Strawberry Lemonade - Chapter 3 - kr_starz (2024)

Chapter Text

When you finally made it to college, the first thing you planned to do was have fun. It’s not like you were totally restricted back in high school, your parent(s) let you hang out with your friends from time to time. It was the fact that parties were a no-go, no matter what.

You’d tried sneaking out once but you got caught red-handed, dressed in your party outfit, your top too revealing for their taste because it was half-slipping off when you were leaving the window alongside the fact it was close to midnight.

They’d quickly learned that they needed to keep an eye on you, and to do so they installed a tracking app on your phone. You love your parent(s), you really did. But it was the fact they refused you the highschool experience of being young and dumb, that fired your rebellion further. You did appreciate the fact they didn’t just let you go off willy nilly to do drugs and alcohol but not a single party outside a school event was honestly preposterous.

So in college you seized the opportunity to live farther away from your home which no longer gave them any control over your night habits and attended a freshmen welcoming party your second day there. The first day everyone was settling into their dorms and receiving their class schedules so there was very little time to attend anything during then.

The gathering was coordinated by other students on the schools representative board so there wasn’t much drinking besides real juice and no intimate games. The closest that was, was a game of twister which you actively didn’t participate in. You did watch though.

Other freshmen were there. Gathered around chattering amongst themselves, it was clearly lacking because it seemed like there were only a few dozen students there and normally the amount of students should be in the hundreds. The whole reason for this gathering was so that students could make friends and find peers in either the same major or minor so they could have some company. There were “my name is” stickers being passed around during the beginning of the event. You scribbled your name on it and stuck it onto your top.

From the handfuls of pairs and small groups you were one of the only people alone. Another lonely figure was a taller man, drowning in his hoodie moss green in color with what you assumed was a dinosaur fossil design on the back.

Nerdy .

He was scrolling through his phone, looking up at his face. He was blonde with glasses.

Total nerd .

Adorning his head was bulky headphones, probably blocking out the noise or muffling it with music.

Definitely a nerd .

His name tag was incomprehensible from the distance you were at, but if you just got closer...

You should talk to him. You try to make your way over, but before you got the chance to say hello he was being pulled away by a shorter figure. You don’t know what he looks like with the shadows of the dimly lit room covering him. Pressing your lips together, you pull away.

So maybe you aren’t going to talk to him.

Walking back to your previous spot you lounged around at, doing some passive people watching and contemplating whether you should leave now or if you should give it a few minutes.

You gave it a minute. The gathering continued and you made acquaintances with a few more students, but that was it. Acquaintances. You collected a few numbers but it seems like they were giving them to everyone they came across; like they were at a networking event. The only real person who made a big impression was another pretty tall kid. His hair cut caught your attention. It was choppy and God those bangs were… a real choice.

He actually went up to you, he seemed to have broken off from his group just to approach you.

He’s all fidgety but puts on this face of confidence as he walks up to you, “Hey,” He says to you, catching your attention.

“Hi.” You respond blandly. This was like, the 4th person of the night to approach you, make quick conversation and hand you their number before leaving and you were honestly a little sick of it.

He shuffles his stance awkwardly, before trying to salvage the conversation. “So, what’s your major?”

You perk up at his question, oh? “Developmental psych, also doing a minor in creative writing.” You feel a little less invisible with how he’s actually making eye contact with you while you converse. “And you?” You looked down onto his name tag, it reads ‘Tsutomu Goshiki’

“Computer Engineering.”

You hum in approval, “Cute.”

Choppy bangs face colors red when you say that, it was a half accident as you kind of just say cute to things you find endearing– or amusing, or just as a general response but you forget how that’s a little weird sometimes, or they find it condescending.

“Sorry– didn’t mean to say that.” you say quickly, trying your best to keep any sort of normal person’s reputation.

“Oh alright– okay.” His response almost sounds disappointed when you backtrack, fumbling with the sleeve of his shirt he looks unsure about what to say next. “I’m uh, also, a student athlete.” He says after a few seconds.

You look him up and down, “So you must be fit hm?” taking a step closer, you get a better look at him. He was tall, you assume a little over six feet but you can’t be sure. He was wearing a thin jacket over a plain white tee, yeah no, he was definitely fit. You could tell. He had well defined legs too if your eye’s proved you right.

Nodding and an added inch of confidence in his voice, “I am, I do volleyball.” He says proudly.

