY shou dl tser a et pr suoive erusolcsid s eb c ua s :e

• you tnaw a drocer of yo ru id s erusolc s; • yb niod g ,os uoy usne re ht at lla seitrap er c vie ed ruoy olcsid sure s etat m ;tne • a serper e atn t evi m ya h eva f lia ed to s erah yo ru dis erusolc iw th ih s or her c eil n ;t • if a rap ty hc a degn uoc n les ta eht tsal m etuni , uoy c na ne s eru the wen serper e tatn i ev knows of previo su

id cs ;serusol and • gnitatser pr suoive serusolcsid evig s t eh par eit s the c nah ce to ask fur eht r euq s noit s.

Te ts Yours fle Af ret eht eitrap s le nra fo yo ru pihsnoitaler htiw rM . ,siweL lla trap sei m evo taht you tiw h rd aw from eht enap l. W tah dluohs you do? Why?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc W wardhti orf m eht lenap . ynA time lla seitrap tseuqer t tah oy u iw t ,wardh do .os © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 84 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iar in ng Te ts Yours fle nI aer ding the h gnirae sc ir p ,t eht ch nosrepria h sa just s etat d ht at a ll entiw ss es s ah ll be e cx us de . They lif e tuo of eht oor m,

tpecxe f ro eht ialc m s’tna se dnoc ,ssentiw D to M ,xirta an trepxe tes it f iy ng on eht na ut re of eht in ev stm tne in ht e case. T eh nopser d tne stcejbo to eh r pres ne ce. W tah dluohs eht p na el od ni t ih s is t au t ?noi Why?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

T eh nap el ohs u dl sa k tahw Ms. xirtaM lliw t itse fy to dna sa k eht nopser d tne to ex nialp why he oppo ses her pres ne ce. a s

nesbA t ausrep s evi saer o sn ot eht c artno r ,y trepxe tiw n esse s s luoh d eb ep rm detti to ta t dne all h ae rings. eeS eluR .20621

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ARNIF D psi ute seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

sA eht seitrap era rtni o gnicud them ,sevles uoy ezilaer taht t eh pser o nedn t is n to pres tne . W tah dluohs eht lenap try to reted m ?eni H wo dluow oy u og oba ut do gni s ?o

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

reteD m eni tahw e ff stro ARNIF m eda ot on tify ht e nednopser t fo eht lc ia m dna this gniraeh . To od th ,si uoy wo dlu ac ll na

evitucexe s isse on to iver ew c ecnednopserro dna llac t eh engissa d NIF RA s at ff mem ,reb if en ce ss ar ,y to req eu st a cur tner DRC ,drocer hcihw m ya wohs any sserdda ahc n eg . pahreP s a llac ot eht er sp no tned hs ou dl be m eda by FI ARN s at ff . oslA ees if ht e opser n tned f deli an na s rew ro s op ke iw th F NI RA or to her ap r eit s. fI eht p na el d rete m eni s taht t eh re is fusni f tneici e nediv ce th ta the opser n ed nt er c vie ed due citon e fo eht aeh r gni , ti s oh dlu op stp eno eht hearing a dn direct ARNIF to ta tem tp ot fe fect ser iv ce on eht resp dno e tn .

Les os n S mmu ar :y Call ht e He ra ni g to Order nI th si el s os n, you ael r den how to call a aeh r ni g ot order. yllacificepS , you rael n de how the ap n le :lliw

• ecudortni the case; • ex nialp he ira ng guid senile ot eht rap t ei s; dna • elur no t eh f erulia of a rap ty to ap aep r.

nI the txen el s nos , ew lliw review t eh 'seitrap erp s ne tat snoi dna how uoy ' ll f atilica te this proce ss .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi aB s ci rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI troduction to Lesson: L te E ca h P ra ty P ser ent stI Case

ecnO eht ch ria p nosre ah s c della t eh aeh r gni ot or red a dn tes a orp p re to en f ro eht artibra t noi proc ee din ,g oy ur en xt at sk si ot m niatnia taht enot sa ht e ap rties pres ne t ht e ri cases. How t eh lenap mem sreb tca tes s eht ot ne for eht ne tire hearing.

T eh atneserper t sevi and pa eitr s lliw of ll ow your lead.

eR mem ,reb lihw e uoy naw t ot rtnoc ol t eh a tc ivi t ei s ni t eh h gnirae oor m, you a osl tnaw hcae rap ty ot feel th ta eh ro s eh ah s a f llu dna f ria h gnirae . To od ,siht the nap el :lliw

• f ilica t eta t eh 'seitrap gninepo s at tem tne s; • il ts ne to the eserp n at tio sn of eht ialc m tna s dna t eh res nop d tne s; • ask noitseuq s ot alc rify dna ticile im tnatrop facts; • elur no t eh da m ilibissi ty of cnedive e; • etatilicaf itset mony by t le e enohp ro a ff ;tivadi dna • af c ili tate cexe utive ses is ons.

s'teL trats by ool k gni ta woh to f ilica t eta t eh po eni gn s etat m tne s.

Fa ic lit ta e ht e Parties' Opening tS atemen st Af ret eht ch repria s no sah c della eht aeh r gni ot or ,red e hca rap ty may— tub si n to r qe uir de to—make na nepo i gn s etat m ,tne gnitrats iw th eht ialc m tna . To fac etatili t sih st pe ni the process, t eh panel iw l :l

• ecudortni rA b s'rotarti tibihxE ;1# • evloser na y ilerp m ani ry m etta sr ; dna • il ts ne to the rap t 'sei op gnine s at tem tne s.

s'teL ool k ta hcae of .eseht

nI troduce Ar ib rt ta o s'r Exhi tib 1#

sA uoy rael n de e ,reilra o en sat k of eht laitini ex evituce noisses si ot usne re th ta a ll ap n le mem eb sr op ss e ss — dna h va e daer — eht aelp d gni s a dn dehcatta od cum tne s eht rap t ei s ha ev s bu m detti . T tego h ,re eseht ap p sre oc mprise Ar tib ra ot r s'

Exhi ib t #1.

eB f ero eht rap t sei make rieht ninepo g etats m ,stne ht e srepriahc on lliw cudortni e rtibrA a ot r's Exhi tib 1# by mmus ar nizi g sti

ats tem tne eht ch osrepria n m ya daer as no e of eht panel mem sreb nedi tif ,sei m kra s, dna a cc tpe s rA tib r ota r'sExhi ib t 1# into ve di enc .e nO ly od cum tne s da m detti ni to ive d ecne era p tra of eht r droce and may eb noc s deredi by ht e

nap el ni sti noitarebiled s. T eh nap e 'l s txen t sa k si ot make erus lla rp e il m ani ry b ssenisu sah eb en dedulcnoc erofeb the o ep ning s tat em tne s .nigeb

eluR 12 409 r qe u eri s th ta the artibra t sro ack egdelwon t tah they vah e aer d ht e plea gnid s fil de by eht p eitra s .

© 201

Hearing Procedure Script:

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contents and stating that all panel members have read the documents. The Hearing Procedure Script contains a


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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Resolve nA y P er il im nary aM tte sr

eB f ero ask gni eht rap t sei if ht ey siw h ot make inepo ng etats m ,stne eht iahc r nosrep lliw sa k eht seitrap if ht ey ah ve any ilerp m ani ry m sretta ot ssucsid . ereH si a laitrap tsil of us ch m sretta uoy may encou etn r:

• sernu o devl csid o ev ry i ss eu s; • it m gni of aerb sk ; • segnahc in ht e o redr of entiw ss es; • ob u ,dn erp m ra k de stibihxe ro br ei sf o ff er de by the ap r eit s; dna • tsal -m etuni m snoito to reves ro sid m ,ssi or ehto r types of m noito s.

ecnO eseht ilerp m ani ry m sretta era noc c dul e ,d uoy ' ll il s net to the rap t 'sei nepo i gn s etat m tne s. eL s't ees woh to od t ih s.

iL sten to the Parties' Openi gn St ta eme stn

T eh c nosrepriah lliw use eht Hearing Procedure Sc tpir to a esivd the ap rt ei s taht they may make an opening statement

ecnO eht seitrap vah e nevig gninepo ts a et m ,stne ht ey lliw eb g ni pr gnitnese ive ed nce ot su opp rt t eh c ial ms dna def ne s se

ht ey era mak gni . 'teL s s ee how to tatilicaf e this s pet .

iL sten to the Pre es tn ations fo the Claiman st and Re ps ondents Af ret eht ch repria s no h sa c della eht aeh r gni ot or ,red t eh p seitra lliw pres tne their ar ug m tne s dna evid ne ce. ehT lc aim tna w lli ts a .tr T nih k of siht pets as eht "h "trae of eht gniraeh . W sessenti lliw eb vig en na o ropp t inu ty to serp e tn set timony dna edi n it fy

ucod m stne taht may eb da m detti tni o e ecnediv . sA na artibra t ,ro it si irc t laci t tah uoy m tnia a ni orp p re ed c ro um ta lla it mes. uroceD m si im tnatrop eb ac esu ti :

• sevreserp eht irgetni ty of eht ra b noitarti ssecorp — sa llew as yo ru wo n ibiderc lity as an indivi ud al ohw iw ll ru el on

eht esac . If eht seitrap era rep m detti ot tcudnoc t eh m sevles ni a pursid t evi m ,renna ht ey m thgi do tbu eht findi gn aw s ab sed no f stca tar h re t nah em noito dna t eh snes e of f ia r en ss may be lost na d

• ena selb t eh rtibra a noit gniraeh ot do wh ta ti is i tn e dedn ot :od er s evlo d upsi et s ni a f ia r, e ff ic ,tnei a dn fi an l fas .noih

oS me sgniraeh eriuqer il t lt e m egana m tne f or m eht ap n le mem ,sreb esuaceb the eitrap s a dn ht eir r pe resen at ti ev s b ahe ve lsuoetruoc y. ewoH v ,re if the uroced m of eht iraeh ng deen s to eb co rtn o ll e ,d make erus aht t ht e nap el is ni oc tn r lo dna ton

eht p eitra s. To tneverp eht he ira ng f or m s gninnip tuo of lortnoc dna isol ng ilibiderc t ,y eht ,nosrepriahc iw th the s oppu rt of eht pane ,l

lliw m egana t eh eb h roiva of eht suoirav p citra i tnap s, i cn ul id n :g

• witness se and p tra ies; • neserper t evita s; a dn • to h re ap n le mem .sreb

s'teL ees how t eh c repriah s no lliw m egana t eh oc n cud t of hcae of eseht itrap c pi na ts, eb g ni ning wi ht t eh ntiw e ss es dna

p ra ties.

These opening statements are a road map showing what the parties intend to prove. They should not be used to present evidence.

Hearing Procedure Script:

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Manage Witness and P ra yt Beha iv or

sA eht aeh r gni ergorp s ,ses tiw n sesse dna seitrap m ya heb a ev ni ways ht at d pursi t eht ed coru m of eht procee nid g. For examp el , ht ye im gh :t

• esu gnitcartsid ob dy ;egaugnal • sihw p re ro sap s seton to eno tona her; • hgual tuo ;duol • ni t tpurre tiw n ,sesse ra b ti r ota sr , or par eit s; a dn • ugra e iw th hcae ot eh r .

If hcus heb a roiv rucco s, ht e c nosrepriah shou dl etni rve en to m niatnia t eh ed corum of eht h ae r ni g.

seitraP era lla o dew to sap s seton to th rie re neserp t sevita sa lo gn as ht ey d no 't od so w ih le giving itset mony .

Te ts Yours fle How od uoy t nih k eht iahc r rep s no m thgi etni r ev ne if an ta t eedne ro iw t ssen snigeb gnitca id rs u ylevitp ? W tah if iht s ep sr no c itno n eu s ot od s ?o

uQ e oits n Feedback: T eh tsrif it me us ch roivaheb ,srucco eht nosrepriahc s oh u dl urtsni ct eht nosrep taht this beha oiv r is n to ppa ropr tai e dna ot

nocsid t euni us hc noitca . If iht s er m redni si eni ff ,evitce t eh hc a nosrepri can llac a secer s dna urtsni ct eht c uo sn le ot sp ae k htiw eht ednetta e ro iw t en ss .

T eh c nosrepriah ob uoiv sly t’nac aerht t ne ot er m evo a rap ty ro h si ro reh re erp sen evitat , ub t to her ap rticip tna s may eb er m devo orf m eht aeh r gni . sA you el ra n de e ,reilra seitrap ha ev a thgir ot a ett nd a ll aeh ir gn s.

nI c sesa fo ertxe me m roivahebsi by seitrap ro ht e ri per res atne t ,sevi the p na el shou dl c no su tl Rules 12 212 na d 21 409 of eht C edo .

luR e 1 22 12: http //: ww f.w inra.org f/ inra am nu la /r lu e /s 221r 21

Ru el 12409: http ://: www f. in ar .org f/ inr ma na ual/rules/r12409 © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 89 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Manage iW nt ess a dn P ra yt Be ah iv or (Cont ni u )de nI ad noitid ot m nia t ia ning ed c uro m, eht riahc p re s no h sa eht pser o isn b ili ty of s ew ar gni ni or aff ri m gni wi ent ss se .

T eh seitrap or id n ylira lliw b nige serp e nitn g rieht ac s se yb ac ll ni g a tiw ness. fI eht iw tness has n to taken an oath at the eb g ni n ni g of eht aeh r gni , the riahc p nosre lliw sa k eht ssentiw the llof owi gn q eu s it o :n

oD uoy lnmelos y swe ra ro riffa m ht at eht et ts mi o yn uoy are abo tu ot ig ve s ah ll eb eht rt u ,ht t eh w oh le tr tu h, a dn n to h gni tub eht ?hturt

Af ret tiw n sesse ha ev ans derew ni the a ff ri m vita e, the osrepriahc n lliw sa k eht m ot s etat their an m ,e oh me a dd re ss , dna

ub s eni ss af noitailif (if )elbacilppa . yehT m ya th ne evig rieht t itse m yno . Af ret eht tiw n sse sah et ts if dei —a orp c sse taht a ll ows tcerid axe m ani t noi , c ssor -exam itani o ,n red ri ect exam itani o ,n a dn

ssorcer - axe m oitani n—the p lena lliw ha ev eht c nah ce to ask euq s noit s. T eseh snoitseuq may aerc te the deen for eht seitrap to q noitseu eht tiw ness niaga .

Af ret eht eitrap s dna rtibra a srot ah ve ask de ht e ri qu ,snoitse the wi ent ss may eb excus de . T eh nosrepriahc dluohs er m dni

desucxe iw t sessen on t ot ucsid ss rieht itset m yno htiw ehto r wi ent sses . Pro se p seitra may serp e tn a arran t evi ats tem tne ot eht lenap a dn t neh ot be rc oss-exam .deni T eh c nosrepriah lliw swe ra eht m ni as any o ht er tiw ne ss . If a tiw n 'sse itset m yno si ni t etpurre d by a ssecer — revewoh ol ng or hs ort—wh ne t eh h ae ir gn reco vn ene s, the c iah r ep rs no s dluoh tats e taht eht iw t en ss si llits ednu r ao th. Now s'tel ees how the cha nosrepri lliw m egana eht eb hav oi r of eht per res tne ati ev s.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

aM n ega Represent ta ive Beha iv or

cO c yllanoisa ud r gni na ,noitartibra erper s tne a sevit tca ni ways ht at oej p ezidra the t eno of a aeh r gni . roF axe m ,elp ht ey may:

• etta m tp ot nu f ria ly nrut eht ni f ro m ytila of eht rtibra a oit n ssecorp ot th rie a navd t ega . roF axe m ,elp ht ey m ya unitnoc ally sa k ael ding q seu snoit itseuq( o sn ht at im ylp eht ed s deri na s )rew ot the ri nwo entiw ss es, na d in

e tx r me e cas ,se ta tempt to te ts i yf themselve ;s • re aep t e iv d ecne revo a dn ,revo ni t eh epoh th ta t eh m ero of net ht ey make a etats m ,tne ht e m ero il kely you are ot

believe i ;t • make s aep k gni o itcejb ons ot g iu de entiw ss es' na s ew rs; a dn • hs o ,tu esu aforp nity, ro make gr uotiuta s rem ra ks.

nI most ,sesac oppo sing co lesnu lliw ejbo ct ot siht t py e fo heb a ,roiv wh hci can eb co rr ec det htiw a firm "sus deniat ." tA

rehto it m ,se ,revewoh eht p na el m ya en ed ot in nevret e ni a m ero aorp c evit m renna ot orp tect ht e in get tir y of eht orp ce ss . Pro se p seitra m thgi eb h eva in ppa r irpo ate ,yl ceb a esu ht ey don't un ed rs dnat t eh ar tib rat noi proce ss . If siht si t eh cas ,e eht c nosrepriah ohs u dl nialpxe eht ecorp ss to eht m ni t eh neserp ce fo a ll ap rties and ieht r per res atne tives.

tniaM a gnini ed c uro m is ae s rei th na gnirotser ti af et r it has eb en lost. spetS eht nosrepriahc nac take ot c tno or l eht h ae ring dna k pee em ito o sn ni ch ce k :edulcni

• er m dni t eh per r sevitatnese taht to m niatnia a orp p re ,drocer no ly eno nosrep m ya s aep k ta a tim ;e ae ch ep sr no

lliw teg eht o ropp t inu ty ot expre ss ih s or eh r vi we ; • llet eht per r tnese a sevit ot d eri ct ht e ri oc mm stne dna euq s it ons ot t eh p na el ni s aet d of ot each ot ;reh a dn • llac a ssecer to lla ow the rap t sei ot co lo d wo n if inf ar c noit s oc tn i eun . T ,neh wh ne t eh aeh r gni r oce n ev nes, ni struct

eht per res atne t sevi ot m iatnia n uroced m. W neh gnisserdda the itrap e ,s oy u s dluoh k pee ruoy egaugnal sa ne tu ral as po ss bi le. gnortS egaugnal c na eb ecrep devi

woN el s't ol ok at some examples of oh w the hc air ep rson will m na age the representative 's behavio .r

as adversarial and may lead to arguments between the representatives and the panel. Canon I of the Code of Ethics directs arbitrators to prevent any disruption of the arbitration process.

Code of Ethics

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: http://www.finra.org/arbitration-and-mediation/code-ethics-arbitrators-commercial-disputes

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

uoY era h gnirae na ar noitartib gnivlovni na la el g de recomm noitadne . W elih q gninoitseu eht ialc m ,tna t eh lc ia m ’tna s c lesnuo sa k ,s “ diD Mr. lliM er llet uoy he dah a ‘c t’na ol s ’e tsevni m ”?tne T eh nednopser t’s erper s ne t evita bo je stc taht this si a lead gni q eu s it on. W tah noitca dluohs eht nosrepriahc at k ?e Wh ?y

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh c nosrepriah m ya s tsu ain eht itcejbo on on ht e org u sdn ht at it is a le da i gn euq s oit n dna pxe lain ot c nuo sel taht t eh

nap el dluow a etaicerpp eh a gnir t eh ialc m s’tna itset m yno , sa ti si reh set timon ,y ton nuoc s ,s’le t tah is e iv d ne ec . A gnidael

noitseuq s m thgi be ap porp r tai e ot ex etidep eht aeh r ni g dna ot co rev n no co evortn r lais m ,sretta ti si or id na lir y i ppan r po r ai te rof lesnuoc ro neserper t evita ot sa k gnidael ques snoit of ih s ro reh o nw sentiw ses no im op r tnat m etta rs ,dna in e ff ec ,t

itset fy rof eht entiw ss. dnU er eht f ro m la selur of dive cne ,e gnidael snoitseuq era rep m detti gnirud cro ss - axe m ani tion or if a rap ty ca sll a h elitso sentiw s, ad rev se rap ty ro a tiw ness di e itn fied htiw na a evd sr e ap rty.