“Nice, I’ve never been too into that sorta stuff but it seems like fun,” You’re having a real conversation, this guy might actually be worth warming up to. “Are you good at it?”

“I’d say so, I play outside spiker and I was my team's ace back in high school–” He starts to brag a little.

He seems so passionate about this it’s honestly kind of cute. You stand there patiently listening to him as he continues on listing his achievements, all the things he’s proud about while briefly explaining a few rules about volleyball and sports etiquette. Of course you get to brag a little too, it was a mutual exchange. You spoke vaguely about you and your accomplishments after his and his eyes lit up a little in awe, some confidence trickling into your voice as you continue on.

By the end of it you two had exchanged numbers and it didn’t feel like just any weird exchange but like you guys could be real friends. The whole party ends soon after and you make your way back to your dorm.

Slipping inside you find your empty dorm. Not fully empty, you're pretty sure your roommate is somewhere in her room, asleep, or just really quiet. You’d met her briefly before on your first day here, you had exchanged names, chosen rooms and majors. Didn’t have too much time getting to know each other with your semi-clashing schedules but you found her presence pretty okay, she wasn’t a bother and she cleaned up after herself.


Over the next few days you found yourself attending around 2 more late night parties, it was boring and a drag. There was some thrill as there were a few party games alongside drinks but you ended up leaving early both times due to the fact you were growing tired and still knew no one.

You were planning on not attending anymore parties for few more weeks until your new friend Goshiki, who you had actually been casually texting invited you to a party celebrating the new semester, he was friends with a junior so he had a bunch of connections, and he reassured you it would be nothing like the freshmen welcoming event.

It was out of campus but not exactly far away, at his friends place, tonight at around 10. You definitely had time to go, with your schedule being free. So you sent him some confirmation you’ll be there.

Your last class of that day ended at around 8:30, giving you plenty of time to get ready for the event. You texted him a little back and forth, there wasn’t a set dress code but you could dress up if you wanted to, yes to alcohol and other things. So that was set, you dressed in your best party outfit, sliding on a few accessories and spraying on your best fragrance. You looked nice, you don’t actually know what you’re hoping to happen but you might wanna hook up with someone or something, drink until you can’t anymore, just have a little fun.

By 9:30 Goshi sends the address of the party, it is a little less than 10 minutes away if you walk. Decent enough. You pick up any other trinkets you need to bring along to the party and you’re on your way. You’re not a hundred percent sure that attending a bigger party like this is the best idea unaccompanied, well you did hope Goshiki would be by your side for the most part.

The walk there is quiet. A few students are walking back or to class, but not much life otherwise. You manage to make it to the address and it’s relatively quiet, only the hum of a speaker, pretty low and streaming out pop music can be heard. You knock once, and you’re met with an unfamiliar face, dark brown eyes stare back at you and he welcomes you inside.

You smile and give a quick thank you to the man, oh he was attractive . Walking through the house you find a few people there, talking amongst each other primarily around the kitchen. A few rooms are being taken up by small groups of people doing their own activities. You see the only person you know idling about in his own small group of friends.

“Goshi!” You wave over to him, he jumps a little in surprise but turning back to look at you his face gets just a little brighter.

He says your name sweetly in response, gesturing you to go to him and you happily do so, glad you finally know someone for once. He wasn’t exactly a super close friend but he was close enough to you that you could stick around him without being awkward. He introduces you to his friends and his friends to you, mentioning how they all do, or used to play volleyball. Before he could label them with names he gets interrupted.

“You’ve caught a cute one Goshiii!” A sing songy voice which is referring to you teases the raven haired man sweetly, you look over to the voice and he’s also got some impressionable hair. The only thing you can think of to compare it to is Poppy from trolls but like, red.

You blush a little at the compliment, flattered. Goshiki on the other hand is not amused, and he’s blushing harder than you while muttering out “it’s not like that.” To the grinning man.

The others seem to be watching the little debacle unfold, another man with questionable taste in bangs scoffs in the corner, he seems exhausted. Then next to him is reasonably taller, dark hair and half lidded golden eyes. Oh he was definitely interesting.

The questionable hair style club all seem nice, your eye lingering on the dark haired man. You noticed how everyone had a red cup in their hand, drinks?

“Are there drinks?” You ask no one in particular.

The eccentric one with red hair speaks up first, “mhm, in the kitchen.” He points you to the direction of the kitchen.

“Oh, thanks!” You move over to the room swiftly, and like he said, there were drinks. You hum happily picking out a cup and going over the selection of drinks, some fruity beverages alongside bottles of beer and other liquor, sodas and what you really wanna assume is milk. You pick up a soda and pour it in your cup, mixing it with some liquor. You had the opportunity, why not seize it?

You take a sip of the concoction, not bad. You waltz back to the little group, taking your place between Goshiki and golden eyes.

You lean over close to Goshi, he gives you his attention immediately, looking at you ready to listen in the room which is becoming increasingly louder. “I never got your friends' names.” You state plainly.

He tenses up at the realization, slowly picking out his companions and giving names to the face. The poppy impersonator is named Satori Tendō, golden eyes is Rintarō Suna, and tired bad bangs is Kenjirō Shirabu. You hum out in acknowledgement, repeating their names over in your head so you don’t forget. You then introduce yourself in compensation.

Rintarō mumbles something under his breath after you say your name and you can’t quite discern what he says over the loud music but you doubt it was anything important.

Satori hums your name in delight, purring the syllables of your name. “What a beautiful name.” He smiles at you, oh, sweet talker isn’t he? You grin in response.

Taking another sip of your highball you find a curious on-looker next to you, Rintarō was looking at the drink in your hand, or you.

“What’d you get to drink?” He says, and oh his voice is smooth as f*ck, sweet like honey and goodness it was a nice ass voice. You almost forget to process the question all together as you take in his nice voice.

He looks down at you curiously, “Oh, uh yeah I got some soda and liquor together.” You answer in a shy fumbled manner.

He hums in approval, “A highball, cute.” His eyes look down at you and you swear if he asked for your wallet right then and there you’d give it to him. He reaches his hand out “can I?...” Is he asking for a taste? Oh god he was asking for a taste.

“Yeah- yeah sure.” You stutter out, handing it to him with shaky hands.

He grabs the cup, taking a sip in the same place you’d had your lips on and you feel like you're an overly hormonal teenager in highschool again. You squirm awkwardly, glancing over at the rest of the group too indulged in their own conversation to be paying attention to you.

“Sweet.” He says, clearly referring to the drink but your mind wanders, wondering if there was just a tiny chance he was referring to you and you curse yourself for being the dirtiest minded person on planet earth. He hands you back the cup, your face warm as you come down with the fact that his lips had been on it and that he liked your drink.

You hear a more cheerful voice come from nearby, “Stop teasing the poor guy! They look like they’re about to pass out” he says serious words but his tone comes off as light-hearted and childish. You look up to find the red-head wrapping his arm around the dark haired man's neck, pulling him in close to him.

You only give a small chuckle, feeling yourself become a little cooler. You take a look around the living room and it is crowded. It seems like whoever is hosting this event must be popular to some extent because it’s barely been an hour and this place is stuffed to the brim.

You hear a voice say something about going to a less crowded room, you look back and it seems like the group agrees to do so, you feel someone grab your arm and it’s Goshi. You allow yourself to be dragged along. The group looks for a relatively empty room and there really isn’t any, most of the rooms are filled with drinking games, some intimate kissing and stripping games, actual normal games, some hotboxing, and a wide variety of other things.

Either way Satori chooses a room, he seems to be the one leading the whole thing anyway. The room looks like somebody’s bedroom. Taking a look around, you infer that it’s probably the person who owns the place’s room . There’s already 6 people in the room and with the additional 5, just short of a dozen now.

Tendō talks to the pre-existing group and he announces that they were planning a game of spin the bottle, Goshiki snickers to you talking about how it’s a childish game. Either way no one really objects to joining the group and so a circle of spin the bottle is formed. You snicker a little thinking about how this is like every highschool party, supposedly. That’s what the movies said at least. You hear the blonde bangs call for someone outside the door, another friend maybe?

It takes a moment but there enters the man who greeted you at the door in the flesh. Oh God.

You find yourself sitting next to Goshiki again, your body relaxing as you sit comfortably next to him. Okay! Spin the bottle, a classic, supposedly. None of the boys seem to be uncomfortable with it, there’s a wildly big girl-guy ratio there, there’s about a 1 girl for every 3 guys. You didn’t mind though, girl, guy, in-between, as long as they’re cute then it’s a win. This just means you’ll have a dramatically bigger chance of kissing Goshiki or his friends. But that also means they’ll be kissing each other, which is mildly entertaining to say the least.