W elih eht f ro m la selur of e ecnediv do on t, sa a lareneg m ,retta revog n eht c udno tc of artibra t noi eecorp d gni s, ht ey may of net rp o ediv g oo d, carp t laci ecnadiug no ahw t e iv dence is probat vi e. eG n lare l ,y itartibra on orp ce de i gn s are m ero ni f ro m la dna rep m ti m ero larebil da m noissi of ecnedive ht an ow u dl eb rep m detti ni c uo rt. Te ts Yours fle

esoppuS t tah af ret eht repriahc s no sah m eda h re ilur n ,g the ialc m s’tna erper s ne t ta i ev co tn i eun s to ask dael i gn euq s it ons, tla h hguo the p lena con nit u se ot tsus a ni objec noit s. T eh opser n ed nt oceb m se gna r ,y and eht rap t sei trats ot ra eug iw th

each o ht e .r W tah od uoy niht k eht ch ia r nosrep ohs u dl ?od

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

riF s ,t eht riahc p re s no sho dlu te ll t eh seitrap dna th rie r neserpe t ta sevi t tah all comm tne s dna bo jecti no s are to eb id rected ot the panel rehtar ht an ot each to her. T neh eht ch ria p re s no s dluoh er m dni c snuo el of eht ae lr ei r ruli gn na d ht at o ln y

itset mony orf m nrows tiw en ss se si cnedive e and trap fo eht record. T eh repriahc son ohs u dl co tn i eun ot sustain val di ejbo c it o sn ot gnidael snoitseuq sa ht ey era r ia s de . Eve utn ally t eh nuoc s le ohw rp e suoiv ly h da desu el a gnid q eu s it ons iw ll

eb g ni gnisarhp h si ro h re snoitseuq airporppa tely. Te ts Yours fle W tah od you t nih k eht ch ia rp nosre dluow do if ht e rap t sei eunitnoc to gra ue iw th each to her?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

llaC a er c sse ot wolla eht r pe res ne t ta i ev s to cool do nw . T ,neh nehw t eh aeh r ni g nocer v ,sene tcurtsni the repres atne tiv se ot m niatnia uroced m.

question is a question in which the wording of the question suggests what the expected answer should be. While leading

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Manage Panel M me ber Behavi ro

sA uoy rael n de e reilra ni siht m ,eludo eht ch ria p nosre evlovni s the tser of eht p na le ni deciding eht case. T eh epriahc sr no lliw a osl make erus eht to h re srotartibra noc d tcu eht m les v se ni a m renna taht a ll ows par eit s to re ec ive a f ia r iraeh ng. On

,noisacco you may en ed ot pleh eht hc a repri s no iw th th si at sk, ro ni erar ,sesac m gana e ht e c iah r ep sr no s' b he av oi r.

elborP ms uoy may see :edulcni

• gnidnuos oot evissergga ro im itap e tn nehw sa k gni euq s noit s; • ex erp s gnis opin noi s of eht p ,seitra ro ,stcudorp ro yna facts of eht cases invol ;dev • ne g gniga ni xe rap te ;noitacinummoc • sid pla gniy body al n ,egaug icaf al ex erp s is o ,sn ro senot of vo eci th ta us g eg st bias ga a ni st a ap tr y, r pe rese tatn i ,ev

ro witnes ;s • po enly d rgasi e gnie tiw h uoy ro a rehton p na el mem reb ni f tnor fo the rap t ei s; a dn • pa p gnirae ob r de ro falli gn as el ep.

nI ad ,noitid uoy era e uocn r ega d ot esicrexe doog gduj m tne ni ton co usn m gni la c iloho c b areve g se ud ring the l nu ch break.

If yna of eht se s ti u snoita ar ,esi c lla na vitucexe e isses on and po etil ly er m dni t eh p na el mem eb r taht such aheb v oi r rednu m seni ht e getni rity of eht ra b arti tion ecorp ss and any a aw rd re edn r de . nI os me c ,sesa ti may eb ecen s as ry ot

nruojda rof eht yad . Now s'tel look ta na o reht c itir c la sat k yo ll'u p re f ro m sa eht eitrap s pr tnese the ri esac s— sa k gni alc rifyi gn euq sti no s. Ask Questions to Cl ra fi y and E il cit mI po tr a tn F ca ts

sA m noitne ed ae r ,reil you lliw ah ve eht nahc ce ot noitseuq hcae entiw ss af ret eh or s eh ah s eb en euq s it one ,d cro ss - axe m ,deni er d detceri , and r sorce s-exam deni . T ,erofereh you dluohs sa ev m tso of yo ru seuq t snoi tnu il these p tnio s and ton tpurretni eht q eu s oit ning fo eht sentiw s se by t eh par eit s.

sA iw th ot reh egats s of eht ,gniraeh t eh seitrap lliw eb gnihctaw ruoy ed m ronae esolc ly wh ne oy u ques it on wi ent ss es. roF

t ih s er ason:

• 'nod t tatiseh e ot euqer st na lpxe a an t oi n of el g la ro es c seitiru smret t tah era nu fam raili ot uoy , but are im op r tnat to ruoy gnidnatsrednu fo itset m yno ro m ;snoito

• av dio b do y gnal u ega a dn f laica serpxe sio sn aht t m ya in etacid ruoy f sgnilee tuoba eht ac se, dna eb wa ra e fo ruoy enot fo ;eciov

• avo di en nigag g ni xe hc segna iw ht ht e iw t en ss or r pe res atne ti ;ev • k pee ruoy euq s snoit ne tu r la . roF ni ts ,ecna ask gni dluoC" uoy nialpxe th ta p tnio ni m ero "?htped is pref re a elb to

"W tah era uoy gniklat ;"?tuoba • k pee ruoy euq ts snoi to eht tniop dna p arh se t eh m as euq s noit s. nI o reht ,sdrow diova st eta m stne ro m lono o seug

no ruoy nwo epxe r nei c ;e and • m tnia a ni a non- otasucca ry ot ne.

If you th ni k taht ucod m stne ton bus m detti yb rap t sei —s hcu sa ,strahc eirb fs ro us mm seira fo lagel ,stniop ro ni f ro m noita

erla da y erp s ne t de — lliw rg e ta ly e hn a ecn yo ru a ilib ty to iced de the ,esac noc s redi r euqe sti gn them. Ho ,revew ereht era t ow po laitnet risks ni gnitseuqer idda t lanoi od cum tne s ta this s egat . Ask gni f ro oitidda n la dive ence c na

eb d na g suore and cirt ky be uac s :e

• you may evig eht im oisserp n taht er'uoy gnittup no a rap t s'y ac se f ro ih m ro ;reh dna • us ch ucod m stne may c ta ch one ro bo ht rap t ei s o ff - aug rd. If rehtie ro b hto seitrap pa p rae us r irp s de or ill-pr ape r ,de

wolla t eh m fus fic tnei it me ot dnopser . Now s'tel ees how yo ll'u ep rf ro m ona reht im tnatrop t ksa of gnidiced ehw t reh to timda evi ned ce. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 93 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Ru el on the dA im ssibili yt of Ev di en ec W elih eht elur s of ev ecnedi desu ni a truoc may rp o ediv diug a ,ecn ar srotartib are ton b uo nd by t eh m s( ee R elu 621 04 fo

eht C )edo . T ih s t'nseod m ,nae h wo e ,rev t tah eht pa len s dluoh a cc pe t e ev rythi gn offer de ni to evi ned ce. In fa ,tc t eh oppo s gni rap ty lliw aborp b yl ejbo ct ot at ael st os me fo eht ev di ence tni ro ud c de .

esuaceB noitartibra si ssel f ro m la naht the uj d laici orp c ,sse eht p na el is ton dnuob by t eh ru el s of evi ned ce us de in c uo r .t

rtibrA a srot lliw ed c edi f ro th sevlesme wh rehte ot adm ti ecnedive dna how much hgiew t ot ig ev ti . Now s'tel iver ew how the p lena will rule no t :eh

• thgiew dna rele ecnav fo ive d ne c ;e • rof m dna it m gni of ;gninoitseuq dna • f erulia to rp o ecud dive e ecn gnirud id sc evo r .y

W ll'e trats iw th giew ht dna ler e ecnav of .ecnedive

Weig th and Relevance fo the Evidence J tsu sa ti saw gnirud ocsid ver ,y ecnaveler is a key f rotca ot redisnoc nehw ed c di ni g hw e eht r ot da m ti evid ne ce. W neh

reted m gnini ,ecnaveler ediced h wo eht e nediv ce aler set ot eht i ss eu ta h na d . T eh m nia qu itse on you s dluoh sa k :si H" ow much m thgi siht ucod m tne ro itset m yno h ple evorp ro rpsid ove the claim s'tna c esa ro( eht er ps 'tnedno s def ne s "?)e suoivbO l ,y eht seitrap lliw try ot ecnivnoc oy u of ht rie ans rew ot iht s euq s oit n.

rehtonA rotcaf taht m ya come pu nirud g e nediv t ai ry d setupsi si rehtehw eht cod um tne ro itset mony is dup il c ta i ev or

Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng a gniraeh no ehw ht re a pu gnihsilb suoh e s’ nep ny cots k saw a ius tab el i vn estm tne for eht c ial m ,tna the res tnednop s bu m sti a ypoc of a s strop m nizaga e niniatnoc g na elcitra au deroht by t eh lc ia m tna . W neh eht ialc m tna tcejbo s taht this

ihxe b ti sah on t gnih to do htiw the id s tup ed ,noitcasnart eht er s tnednop sa sy ti si in net d de to od cum tne eht claim ’tna s k lwon e egd fo eht pu gnihsilb in tsud ry.

woH dluow uoy ?elur W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

esuaceB eht r le eva ecn of t sih xe h tibi ap sraep irep p ,lareh uoy dluow orp b ba ly sus iat n ht e bo jec noit . ohtuA r gni na elcitra ni eno m ga a eniz do se on t m nae eht claim tna ah s ni - htped k elwon d eg of eht ilbup s gnih udni str ,y or k elwon d eg r age rdi gn the

s cot k fo f sgnire of a pu gnihsilb h uo se. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 94 of 143

As the parties introduce exhibits, mark each in the order it is introduced.

cumulative. If you sense that this is the case, consider whether alternative evidence would serve the same function as the item in question.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Admissi lib ity a dn R le ia lib i yt fo ht e Evidence nI ad noitid ot ed t re m gnini if dive e ecn si ,tnaveler a osl c redisno t eh rof m ni hcihw ti is offer de . hT e rel ai ib li yt of the

dive e ecn may a osl eb noc s edi r de . roF axe m ,elp if a ap rty o ff sre a ypoc of a f laicnani golb no t eh I retn n ,te oy u m ya reted m eni th ta ti is n to fus f neici t yl re ail b el to esta ilb sh t eh facts s detat . An o ff ic lai p cilbu ,drocer no t eh rehto h ,dna

lareneg ly sah hig reh in aicid fo iler a ilib ty. A rap ty may tcejbo to eht da m ilibissi ty of e ecnediv on t eh sdnuorg taht ti si prej du ci lai . nI hcus a s auti t noi , y uo must

reted m eni rehtehw any erp j ecidu uo t shgiew the orp“ b evita ”eulav of ht e e ecnediv ( eht d ge r ee of r le evance and usef enlu ss of eht nedive ce ni ed t re m gnini the f stca fo eht ac se). If y uo ed c edi t eh value of eht ecnedive si gr retae naht ht e prej idu ce, ti hs o dlu eb da m ;detti if y uo iced de th ta t eh pr iduje c lai e ff tce si retaerg naht eht eulav of eht ve di enc ,e it s oh uld on t eb admitted. Form a dn Timing of Qu se tioni gn

nevE af ret uoy ha ev diced ed taht a tiw n 'sse itset mony si tnaveler , eht panel lliw pr babo ly ah ve ot r lu e no objec noit s as ot woh taht t itse m yno si e deticil .

To ex etidep the he ,gnira eht riahc p re s no ma ,y htiw the ap n s'le p re m ,noissi elur on eht 'lenap s b he alf no evi ed aitn ry and

larudecorp ejbo c noit s. Ho ,revew fi na o noitcejb si unu s lau ro ah s eht op t ne t lai ot m laireta ly im tcap eht cas ,e neht eht eritne panel ohs u dl ssucsid ti ni cexe u evit session before r lu i gn .

ereH era a wef et ts im yno -r detale eussi s eht lenap m ya be sa k de ot lur e :no

• gnidael euq s ;snoit • ugra m evitatne euq st oi sn ; • eper t viti e itseuq o sn ht at ha ev erla ady eeb n ask de dna na s ew re ;d • misqu to ing the witne ss ; • snoitseuq htiw usni ff ic tnei f adnuo tio ;n • euq ts snoi t tah a ss ume f stca ton yet in evi ned ce; • euq ts snoi t oo oc m xelp ro vnoc o detul to na s ew r; • uba s evi noitseuq i ;gn • iw t ssen seuq t inoi ng co nu sel; • ar mb gnil itset m yno htiw on q ;noitseu dna • non - evisnopser na s ew rs .

hpU old gni na noitcejbo ot t eh it m gni ro eht rof m of a noitseuq d eo s not m nae eht euq s it on m ya on t eb ask de -just taht ti eb

sa k de ta a d fi f tnere it me ro ni a id f ef r tne m enna r. T eh c srepriah no shou dl be erac f lu taht eht s'lenap ilur ngs are c no sis et nt and even- nah d de as ot a ll trap ies. ssenriaF si

eht ultim eta evitcejbo ni t sih proc gnidee . Now s'tel look ta na o reht :eussi f erulia ot orp d ecu e iv d ecne dur gni id cs o ev r .y

aF ilure to Pr do uce vE idence During Di cs overy

,reilraE uoy nrael ed th ta gnirud d si c evo r ,y rap t sei os m ite mes cidni a et t tah they ca tonn ecudorp a ucod m tne eb c ua se ti on regnol stsixe (or never d di ). W neh a rap ty makes hcus a ialc m, eht c riah p nosre ro s ele c det tibra r rota may id er ct eht ap rty

ot s etat in a s nrow , tirw t ne etats m tne dellac na af tivadif taht ti eod sn't exist.

eluR 12 415 r qe u eri s rap ti se ot ivorp de ae ch p ytra htiw c seipo of lla ucod m stne and to h re m eta r lai s in th ie r sop se ss noi ro c lortno t tah ht ey ni t dne ot u es ta eht h gnirae taht ha ev ton erla da y be ne pr decudo , ta tsael 20 ad ys before ht e fi sr t

deludehcs aeh r gni etad . T eh id ae niheb d eht 02 - ad y r elu is ton ot nep a ezil rap t ei s ohw pro ud ce od cum tne s ,etal but ot

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aF ilu er to Produce E iv dence During Discovery (Conti un ed)

eruliaF to udorp ce d co um stne nu d re eht 02 - yad r elu nac serp e tn si s seu f ro eht p na e ,l es ep ic la ly in l gno , na t inoga st ci gniraeh s. ereH ra e os me seussi ot noc s edi r:

• If eht od cum tne saw egnahcxe d, how etal saw t eh e cx gnah e? • woH ol ng d di t eh rap ty dloh on ot t eh ucod m tne b fe o er e cx gnah i gn ti ? • sI eht oc m ialp ning ytrap decidujerp ni any wa ?y fI ,os how nac the idujerp ce be rem ?deide • W sa eht ucod m tne e cx nah g de al te f ro snosaer b dnoye the pro ud ic gn part 'y s c tno r ?lo

rehtonA loiv a it on of ht e 02 -day r lu e oc sruc ehw n items perp ra ed by a driht pa tr y—such as ex ep rt od cum tne s—are decudorp etal . nI hcus c sa se , reted m eni if eht rap t sei xe c egnah d od cum tne s as s noo as op ss ib el .

gnihtoN slows od nw a sac e sa m hcu sa etal exc ah n eg or non -e cx egnah of ev edi cn e. gnirraB ucric m secnats yeb ond t eh

rap t s'y ,lortnoc us ch heb a roiv si a noitaloiv of the Code— ton ot m noitne nu f ia r. T eh nap el may ah n eld th si eussi vitcaorp ely by g ivi ng t eh p seitra o en al st ch na ce to xe c ah n eg docum tne s dna di e itn fy

essentiw s erofeb ulcxe d gni eht m. roF axe m ,elp eht nosrepriahc m thgi make eht f llo o gniw st eta m tne no the recor :d

ehT panel is c denrecno ov re eht f erulia fo t eh p seitra to moc p yl htiw Ru el 21 5 41 of eht oC d ,e b tu wo dlu il ke to al ol w eht seitrap eno tsal ch ecna to e egnahcx stnemucod a dn id tne ify iw t en sses under this sec noit . ynA truf h re aloiv tions fo uR le

521 14 m ya tluser ni noisulcxe of ht e cod ume tn ro w ti ness . No ,w s'tel ool k ta a f we xe am elp s.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 96 of 143

maintain a level playing field by giving the other side ample opportunity to digest the documents.

Documents not echanged or witnesses not identified may be barred from the hearing, unless the panel determines that good cause exists for the failure to produce the document or identify the witness. Good cause includes the need to use documents or call witnesses for rebuttal or impeachment purposes based on developments during the hearing. Documents and lists of witnesses in defense of a claim are not considered rebuttal or impeachment information and, therefore, must be exchanged by the parties.

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training· The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (97)

ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle nI an em lp oym tne ,esac the opser n tned per e deta ly pres stne stprecxe fo eht f ri m’s em eeyolp ah n bd ook no res dnop e ’tn s

tcerid noitanimaxe . T eh ha bdn ook seniltuo heb a roiv a orb k re - elaed r m tsu f llo ow. ialC m tna stcejbo taht ehs saw reven inruf s deh seipoc of the h na oobd k ud ir gn t eh c uo sr e of od cum tne pr udo ct noi . Af ret un m suore ugra m ,stne eht epriahc sr no

c slla na ucexe t evi ses sion to id cs u ss eht pr elbo m . W tah thgim uoy ?dnemmocer W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc W neh f deca htiw a s ti u oita n s hcu sa siht ,eno the panel m thgi noc s edi r ask gni eht ap r eit s to a dd re ss tehw her:

• eht ucod m tne dluohs h eva be ne pr cudo ed e rehti d gniru eht esruoc fo yrevocsid or as part of eht 02 -day di e itn f noitaci of ucod me stn dna entiw ss es;

• eht ucod m tne si er b ttu al m laireta tla( h hguo ni siht axe m elp sti esu on tcerid exam oitani n s gu gests ehto r iw se); • eht s ecnacifingi of ht e ucod m tne ot be udorp ced; • eht ssenevisnetxe of the ucod m tne ot be pr udo ced; dna • eht ap n le ah s rp ve ylsuoi a dewoll ob th sid se ot o ff re ucod m stne taht h da n to pr suoive ly eb en pro ud c de .

If eht bus m gnitti rap ty ah s on g doo r ae s no why the d co um tne saw n to suoiverp ly ,dedivorp eht p na el hs o dlu c no s redi

gnidulcxe ti . W gnidlohhti ucod m tne s c artno ry to F NI RA selur saw t se eht it me of eht rap t sei dna t eh p lena and c ua s se dnu ue s esirpru dna ujerp dice ot eht p ra ty tsniaga ohw m eht ucod m tne si pr udo ced

nO eht to h re ah n ,d t eh lenap may ed c edi ton ot xe clude ht e od cum tne . If eht nap el os d ,sedice ti shou dl take s fu fic tnei

s pet s ot uder ce na y ujerp d eci ot the ap rty bo jecti gn to eht docum tne . hcuS spets m ya ni c :edul

• time to rev ei w the do uc em nt; • eht po p utro nity ot er - llac essentiw s wh eso set tim yno er g gnidra t eh od cum tne m thgi eb r le e nav t; and • nas tc noi s ga a tsni t eh p ra ty ohw d di ton timely p dor uce ht e od cum tne .

Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng a ,gniraeh eht cla tnami a egell s taht po t noi s ew re iusnu tab el for him. nI sih etats m tne of ialc m, eh m niatnia s eh sah en v re dart ed po t noi s eb fo er . gniruD c ssor - axe m ,noitani eht er s tnednop sa ks eht ialc m tna ot itnedi fy ehto r brok re - elaed sr

htiw cihw h eh dah stnuocca over eht al st 10 years. W neh eht lc aim tna an m se eerht to h re f ri m ,s eht nopser de tn ut rns ot eht p na el a dn sa sy the lc aim tna dah tats ed lrae i re aht t eh never had an acc tnuo before. T eh nopser d tne requests na

nruojda m tne ot a woll reh to niatbo dna iver ew m ylhtno tnuocca ats tem stne rf om eht to her ht ree f ri ms. ehT ialc m tna obje stc to this dela .y

woH dluow uoy eldnah siht autis t ?noi Wh ?y

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

ssucsiD eht m retta htiw ht e ap n le ni an ucexe tive se iss no . uoY may gr tna t eh m noito os t eh ser p tnedno c na o atb in and weiver seipoc of the acc tnuo s etat m tne s. T eh ialc m tna may ro may on t evah had ecneirepxe art d gni ;snoitpo ni na y cas ,e

eht etats m stne era ler evant ot eht claim ’tna s f laicnani epxe rience a dn s ihpo ts ic ta i no . uoY m ya c no s redi gnissessa oc sts fo eht enoptsop m tne ni ruoy lanif a draw .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi B cisa rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Fa ic lit eta Testi nom y by eT le ohp en ro Af if da tiv

eviL itset m yno is most oc mm no dna erp f ,derre b tu som ite m se seitrap eerga to itset m yno by elet p enoh . T sih m ya co c ru esuaceb a rap ty ro a entiw ss may eb nu a elb ot ph isy cally a pp e ra ta t eh gniraeh ro tonnac eb su pb o deane ro o deredr to

aeppa r. nI s hcu a s ,noitauti eht p seitra may a eerg t tah t eh entiw ss be a ewoll d ot t itse fy by te el p oh ne c no fer ne ce . iranidrO l ,y siht ga r ee m tne si m eda eb f ero the dive e tn iary h ae ir gn . W ereh seitrap ,eerga srotartibra ohs uld la low et s it mony

by tele hp one. If seitrap d eergasi ab tuo t inohpele c set timony, disnoc er eht f iwollo n :g

• eht iw t sen s’ saer on f ro ton a ett ndi gn ni ep rso ;n • ehw t reh eht p nosre is a ssel itirc c la iw t ssen sohw e et s it mony w li l be s oh r ;t • ehw t reh eht tiw n sse lliw oc mm tne no od cum atne ry nedive ce n to ni sih ro reh essop ss noi — dna any di ff luci ty

vlovni ed ni rela iy ng esoht docum tne s; • rehtehw ilibiderc ty si na is eus . If ,os redisnoc ehw t reh uoy nac egduj t eh iw tne ’ss c ilibider ty o ev r eht hp no ;e dna • rehtehw a oediv noc f ecnere si aliava b el na d c na remedy yna of eht seussi pres tne ed.