On the other side of you is a girl, a beautiful one at that. She’s got well defined dark curled hair and her lipstick is bright cherry red, complimenting her outfit perfectly. Oh you think you’d die if you got the chance to kiss her. You then kind of realize you’re sitting in a room with really attractive people, like incredibly attractive; including the interesting hair club. They’re mildly attractive in their own ways.

You must’ve done something really amazing in your past life, like saving a nation or two.

The first person to go is the girl to the farthest left, the bottle in the middle of the circle is a beer bottle with the label stripped off. She spins the bottle and it’s certainly close to landing on herself but it’s the guy to the right of her. The girl grins and basically leaps on him. Oh she was definitely hoping for that to happen.

The next person to go is the person on the left of her. Apparently the order is going counterclockwise from what you gathered. Another unfamiliar face spins the bottle and it’s really close to landing on another girl but it moves just slightly and it’s facing Satori.

The red head doesn’t seem to care, but the guy who spun seems a little flustered as Satori gets up casually and goes up to him. The two give each other a quick peck, Tendō grinning the entire time and giving a quick glance at you before heading back to his seat.

Goshiki goes next, he lands on the other kid with bad bangs. The blonde one seems to hate the idea but goes along with it anyways.

Then it’s your turn. You hesitantly go to spin the glass bottle, cold against your fingers, and turn. Anxiety crawls up your neck as you watch the bottle turn slower, and slower, and slower, and slower, until it finally comes to a sluggish stop, to the girl right next to you. She beams, looking into your eyes cheerfully.

“Oh fun!” she coos “You’re so cute, so glad you landed on me” Her optimism is all over the place and she’s so nice, she notices how nervous you are and moves back a little, “we don’t have to if you don’t want to. Won’t be offended, promise.” She smiles reassuringly, poking out her manicured pinky as she talks about promising. Oh, she's the most perfect girl in the world.

You quickly shake your head, “No, I wanna kiss you.” Your face is warm as you stutter out those words, you feel every pair of eyes in the circle on you? Her? You’re not really paying attention. Just focusing on the girl in front of you that's steadily getting closer to your meek form.

She hums out sweetly, her lips upturned into a smile, she gets closer to you crawling over. Like a tigress stalking her prey, you don’t move and you feel the heat of her body. She’s on your lap and you can feel the subtle cloth of her skirt and her ass on your thighs. You can see every intricate detail of her sharp features as her face is right in front of yours. Her eyes are brown, her lips are red, she’s got a beauty mark under her left eye, her makeup is pristine. You try to take in every detail of her face before she closes the gap, gluing your eyes shut and you feel her soft lips on yours, one kiss. Her lips are every bit soft and gentle as you expected, pillowy and soft; she doesn’t go any further than a peck. She pulls away after a few seconds, a chuckle coming from her throat. You peek open your eyes and they snap shut again when she presses another kiss on the corner of your lips, then a final one on your cheek.

“You look good in red.” She mentions, you warily open your eyes as you find her pristine lipstick smudged ever so slightly, you slowly take a finger and drag it across your bottom lip, looking at it you find the same faint cherry red lipstick on you.

“Thanks.” You manage to breathe out slowly.

She takes herself off your lap and your legs feel colder, tracing a hand over your thigh in a subconscious attempt to feel the warmth again. You turn your attention to your drink again, she tasted like liquor. Taking a sip of your carbonated mixed drink, you continue to watch the game.

The girl you just kissed turn was next, she smiles contently as she spins the bottle. The surrounding circle squirms as it spins, they’d seen her display of affection with you and were probably begging for a turn. The bottle comes to a halt at the lucky guy, he blushes furiously at the realization.

The bottle continues to spin, person after person, awkward pecks and some exciting scenes unfold. Until It’s Satori’s turn. He’s singing happily as he twirls the glass bottle, clearly not caring who he lands on, but you can definitely tell there’s intent behind his lingering gaze.

It comes to a slow stop at.

you .

His smile only grows, looking at you with a foxy smirk.

You move closer to him, and he welcomes you with open arms. It’s awkward as you shuffle towards him, finally reaching your destination you find yourself directly in front of the red-head.