If lla o iw ng te el p cinoh et ts imony— rehtie by eerga m tne of eht rap t sei ro by ru gnil of eht ap n le —t eh chair ep rson s :dluoh

• swe ra in ro a ff ri m eht ssentiw sa su ual, ub t m ido fy eht o hta ot h eva the p re son etats ht at he or s eh is who eh or ehs ialc ms ot eb . If uoy ha ev ,stbuod noc s redi ivah ng a aton ry tneserp at eht entiw ss 's ol c ;noita

• evah eht rap ty c gnilla t eh entiw ss init etai eht ;llac • acidni te ot eht iw t en ss ohw oy u era dna hw o else is gninetsil to sih ro reh et stimon ;y • eb f ero itset m yno be ,snig od a ll eht as me gniht s you ow u dl od fi eht tiw n sse erew eserp n :t xe pla ni t eh t itse mony

,ssecorp tbo a ni a lacov noitcudortni rof eht er cor ,d na d c ua t noi eht wit en ss on t ot id scu ss eht case w ti h to he r tiw n se s se litnu t eh esac si com telp e ;d

• make s eru eht rap t ei s h eva ivda sed ht e iw t ssen tahw ucod m stne — us ch as o dr er it ck te s, rettel s, wr ti t ne ivrepus sory udecorp res—he ro ehs lliw deen to er f re to gnirud t itse mony. T uorh gh ht e ap rt ei s, c no fir m taht eht

tiw n se s ah s ,lla dna ylno , th eso od cum tne s aht t eht ap r seit lliw er f ecnere d iru ng qu noitse i ;gn a dn • ask eht tiw n sse if eh ro s eh is a ol ne in a p ir av te r oo m. yB rp e ev n it ng pursid t oi sn of eht itset m ,yno oy u orp t tce ob th

eht arucca cy and ef neicif cy of eht set timony .

sA na evitanretla ot pelet oh cin itset m ,yno a rap ty may hsiw to bus m ti ive d ecne ni na fa f .tivadi A ff stivadi era a ll o ew d ni c sa se f deli rup s tnau ot NIF RA eluR 12 08 0 iS( m ilp fied A br ti r ta i no ) bec ua se ti is ht e best m dohte va a ali b el f ro seitrap ot esu to tneserp ows rn tes it mony. iS( m ilp f ei d rA b arti t noi ac s se era th eso th ta a er ed c di ed no eht

srepap bus m detti ot a nis g el rotartibra tiw h tuo a il ev h .gnirae ) nI c ,tsartno fa f stivadi era ni f uqer e tn ly bus m detti ni na e nediv t ai ry h gnirae rof an gnihty rehto ht an m iretsini al m etta sr , like

tua h driht gnitacitne -p ra t y er c dro s. To redisnoc a er que ts ot bus m ti na fa f tivadi ni an ive d aitne ry he ira n ,g t eh p na el s oh u dl m tee ni na exe c evitu es ss noi to id cs su s why the ssentiw t’nac ta t ne d ht e he gnira ro( ta ael st et s it fy by et leph eno ), and wheth re to admit such set t omi n .y

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

oD uoy ees any laitnetop pr elbo m ehw n itset mony si adm detti yb a ff ?tivadi woH od uoy t nih k eht lenap m thgi erdda ss s hcu orp b el ms?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc W elih f ro m la selur of dive e ecn od ton pa ply ot ,noitartibra t itse m yno yb a ff tivadi f or m a iw t ssen ohw cou dl et s it fy ni ep sr no ro by ohpelet ne rp eve tn s o en p ra ty f or m ssorc -exam gnini aht t iw t en ss . Af ret lla , eht isoppo ng p ra ty ca nn ot cro ss -exam eni

an a ff di avit. A ff stivadi era ni f euqer ntly s bu m detti ni an nedive t ai ry h gnirae f ro an gnihty to h re th na m lairetsini m etta sr , il ke

tua h gnitacitne th dri - rap ty records. If eht nap e ,l h wo e ev r, ed c sedi ot da m ti na a ff tivadi , the hc a repri s no may sta et th ta sti thgiew as cnedive e m ya be id m ,dehsini ceb a esu the oppo s gni rap ty lliw n to have a c nah ce to cha ell nge the tr htu of the

s etat m stne ti c atno ins.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

icaF lit eta xE ecutive Se ss io sn

sA uoy rael n ,de you and eht to h re panel mem sreb s dluoh k pee id s ga r ee m stne and ucsid ss noi s o tu of the view dna gniraeh of eht p eitra s by ho gnidl exe c tu i ev se iss no s. oH w uoy m gana e ex uce t evi snoisses lliw d ete rm eni ieht r

e ff senevitce s. H ere era a f we sretniop to he pl uoy a dn eht hc a nosrepri erusne aht t your execut evi sess noi s run as fe fic yltnei as op s :elbis

• T eh repriahc s no ohs uld sa k eht seitrap dna ht e ri repres atne tives ot el a ev eht r oo m . • aM ke erus eht idrocer ng cived e si ton ur n ,gnin os t eh di cs uss noi iw ll rem nia o ff eht er c dro . • T eh repriahc s no ohs uld trats by sa k gni ht e to h re p ilena sts ot express ht eir views on the m etta r, na d ht en eht

osrepriahc n lliw sserpxe ih s or eh r o nw views. • If lla ap n le mem sreb eerga imm taide e yl no t eh ,gnilur br gni eht rap t sei ni a dn ecnuonna uoy r ed cis noi . • If eno ra b rotarti gasid re ,se luferac ly isnoc d re ih s or reh views. • t'noD el t ht e noisses get ob g eg d nwod on si s seu ht ta have la ready b ee n resol dev . eriD ct t eh o reht ar rtib a ot sr ot

f suco no eht iss eu at ah nd. • If a nu a in m suo noisiced si n to p ,elbisso make s eru eht id ss en it ng arb arti tor at least un ed sr at nds eht saer ino ng

eb h dni eht nap e s'l ilur ng. eB isnoc d etare ot t eh ,retnessid tub ex nialp th ta the h ae r gni must m evo for draw . • W neh uoy r nrute , eht c ah ri p nosre nac an on u ecn eht ur ling na d m evo no . oD ton in acid te rehtehw it saw

inanu m suo ro by m iroja ty etov . yllareneG , uoy shou dl ton xe pla ni ro itsuj fy yo ru d noisice to the par eit s. eR mem reb eht im ecnatrop of nivreserp g ht e ap ecnaraep of inu ty.

Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng an ucexe tive ,noisses you dna eht ch nosrepria eerga taht a docum tne is i rr le eva tn a dn should n to be recei dev sa nedive ce. T eh driht p lena mem reb sah tbuod s, ileb e gniv ti m ya t nru o tu ot eb ler e av nt.

How wo dlu you eldnah siht autis t ?noi Que oits n Feedba kc

riF st wolla t eh driht pa len mem reb ot lpxe a ni why s eh f slee t eh d uco m tne may eb ler e tnav . If uoy a dn t eh ch ria ep sr no are nu con ,decniv try to row k tuo a com orp m esi — spahrep a gniwoll the p ra ty ot re rtni do uce ht e od cum tne etal r. fI no

com orp m esi si issop b ,el make erus eht dis retnes si raelc no eht r gninosae eb hind ht e pane ’l s rul gni .

eB f ero m gnivo no ot t eh txen ,nossel aelp se oc m etelp eht llof o gniw itcarp ce rexe cis se no fac ili t ta i gn t eh parties’ case atneserp tio sn and gnitcudnoc executi ev se ss ions.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng sih epo ning etats m ,tne a pr o se ialc m tna be nig s neserp t gni f stca and a rdd e ss gni euq st noi s ot eht res nednop t. W tah dluohs eht lenap od ni iht s s itauti o ?n W tah fi eht ialc m tna stsisrep ni sih ?roivaheb

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

peR e ta th ta t eh o ep ning st eta m tne si f ro a us mm ,yra ton serp e atn t noi , of ae ch pa tr ’y s case. pxE nial th ta the c ial m tna dna nopser d tne lliw h eva the po utrop nity ot ask euq s noit s l eta r in the hear gni .

Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng itset m yno , ht e pser o edn n s’t ssentiw ats t se taht eht udni stry ecitcarp si to review the cus ot mer’s f nani c lai cab k dnuorg hw en de et rm gnini atius b ili ty. D“ o t’n you osla isnoc d re ni v tse m tne ”?sevitcejbo ed m dna s iS m no M ,noo a p na el

m bme re from ht e es c iru t ei s indu ts ry. How hs o dlu ht e ap n le ah dn el t ih s s uti ati ?no

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh c nosrepriah shou dl t lle eht tiw n sse ot h dlo ht e na s rew ot t sih q eu sti no hw i el t eh p na el con ud cts na exec tu i ev se ss oi n.

ecnO eht lenap si a ,enol eht to h re ra b ti r ota sr should rem dni rM . nooM to sa ev his seuq t noi s—ex tpec rof iralc fyi gn eno s— litnu b hto seitrap vah e xe am deni dna sorc s-exam eni d eht w enti ss .

Te ts Yours fle nI the rp e suoiv ,oiranecs tahw m thgi the p na el tell Mr. nooM ab tuo t eh an t eru fo ih s ?noitseuq

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

T lle ih m taht eht noitseuq — ro ta tsael t eh t eno ni wh ci h ti saw sa k de —m ya a ff ect sih ecnaraeppa of im ap r ait lity. For th si

saer ,no tseggus t tah eh wardhtiw t eh q eu ts noi nehw the he ira ng resumes . © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 101 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

enO day eb f ero eht iraeh gn , ARNIF sta ff sevig you a rap t s’y wr netti er q tseu ot tel a iw t ssen hw o seod ton ow rk ni eht seitiruces ni d tsu ry a dn evil s tuo of etats itset fy by te el p enoh . lesnuoC f ro the non -m gnivo rap ty objects. As us me taht eht

ssentiw saw ni c ul d de on eht m gnivo rap t s’y ssentiw tsil taht saw rp o div ed ot t eh o eht r side more taht 20 days pr oi r to the tsrif deludehcs h irae ng d ta e .

How hs o dlu ht e panel hand el siht is t oitau n? W tah f srotca ow u dl you noc s ?redi If uoy tnarg eht p ra t ’y s r euqe ts , ohw wi ll

ini t ai te t eh call back?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

sA detats rp e suoiv ly ni iht s gniniart m eta r ai l, evil t omitse ny is most oc mm no dna p er fe rr ,de tub som ite mes ap r eit s agr ee ot itset m yno yb te el p enoh . W ereh seitrap a ,eerg omitset ny by te el p enoh si yllareneg lla ow de by eht ra b otarti rs .

If seitrap d ergasi e ab tuo t cinohpele t itse m ,yno er mem reb ot redisnoc t eh followi :gn

• eht entiw s ’s s saer on f ro ton ta t ne d ni g in ep sr on; • wh rehte eht nosrep si a el ss c lacitir tiw n sse esohw itset mony lliw be s oh r ;t • wh rehte eht iw t ssen lliw comm tne no ucod m atne ry ecnedive ton ni sih ro reh noissessop — dna any id ff ic lu ty

devlovni ni ler a iy ng th eso d uco m ;stne • rehtehw ilibiderc ty si an iss eu . If ,os redisnoc ehw t reh you ac n egduj t eh ntiw se ’s ilibiderc ty o ev r eht hp no ;e dna • ehw th re a oediv c no f ecnere si aliava b el na d nac remedy any of eht i ss eu s pres detne .

niF all ,y if gniwolla ohpelet n ci itset mony— rehtie yb rga eem tne of eht rap t sei ro by r gnilu of eht p lena —t eh cha ri ep sr no


• swe ra ro a ff ri m eht iw nt sse sa lausu , ub t m ido fy ht e ao th to ha ev eht nosrep s etat taht he ro hs e is who he or s eh ialc ms ot eb . If uoy ah ev od ,stbu noc s redi ah ving a notary tneserp ta the ’ssentiw loc ita o ;n

• h eva the rap ty ca gnill t eh entiw ss ini tia et t eh ca ;ll • ni d etaci ot t eh tiw n sse ohw oy u era dna ohw le se si il s inet ng to eht et s it mony; • eb f ero itset mony ,snigeb od a ll eht gniht s uoy ow u dl od if eht entiw s es s erew :tneserp ex lp a ni eht et ts imony

,ssecorp tbo a ni a lacov noitcudortni rof eht er c ,dro na d c tua i no t eh w ti ne ss ton to id scu ss t eh case w ti h o eht r tiw n se s se litnu t eh esac is com telp e ;d

• make s eru eht eitrap s h eva ad iv s de the ssentiw wh ta od cum stne —s hcu sa order it ck te s, rettel s, wr tti en ivrepus sory udecorp res—he ro ehs lliw en ed ot er f re to gnirud t itse mony. T uorh gh ht e ap rt ei s, c no fir m taht eht

tiw n se s ah s ,lla dna ylno , th eso od cum tne s aht t eht ap r seit lliw er f ecnere d gniru qu oitse nin ;g a dn • sa k eht tiw n sse if eh ro s eh si a nol e in a priv eta ro mo . yB neverp t gni oitpursid sn of eht itset m ,yno oy u orp t tce ob th

eht arucca cy na d eht e ff neici cy of ht e itset mony. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 102 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle Af ret eht eitrap s evah tneserp ed lla the ri iw ,sessent uoy ezilaer you evah itidda o lan seuq t noi s for eht respo nedn t’s al st

ntiw e ss . eB f ero oy u sa k eht se seuq t ,snoi uoy llac f ro an ex uce t evi s noisse ot di cs u ss eht q eu sti no s. woH dluoc ht e ap n le m egana iht s s ?noisse

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

ecnuonnA ht e ex uce t evi noisses f ro eht drocer a dn sa k lla seitrap to el a ev t eh hear gni r oo m ehtegot r. aM ke erus eht nidrocer g de civ e si ton ur n gnin th ne sa k eht rehto rotartibra s if ht ey h eva seuq t oi sn of ieht r o nw . Ca ll t eh seitrap cab k otni

eht h gnirae room. ecnO you era b ca k no eht er c ro d, llac eht iw t ssen cab k dna the pa en l c na beg ni ask gni its euq s noit s. Les os n S mmu ar :y Let Each aP tr y Present Its Ca es nI th si el s os n, you ael r den how to a ll ow eht rap t sei to pres tne t ieh r cases. ,yllacificepS oy u denrael woh :ot

• f ilica t eta t eh 'seitrap gninepo s at tem tne s; • il ts ne to the eserp n at tio sn of eht ialc m tna s dna res dnop e tn s; • ask noitseuq s ot alc rify dna ticile im tnatrop facts; • elur no t eh da m ilibissi ty of cnedive e; • f ilica t eta t itse mony by t le e hp o en ro a ff tivadi rehw e irporppa a ;et dna • af c ili tate cexe utive ses is ons.

nI the txen el s nos , you lliw nrael how to f tatilica e ht e com noitelp fo eht h ae rin .g

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI troduction to Les os n: C mo lp e et ht e Heari gn Af ret eht eitrap s evah detneserp ht e ri ,sesac you era alm tso ydaer to nigeb ebiled r ita ng iw th the er st of eht pa len . uB t first, s reve al sat ks rema ni . nI th si el s ,nos you lliw nrael how t :o

• ed t re m eni if itidda onal gniraeh setad era n sece sar ;y • f ilica t eta olc sing etats m tne s; a dn • esolc ht e hearing .

s'teL trats by ool k gni ta woh t eh ap n le ed t re m seni wh rehte s'ereht a deen f ro noitidda al h ae ri gn s.

Determine if Add ti io an l He ra ni g Da et s Are Necessa yr

aM ny tim ,se a esac lliw ton f ini sh ni the a dettoll it me. iddA tio lan he ira ng da set era eneg r ylla en e ed d if eht ap rt ei s have ton com detelp ht e ri eserp n itat ons. reveN tuc o ff a he nira g erp m yleruta dna h eva rap t sei eveileb taht they d di ton teg a f ia r

niraeh g. T eh c nosrepriah m ya sa k eht p seitra no t eh f ri st day to es it m eta woh gnol ht ey lliw at ke ot erp s tne their cases. As you

eb come m ero cneirepxe ed, uoy m ya eb a elb to he pl t eh nosrepriahc d rete m ni e rehtehw eht time for pres noitatne s is su ff icient.

uoY m ya f ni d ht e tsil s of iw t sen s se taht eht rap t sei bus m detti ni ad nav ce tnausrup( ot the 20-day ru el ) usef lu in es it m gnita eht time a gniraeh lliw requ ri e .

If idda t oi n la setad era een d ,de t eh p na el lliw sc eludeh eht m eb f ero eht h ae ir gn da j uo rns. T eh da d noiti al he ra i gn d eta s s dluoh be sc deh uled f ro the en xt setad lla the ,seitrap erper s tne ati ev s, ar tib rato sr , dna iw t en ss es are ava li able. gnirB ruoy c ela n rad ot t eh h ae ir ng .

desaB no siht ni f ro m oita ,n t eh p na el lliw sc ludeh e ht e da d noiti al d ,seta dna t eh ch nosrepria iw ll a nn o nu ce t eh m eb fore you adjo ru n that da .y niF a ,yll eb erus to oc mm etacinu t eseh lanoitidda d eta s to IF ARN s at ff . Te ts Yours fle

esoppuS eno of eht p seitra ialc ms ot eb una liav a elb for a l gno per doi of it me. W tah od uoy niht k eht nap el m thgi od in th si itautis o ?n

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

sA k rof na a ff tivadi of ne ag eg m tne ro is m rali foorp taht eht rap ty si tca ually un va ail ba le. To k pee a esac no rt ack dna va o di eves re idujerp ce to a rap yt , ra b snoitarti h eva eb en noc duc det af et r uoh rs, no eew k dne s, and d gniru ho il days.

noC sid re th ese ap ehcaorp s sa we ll .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Fa ic lit ta e lC osing S at et ments

eB f ero you f ro m ylla c esol t eh h ,gnirae eht riahc p re son lliw make erus on ne of eht seitrap or ap n le mem reb s ah s any nanu s derew seuq t noi s. T neh hcae rap ty lliw have a ch ecna ot evig a c isol ng s tat em tne .

If you ah ve noitseuq s th ta h eva on t be ne a desserdd evitceffe ly by t eh ,seitrap you m ya tseuqer da dit noi al inform noita taht c na he pl t eh p lena hcaer a f ria iced is no . lanoitiddA rofni m noita m ya oc me ni eht rof m of:

• wr netti mus m seira of eht rap t 'sei cases;

• sfeirb fo gel al i ss eu s . If you er q tseu t sih ni f ro m ,noita be erus to s te a dead il ne and ap ge il m ti . T eh nap el dluohs iceps fy tahw eussi t eh par seit s dluoh eirb f ro ni f ro m noita they s uoh ld s bu m ti . oslA etacidni ehw t reh the s bu m snoissi ohs u dl eb is m atlu n oe su , dna

tehw h re seilper era a ll ow de . niF all ,y esivda IF N AR sta ff taht eht rap t sei lliw eb f gnilli tsop h ae ir gn submi ss noi s.

tsoM ra b noitarti ialc ms erp s tne q eu s snoit fo fact ht ta ht e pa len lliw eb ab el to ed ci ed on the orp ff er de evid ne ce. S mo e seitrap m ya re yl no a iceps fic law or s utat te. lareneG ly, eht rap ty hw o siar ed a lagel is eus lliw offer eht pa en l a br ei f th ta

s ste f htro eht wal ro st etuta la o gn tiw h na ex lp a an t noi of h wo it lppa ies ot t eh facts of eht case .

gnisolC ats tem stne era s irt c ylt f ro us mm gnizira eht ecnedive la ready prese etn d, n to for pres ne t gni new ve di ence. T eh

lenap m tsu yler no eht ucod m tne s dna itset m yno da m detti ni to nedive ce. noC seq neu t yl , the panel s oh u dl be cer niat aht t c nisol g etats m tne s etarucca ly er f el ct the e cnediv e da m detti . Rebutt la si la ol w de . nI f ,tca eht ialc m tna m ya de ov te m tso ro

lla fo sih ro reh solc i gn s at tem tne s ot r ttube al. Te ts Yours fle T eh seitrap are aer dy to nigeb ht e ri olc s gni ar ug m tne s. T eh ialc m tna wa stn ot us mm ezira reh e ,ecnediv b tu m thgi aw nt ot

tuber eht ser p no d ne t s’ olc is gn ugra m tne . htoB seitrap tnaw to tneserp ieht r lc osing ar ug m tne s al st. nI wh ta ro d re dluow eht ap r seit serp e tn th rie olc sing ar ug m tne s a cc or gnid to ht e C ?edo

uQ e its on Feedba kc

eluR 12 706 st seta taht g larene ly t eh c ial m tna sha ll tneserp sti ,esac f llo o dew yb the res op n ’tned s ed f ne se. nI rehto ow rds,

lla ow eht ialc m tna ot us mm ezira reh e ,ecnediv wh hci eht tnednopser dluoc ht en r tube ni ih s or eh r c ol sing s etat m tne . F ni all ,y t eh ialc m tna luow d eb lla o ew d ot tuber eht r nednopse t s’ c ol si gn s at tem tne . ialC m stna m ya reser ve rieht en erit c nisol g f ro r lattube .

Arbitrators should not make independent factual investigations of a case, nor should they ask FINRA staff to conduct researchon their behalf. When arbitrators are in doubt about an issue, legal or otherwise, they should request briefs from the parties. If cases are cited in a party’s motion or brief, and the arbitrators wish to read the full court opinions, the arbitrators should askthe parties to supply copies. Arbitrators generally should review only those materials presented by the parties.

• proposed draft awards, which document the specific relief requested; and/or

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Close the Heari gn

oD“ eht rap t sei vah e na y o reht si s seu ro itcejbo o sn t ah t y uo would like to iar se ht at y uo have not previ uo sly iar s de ?”

s’teL ool k ta an axe m elp erehw a rap ty d eo s ton f lee t tah hs e dah a f llu a dn riaf oppo r ut nity ot eb raeh d.

Te ts Yours fle

esoppuS eht lenap dah suoiverp ly ru del aht t a tiw n sse f ro eht ialc m tna oc u dl ton itset fy uaceb se ht e iw t ’ssen itset mony saw lerri e nav t. eB f ero eht c ol sin ,g t eh ialc m tna sa sy she do se ton ef el taht h re tseuqer ot seuq t oi n this iw t en ss aw s

auqeda tely erdda s des dna dluow il ke er c aredisno t .noi W tah m thgi eht lenap od ni siht is t ?noitau

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

riF s ,t ask eht rap ty ot lpxe a ni why s eh sleef t sih way. Nex ,t ed t re m eni eht noc t tne of eht set timony dna s ee if eht nopser d tne lliw s pit u etal ot eht netnoc t of eht oporp s de et s it mony. If on t, redisnoc t eh c stso dna be en f ti s of a oll gniw eht

itset mon :y el n htg of et s it m ,yno ecidujerp ot the pser o tnedn , ae se of us mm gnino eht ,ssentiw dna ba ove a ,ll f ia r en ss. niF all ,y iced de tehw h re ot a woll this non - lattuber iw tn sse ot et s it fy. If oy u ed c edi to sid a woll t eh t itse m ,yno eht epriahc sr no

s dluoh tats e ht e ap n s’le r ta i no a el for eht reco dr . If ht e p ra ty llits ni s stsi ehs d di ton teg a f ia r c nah ce to present reh case, eht o itcejb o sn era ap rt of the record. T eh nap el m ya esolc ht e aeh ir ng.

Just as the chairperson used the hearing script to open the hearing, he or she will use the script to close the hearing.

chairperson will pose the following question to the parties:

This portion of the script is especially important because the chairperson asks the parties to state on the record whetherthey have any other issues or objections that they would like to raise that they have not previously raised. Beforemaking this request, however, the chairperson will ask the parties if they have additional evidence to offer. If not, the

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Close the He ra i gn (Con it nue )d

ecnO lla seussi ro oitcejbo ns evah neeb serdda sed, eht repriahc s no iw ll tell the m taht t eh ap n 'le s decis noi iw ll eb forward de to them aft re the awa dr si c lpmo ete.

,txeN the hc a nosrepri lliw c noitua t eh eitrap s taht t eh y m ya on t atnoc ct eht pa len mem sreb erid ctly af et r eht aeh rin .g ,rehtaR ht ey sho dlu c no t ca t ARNIF staff htiw any q seu t snoi ro oc mm inu c noita s.

niF all ,y t eh ch srepria on lliw sa k taht lla rap t sei ael ev the he ira ng oor m ta eht same it me. tI si im tnatrop th ta lla ap r eit s

evael eht aeh r ni g oor m ,rehtegot esuaceb le iva ng sep etara ly oc u dl inv ti e xe ap rte noitacinummoc . sA uoy el a denr ,reilrae nap el mem sreb s dluoh try to diova s auti t snoi ni hcihw us ch oc mm inu c noita c luo d ira se. If eno rap ty er m denia af ret eht

other pa ytr le ,tf the p re ception of fair en ss im ght be d egama d. vE en if the panel d di on t oc mm etacinu tiw h eht rem gninia rap ty, ht e rap ty ohw el ft dluow evah on yaw of k iwon ng hcus oc mm noitacinu did n to co c ru .

Now th ta oy u k won how to tcudnoc a f ria dna im laitrap ,gniraeh er'uoy er da y ot le nra tuoba t eh tsop -hearing s pet s uoy ' ll ta ek . tuB ,tsrif tset tahw ev'uoy rael n de by oc m elp t gni t eh carp t eci exe cr ises ht at f lo low. Te ts Yours fle

uoY era at a h ae r gni aht t is deludehcs f ro wt o days. T eh rap t ei s’ sentiw s il sts in id c eta a ot t la of 01 tiw ne ss es . woH dluow y uo reted m eni rehtehw ro n to wt o da sy si en hguo time ot etadommocca lla tiw ne ss es?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

sA k eht seitrap na d ht e rehto ap n le mem reb s ot etamitse woh ol ng th rie erp s noitatne s w li l at ke. W neh uoy oceb me m ero neirepxe c ,de you may eb elba ot se tim eta ehw t reh th si it me f ar me si etauqeda ab des no eht un m reb of ntiw esses.

Te ts Yours fle nI the rp e suoiv axe m ,elp su esopp t eh co susnesn is ht at eht aeh r gni wi ll at ke ht r ee days. How ow u dl t eh ap n le og ba o tu cs gniludeh eht ad id tio an l h ae r gni ad t ?e

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

evaH the seitrap snoc u tl ht rie nelac d ,sra ,dna if en ces as r ,y ha ev eht m llac t rieh offices for ieht r cs eludeh s ud r gni the en xt

month or two. T neh m tee htiw t eh tser of eht p lena ot d rete m eni eht tseilrae setad eve r oy ne si rf ee . ,yllaniF ecnuonna eseht setad to the seitrap bef ero oy u jda o nru taht ad y dna on tify NIF RA ats ff of eht ad id t noi al d eta s.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle T eh c ial m tna na n ecnuo s eh lliw d etove h si en erit c isol ng ugra m tne ot r be u tt al. aB s de on eht He ira ng corP edu er S rc i tp , ni

tahw redro wo dlu eht p itra es tneserp rieht closing argum tne s?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh iraeH ng erudecorP tpircS ni s stcurt srotartibra taht eht ialc m tna m ya tuber t eh res nop d ne t’s c ol s ni g ar ug m tne .

esuaceB ni siht c esa ht e ialc m tna sah dias th ta h si ne t eri gnisolc ugra m tne wi ll eb de tov ed to r ube tta ,l the er s dnop e tn dluow g evi his ro h re gnisolc ugra m ,tne f llo owed by the c ial m tna .

Te ts Yours fle nI tahw ro d re ohs u dl t eh pa seitr ael ve ht e oor m? W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

llA seitrap dluohs evael ta ht e as me it m ,e esuaceb el t gnit eht m evael arapes tely m ya in iv te xe par et c mo municat oi n, ro ta

tsael aerc te the im noisserp taht hcus moc m inu c oita n c dluo occur . Les os n Su mm ar :y moC lp ete t eh Hea ir ng nI siht el s ,nos you rael n de woh t :o

• ed t re m eni if itidda onal gniraeh setad era n sece sar ;y • f ilica t eta olc sing etats m tne s; a dn • esolc ht e hearing .

nI the txen m ,eludo uoy lliw nrael ab tuo t eh spets yo ll'u at ke etfa r eht hearin .g

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng M do elu :3 Decide the Out oc em of the Case

nI th si m ,eludo you lliw ael rn how ot ed c di e ht e emoctuo of eht .esac Aft re moc plet ni g this m do ule, oy 'u ll be able to:

• d enimrete ;ytilibail • ed t re m eni er m eide ;s • oc m etelp ht e irporppa a et ucod m atne t oi n; and • nopser d ot tsop -a aw rd r euqe sts .

T sih m eludo at k se ixorppa m yleta t ow ho ru s ot com etelp . oT pleh uoy com etelp siht m ,eludo you may iver ew t eh f llo o iw ng m slaireta no enil :

• T eh Co ed • rA b arti t s'ro G ediu

T eh :edoC ptth : // f .arni com oc.tenilp m lpsid/ne/ a lpsid/y a _y m th.nia m ibr?l d 2= 4 ele&30 m 04=di_tne 96

rtibrA a s'rot G :ediu /:ptth / .www f arni . gro / tibrA rat aideMnoi tio oitartibrA/slartueN/n n secorP s A/ rb ti ratio Cn sa eG diu anc eRe os u cr es A/ rbi otart rs

eR f uGecnere i ed /s nI troduction to Le ss on: Determine Lia lib i yt Now th ta t eh seitrap ha ev p detneser ht e ri ,ecnedive you dna eht ot reh nap el mem eb sr must reted m eni eht uo tcom .e T cipy all ,y and if ta lla elbissop , yo ll'u oc n tcud ruoy de oitarebil sn i mm yletaide af ret eht esolc of eht aeh r ni g . If eht pa len t'nac d ile b etare retfa eht h ,gnirae sche elud na ni - rep s no or te el p oh nic c no fer ne ce ot eb held as s noo as

op s ,elbis wh eli the nedive ce is llits f hser ni yo ru m dni s. Of c ruo s ,e uoy m ya ha ev erla ady sid c dessu strap of the c esa htiw ruoy fellow p na le mem eb sr evo r l nu ch na d ud r gni

aerb ks. udividnI ally ro co ll e vitc el ,y uoy ohs u dl ton prev uoi sly ha ev come ot any de etinif noisulcnoc s a ob ut t eh case. Ho ,revew now you ha ev lla eht f stca eb fore you. nI th si el s os n, ew ' ll look ta eht f tsri pets ni con ud c gnit d :snoitarebile ed t re m gnini the l ai bility of eht ap rt ei s. ,yllacificepS

'ew ll review how you iw l :l

• p apicitra te ni ap n le d le i eb r ita ons; • d rete m eni eht f tca s of eht cas ;e • app yl ht e wal ot ht e f ca ;st dna • re hca a ed cis noi .

W ll'e nigeb ruo re weiv by look gni ta g enilediu s you m thgi esu ot tcudnoc nap el id cs uss noi s.

reted erofeB m gnini ytilibail , eht ap n r dluohs le e a weiv n elur d a no ny gnidnatstuo m .snoito

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Pa tr icipate in Panel eD l bi erations

hcaE ar rotartib no t eh ap en l m tsu at ke trap ni d rebile a gnit the facts dna i ss eu s. hcaE ap n le mem s'reb esbo rva noit s and inipo o sn ohs u dl eb ,draeh ca k gdelwon e ,d a dn noc sider de .

W ev'e erla da y dessucsid h wo ed m ronae ac n fa f tce eht gniraeh ti s le f. tI osla af stcef led i eb rat noi s. ruoY enot fo eciov dna

ob dy nal g egau dluohs te ll t eh ot reh nap el mem sreb taht ieht r ipo nio sn era im tnatrop to you. To pleh vnoc ey yo ru in ret se t dna ruocne a eg sid c issu o ,n be s eru to:

• tneserp ruoy iv e sw ni ;nrut • po enly ucsid ss yo ru dif ecneref s; • od ton egduj rehto ap n le mem 'sreb snoinipo . htlA o hgu di e sa s dluoh eb c lah le ,degn p oe p el s oh u dl ;ton a dn • use sesarhp s hcu ,sa lP" e esa xe pla ",ni ,ro "W tah dive e ecn stroppus t tah idea "? nehw t la k gni ot to her pa len

memb re s. Now th ta ev'ew ucsid s des how ot noc d tcu panel itarebiled o ,sn s'tel iver ew ht e t epy of ni form noita yo 'u ll co sn edi r when

gninimreted ytilibail .

eR mem ,reb eht he gnira si c no f laitnedi . fI uoy ssucsid t eh esac ni a pu cilb aps c ,e make niatrec on o en c na vo er aeh r yo .u Determine the Fac st fo eht Case

sA sume eht lenap sah aeh rd erht e days of itset mony dna pecca t de n ae r yl 53 od cum tne s otni ve nedi ce. A co mm no noitseuq ,si "W ereh od ew "?nigeb

reteD m gnini ehw t reh t eh ialc m s'tna ots ry is rt u ,e the re s'tnednops ots ry is true, or if eht facts are som ehwe re in eb t ew en

nac eb id ff tluci . T eh f tsri pets in gnidiced t eh o octu me of eht c esa is to ed t re m eni eht facts, dna if eht facts s troppu a gnidnif fo ytilibail . D t'no con redis iceps f ci dam sega sselnu dna u litn il a ilib ty ah s eb ne d ete rm deni . To ed t re m eni ht e fac st

of the cas ,e you iw ll genera ll y:

• ev taula e eht itset m yno a dn hgiew t eh ilibiderc ty of eht tiw nesses; dna • ev taula e eht we thgi ro t eh av l eu of od cum tne s.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r Tr inia ng Evaluate the Te ts imo yn and eW hgi t eh Credibil yti fo ht e iW tnesses

lareneG l ,y eht p seitra lliw eergasid a tuob some key af cts ni the case. As a nap el em m ,reb oy u ne de ot ssessa eht c ider b ili ty of hcae tiw n sse ot ed t re m eni ahw t itset m yno most tarucca yle ref el cts the facts of eht case. To reted m eni ehw t reh a iw t en ss si te gnill eht hturt , oy u ll' noc s redi suoirav f ,srotca ni c ul d :gni

• evitceleS omem ry. A iw t ssen ohw er mem sreb ylno f stca taht pleh sih ro reh p noitiso may ton eb sa rc edible as a entiw ss ohw se memory is sel s eles c evit .

• ceR o dr fo rtnu fhtu lu n sse . A iw t sen s iw th a er cord of hturtnu f enlu ss may eb el ss c elbider . • tnetsisnocnI statements. A iw t ssen hw o ah s m da e roirp ats tem stne uoba t is g in f tnaci stneve taht era ni consis tnet

htiw erp s tne itset mony may eb ssel biderc le. • cidartnoC ot ry ev nedi ce. A iw t ssen sohw e et s it mony si c detcidartno by ot reh is g in f tnaci tes it mony ro od cum tne s may

eb ssel rc bide le. W elih itset m yno netfo lp ays a tnacifingis r elo in nivorp g a ,esac ucod m atne ry e ecnediv si sla o im tnatrop . We w li l ol ok ta t ih s type of ve idence next. fI uoy reted m eni taht trap of a sentiw s' itset mony si ton c ider b ,el you may ersid g dra lla ro trap of eht t itse m .yno

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Evaluate the Releva ecn fo Do uc ments nI we gnihgi the od cum atne ry e iv d ,ecne noc s :redi

• hW o p aper red i ?t A d uco m tne eraperp d by a eretnisid s det rap ty m thgi be m ero lbailer e naht a docum tne

deraperp by na detseretni p ra ty. • saW ti pr ape red in the no lamr c uo sr e fo b nisu e ss ? A d uco m tne raperp ed in ht e on rm la c uo sr e of ub is en ss si

of net m ero ailer b el ht an one detaerc htiw il tig noita ni m dni . • hW ne w sa it erp p era d? A d uco m tne deraperp sh yltro af ret a con tasrev i no or eve nt is g ene rally g vi ne more

aborp t evi iew g th t nah no e raperp ed m htno s etal r. • ohW dah otsuc dy and control fo the d emuco ?tn T eh niahc of otsuc d ,y ro rehtehw os m enoe esle ah d na

po rop tunity ot aerc te ro c egnah a ucod m ,tne is os m ite mes c lacitir ot ht e lav ue yo ll'u a cc ord it. Te ts Yours fle

hcnarB m regana H ne ry iK m llab f deli a claim of ega ircsid m noitani af ret eh saw f deri by C lora W la k re ossA c setai f ro gella ed roop perf ro m na ce.

O rev eht tsap f evi ye ra s, Mr. iK m s'llab rep f ro m ecna lave u snoita rew e nellecxe t— tpecxe f ro eht eno mi m etaide ly p ir ro ot

sih ret m noitani . W tah ni f ro m noita m thgi t eh nap el weiver ni reted m ini gn eht arucca cy of eht rep f ro m ecna lave u ?snoita

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY dluoc tsrif reted m eni ohw m eda eht ve alu snoita . If eht tsal ve a itaul on aw s deraperp by a id ff tnere epus r ,rosiv ereht m ya evah eeb n a di ff ecnere in ex noitatcep s. If eht as me s ivrepu s ro rp pe dera the ve alu ta i no s, you’d tnaw to k won if rM . iK m s’llab rep f namro ce ro

nopser sib ili t sei dah gnahc ed en uo gh ot suj tify ht e id ffer ne ce ni ve a ul a noit s.

d’uoY osla c eh ck eht etad of eht po ro rep f ro m na ce ev la u ta i no . If ti aw s deraperp yltrohs erofeb the ret m ,noitani ti m thgi eb m ero s epsu ct naht if ti saw detaerc mo htn s daeha of time. tI si n to alw sya easy ot determ ni e the fa stc of a cas .e ppA ly ruoy sil t gnine sk ,slli noitavresbo sk ,slli neirepxe ec , dna

gduj m tne ot make na im itrap al and erac f lu ed t re m noitani of eht rt u ht . Ne tx we will examine ht e ap ilp cation of law.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Apply t eh aL w to t eh F ca ts

sA artibra t ,sro you era on t irts c ylt bo dnu by lagel cerp e tned ro s otutat ry al w. ,revewoH 'ti s im tnatrop t tah you do ton m ina f yltse dragersid eht law. yB niod g ,os ruoy a draw m ya eb cav a det . nI rehto ,sdrow if eht seitrap ha ev provi ded the

nap el htiw eht ,wal the law si ,raelc and ti ap eilp s ot ht e facts of eht cas ,e od ton d rsi age rd ti .