You both don’t move for a long while, you assume he’s waiting for you to make the first move. Your face heats up at the idea, the drink might be getting to you. You move in closer to him, he just sits there grinning, his cheeks dusted pink and his eyes half-lidded.

When you get close enough his hand moves to your face, pulling you in, you instinctively close your eyes. His hand continues to move up your head before they reach the back of your neck and his lips are on yours. His lips are soft, not as soft as the girl you’d kissed but soft, and gentle. He doesn’t pull away yet, and you don’t think you want him to. Your lips part slightly and his tongue slips in, and you feel your heart race. You can feel his tongue on yours and he’s desperate. You’re leaning into him now, and you’re unsure of what to do with your hands so you rest them on his waist. He gives you a second to breathe, pulling away just slightly as you see his chest rise and his face redder. He’s on you again, drinking the taste of him in, you feel his grip on your head tighten ever so slightly.

He takes his lips off yours once more, but instead of pulling away he trails his lips down to your neck, littering small pecks and then you feel some pressure. Oh? He continues to suck on your neck with a small pinch of a bite which makes you hiss. He chuckles in return, trailing down to your collarbone and you don’t want him to stop.

His turn lasts a few seconds more before he’s basically pulled off of you as you feel his touch break away, opening your eyes. Rintarō is holding the lanky man by the back of his sweatshirt. You see how his lips are slightly tainted with red, blushing at the fact that that’s your fault.

“Calm down you animals.” The gold eyed man scolds, he looks over to you and motions for you to head back to your previous seat. Satori complains a little but you can’t hear what he says exactly, but you listen to Suna. Going back to your seat as quickly as possible. Trying not to make eye contact with the rest of the circle in fear of judgment.

You shuffle back in your seat and Goshiki chuckles as you come back, you hide your face from him.

“Looks like you’re popular, hm?” He teases you.

You don’t have the capacity to make a witty come back, just sputtering out a quick “Oh shush.” which just receives another soft chuckle from his throat.

The next to go is a girl, she ends up landing on someone. You don’t bother to pay attention.

Suna Rintarō was next, you don’t worry about him landing on you or anything because honestly what are the odds of that? So you relax a little, leaning on Goshiki and you sip away at your drink. You feel the alcohol slowly spread through your system, the flushed red of your face more than obvious. You feel as a hand rests on your head, slowly and softly stroking you. You hum at the touch, looking at the rest of the circle with half-lidded eyes, waiting for Suna to spin the glass bottle.

He sluggardly goes to turn the bottle, your eyes go and drags along the tip of it as it spins around. You manage to finish off your drink, tapping the cup on the floor once it’s empty. When you look back at the rapidly slowing bottle you see that it is once again pointed at you. You curse quietly under your breath, and you feel the jutting of Goshiki as he chuckles at your predicament. You glare at him, his chuckling rests into a smile.

You look over to Rintarō and he’s got just the slightest grin on his face, but maybe you were imagining it. You slowly separate from Goshiki, and Suna’s making his way over to you. He stands up, and walks over to you, crouching to meet your sitting form.

Oh you were far too overheated to be blushing, you blame it on the alcohol.

“Hi.” He says softly to you, his form slowly getting closer.

“Hey,” You mutter quietly back, you lean back not uncomfortably but to put some of your body weight on your arms.

You find yourself growing warm with anticipation. You’ve made out with two other people already and found yourself face to face with another person who looks like they want to absolutely ravage you. You can’t help but want him to get closer, you want to taste him just as you tasted everyone else you’ve kissed. His hand slowly trails onto your neck, fingers grazing over a sensitive part of your neck.

And then his desperate lips are on yours, he’s also soft but not gentle, he’s oh so hungry and you’re the most delectable thing he’s ever tasted. His tongue slips through your lips and he’s drinking you in. The kiss is sloppier than the rest of them but not unpleasant, in fact you’re kissing back with just as much vigor. You can feel the heat radiating off of him.

He pulls away soon after, under his soft pants he whispers to you, “ sweet .”

You chuckle, oh you’re way too drunk to deal with this, and look away awkwardly as he slips away back into his previous seat. Did he just call you sweet? Did you taste sweet? You brush a finger against your lips. Was that what he was talking about before? When he took a sip of your drink?

You look over to him, and he’s still gazing at you. You feel yourself become smaller under his eye and fumble to stand up. “I’ve gotta use the restroom,” you say to the circle before the next person can go.