,oslA eht ni t irge ty fo artibra t noi re seriuq a d rge ee of inu f ro mity of er s tlu . fI eht nap el mem sreb m eda pu t rieh o nw la ,sw the ssecorp dluow esol rc e id b ili ty .

nI c niatre iruj s id c it o ,sn m ina f tse ragersid d of eht law si a sisab f ro struoc ot av ca et or s te aside a pa 'len s a aw r .d

Te ts Yours fle

lC aim tna em eyolp e seliM O ydarG’ si a lparap e cig dna egella s taht J snho on eS c eitiru s ah s deliaf ot prov di e him ca cess ot sti fo f eci sa deriuqer by t eh Am nacire s htiw Disab eitili s Act. cA c gnidro ot Jo nosnh ,seitiruceS re gnittifort ti s ele av tor ot

mocca m etado rM . arG’O dy dluow tsoc eht f ri m 00,05$ 0 .

sA sume rof eht mom tne taht the ap acilp b el wal si lc ae r dna t tah Jo osnh n uceS r eiti s must dneps eht m no ey to r te rof ti the elevator. uoY , ho vew ,re b eveile t eh pr eci si ibroxe t tna dna t tah eht AD ,A ni siht in ,ecnats si dab pu ilb c p ilo cy .

woH dluohs uoy de ret m eni il a ilib t ?y

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY m tsu f dni rof Mr. arG’O yd . tI si eht otartibra r s’ lor e ot apply t eh law erehw ti si aelc r and applic lba e. Te ts Yours fle

lC aim tna raM k tuotS degella ht at h si orb k ,re enaelI R drahci s, f duar u nel tly udni c de ih m otni pu cr ah sing NoGo secur eiti s. sA sume eht ele m stne fo f ,duar sa reted m deni yb eht lenap and desab no ht e ugra m tne s m eda by t eh parties, ar :e

• nopser d tne m eda a kno gniw ly tcerrocni s etat m ne t tuoba a m laireta fac ;t • ialc m tna deiler no t eh s etat m ;tne • nopser d tne knows, ro s oh u dl h eva k ,nwon taht eht ialc m tna ow u dl rely on the s etat m ;tne dna • ialc m tna si ad m dega .

iruD ng de arebil tio ,sn ht e pa len mem sreb reted m deni th ta Ms. sdrahciR k gniwon ly m eda a f esla ialc m taht t eh ialc m tna

iler ed opu n and a m iroja ty of eht panel diced ed th ta sM . sdrahciR did know rM . tuotS deiler no eht st eta m tne . lC aima tn aw s damage .d

How hs o dlu ht e panel r lu e?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh nap el m tsu elur ni f va or fo eht lc aim tna no ht e i ss ue of fr dua . T eh panel m tsu elur f ro the claim tna nehw the facts ni

eht esac m tee lla t eh ele m tne s of f duar . uoY may n to a eerg htiw t eh re deriuq ele m stne of f duar ni eht uj ris id cti ;no en v tre he ,ssel wh ne t eh law si ,raelc a dn lc e ra ly cilppa a elb , uoy must f wollo ht e wal .

W neh eht wal is ton c rael ro uoy ca nn ot d rete m eni rehtehw ti seilppa to the f tca s of ruoy c ,esa uoy dluohs loo k ot uqe it ,y

,ssenriaf dna uj s it ce. Te ts Yours fle W tah od you od if the wal i s ton ,raelc ro eht pa p noitacil of eht wal ot t eh f stca is unc ael r?

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

uQ e oits n Feedba kc If eht al w is n to c ,rael ro the pa p acil tion of eht law ot t eh f stca si ni ,tbuod uoy hs o dlu ask eht trap ies ei eht r ot focus no siht ni rieht isolc ng ra gum ,stne ro ot rp vo edi wr ti t ne br ei fs ot ht e lenap noc cern gni ht se e i ss eu s .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Reach a Dec si ion

eluR 01421 of the Co ed etats s taht lla sgnilur and d rete m snoitani yb ht e pan le llahs eb by a m oja rity of eht bra itr rota s. A noisiced no ail b ili t ,y to ,o seriuqer a m ytiroja vo et . W elih a ed cis noi r qe u seri th ta ta tsael wt o lenap mem reb s ga r ee no

il ability, the er asons behind their d te ermi an tions may di ff re .

roF axe m ,elp a p ra ty m ya p tneser es v lare ht e seiro to s troppu ti s argum tne no il abi il ty. sA gnol sa owt ap n le mem sreb eerga no ilibail t ,y neve fi ba des no id f tneref ,seiroeht the pa len may make a f nidni g no t eh p ra t s'y heb alf .

If eht ialc m tna etarapes s h si ro reh claim otni s ep cific ,seussi uoy ' ll orp bab yl naw t ot rapes a et your na alysis a dn decis noi yb ,eussi oot .

lareneG l ,y eht sta dradn f ro reted m gnini hw e reht a claim tna sah nevorp h si ro h re case is by a noperp der na ce of eht

dive e ecn eht“( aerg t re iew g th of eht evid ne ce )” . T eh pa len sh dluo d rete m eni if eht ialc m tna sah rp o ev n taht he or s eh sah s fu f dere ad m sega dna taht eht tnednopser si res nop si elb for these dam ega s. eriuqeR m stne rof ilibail ty yrav orf m s etat ot s ,etat dna am gno suoirav noitcidsiruj s, os sa k eitrap s ot ed etacu eht ap n le sa ot t oh se er q eriu m tne s if you are nu sure.

tsoM sesac in evlov se ev ral c ial ms. enO yaw ot make ruoy an yla s si reisae si ot redisnoc e hca ialc m s ape r ta le .y eR mem reb a nap el m tsu ediced lla reporp ly bus m detti ialc ms .

Te ts Yourse fl W tah dluohs eht lenap od if ti d rete m eni s taht ne rehti t eh lc aim s’tna ron ser p no d s’tne ra gum stne era m ero rep s au s vi e? In

rehto ,sdrow uoy be eveil ti si a ward ?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY ow u dl f dni f ro eht dnopser e tn eb c esua ti is eht c ial m s’tna isnopser ilib ty to pro ev his or eh r case. fI y uo believe the ialc m s’tna ac se si neve ils g th ly m ero aveileb b ,el and th ta the ialc m tna sah nevorp ail b ili t ,y uoy dluow find f ro eht ialc m tna dna t nru ruoy noitnetta ot dam sega .

Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng de il b noitare s, one of eht ap n le mem sreb sa ,sy I“ od n t’ k won wh ta h pa pe en d ro ohw se f tlua ti is. eL t’s j tsu split the bab .y ” W tah dluohs uoy ?od

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY shou dl tsisni t tah eht p na el noc t euni tarebiled i no s. T eh irgetni ty of eht ar tib r noita ssecorp er q seriu t eh ap len ot take tahw e rev time si edeen d ot ssucsid eht c esa dna r evlose t eh si s eu s by a pr ope dn er na ce of eht ev nedi ce.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi isaB c rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

uoY era ni t eh m elddi of ht e c ial m s’tna pr nese t ta i no . D gniru lu hcn at a lacol de il , a lenap mem reb ,setats ’I“ m irprus s de eht ialc m tna dah eht en r ev ot gnirb hcus a idir c lu ous case ot arb ti r ita o .n ”

dluohS uoy unitnoc e iht s ?noissucsid Why ro why on t?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

tA siht po ni t, ae ch pa len mem reb dluohs k pee na po en m dni . uoY m thgi say os m gnihte il k ,e hguohtlA“ it s’ okay ot express

yo ru iv e tniopw ab s de on erehw the esac is no ,w ew n dee to k pee op ne m sdni un lit we evalu eta all the ve di enc .e ” nI ad ,noitid ruoy ucsid s ois n ni a ilbup c ecalp ra sesi ht e eussi of c no f di e tn iality. eB c niatre yo ru ucsid ss noi s are ton

draehrevo dna era ton os f lautca ly iceps f ci taht os m enoe o rev h irae ng the revnoc s noita dluoc itnedi fy the p tra ies or ht eir erper s tatne i ev s.

Te ts Yours fle

lC aim tna lliB aM d nosi degella th ta er g retsi ed nosrep aerdnA Un eg r pu cr ah s de a p tu r ta her naht a ac ll . T eh ialc m tna deifitset aht t eh sah a rep s no al po il cy of ne rev hcrup as gni tup s.

W tah ucod m stne luoc d uoy iver ew to pleh ed t re m eni eht lc aim s’tna iderc b ili t ?y

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY m thgi naw t ot weiver t eh claim ’tna s roirp tnuocca etats m stne ot ed t re m eni rehtehw ereht si ucod m yratne e nediv ce ot s troppu Mr. ’nosidaM s set tim yno taht he n reve hcrup a es s up ts.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Determine Liab ili ty mA ong the P ra ties

eB f ero gniredisnoc t eh is eus of er m ide es, eht nap el tsum ediced t eh il a lib it ,y if any, of ae ch res op n ed nt for the al el g de ol ss. R qe u eri m stne f ro ail b ili ty av ry f or m etats ot ,etats dna am gno suoirav idsiruj ct noi s, so ask eht ap rties ot e ud c eta eht

nap el sa to oht se er q eriu m stne if uoy are nu sure. If ereht si m ero naht no e ,tnednopser uoy lliw evah to reted m eni eht il a ilib ty of e ca h. uoY yam ed c edi taht no ly eno

nopser d tne si ail b ,el na d sid m si s eht ehto sr . iS m ylrali , you may d rete m eni th ta owt opser n stned ra e ,elbail b tu ni differ tne am tnuo s. T sih m ya ,rucco f ro tsni a ,ecn ni ac s se ni hcihw eht lc aim tna dah uocca n st htiw t ow id ffer tne res op n tned fi smr ,

dna fus f dere com elbasnep sessol ta hcae rif m, tub ni fid fer tne am tnuo s .

oS me la sw rp o ediv f ro ioj“ nt dna es v lare ail b ”,ytili hcihw m snae ht ta hcae er spond tne can eb eh ld res nop is lb e f ro eht f llu am tnuo of eht a draw er g eldra ss of eht eerged of f tlua . sA a ser u ,tl t eh c ial m tna m ya ne f ecro the a draw a niag st na y or all of the parties. fI ereht si m ero naht o en er s tnednop , uoy luohs d look ot eht ap rties for nadiug ce on ht e applic elba law.

oS me la sw im esop ail b ili ty tuohtiw fau tl b desa no the p ra t s’y noitaler hs pi to the prim yra wr no g ,reod s cu h sa na em eyolp r s’ nopser sib ili ty f ro sti em s’eeyolp tca s ni many ucric m nats ces. Again, ht e pa tr ies can provide guidance on the

ucric m ecnats s dna il m itati o sn no t sih ilibail ty. Te ts Yours fle Ms. loB a oñ gnirb s a ialc m tsniaga EZE eS c iru t ei s a dn lluB ’n‘ raeB iruceS t ei s, where s eh ca irr de a cc ou tn s at c no sec evitu

emit sdoirep . uoY dnif taht EZE mocer m dedne nu s iu at elb uces r eiti s, wh hci c desua $2 0,5 00 in com nep s lba e ad m ega s . uoY find on il a ilib ty ga a tsni lluB ‘n’ raeB on the ius t iliba ty claim, tub f dni na o hcrev a egr fo f see ni eht am tnuo fo ,1$ 5 00 .

How m thgi you olla cate dam sega eewteb n eht er s op n tned s?

uQ es oit n Feedba kc

uoY shou dl drawa 0,52$ 00 ga a tsni EZE a dn 5,1$ 00 ag nia st B llu ’n‘ Bear. T sih si ton a sac e rof tnioj“ and s lareve bail i il t ”.y Te ts Yours fle

rM . thgierC on br sgni a c ial m tsniaga Pe nn e St co k orB k sre dna one of ti s em lp oyees, Rich rnA un. uoY f dni taht nurnA ocer mm dedne nu s iu t elba p esahcru s ni t eh co ru se and s epoc of sih em lp oym tne a dn u edn r ih s m egana r’s su ep r iv sio .n woH m thgi you olla cate dam ?sega

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY shou dl find bo ht urnA n dna Pe enn elbail f ro the f llu am tnuo fo eht ad ma ,seg nioj tly dna es vera ll .y

Les os n Summary: Determine Lia ib lity nI th si el s os n, ew eb g na de arebil t snoi a dn denrael a pr sseco ot reted m eni ail b ili ty. lacificepS l ,y ew d dessucsi how uoy ' :ll

• raP t ici p eta ni ap n le noitarebiled s. • reteD m eni the facts of ht e case. • pA lp y ht e law to the fac st . • hcaeR a d ice sion.

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Now that you and other panel members have determined liability, you will need to determine the award.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI troduction ot Les os n: D te ermine awA dr

ecnO ev'uoy reted m deni the ail b ili ty fo eht rap t ei s, eht s'lenap txen t sa k is ot eted rm eni eht a aw r .d

ARNIF ats ff lliw rp o ediv the ap n le tiw h na drawA nI form noita Sh tee to com etelp . T eh nap el ohs u dl esu the ow skr teeh ot ne s eru th ta ti noc s sredi lla r stseuqe f ro eiler f, sa ti si the pa s'len ud ty ot ed term eni la l clai sm . eruliaF to ed c di e lla claims

may con ts itute a basis f ro a cou tr of law to vacate the rawa d. nI th si el s os n, ew ' ll look ta eht e el m stne of na drawa a dn the irav o su t sepy of oc m nep sat oi n you'll c no s edi r. icepS f ,yllaci

'ew ll re iv ew how you wil :l

• reted m eni er m ;seide dna • ed t re m eni oc sts.

W ll'e nigeb ruo re weiv htiw eno of eht irp mary saer o sn a rap ty f seli a ialc m: ot revocer ad m ega s.

teD ermine Remed ei s

peD e gnidn no eht re eil f eht seitrap qer u ,tse th ere era s reve al typ se fo er m seide you may c no is ed r. yehT :edulcni

• ac laut ad m ega s ro/dna s otutat ry ad m ;sega • up nit evi ad m ;sega • specific perfo mr ance; • evitcnujni r eile f; and • ex egnup m tne s.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

teD ermine Remed ei s If t eh pa len si as ti fs dei by a perp o redn a ecn of ht e e iv d ne ce taht t eh resp no d tne is li ba le for eht al gel ed lo ss , t eh p lena

dluohs de ret m eni na etairporppa er medy. W ll'e trats ruo er view iw th lautca ad m .sega Actu la Damages

lautcA ad m ,sega som ite m se llac ed com otasnep ry ad m ,sega ra e a m ateno ry us m deriuqer ot oc m etasnep a rap ty f ro sih ro reh ssol .

W elih srotartibra h eva f ilibixel ty to a aw rd ad m sega ot tius eht p citra u ral c ,esa ht ey sho lu d ha ev a rat oi n la na d

elbadnatsrednu ab s si f ro rieht a draw . rehtruF m ro ,e ac laut ad m sega hs o lu d on t eb ab s de no spec lu ati ,no tub s uoh ld eb ed sig den ot make eht c ial m tna “ ”elohw f ro essol s fus f dere eud ot m udnocsi ct f nuo d ot exist.

T eh c ial m tna sah eht ub rden of oorp f as ot dam ,sega b tu sba o ul te erp c oisi n in lautca ad m ega ac lcul ta i no is n to r qe uir .de

esuaceB ereht era a un m reb of ways ot reted m eni ca t lau ad m ,sega ht e pa len m tsu olc s yle il sten ot lla p itra es ot reted m eni hcihw m ,dohte fi ,yna ti lliw ppa ly. In id ff nere t ,setats di ff tnere el g la the seiro ro ot reh noc s edi ra noit s ppa ly to

suoirav ad m ega th eiroe s. W tah swollof si a il ts ni g of os me of eht wa sy taht a tc ual ad m sega may be de ret m deni . Damages

1. teN tuO - fo -Po ekc t Lo sess . T eh lac c lu a noit of a c ial m s'tna ten tuo - fo - cop k te sessol rav ies eped n id ng on rehtehw eht nap el f sdni t eh wr gno f lu udnoc ct invo sevl eno ro erom s icep f ci edart s ro the m ana gem tne of na ne t eri

account. roF s icep f ci ,sedart ten tuo -of- cop k te ssol is the esahcrup ecirp of eht security plus comm si s noi s m uni s eht t to al of eht lav ue of eht iruces ty no eht rele tnav date plus d vi di e dn s or etni rest rec ie v de . roF orw ngf lu oc n tcud

lovni v gni na eritne ca cou tn , ten tuo -of- op ck te essol s era taluclac ed by tak gni the b gninnige a cc tnuo va eul , p sul m yeno dna s seitiruce ped so ,deti m suni m yeno dna eitiruces s tiw h nward , el ss tnuocca eulav no t eh rele tnav etad .

uoY sh dluo ool k ot eht p eitra s rof urtsni c noit s on these i ss eu s.

nI idda tio ,n os me ialc m stna may eugra t tah to a draw "f llu oc m otasnep ry dam "sega ti si n assece ry to look be dnoy a claim s'tna ten tuo -of- cop k te loss. T eseh iceps" a "l ro c qesno u ne tial dam sega m thgi ni c edul :

• tsol stiforp ni t eh f ro m of dnedivid s no st co ks s dlo bec ua se of wron dg o ni g; • t exa s eht c ial m tna cni u derr esuaceb of eht norw dg ;gnio • ssol fo elbaliava f sdnu ni ht e lc aim ’tna s ub s eni ss; • ol ss fo f nani c ;gni na d • oc mm noissi s ;diap

2. eB n tife fo ht e iagraB n. T eh eneb f ti fo eht b gra a ni m erusae ees ks ot evig ht e ialc m tna eht ex ep c det value of eht

ni ves emt nt. roF axe m ,elp t eh ialc m s'tna m erusae of ad m ega s luow d eb eht am tnuo the tsevni m tne uow ld ha ev neeb htrow if eht er s op nde s'tn m noitatneserpersi dah eeb n tru ,e le ss tahw eht i vn estm tne is ac aut lly ow r ht . The

fid f ytluci htiw appl gniy t eh eneb f ti of eht rab g nia m erusae fo ad m sega is reted m ,gnini htiw some iceps f ici t ,y eht orp f sti taht t eh cl ia m tna wo dlu ha ev re nosa ably recei dev .

3. lleW - anam g de op rtfo il o cca ou tn . T sih m erusae of ad m ega lla o sw eht ialc m tna ot cer o ev r the differ ecne

eb t neew tahw eht c ial m tna 's ca c tnuo m eda ro tsol v usre s tahw a we ll -m gana ed acc ,tnuo giv ne t eh in ev s ot 'r s ejbo evitc s, wo dlu h eva m eda d iru ng the same it me oirep d

4. otutatS ry aD mag se . oS m ite m ,se a ialc m lliw be b desa u nop a s at t etu t tah snialpxe oh w dam sega s uoh ld eb

luclac a et d. fI a ialc m si desab u nop us ch a etutats , you s dluoh ool k ot eht p seitra for diug ance on how t eh wal seriuqer uoy ot ca etalucl dam ega s.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Other Remedies

• Re ics s is on. issicseR on si d gise n de to p al ce t eh c ial m tna ni eht as me isop tion o cc deipu eb fore the wrongf lu trans tca ion. nI os me atsni cn ,se ti m ya ulcni de the uter rn of es c seitiru ta iss eu .

• gsiD o nemegr t. T eh artibra t noi pa len may re eriuq eht pser o tnedn to d rogsi ge orp f sti ro oc mmi ss noi s. The goal of

id s rog gem tne si ot make eht dgnorw o gni un orp f elbati dna t ereh f ero reted t eh wro dgn oing. egrogsiD m tne m thgi eb va a ali b el even erehw t eh c ial m tna ah s n to fus fer de en t tuo -of- op ck te ol sses .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Damages (Co tn ni ue )d

”noitagitiM“ er f sre ot eht noc c tpe t tah a rap ty hs o ,dlu nehw sop sib ,el at ke oitca n to il m ti ol ss or avo di dam ega . The law seirav sa ot nehw na derujni rap ty is requ deri to m giti a et ad m ega s. oS me la sw lla ow a opser n ned t ot ra esi the iss eu of

m ,noitagiti a dn re eriuq a ialc m tna ot tca saer o ban ly ot va o di ol s ses ecno t eh rah m is id s oc ev r de . rehtO ,swal i ulcn d gni some eulb“ sk ”y la sw ats( et seitiruces la ,)sw do ton er c go n ezi m agiti t oi n as a def ne se. If eht eussi fo m agiti t noi ira ses, ask

eht p seitra f ro gu ecnadi sa ot the elor of m noitagiti ni e hca ht eory of er c evo ry. nI terest

s'teL sa sume f ro eht mome tn th ta uoy ' ev a dedraw actu la dam ega s. fI detseuqer yb the p ,ytra eht ap n le lliw on w de ret m eni tehw h re eht ad m sega dluohs ni c edul etni rest.

T eh seussi yo ll'u iver ew wh ne a draw i gn i etn rest ar :e

• otutats ry ro utcartnoc al isab s th ta a swoll in tseret ot eb a ;dedraw • am tnuo of ro etar of etni res ;t • ad te eretni st beg ni s; and • ad te etni rest e dn s.