They nod in acknowledgement and you make your way to the door. You leave, take a quick look around before popping your head back into the room.

“Where is the bathroom?..” You ask meekly.

A voice in front of you answers “Down the hall to your left.”

You hum out a quick thank you and easily make it to the restroom. You catch a glimpse of yourself, the first look of yourself since you’ve left. You’re sloppy, top half off, and lips stained with cherry-red lipstick. Your hair is less neat than before with the wrong parts sticking out. You finally notice the blotchy red and purple spots on your collarbone and side of your neck. You take a second to touch it. You haven’t exactly gotten one before, and you blush thinking about how you got it.

Barely an hour in and you’re a mess. You go and check your phone swiftly, to see the time.

12:49AM, Okay, not an hour in but mildly late, you should probably go in about an hour or two. You think you might have a class tomorrow before 3.


Before you could even use the bathroom, or take another second to close the door you hear intense footsteps approaching and then a tall figure barging in. He locks the door and he goes over to the sink, clawing onto the counter and then you hear a sniffle. You want to interrupt or leave but you really don’t need him to be under the impression that you’re a pervert or some sort of creep watching him. So you sit there, frazzled and quiet waiting for him to calm down. Maybe you could quietly tiptoe your way out.

You take a look over at the blonde through the mirror. He’s got glasses on and he’s desperately wiping away tears with his sleeve from under his specs. It’s a sad sight really. You see that his face is blazing red with alcohol you presume. Messy, messy drunk. But you squint your eyes, you swear you recognize him. There’s an air of familiarity around him. You’ve seen him before, 100%. Where though?

He’s still sobbing at the sink, and your concern only grows once you think you might know him. What’s gotten him so emotional? You instinctively feel like you should comfort him, make his tears stop.

You open your mouth to speak “uh-” But you barely even formed a complete sentence to comfort him.

He whips his head around. His face was just as tear stained as you saw in the mirror before. His eyes wide and another tear slipping down his face.

You try to mutter out an explanation “Sorry— Hi. I wasn’t trying to be a creep and you were all frantic coming in here and then you started crying… and locked the door. I didn’t wanna interrupt either! And you–you started crying and I didn’t wanna leave you here! And be rude–” You stutter out with a few stops every now and then but eventually you end it with what you’ve been wanting to ask. “Are…Are you okay?”

He looks at you, less shocked but a gentle gaze. Then he chuckles. You tense up at the reaction, feeling yourself grow nervous.

“What do you think?” His words have a sting behind them, like you asking wasn’t supposed to be nice.

But you reply with poise, and shaking your head, “No, I don’t think you are.” Your words are blunt, you then go and spill your feelings a little more in an attempt to comfort him. “I wanted to see if I could make you feel better, somehow. I think that’s weird. Sorry if that’s weird.” You backtrack with your words, acknowledging how strange the situation is.

He only gives a quick hm as a reply, opting to lean against the sink in silence as he stares at you. You feel the pressure of his judgemental gaze linger on you. You shuffle uncomfortably in the thick silence.

“I can go-” You begin to offer

But he cuts you off before you could finish. “Stay.” His words are quick and desperate. He leans forward as he says so.

Your eyes widen in surprise but your surprise slowly turns into a small grin, “okay.” You don’t entirely understand why but knowing he doesn’t find your presence there a nuisance gives you a sweet buzz.

You close your eyes. Taking a moment to gather yourself. You wonder who exactly blondie was, so you take a peek.

“What’s your name?” You hum out the question softly, to not seem like you were interrogating him.

He takes a second, like he has to think about it before spilling out his name. “Tsukishima.”

You hum, “Tsukishima.” You don’t recognize it. It’s a nice name though. You don’t question if it’s his first or last, you do note how he didn’t say his full name though.

You wonder if he’s got any friends here you could drop him off too. It’s not like you mind taking care of him for a few minutes in the bathroom but you would like to get back to your own friend group.

“So Tsukishima, you here alone?” Out of context this would sound horrible but you were slightly out of it and easing into the conversation.

He didn’t seem to find the question malicious though. Answering in a slow slurry, “mhm…Came alone.”

You nod, “You must live nearby then?” You ask. If you couldn’t drop him off with a group of friends you could bring him home. If he came alone he must live nearby, unless he drove. But no one would be so irresponsible as to go to a party alone, drink, and also drive home inebriated.

“Yeah, dorms.”