T eh eretni st etar uoy s cele t nac av ry by uj ris noitcid and ac se. oS me s setat eps c yfi the gel al ar te fo in eret st taht may eb awarded in le ag l matter .s rehtO siruj cid t snoi esu nI t lanre R neve ue eS rvice r eta s or oht se on tr ae sury bi ll s. nI os me cas se ,

nap e sl eles ct ht e etar of tseretni eht orb k re seilppa to ti s o nw cus ot me sr for tuo sta nidn g de tb s. nI ,lareneg a lenap s dluoh pa p yl a aer s ano b el ni t tsere etar taht is ab s de on the facts of eht case .

W hti er s tcep ot wh ne retni e ts eb g ni s ot ,eurcca you' ll reneg ally a ylpp ni t tsere f or m eht tad e a contract aw s br ae c deh ro

eht time eht pa len de ret m seni taht a d tbe aceb me eud ro pa ay ble . T tah noc c sedul ruo revi we of ac laut dam ega s.

inuP t evi Damag se A rap ty osla m thgi ha ev er q detseu pu in t evi dam sega . uP nit evi ad m ega s era ton etni n ded ot thgir a wr gno , b tu are

tni e dedn to pu hsin eht wro reodgn dna ot d rete f utu re wron odg ing.

lareneG l ,y uoy may drawa up n eviti ad m sega fi eht ialc m tna stseuqer ,ti and t eh dnopser e tn has en gag ed in ser uoi s m tcudnocsi th ta m stee eht sdradnats f ro us ch an a aw r ,d as we ll sa any itartibra no of ru m r elu s no ht e s bu ject. ,revewoH

na a draw of pu in t evi dam sega si oitercsid nary tiw h eht nap el. T eh s nat sdrad f ro a raw di gn up n eviti ad m sega av ry f or m etats ot sta et . W elih m tso etats s rep m ti up n eviti ad m sega on yl for c tcudno taht si m ila c uoi s or netni t oi n ,la os me setats perm ti up n eviti ad m sega f ro cer k ssel idni ff ecnere ot the r thgi s of

srehto ro f ro gro ss en gli eg nce . If you dna t eh rehto ap n le mem reb s era edisnoc r gni a vitinup e ad m ega a ,draw you may sa k taht t eh p eitra s eirb f eht eussi ot he pl you reted m eni rehtehw ob th f lautca and lagel sesab exist f ro iht s reted m itani on.

s'teL look ta na exam elp of a tseuqer f ro evitinup ad m ega s in a siruj d noitci taht aut eziroh s th si t epy of a aw r .d

vitinuP e ad m sega era eg en lar ly rg o dednu ni eht law fo trot s dna era n to p re m elbissi for ac noit s al gel i gn br ae ch fo

contract. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 121 of 1 43

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

Te ts Yours fle

otsuC m re toroD hy G la e, a elgnis rap e ,tn ol st $ ,02 0 00 yb in gnitsev ni N OCY ta eht recomm noitadne of r ige s et r de atneserper t evi C eilrah Em. rM . Em enk w t ah t M .s elaG naw t de the m seino tsevni ed resnoc v vita ely for eh r 21 - year- dlo s’rethguad c ello ge dnuf .

At t eh hearing, .sM elaG pr detnese e ecnediv aht t per r atnese t evi Em deviecer a 0,1$ 00 k ci k cab k for eve ry $1 000,0 t tah

detsevni saw ni N CY O. siH tnatsissa t itse f dei aht t Mr. Em k wen N OCY saw epxe r gnicnei fin na cial dif seitlucif b tu k gniwon ly mis detneserper t ih s f tca ot h si tneilc s. nI af c ,t eht nedive ce showed Mr. Em deraperp dna dewohs eslaf

laicnanif etats m tne s ot Ms. elaG to cudni e reh ot esahcrup N CY O.

esuaceB 05 elpoep dah detsevni ni N OCY ht r uo gh repres tatne i ev Em, Ms. elaG deugra th ta eh ohs u dl pay reh 02$ , 000 in lautca ad m ega s dna itinup ve ad m sega ni t eh am tnuo of 0,03$ 00.

W dluo uoy drawa sM . elaG evitinup ad m sega ni siht ?esac W tah pets s ow u dl uoy take ni mak gni ruoy ed t re m ?noitani

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

riF s ,t you luohs d sa k f ro eirb fs no eht eussi a dn d ete rm eni wh rehte eht ap n le sah eht ohtua r yti ot awa rd nup i it ve ad m ega s. uoY s dluoh th ne redisnoc rehtehw the ialc m tna serp e detn us ff ic tnei e ecnediv of wro gn doi gn by the res dnop e tn

ot itsuj fy na a draw of pu in t evi ad m sega . If you reted m eni th ta the ba vo e f stca era ,eurt dna r ive ew of eht eirb fs le da s you ot leb ieve th ta you po ss e ss eht a tu h iro ty ot a draw evitinup ad m ,sega you may drawa evitinup dam ega s.


FINRA Rule 12212: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12212

If the panel issues sanctions, pursuant to FINRA Rule 12212, it must include this information in the award. Arbitrators should not make sanctions against parties payable to FINRA as FINRA is not a party to the proceeding. Awards containing monetary sanctions payable to FINRA are inappropriate.

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epS c fi ic Perf ro mance

tA tim se a ialc m tna lliw ask f ro iceps fic rep f ro m ecna daetsni of, ro ni da dit oi n ,ot ac aut l ad m ega s. icepS f ci rofrep m na ce seriuqer esicerp f lliflu m tne fo a el g la ro artnoc ctu la noitagilbo nehw m ateno ry segamad are in ppa ropria et or in qeda u eta .

roF axe m ,elp a pa len m thgi reted m eni taht eps cif ci ep rf ro m ecna ro eerga m tne si t eh only way to p al ce t eh par eit s ab ck ni eht p iso t noi ht ey erew bef ero eht dgnorw oing.

If you drawa dam sega dna eht ialc m tna sevni t ro sah ton yet so dl eht es c iru t ei s, ht e a draw s oh u dl id rect w ah t ppah ens ot

eht iruces t sei — ehw t reh t eh ialc m tna ter a sni eht m, s lle s eht m ro nruter s eht m ot eht f ri m, dna nu d re ahw t c idno t noi s. If you reted m eni th ta iceps f ci rofrep m ecna is na a rpp po etair er medy f ro a ac se, make sure eht a aw rd is s ep cif ci dna lc rae with resp tce to:

• t eh ca tion ot be at k ;ne • t eh ni d ivi dual ohw lliw take eht ac it o ;n na d • fi porppa r ai t ,e wh ne ht e noitca lliw at ke .ecalp

Te ts Yours fle T eh lenap no wh hci uoy are s ti t gni ed t re m seni taht lc aim tna neralC ce Kayo saw def deduar tuo of ih s s erah of a af mi yl -

denwo orb k egare f ri m by M assile Ka ,oy sih is s ret . esuaceB of reh a tc noi s, Ms. Ka oy won co slortn t eh ub s ni e ss .

dluohS uoy redisnoc cificeps rep f ro m ecna ni th si atsni cn ?e W yh ro why ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY ow u dl c no s redi edro ir gn Ms. Ka oy ot ruter n eht erahs s ot eh r bro eht r. ohtlA gu h m ateno ry eiler f si a ilibissop t ,y t eh no ly yaw ot er t nru tnoc r lo in eht fam yli b enisu ss ot Mr. Ka oy si yb edro r gni ificeps c rep f ro m ecna .

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI junctive Reli fe

ilnU ke s icep f ci rep f ro m ,ecna cihw h seriuqer a rap ty ot take ,noitca nujni tc snoi requ eri rap t sei to er f niar f or m cer niat acts. lC aim tna s cipyt ally re tseuq nujni c vit e eiler f if eht gella ed rah m is mi m etaide dna dluow c esua ri r ape r ba le h ra m if

unitnoc ed.

cA c idro ng ot eluR 40831 of eht C do e, rap t sei ot tsudni ry ro aelc r gni upsid tes taht are r qe uir de ot eb us bm detti ot artibra tion un red t eh C edo may ees k a et m arop ry nujni c evit ro d re f or m a truoc of oc m tnetep uj risdic it on. A ytrap ees k gni a

et m arop ry evitcnujni redro m tsu f eli is m enatlu o su ly iw th NIF RA a s etat m tne of ialc m itseuqer ng rep m tnena nujni c evit relief. epxE dit de h sgnirae of net vni olve a re tseuq for nujni cti ev re eil f. Te ts Yours fle L ,ely neL & etaicossA s’ tS a et m tne of ialC m segella ht at ti h sa a co tcartn htiw former em lp oyee Ric ah rd Do al n w oh is c gnitcatno sti otsuc m sre ni loiv a it on of a non- oc m etep esualc ni the c tno ract. L ,ely neL sah tbo a ni ed a TRO f or m a c uo rt

dna now sa ks uoy to rg a tn a rep m tnena cnujni t noi ot rp eve nt Mr. naloD f or m nitcatnoc g sti otsuc mers . W dluo you c redisno gr na ting a tem arop ry rtser ain gni redro tsniaga rM . ?naloD W yh ro yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T sih is eht t epy of esac ni ihw ch na oitcnujni n m thgi eb gr tna e .d

desaB no eht ’seitrap br ei f ,s you m tsu reted m eni ehw t reh ht e lc aim tna ah s m te eht iuqer r de nats d sdra f ro siht feiler sa c eniatno d in Ru el 0831 4 noitcnujnI s. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 124 of 143

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pxE u gn emen st nI f ro m noita a ob ut pxe un eg m tne is ieb ng o ff dere sa a m otadna ry enilno niniart g uoc sr e ot new a br ti rato sr .

T eh c ruo se ex lp a ni s the ro el of eht C lartne R artsige tion eD p otiso ry ( DRC ); gi ev s a eneg r la o ev r iv ew of ht e xe egnup m tne

;ssecorp dna sessucsid ht e iceps fic f idni n sg rtibra a rot s m tsu make ni redro rof ARNIF ot wa evi ti s ir thg to oppose na egnupxe m tne euqer st in uoc rt. nopU cer e ivi ng no it f aci t noi aht t uoy h eva s lufsseccu ly oc m telp ed b hto t eh no il en Basic

rtibrA a rot rt ain gni na d ht e oorssalc m snoitrop of ht e rt a ,gnini uoy m tsu oc m etelp the m otadna ry on enil upxE gn em tne iart n gni co esru . uoY m ya e llorn rof eht uoc esr no ruo W be etis ta .www f rni a o. rg.

Determine Costs

rtibrA a snoit evlovni a un m reb of f ee s dna ex nep ses. ehT p na el d sedice ihw ch ap rt ,y if any, m tsu pay these costs . T eh nap el may sa k ARNIF fats f ot edivorp a mus mary of lla f see taht h eva b nee i cn erru d sa a er s tlu of eht arb ti r ita o ,n sa

llew sa yap m stne m eda yb hcae rap ty. nI th si itces on ew ' ll weiver a eirav ty of f see taht you m ya essa s ,s ni c ul din :g

• of mur fees; • attorney 's fe ;se • iw t ssen na d orp d itcu no f ee s; dna • to h re c esa -r ale t de costs.

L s'te ool k f tsri ta how uoy ' ll reted m eni eht am tnuo a dn id s ubirt tion of urof m f .see Determine Fo ur m Fe se W neh a rap ty f seli a ialc m, ialcretnuoc m, driht p ra ty claim, ro c ssor c ial m, eh ro ehs m tsu er m ti a gnilif f ee .The cost of eht

gnilif f ee si b desa on the am tnuo ni d upsi te and eht num eb r of ar otartib rs iraeh ng a case. ehcS d elu s of f see c na eb f dnuo ni R selu 21 9 00 t hguorh 30921 fo ht e edoC .

ARNIF m ya et m irarop ly eviaw f see if eht rap ty hs o sw t tah eh ro she si un elba to pay for ht e f li i gn f ee o/dna r h irae ng s se s noi oped s ti . Ho ,revew ARNIF lliw a osl ni f ro m eht rap ty aht t t eh p na el may st li l a ss e ss ar tib ra it on costs at eht lc ose fo

eht ac se. T eh latot am tnuo of f uro m seef you may ssessa eht seitrap si b desa nopu eht num reb of aeh r gni se ss noi s dedeen to oc m etelp t eh gniraeh . A eh gnira noisses ni c sedul a yn m gnitee eb t neew the p itra es dna arb arti tor( )s taht al sts f uo r uoh rs

or le ss .

roF axe m ,elp a h gnirae t ah t snur t ow days—e hgi t sruoh hcae day— si tcejbus ot a m ixa mum f uro m f ee a ss sse m tne f ro ruof raeh gni s snoisse .

If a gniraeh si dehcs u el d f ro ruof ro m ero ,syad ro if uoy ed t re m eni taht a h gnirae lliw eriuqer more days th na are presently cs ,deludeh you m thgi c redisno euqer s it ng oped s sti of da d lanoiti h gnirae ses sion f see by the ap rt ei s in qe u la am nuo ts. lP e esa ees eluR 1 2092 fo eht oC de.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Determine Forum Fees (C no tinu )de T eh nap el ah s eht oitercsid n ot as ses s urof m f see gnoma eht ap rties in any fashi no . nI iced d gni how ot d ivi de eht for mu fe ,se you m gi ht oc n is der the followi gn f ca tor :s

• et m arop ry wa revi s of f gnili f see ro aeh r gni s se s noi oped s sti tnarg ed b uace se of f nani c ai l ah rdsh ;pi • snoitca by any rap ty th ta may ha ev pr degnolo eht el n htg fo eht h ;gnirae • eht itigel macy of ugra m stne m eda ro snoitisop at k ;ne • pursid tio sn ro it me dela sy c desua gnirud iraeh ng se ss noi s; dna • eht itlu m eta m stire of eht ac se .i( e ,. ohw rp eva deli ro itnatsbus ally rp ev ia del ) .

oS me seitrap may be s desirpru hw en uoy ssessa eht h ae r gni se iss no f ee s. To retteb eraperp t eh m, nod 't a uss me eht

seitrap — citrap u ral ly orp se seitrap — era fam raili iw th the f uro m f see ht ey m ya eb rucni r gni . eR m dni eht m lacidoirep l .y ilibaiL ty is ton eht on yl f tca or ot noc sid re nehw ed c gnidi ot asse ss forum f see .

nI ad noitid ot f uro m f ,see a lenap may e el ct to as ses s na adj uo rnm tne f ee ni ti s a draw . uoY lliw redisnoc eht same

elpicnirp s ni essa ss gni this f ee .

roF axe m ,elp if a p ra ty qer u tse de a dn saw detnarg a optsop nem tne uaceb se ona t reh rap ty f delia ot pr udo ce od cum tne s, y uo m thgi isnoc d re sa s gnisse the f ee a niag st eht non - gnicudorp rap ty in your award.

eB f ero ew m evo no to ta t nro e 'sy f ,see aelp se oc m etelp ht e gniwollof carp tice e ex rcis se no reted m gnini f ro um f ee s.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

tA eht e dn of eht corp e ,gnide you ton e taht a rap t s’y f erulia ot cudorp e a entiw ss no it me c ua s de eht aeh r ni g to eb op s denopt for ht r ee h uo sr .

W tah thgim eht lenap ?od

uQ e oits n Feedba kc If you ed cide taht eht p ra ty saw ta f ,tlua eht p na el m thgi essa ss ih m ro reh iw th na da d lanoiti es ss noi f .ee Te ts Yours fle

iruD ng a ,gniraeh ti oceb m se raelc th ta a rap ty h sa a s ilo d case. Howe ,rev t eh pa ytr sah ac us de numer uo s id rs snoitpu dna time led ays by nitpurretni g and ra g gniu htiw t eh essentiw s .

nO eht to h re ah n ,d t eh hto er rap ty saw ooc p tare evi dna it m yle ni sti prese atn t oi n of eht evi ned ce a dn t eh case la .w

W dluo you at ke a p ra t ’y s b roivahe in ot ca cou tn nehw as es ss gni of ru m f ee s?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

,seY ve en if a p ytra rp eva li s, oy u dluoc noc s redi t eh ca noit s th ta prolo gn ed the h ae r .gni

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Determine A tt orneys' Fees

Determine Witness and Produ tc ion Fees

nO noisacco , rap t sei er q tseu taht t eh ar rtib a srot tcerid r ie m ub sr em tne for:

• sesnepxe of a iw t en ss ; a dn • stsoc detaicossa iw th pro ud cing od cum tne s.

W neh iver e gniw entiw ss f ,see yo ll'u ge ren ally f wollo eht lur e in ht e acilppa b el iruj s id cti no . If en c se sar ,y as k eht ap rt ei s ot

feirb eht eussi f ro uoy . T eh nap el nac osla tiaw nu t li t eh co isulcn on of eht aeh r gni ot assess ht e f ee s. roF axe m ,elp fi a wit ssen si ol c deta a s ingi f aci nt ecnatsid f or m eht he gnira ,etis you m thgi d edice ot ssessa ht e c tso of eht tiw ne ss ' tr leva af et r uoy ' ev aeh rd eht cas .e

yllausU , ae ch rap ty si ser p isno b el f ro orp d gnicu na d oc p iy ng ucod m stne taht era r le e nav t ot t eh case. Ac gnidroc ot Ru el

stcerid ehto r iw se.

nO regral esac s, a p ra ty m thgi ask taht t eh er q eu ts gni rap ty oc me ot t eh acol t noi of eht ucod m stne dna oc py tahw si edeen d.

If eht rap t ei s c tonna a eerg no ohw luohs d raeb hcus f ,see your j bo is to f dni a r ae s bano le s lo u it on. W revetah noisiced uoy

dna eht rehto ap n le mem reb s mak ,e woh e ,rev mem zilairo e ti ni na redro ro the drawa . W ev'e erla da y r eive dew some of eht oc s st dna f see ht ta yo ll'u uqerf e tn ly re iv ew d gniru an ra b ti ration. In the ne tx se tc io ,n

ll'ew eirb f yl iver ew o reht co sts seitrap may re euq st.

There are three situations when parties may pursue attorneys’ fees:

• A contract includes a clause that provides for the fees. • The fees are required as part of a statutory claim. • All of the parties request or agree to such fees.

including, among others, Title VII actions for discrimination and many state securities statutes.

If a prevailing party requests reimbursem*nt of attorneys’ fees and you have questions regarding the panel’s authority toaward such fees, you may request briefs from the parties relating to an applicable statute or other basis for awarding the fees.

If the panel determines that a party has a contractual or statutory right to reimbursem*nt, that party must prove the amountto the satisfaction of the panel.

In addition to attorneys’ fees, parties might sometimes request witness and production fees. Let’s look at these next.

You must award reasonable attorneys’ fees to claimants who prevail under statutes that provide for attorneys’ fees,

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12513 the party requesting the production of documents shall bear all reasonable costs of production unless the panel

Rule 12513: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12513

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

T eh eitrap s m ya qer u tse taht eht ra b srotarti tcerid ier m esrub m tne for ehto r ex nep ses, such as:

• oc st of ibircsnart ng the recor ;d • levart stsoc — nehw eht eitrap s ha ev rt a delev ot ht e gniraeh na d a rap ty sah caus de the case not ot og f awro rd

tsal( -m etuni op stp eno m tne ;)tseuqer • xe p tre f ee s; dna • t ele oc nfer ne ce f ee s .

,oslA FI RN A may trela eht nap el to outs nat ding da m evitartsini costs such as:

• idrocer ng d pu lic ta i no ef es; • oc p iy ng c ah r eg s; • m ia li gn charges; • nu p dia op stp eno m tne ;seef and • nu p dia da m artsini tive c tso s.

el sson.

T tah oc m setelp o ru er view of costs dna f ee s. nI eht txen ,nossel ll'ew re weiv the ucod m noitatne uoy 'll ne de to pr ape re to com etelp t eh tibra r noita pro gnideec .

eB f ero we m evo ,no ho ,revew et st ruoy kno delw ge of a sdraw by oc m gnitelp t eh exe cr ises taht f lo lo .w

Other Case-Related Costs

Member Surcharge and Process Fees

A panel may assess each of these fees and costs in its award using the equitable principles described throughout this

they do not have discretion in allocating member surcharges and process fees.

2) is named as respondent in a claim, counterclaim, cross claim or third party claim; or 3) employed an associated person at the time of the dispute who is named as a respondent in a claim, counterclaim, cross claim or third party claim.

Arbitrators may not reallocate any of the member surcharge or process fees paid by a firm to another party.

Rules 12901 and 12903 require a brokerage firm to pay a surcharge and process fees when the firm: 1) files a claim;

Although arbitrators generally have wide latitude in determining how to assess fees and costs against the parties,

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

illE o tt & eeL S seitiruce f li de a lc aim niaga st re ig s et red ep sr no G oe rge A irr gn s no . illE o tt & eeL lc aims taht wh ne Mr. nosgnirrA denioj eht f ri m, eh exe c tu ed a orp mis os ry eton dna ni er t nru saw rp o dediv “up rf tno ” m no ey c no sis gnit of a elbavigrof naol ni eht am tnuo of 2$ 5 ,0 0 00 .

T eh naol dias ht at $5 000,0 dluow be nevigrof rof e ev ry six-m htno ep riod th ta Mr. nosgnirrA er m denia em lp oyed. woH e ,rev if Mr. sgnirrA on el ft sih em lp oym tne e ,ylra eh ow u dl yap the b cnala e no eht on te. In ad id t ,noi the no et s at t de t tah if .rM

nosgnirrA el ft eht f ri m tiw oh tu pa gniy eht ba ecnal dna illE o tt & eeL h da to f eli na a noitartibr ot co ,tcell t eh fir m s dluoh eviecer ta t nro eys’ f ee s.

fI uoy dnif rof ttoillE & Lee at eht aeh r gni , c na uoy a draw ta t nro eys’ f ?see Why ro why on t?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

Yes. In view of t eh c no tra tc , if Mr. sgnirrA on d di ton evah a ilav d esnefed ot an a draw fo otta rneys’ f ee s, you c uo ld a aw rd

eht m niaga st ih m . Te ts Yours fle Jim dna aM ry Go dl hguorb t na a tc oi n tsniaga PM Inv se tm stne ,.oC a sm lla broker- elaed r. T eh sdloG eps nt 81 da sy

tup t gni no t rieh esac ot rp o ev PM nI tsev m stne aw s en lg i tneg iw th th ie r acc tnuo .

iruD ng siht it m ,e eht esac saw tsop p deno neves tim se eud to the un aliava b ili ty fo eht G dlo s, th ie r otta rne ,y or the ri essentiw s. T eh eitrap s a dn lenap spe tn much it me fo f eht drocer itiaw ng f ro eht G dlo s, the ri otta rney ,s and th ie r entiw ss se

to ohs w up .

uoY dna ht e ot reh pa len mem reb s reted m eni taht eht sdloG rp o dev ht e ri ac se by a pr pe o edn rance of ht e evi ned ce. How m thgi uoy ssessa f uro m f see dna stsoc ni t ih s cas ?e

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY m thgi ediced to as ses s ga a tsni t eh sdloG th ta pro noitrop of f uro m f see dna oc s st uac s de by th ie r d le ays. Les os n Summary: De et rmine Awards nI th si el s ,nos you denrael how to de ret m eni a aw rds. epS c ifi c la l ,y ew iver e dew woh uoy wil :l

• reted m eni er m ;seide dna • ed t re m eni oc sts.

nI the txen el s nos , ew lliw review woh uoy ' ll od cum tne yo ru reted m ani t noi of ilibail ty ni the opserroc n gnid a aw r .d

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI troduction ot L se son: Complete t eh Approp ir ta e Documen at tion Now th ta oy u evah reted m deni ilibail ty, er m eide s, lanoitidda f see a dn c stso i( f an ,)y ruoy txen ro el sa a nap el mem eb r is ot comm etacinu eht tluser s fo eht iraeh ng ot FI ARN . nI th si el s ,nos ll'ew ool k ta t eh d uco m itatne on you' ll rp e erap to com etelp the a aw rd. ,yllacificepS ll'ew weiver woh yo :ll'u

• ex etuce na a aw rd; • ted re m eni rehtehw ot make a anilpicsid ry er f larre ; dna • ev taula e ehto r panel mem eb sr . You lliw sla o le nra how p seitra dna t eh IF N AR ats ff lliw eva taul e you a dn t eh

f srotca ht ey lliw c no is ed r. W ll'e nigeb tiw h exe cut gni na awar .d Execute an Award T eh nap e 'l s rif st pets ni nitacinummoc g eht tluser of eht ra b ti r ta i no is ot com telp e eht A aw dr nI f ro m noita hS e te and

eraperp the awa rd. eluR 40921 of eht Co ed sta set that eht lenap lliw e edn a rov ot r redne na a aw rd htiw in 30 bus eni ss da sy f or m eht etad eht r roce d is c ol s de . noC f noisu m ya esira b esuace seitrap m thgi niht k eht 03 -day doirep be nig s ot r nu ta the oisulcnoc n of eht eh a gnir ro eht er c tpie of br ei fs. To diova siht noc f oisu n, ht e ap n le sh dluo s at te ot eht par eit s at eht

c esol of eht aeh r gni taht the cer dro lliw er m nia op ne litnu the pa len sevirra ta a decis noi or eted rm eni s aht t t eh record is c esol d.

If you ah ve any seuq t snoi a tuob eht ni f ro m noita er q eu s det no the drawA Inf ro m noita S ,teeh atnoc ct eht ats ff mem reb

dengissa ot yo ru c esa .

Suggested language for this statement is contained in the Hearing Procedure Script. The panel should not close the record at the conclusion of the hearing, but should wait a reasonable period of time while it determines what is neededto decide all submitted issues. During the hearing, keep a list of important issues considered and decided, including jurisdiction, settlements, exclusion of witnesses or evidence, dismissal of claims, and due notice to non-appearing parties. For a non-appearing party, document the contacts with this party and attach any certified letters of notice.

FINRA provides the panel with an Award Information Sheet prior to a hearing which contains a number of questions aboutthe hearing. By answering all of the questions on the sheet, the panel ensures that it has considered all of the itemsnecessary to enter an award. The panel may submit a handwritten copy of the Award Information Sheet to FINRA.

Award Information Sheet:


Hearing Procedure Script

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Rule 12904: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12904



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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Execute an Awa dr C( on it nue )d

ARNIF ats ff lliw ard ft ht e a draw ab s de on eht inf ro m noita uoy orp v edi ni eht Award nI form noita hS e te . You m tsu ehc ck eht lanif a draw esolc ly ot eb erus taht lla si us se evah eb en c rael ly dec di ed before s gi n gni it. ARNIF mak se ar noitartib a aw rds, rieht ,stnetnoc and the an m se of eht ra b ti rato sr avai bal le ot t eh up b il c.

rednU R elu 0921 4, lla awa r sd m tsu :edulcni

• an m se fo eht eitrap s; • an m se fo nuoc s le ro( ot eh r r erpe s ne t ta i ev )s ; • ack on wl nemegde t by t eh ra bitra rot s that they have each aer d the pl ae di gn s na d o ht er

etam ria sl filed yb ht e ap tr i se ; • us mmary of eht seussi , gnidulcni t eh t epy of s iruce ty ro tcudorp ni volve ;d • ad m ,sega eretni s ,t dna rehto feiler euqer s det ; • ad m ,sega eretni s ,t and rehto eiler f a aw r ;ded • etats m tne fo any o reht im tnatrop seussi isnoc d ere d dna ser o devl ( .g.e , m oito sn , j iru s id c noit al i ss eu s ;) • colla a it on of f uro m f see dna na y to h re seef olla cab el by t eh ;lenap • names of t eh arbitrator ;s • da et t eh ialc m saw f eli d; • da et t eh drawa aw s er n ed r ;de • un m reb na d setad of gniraeh snoisses ni( c ul ding pr he ear ni g c no fer ne ce )s ; • acol t noi of gniraeh s; and • serutangis of eht arbitr ota sr c no cu rr ing in the rawa d .

Explained Decisions If eht rotartibra s ileb e ev that na lpxe a an t oi n f ro eht wa dra ow uld be en f ti the eitrap s, lp ease inc ul de a wr ti t ne ed cis noi to eb

up b ehsil d iw t nih the bo yd fo eht a aw dr . T eh seitrap m ya osla qer eu ts na e px la ni ed ed cision. eluR )g(40921 iuqer r se eht nap el ot orp vide an exp al ined ed ci is no ta

eht p tra 'sei tnioj r euqe st. ehT Ru el f rehtru expla ni s ht a :t

• an xe pla deni d noisice si a f tca - desab drawa s at ting ht e ge en ral aer sons for eht arbitr ota sr ' ed cisio ;n • p eitra s lliw eb re iuq r de ot bus m ti a tnioj er q tseu f ro na xe pla deni d noisice ta ael st 02 da sy eb fore eht first

deludehcs he gnira ad t ;e a dn • t eh cha nosrepri of eht artibra tion panel lliw etirw t eh xe pla ni ed iced sion and lliw rec evie na add ti i no al ho on rar mui

of 004$ f ro od i gn so.

eluR :)g(40921 .arnif//:ptth com oc.tenilp m sid/ne/ play/ lpsid a _y m .nia th m ibr?l d 2= 4 a&30 m ele;p m 04=di_tne 96 Dissenti gn Op ni oi sn A m iroja ty of eht lenap m tsu erga e iw th an a draw dna s ngi t eh nif al a aw rd od c tnemu . If uoy id s erga e iw th eht

reted m noitani fo the pane s'l m iroja ty inipo o ,n oy u may ngis t eh a draw sa a dis nes t gni bra ti r rota . uoY yam osla etirw gnitnessid oinipo n if you f lee ti si im tnatrop to od so.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 132 of 1 43

Rule 12904: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12904

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Determine Whether to M ka e a iD scip il nary Re ef rral

iruD ng eht esruoc of eht he ,gnira you may vah e draeh dive e ecn of uoires s wr gno d gnio th ta uoy belie ev warra tn s fur reht noitagitsevni dna op s elbis anilpicsid ry noitca .

W elih eht oprup se of ra b noitarti h gnirae s si n to rof ra b srotarti to make anilpicsid ry er fer lar s, F ARNI takes s hcu refe rr la s

yrev ylsuoires . In ad id t ,noi m yna ra b itarti on a sdraw are roper t elba on a C DR ,drocer na d siht may become eht ab sis for na ni vestigation.

an investigation to determine whether disciplinary action is appropriate. A disciplinary referral is not a recommendation that discipline be imposed, but a recommendation that FINRA conduct

Post-Case Referral

conduct that has come to the arbitrator’s attention during the arbitration, which the arbitrator has reason to believe may constitute a violation of the rules of FINRA, the federal securities laws or other applicable rules or laws.

Mid-Case Referral

Rule 12104 also allows an arbitrator to make disciplinary referrals during an ongoing arbitration in very limited circ*mstances. Any arbitrator may refer to the Director of FINRA Dispute Resolution, any matter or conduct that has come to the arbitrator’s attention during a hearing, which the arbitrator has reason to believe poses a serious threat,

Under Rule 12104 at the conclusion of an arbitration, any arbitrator may refer to FINRA for investigation any matter or

whether ongoing or imminent, that is likely to harm investors unless immediate action is taken. Examples of such athreat would include evidence of a Ponzi scheme or money laundering. Giving arbitrators a way to alert FINRA of these types of extraordinary events allows FINRA to protect investors and the public interest from serious ongoing orimminent threats to the securities markets. You should not, however, make referrals during an arbitration based solely onallegations in the statement of claim, counterclaim, cross claim or third party claim. Dispute Resolution routinely provides copies of arbitration claims and other pleadings to other FINRA divisions to analyze for fraudulent securities activity orother possible rule violations. Thus, mid-case referrals based only on the pleadings are not necessary to apprise thosedivisions of possible wrongdoing.

allegations in the statement of claim, counterclaim, cross claim or third party claim. Dispute Resolution routinely provides

Making a Mid-Case Referral

An arbitrator may make a mid-case referral based on evidence or testimony heard during the hearings. If, for example, a claimant offers testimony or documentation that suggests a serious threat, you may want to consider whether other documentation, other testimony or cross-examination corroborates or refutes the issue or claim when deciding whether theissue warrants making a mid-case referral.

This guidance is not suggesting that arbitrators should delay making a mid-case referral if you believe it is warranted.Rather, it is encouraging the arbitrators to make sure they have all the facts and evidence available to support a reasonable

belief that a serious threat exists that is likely to harm investors unless immediate action is taken before making such areferral. If an arbitration case is scheduled to be heard over a period of weeks or months and you are satisfied that otherevidence and testimony support your belief that a serious threat exists, then it may not be prudent to wait until the caseconcludes to make a mid-case referral. If, however, you believe that such a threat exists but the case is about toconclude, then you should wait until the case concludes to make a post-case referral as long as doing so would not materially compromise investor protection. For example, if during the third of four consecutively scheduled hearing

hearing will be completed shortly after the last hearing session on the fourth day, you could defer making the mid-case referral to avoid a significant delay to the conclusion of the case.

days you learn of a serious threat that meets the criteria of the rule and anticipate that the remaining tasks to close the

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In deciding whether to delay making the referral, you should balance the potential harm a mid-case referral could have on the claimants against the possible harm to non-party investors that a brief delay could cause. In cases where there are only a few hearing sessions scheduled, arbitrators should weigh the potential effect a mid-case referral could have on a claimant’s case against the gravity of the issue that a mid-case referral would address. For example, claimants may incur increased costs associated with delays to address possible motions to recuse and to reschedule hearings. If an arbitrator agrees to recuse as discussed below and parties agree to a replacement arbitrator, this may result in a delay while the replacement arbitrator becomes familiar with the case. In some instances, parties would need to restart the case should more than two arbitrators agree to make a mid-case referral and agree to recuse themselves. There may also be additional, expert witness fees and attorneys’ fees. Given the potential negative effects a mid-case referral could have for the claimant, you must give serious consideration to these competing interests before choosing to make a mid-case referral.

Director’s Authority and Disclosure to Parties

Rule 12104 authorizes only the Director to evaluate the mid-case referral to determine whether it should be forwarded to other FINRA divisions. The Director has discretion not to forward information revealed during hearings that an arbitrator believed warranted making a mid-case referral. However, regardless of whether the mid-case referral is forwarded, FINRA will disclose to the parties that an arbitrator made a mid-case referral to the Director.

Recusal Request and Arbitrator Response

After being notified of a referral, a party could request that the referring arbitrator(s) recuse themselves. Any such request must be made no later than three calendar days after FINRA notifies the parties of the referral or the party forfeits the right to request recusal of the referring arbitrator(s).

The rule does not create a right to make a recusal request; this right exists in any arbitration. Rule 12406 states that an arbitrator who is the subject of a recusal request has the discretion to decide whether to withdraw from the case. FINRA rules do not currently dictate the grounds for granting recusal requests and do not require specific decisions by arbitrators in response to such requests. Therefore, you would not be required to grant a party’s recusal request that results from the arbitrator’s mid-case referral. Consistent with any other recusal request, an arbitrator challenged because of a mid-case referral would be required to make that decision in accordance with the Codes, and Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes (See Canon I(E)).

If an arbitrator denies a party’s recusal request, FINRA does not believe that the denial would provide the subject of the referral with valid grounds to challenge an award. The Federal Arbitration Act establishes four grounds for vacating an arbitration award (See 9 U.S.C. §10(a)):

1) where the award was procured by corruption, fraud, or undue means; 2) where there was evident partiality or corruption in the arbitrators, or either of them; 3) where the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in refusing to postpone the hearing, upon sufficient

cause shown, or in refusing to hear evidence pertinent and material to the controversy, or of any other misbehavior by which the rights of any party have been prejudiced; or

4) where the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so imperfectly executed them that a mutual, final, and definite award upon the subject matter submitted was not made.

One possible challenge that might be triggered by a mid-case referral would be evident partiality. However, arbitrator evident partiality encompasses both an arbitrator’s explicit bias toward one party and an arbitrator’s inferred bias when an arbitrator fails to disclose relevant information to the parties.1 “The party alleging evident partiality must

1 Windsor, Kathryn A. (2012) "Defining Arbitrator Evident Partiality: The Catch-22 Of Commercial Litigation

Disputes," Seton Hall Circuit Review: Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 7, p. 192.

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establish specific facts which indicate improper motives” on the part of the arbitrators.2 Further, courts have stated 3

showing of evident partiality.4

In considering the recusal motion, you should be aware that case law supports an arbitrator’s ability to make decisions during a case, based on evidence learned during the case. Courts have found that a situation in which an arbitrator forms an opinion using evidence presented during a hearing and then acts on that evidence does not rise to the level of evident partiality.5 Also, courts expect that after an arbitrator has heard considerable testimony, the arbitrator will have some view of the case.6 As long as that view is one that arises from the evidence and the conduct of the parties, it cannot be fairly claimed that some expression of that view amounts to bias. 7 Thus, based on case law, courts expect arbitrators to form opinions based on evidence presented to them after they are appointed. It is, therefore, likely that a prevailing investor’s award would not be vacated because arbitrators acted on their views, in the form of a mid-case referral, prior to the conclusion of the proceedings.8

A party cannot require you to recuse yourself as a result of making a mid-case referral. Further, your denial of a party’s motion to recuse should not create a basis for the subject of the referral to challenge an award, if one is rendered. However, if you believe that your act of making the mid-case referral has compromised your ability to remain impartial for the remainder of the case, then it may be appropriate to grant the party’s recusal request.

Again, Rule 12104 retains the option for arbitrators to make a post-case referral. In assessing the issue, facts, documents, testimony and time remaining before the case concludes, it may be appropriate to make a post-case referral, if such a delay would not materially compromise investor protection. Mid-case referrals should be made only in extraordinary circ*mstances. The post-case referral rule should be the default option.

Please see Regulatory Notice 14-42 for more information about mid-case referrals.

2 Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local Union 420 v. Kinney Air Conditioning Co., 756 F.2d

742, 746 (9th

Cir. 1985).

3 Kinney, 756 F.2d at 746 (citing International Produce, Inc. v. Rosshavet, 638 F.2d 548, 551 (2d Cir.), cert.

denied, 451 U.S. 1017 (1981)).

4 Stanley J. Mical, et al. v. Phillip J. Glick, et al., No. 13 C 6508 (N.D. Ill. filed Jan 28, 2014).

5 Ballantine Books Inc., 302 F.2d at 21. See also Bell Aerospace Co. v. Local 516, UAW, 500 F.2d 921, 923 (2nd

Cir. 1974).

6 Ballantine, 302 F.2d at 21.

7 Id. See also Health Services Management Corp. v. Hughes, 975 F.2d 1253, 1267 (7th Cir. 1992).

8 Health Services Management Corp., 975 F.2d at 1267.

In general, you would refer matters that are of regulatory interest.

Rule 12104: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12104

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 135 of 143

Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes:

406: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12406 Rule 12


Regulatory Notice 14-42: http://www.finra.org/industry/notices/14-42

that neither the appearance of impropriety, standing alone, nor the arbitrators’ decision is sufficient to constitute a

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

Determine Wheth re to M ka e a Disci lp ina yr eR ef rral (Continue )d

ecnO uoy a dn eht rehto pa len mem sreb reted m eni taht uoy hs o dlu make a er f ,larre oc m etelp the anilpicsid ry refe rr la f mro na d co tcatn t eh fats f nosrep sa s ngi ed ot uoy r case. ARNIF lliw dnes ruoy er f larre ot the ap etairporp tcirtsid office for

weiver .

era cne o degaru to d ssucsi eht m retta iw th th rie co-pan ile sts before ni i it a it ng a r efe rr la .

sA uoy nac se ,e uoy evah taerg d itercsi on ni d rete m gnini ehw t reh to er f re a esac f ro a icsid p anil ry in iuq ry or ton . If oy u reted m eni a larrefer si ppa r airpo t ,e ti sho dlu be uder c de ot wr gniti a dn eps cif :y

• t eh rif m ro idni vid lau you era nirrefer g f ro op ss lbi e id cs pi l ni e; • a op t ne t lai ru el oiv oital n; • t eh pr lapicni e ecnediv acidni ting taht a oiv l ta i no may ha ev occur ;der and • t eh d eta s ro it me f ar me fo eht o cc u rr ne ce.

Now try ht e f gniwollo exe sicr es.

It is important to point out that Rule 12104 does not require the majority consent of the panel to initiate a disciplinary

You should not discuss in the referral the basis for the award in the arbitration case; discuss only those facts and circ*mstances

http://www.finra.org/web/groups/arbitrationmediation/@arbmed/@arbtors/documents/arbmed/p009516.pdfArbitrator Disciplinary Referral Form:

Referral Form on our website and submit it online.

website: http://www.finra.org/arbitrationandmediation/arbitrators/caseguidanceresources/disciplinaryreferrals/

that underlie the decision to make the referral for disciplinary investigation. You may complete the Arbitrator Disciplinary

Rule 12104: http://www.finra.org/finramanual/rules/r12104

Test Yourself

After finding for the claimant because the respondent failed to disclose important information about a particular security, you and the other panel members discuss whether you should make a disciplinary referral.

What elements would you review in making this determination?

Question Feedback

You would review the facts of the case and determine whether the failure to disclose was intentional and substantial. You should also discuss the strength of the evidence against the representative.

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 136 of 143

referral. A single arbitrator may initiate a disciplinary referral, absent the consent of the panel. However, arbitrators

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ta or T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle J nho Sm ,hti reK ry elttiK m ,na and aicirtaP Pr tta are lenap mem reb s for a aeh r gni . Af ret ucsid s gnis eht ive de cn ,e Mr. Smith a dn Ms. ttarP eerga eht claim tna devorp h si case. Ms. elttiK m na id s ga r ee s. W neh ht ey d ssucsi ad m ega s, Mr. mS ith na d Ms. ttarP eerga no eht am tnuo of ad m sega the ialc m tna ohs u dl eb a draw e ,d b tu Ms. elttiK m na stnessid . naC eht panel

eussi na ?drawa W yh ro yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc T eh lenap can is us e na drawa in f ova r of eht lc ia m tna . sdrawA od n to h eva to eb anu nim ,suo tub m tsu eb is g den by a maj iro yt of the panel. Te ts Yours fle W neh eht lenap mem sreb etirw rieht ,drawa m ya sM . tiK t el m na etirw a gnitnessid noinipo f ro oht se snoitrop of eht f ni al a draw htiw which ehs asid g eer s tiw h ht e m iroja t ?y hS o dlu she rw i et a id ssenti gn o ip n noi ?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc Ms. iK t elt m na may wr eti a gnitnessid o noinip if s eh sleef ti si im tnatrop ot do so. woH e ,rev gnitnessid o inip ons gnel t neh

eht corp e sgnide dna may e aruocn ge eht gnisol rap ty to f eli a m noito to av c eta . The noisiced tehw h re ot wr eti a gnitnessid inipo on m tsu eb m eda no a esac -by-c esa ab sis.

Te ts Yours fle

eilloS ,nesnnaH a rof m re evitatneserper of W ailli m naeD & Co . and a ser p tnedno p ytra to the ,esac fai del ot a aepp r ud r gni eht f tsri day of gniraeh . T eh ap n le sah a er c pie t f or m a itrec f dei l rette showi gn th ta Mr. nesnnaH cer e devi n ito ce of eht

gniraeh etad s. gnidroccA ot lesnuoc rof W ailli m naeD & ,.oC rM . nnaH s ne dlot ih m taht eh saw ton oc m gni to eht he gnira eb c esua eh saw tuo fo eht isub n sse dna oot roop ot ap y a gduj m tne if eh ol st. Can ht e lenap llits raeh t eh ca es dna make na ?drawa W yh ro yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

T eh nap el nac raeh the esac . ,revewoH ti ohs u dl in id c eta on eht drocer na d in ti s a draw a ll of eht steps at k ne to on tify Mr.

snnaH ne of eht h ae ring. Te ts Yours fle T eh nap el ah s tsuj reted m deni t tah , in iv o noital of a non - oc m etep sualc e, f vi e rof m re em lp o eey s orf m eht f ri m of weD ey & Ho ew co tcatn ed a un m reb fo stneilc af ret leavi gn the f ri m. W dluo uoy ref re iht s ca es ot NIF RA f ro p so s elbi id s anilpic ry

?weiver W yh ro yhw ?ton

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY iranidro ly wo lu d ton er f re iht s c esa f ro d anilpicsi ry iver ew esuaceb ti is a c tno rac aut l m etta r eb twe ne a mem eb r dna sti as aicos t se dna ap sraep non - otaluger ry ni an ture.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

avE l tau i no Proce ss

ARNIF co unitn o ylsu e ulav a set sti ra b arti t sro dna eht h gnirae ecorp ss ni na e ff ort ot impr evo t eh e ff ec evit ne ss of sti artibra t sro ra sti dna b arti t argorp noi m .

Evalua et O ht re Panel Me bm ers

nI eva aul tio ,sn sa ni any num reb fo m ,sretta f lee f eer ot aeps k yltcerid iw th the ffats mem reb dengissa ot yo ru ac se ta na y



Party vE a ul ta ion of Arb ti r ta o sr

tA eht noc c ul sion fo eht ra b noitarti aeh r gni , lla eitrap s dna t rieh erper sen at tives are ask de ot com etelp a ques oit nnaire c gninrecno eht arbitr ta i no .

cA c idro ng ot eht aeH r gni erudecorP ,tpircS eht c nosrepriah si tsni detcur ot re tseuq eht par eit s to ov l nu tarily com etelp a dn elif an artibrA t oi n vE a ul a noit oF mr . T eh f mro iceps f sei im tnatrop ra b rotarti ch ara c iret s cit s, ihw ch era e ss en it al ot

s sseccu f lu rtibra a rot p re f ro m na ce

itartibrA on vE a ul a it on oF rm:

St ffa Evalu ta i no fo Arbi rt ato sr nI ad noitid ot eht rap ty ve a snoitaul of ht e ra b rotarti s, the s at ff iw ll also evalu eta a br ti r rota s. ecnO ag ,nia th si f ro m s ep cif sei

riuqer ed ra b arti t ro ed m ,ronae sk slli dna p re f ro m na ce otcaf sr . Les os n S mmu ar :y Complete the Appropriate D co u em tn ati no nI th si el s os n, you ael r den to oc m etelp the n ece s as ry d uco m noitatne f llo o iw ng the c isulcno on of na arbitr ta i no aeh ir .gn

ificepS c la l ,y you nrael ed :tuoba

• ex ituce ng an a aw rd; • reted m gnini tehw h re ot make a id s ilpic nary ;larrefer • gnitaulave eht rehto pa len mem ;sreb • eitrap s e aulav ting the ar otartib rs; and • ats ff lave u gnita t eh ar tib r ota sr .

nI the txen el s nos , ew w lli review woh to dnopser to p tso - awa rd er q eu sts.

Arbitrator’s Guide

So that we may more effectively evaluate our arbitrators' performance, we ask each arbitrator to complete the

without your permission. about the Arbitrator Experience Survey. Your comments on your co-arbitrators are confidential and will not be shared

Arbitrator Experience Survey:

Arbitrator Experience Survey at the conclusion of each arbitration. Please see the Arbitrator’s Guide for further information

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng nI troduction to Les os n: Respond to Post-Award Requests Now th ta uoy ' ev ed t re m deni ht e a raw d and h eva elpmoc t de t eh rppa o irp a et od cum ,noitatne t eh re is no e m ero s pet we

een d ot :ssucsid how ll'uoy nah d el tsop - drawa euqer s st dna comm inu c noita s . nI th si el s os n, ew ' ll look ta eht ca t snoi uoy ' ll at ke— dna t'now take— ot res op nd to post- awa rd con at cts. Sp ce ificall ,y we' ll

weiver woh uoy :dluohs

• m niatnia nedifnoc tia il ty af ret a ;gniraeh a dn • nopser d ot tsop -a aw rd m noito s dna r euqe sts.

W ll'e nigeb ruo weiver by ool k gni ta ruoy co gniunitn ud ty ot m nia t nia noc f edi nt .ytilai Main at in Co fn identia il ty A tf re a Hearing

nevE retfa uoy ' ev deredner a noisiced ni a ,esac uoy vah e a oc n gniunit ob noitagil ot m niatnia ifnoc d ne t ilai ty. In other ,sdrow you may ton dis suc s eht p el a sgnid and tahw h ppa e en d ni s edi ht e hear ni g r oo m tiw h individu la s o tu s edi the gniraeh oor m— ulcni d ni g f dneir s, fam yli mem reb s, dna c aello g eu s. htlA ough sdrawa ni rtibra a it on sesac are va ailable ot

eht p ilbu c, uoy ohs u dl never etubirtsid or id s lc ose a aw rds. T eh no ly niht g uoy shou dl d si c esol si ehw re the ni q gniriu laudividni nac ob niat a oc py fo ruoy decis noi .

tniaM a gnini noc f itnedi a il ty si sa im tnatrop ot you as ti si ot eht proce ss . By d gnissucsi a ac s ,e uoy may viaw e uoy r r gi h ,t

dna t esoh of rehto p na el em m ,sreb ot mi m inu ty sa otartibra sr .

rtibrA a srot evah mi m ytinu orf m c livi il a ilib ty t tah may arise tuo of rieht tcudnoc sa a otartibr sr . W hti tcepser ot ,ynomitset artibra t sro lareneg ly have a isauq - uj d ici al pr gelivi e rf om id sc su s gni the basis for a ed ci is no . Ho ew ver, if one ar tib rator seviaw th si imm inu ty yb id s gnissuc eht ab s si f ro eht de ,noisic eh ro ehs ac n wa vi e eht imm inu ty f ro eht o reht ar tib rators

no the p ,lena mak gni ti ev ry im tnatrop taht no one dis suc s eht b sisa of a ed cis oi n m eda ni ar tib ra it on.

ARNIF lliw pr divo e le lag lesnuoc na d edni m in fy you if y uo era m eda a rap ty ot na oitca n ro gnideecorp italer ng ot yo ru elor sa na rotartibra .

rtibrA a srot era ton imm enu f or m ilibail ty f ro m tcudnocsi taht si pu elbahsin by ,wal s hcu sa rf dua ro cor oitpur n. T eb nac yeh

il a elb rof stca they oc mm ti elihw ser gniv sa ar artib t sro taht era not detaler ot ht eir r elo s as a br ti r ota sr .

llaC ats ff mi m etaide ly if oy u eviecer a r qe u tse ot f eli na a ff tivadi ro era es r dev htiw yna f ro m of aneopbus ro iton ce ot testify. W elih uoy hs o dlu en v re lat k pub cil ly tuoba a sac e, ereht era il m deti tim se ehw n you may eb sa k de ot iralc fy ruoy

iced s noi s. T sih sgnirb su ot ruo txen ot p :ci dnopser i gn ot op st-a aw rd m noito s a dn euq s noit s. © 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 139 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Respo dn to Post-Award M to io sn and Re uq se ts T ereh m ya oc me a it me nehw a rap ty lliw noc t tca you oba ut a noisiced yo v'u e m eda . ,revewoH uoy ohs u dl n reve ne t re

tni o op st-a draw d oissucsi sn htiw t eh ,seitrap ieht r r pe res atne it ev s, or w ti ne ss es r age dr ni g a id sp detu m etta r. If a ytrap sa ks uoy ba o tu a ,noisiced uoy ohs u dl po il t yle tub f ri m yl ni f ro m eht rap ty taht uoy era ton lla o dew to ucsid ss eht c esa dna taht eh or s eh sh uo ld contact F NI RA s at ff. You should then im em d ai tely fni orm IF RN A sta ff oba ut the xe par et c catno t.

atS ff lliw eldnah the uoirav s seuq t snoi ro m noito s t eh par eit s present. If ruoy ecnatsissa si qer uir ,de such as on a m noito f ro clarificatio ,n the ts a ff w li l conta tc you. T hguoh ht ey lausu ly lliw ton dnif th rie yaw ot ruoy ,ksed ereht era t ow t epy s of m snoito oy u s dluoh eb erawa fo :

• m snoito to bus m ti cod um tne s ot srotartibra ni lc os de cases; dna • motions to vacate ro set sa ide awa dr s.

W ll'e ylfeirb look at ,hcae b gninnige htiw m snoito ot subm ti ucod m stne ot artibra ot sr ni c ol es d cases. Motions to Subm ti Docu em nts to Ar ib rt ta ors in C ol sed aC ses

seitraP m ya n to subm ti ucod m stne ot artibra t (ro s) ni c sa se taht evah neeb c ol s de e cx tpe nu der eht foll wo gni limi det c ucri m ecnats s:

• sa deredro by a ruoc t; • at eht er q tseu of a ytrap tiw h ni 10 da sy of ivres ce of na a aw rd or n ito ce aht t a m etta r ah s eeb n c ol s ,de of r

typ argo p ih c la ro oc m noitatup al rorre s, ro mis at k se ni eht oitpircsed n of any nosrep or pr epo rty refe rr de to in t eh a ;draw or

• if lla rap t sei ga r ee a dn bus m ti ucod m stne nihtiw 01 days of ecivres ro na awa dr ro iton ce t tah a m retta ah s neeb olc sed.

A rap ty may er q tseu th ta a truoc m ido fy ro tcerroc na a draw . sI s seu the truoc ac n weiver inclu ed t eh com elp t ene ss of eht a draw (wh rehte lla seussi a dn lc aims erew ad ,)desserd raelc m atsi k se sa a m retta of ,wal mi cs la c talu i no s of f ugi res, na d

eht rre o en o su oitpircsed n fo eitrap s or pro ep rty. To tneverp un assecen ry co tru noitnevretni ni eht pa len 's ,drawa ti si im tnatrop rof uoy ot review any draft award ot eb sure it si accurate in a ll re ps tce s. Te ts Yours fle

ARNIF ats ff ah s f dedrawro y uo eht ap tr ei s’ eirb sf . T eh c ial m tna aw nts eht lenap to er c la c etalu t eh a draw . nI h re eirb f, eht c ial m tna a sl o setats t tah ht e pa len dluohs n to h eva ex dulc ed eh r son’s a ff adi v ti . ehT pser o s’tnedn eirb f s etat s taht t eh c lucla a it o sn erew tcerroc a dn seugra aht t usrup a tn ot eluR 12 ,509 eht ialc m tna m ya ton sa k eht ar tib r ota sr to r ve iew t eh

tivadiffa eussi . W tah dluohs eht lenap ?od W ?yh

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY co dlu re iv ew eht dam ega s ot es e wh rehte a m atsi ke saw m eda htiw epser ct ot ht e c la cul ta i no s. evewoH r, you ohs u dl ton noc s redi rehtie rap t s'y ugra m tne uoba t ht e s s'no af dif a tiv ceb a esu d gnio os wo dlu be orp hib deti by Ru el 1 5092

eb c esua re iv ew fo eht a ff adi v ti ussi e do se ton co nrecn a ty op lacihparg ro com itatup onal e rr ro or a mis at ke ni eht ed s noitpirc of a rep s no ro p repor ty er f derre ot ni t eh a aw rd.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Motions to Submit D co u em nts to Ar ib rt ta ors in C ol sed Cases (Co tn inued)

W rehteh eht pa len ed c sedi ot m ido fy t eh a draw ro no ,t ti m tsu oc mm inu c eta the d noisice ot sta ff .

s'teL look txen ta tahw ah p snep nehw a p ra ty f seli a m ito on ot vac eta na wa ar .d Motions ot Vacate A m noito to etacav m tsu be m eda ht r guo h ht e c uo rts. T eh rg o sdnu no hcihw itrap se t yllacipy ch ella n eg drawa s ni clu :ed Ar rotartib p itra a il ty ro mi cs dno uct. axE m selp of itrap a il ty ro m udnocsi ct lcni u ed desolcsidnu re al t noi sh pi s htiw eht

seitrap ro snuoc e ,l cxe e gnide ohtua r yti , laicidujerp co tcudn of eht aeh r ,gni am gib u ti ies or mis at kes no eht face of eht a ,draw rroc u noitp ro f duar , saernu o an b el er f lasu to raeh dive e ecn ro ptsop o en the hearin ,g a dn m ina fest id s ager rd of eht law. nI m snoito ot acav te a ell ging rotartibra ilaitrap ty ro m ,tcudnocsi na ar rotartib may eb llac ed pu on ot rp o div e t se it mony

oba ut sih ro reh ro to h re ar artib t 'sro udnoc ct ni an ibra t ,noitar ro a ob ut an al gel ed c no f il ct of etni rest. If na ra ib tr ota r si c etcatno d in siht ,txetnoc he ro ehs sh luo d on tify NIF RA s at ff imm etaide ly a dn ton ssucsid eht m retta htiw ht e ap rty.

ytidilavnI or ba s ecne fo eht noitartibra rga e neme t, ipxe rat oi n of ht e sta tut e of imil tat oi n ,s or l kca fo not eci fo ht e nideecorp gs. nI m tso ,secnatsni eseht ellahc n eg s era m eda by a ser p no d tne hw o id d on t itrap cip eta ni t eh ar tib rat noi .

noitoM s to etacav hs ow oh w irc tic la ly im tnatrop ti si f ro eht srotartibra ot eb oc m tnetep dna f ria in a ll aht t ht ey od . Justice m tsu ton no ly be ,enod tub m tsu raeppa ot be enod ni lla oc m tnenop s of ar itartib on. No ,w t tse yo ru un gnidnatsred of eht m laireta ni siht nossel by oc m itelp ng the exercises taht follow. Newly dis derevoc e div e cn e seod ton snoc t uti te nuorg ds f ro av c gnita na arbitr ita no a aw r .d

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 141 of 143

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng Te ts Yours fle

uoY ediced d a ac se tsal week, tub eht noisiced sah on t tey be ne dengis by lla bra itr rota s dna tr na sm detti ot the ap rt ei s. tA a enisub ss m ,gnitee a lloc e euga asks woh eht ac se tnew a dn w tah aw s ed ic ded . W tah luow d uoy do ni th si utis a ?noit

hW y ?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

uoY shou dl t lle ruoy co aell g eu th ta oy u nac n to ssucsid eht esac htiw him. srotartibrA m tsu m niatnia noc f nedi t ytilai ni lla stcepsa of na ar artib t noi . uoY dluohs ton rp o ediv ni f ro m noita f or m eht iraeh ng ot anyo en .

Te ts Yours fle

sA sume eht as me facts sa ni ht e rp e iv o su qu ,noitse ex tpec eht seitrap ha ev eb en da vis de of eht decis noi . W tah dluow you do in this situation? Why?

uQ e oits n Feedba kc

,niagA you sho dlu te ll yo ru lloc e ga ue taht oy u c tonna d ssucsi eht c esa htiw him won ro ni t eh f utu re. uoY can t lle yo ru eugaelloc wh ere he c na bo t nia a oc py fo the ed cis ,noi ho revew .

Te ts Yours fle

snuoC el f ro a rap ty ca sll you af ret s eh seviecer t eh wa dra and sa ks uoy to iralc fy eno of eht s’lenap posit noi s. W tah dluohs uoy od ni siht ?noitautis W ?yh

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artibra t ro dluohs ne rev e tn er otni tsop -a draw ucsid s nois iw th the ,seitrap their r pe res atne ti ev s, or entiw ss es r age r id ng the matter ni id sput .e Les os n muS mary: Respond to oP ts -Award Reques st nI th si el s os n, you ael r den how to er spo dn to op st-award r euqe sts. lacificepS l ,y you le nra ed :ot

• m niatnia nedifnoc tia il ty af ret a ;gniraeh a dn • nopser d ot tsop -a aw rd m noito s dna r euqe sts.

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ARNIF D upsi te seR o ul t noi cisaB rA b ti r ota r T iniar ng

solC i gn Remarks

T eh s etseggu d diug e senil a dn orp ec serud noc t denia in iht s ruoc se sh luo d he pl ra b ti r ota sr facil ati te f ia r dna e ff ic tnei

gnideecorp s. tibrA r srota ohw c redisno eseht gus g itse o sn dna uocne r ega rieht pa rp po r etai use wi ll h le p ot allevi eta s sseccu f lu m snoito ot cav ta e a sdraw na d itlu m eta ly he pl ot erp s evre drawa f ni ality.

ARNIF oh p se taht by ivres ng ht e in stseret of f ,ssenria fe f neici c ,y na d f ilani t ,y uoy lliw en cnah e esu r c no fid ne ec ni t sih forum. Next Ste sp

uoY era n wo aer dy to deecorp ot ht e m otadna ry exam. lP e esa f lee f eer to re iv ew any of eht c uo rse m eta r lai before s gnitrat eht axe m. T eh axe m c isno sts of 52 m elpitlu eciohc euq ts ,snoi dna uoy m tsu na s rew at ael st 20 q eu s noit s c yltcerro 8( 0 rep c tne ) to pass eht c uo sr e. fI y uo do not pass the exam on the fir ts a tt emp ,t you wi ll have only no e

da d lanoiti o ropp t inu ty to er take ti —f ro a maximum of owt ta tem stp .

© 2015 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 143 of 143


You may access the exam online by following these instructions:

• click the Exit button in the top right hand corner to close the course window; • go to the Learning History tab; • launch the assessment; and

If you would like to complete the exam in a paper format, please contact Luis Cruz at [emailprotected] or 212-858-4339

• click the Next arrow button to start the exam.

After answering all of the questions, select the Next button and view your results. Thereafter, FINRA will receive confirmation that you have completed the course and will update your Arbitrator Disclosure Report.

training requirements. grading your exam, FINRA will send you an email with the results and instructions on your next steps to complete your to schedule a time to complete the exam. You will have one hour to complete the exam and return it to Luis Cruz. After

(PDF) FIN RA Dispute Resolution B asi c Arbitr ator Training · The "FIN RA Dis p ute Resol ution B as ic Ar itb ra tor Trainin g" is re produced by permi ssi on of the Financial In du - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.