Oh? A student? You take a second to look over his face before you realize you’ve seen him before. The nerd from the freshmen event! You try to keep your composure. He doesn’t know you, so mentioning something like that would actually be weird.

“Can I bring you back? You look like you need to go home. Not trying to shrug you off, your company has been great.” You say the last part half-heartedly in a joking manner. You inch closer to him, but stop as you notice how he tenses up.

“No…” He almost whines out the rejection. “Don’ wanna.” His words come out so childishly and you’re tempted to just walk out on him. A sigh comes from your lips, not wanting to press on why

“f*cking childish...” You mutter under your lips, slightly annoyed, judging from his neutral face you don’t think he heard you. “It’s not like I can leave you here.” You say to him, louder so he could hear.

You find him smirking at that comment but not replying. You could leave him. You consider leaving him. You’re just a decent enough person not to actually do it.

You press yourself against the wall, racking your brain thinking of a solution. You could bring him along to your little friend group, but he seems like an emotional mess. You could leave him here and never see him again. But then you shiver thinking of the people that could find him in his vulnerable state. You then take a deep sigh, settling on the worst option you could think of.

“I can’t f*cking believe myself.” You mumble under your breath, before you turn to face the blonde.

“You’re coming home with me then.” You state, holding out your hand in a ‘come on’ motion. He had the option to refuse, he could’ve shook his head no and you would’ve shrugged him off, stay there for a bit before dropping him off with your friend group and leaving yourself.

Instead he says “Okay.” and clings onto your wrist. You don’t care too much with the contact but it’s weirdly unexpected from a guy like him.

You were supposed to go later but you could probably get Goshiki to invite you to another party. You’d see them again. You also had classes, probably.

You guide him through the maze of crowded people, snaking your way through the pairs of people and furniture. You’re stopped abruptly as you find Goshiki and a few other familiar heads leaving the room you were in previously. Oh, you should tell them you’re leaving.

Goshiki shouts out to you first, calling out your name and you walk your way over to him to say your goodbyes.

“I’m gonna go,” You start off quickly. “I’ve gotta take care of my friend here.” You shrug to your side where you were being held.

“Oh, uhm, alright. See you later?” He takes a quick glance at the tall man, he looks like he wants to say something more but opts to not.

“See you later.” You smile at him, you begin to leave but you’re stopped again by a familiar voice.

Satori coo’s your name, making you turn around again, “Shorty!” You wouldn’t call yourself short and you despise that nickname he’s giving you. “Your number, could I have it?” He grins. You roll your eyes, but smile along, pulling out your phone and sliding it over to him.

“Put in your digits Sato.” You give a huff of fatigue as you realize how long your night has been.

He gladly types in his number into your phone as you wait patiently on the side. You don’t notice him but Rintarō pops up beside you, he has his phone out.

“Could I…?” He holds out his phone to you.

You’re surely popular tonight. The funny thing is they could’ve gotten your number by asking Goshiki but you nod and take his phone into your freehand, clicking in your digits into his phone making a cute contact name of yourself adding a small “<3” at the end of your name before handing it to him.

You notice how he smiles when he realizes. Tendō gives you back his phone and his contact name is adorned with some emoji’s alongside a ready profile picture. You chuckle softly.

“Alright, I’ve really gotta go now.” You say to the group, they all say their goodbyes and you make your way through the crowded living room.

You finally manage to squeeze through the house and turn the doorknob to leave. Tsukishima is still clinging onto you, the presence of his hand is noticeable as you walk into the cool breeze of the outside. It’s dark out. The stars are bright.

You guide him to the campus, walking to the residence of your dorm. You rummage around checking to see if you still have your key on you, cursing a little when you don’t immediately find it. You manage to feel the cold metal of your key and give a sigh of relief.

You’re too preoccupied walking to notice the stumbling of the blonde, “Hey-” you swiftly turn around and attempt to grab his other hand to try and stabilize him but promptly fail. You’re dragged down with him as you fall on your butt, grunting at the sudden impact.

He groans as he falls forward, just a few centimeters short of falling directly over you, “sh*t, ‘m sorry.” He mumbles out. He tries to get up and he’s a little wobbly.

You chuckle, you weren’t hurt, you manage to stand and dust yourself off. “It’s fine.” You hold a hand out to him. “C’mere.”

He takes your hand, hesitant. You could tell from before but confirming it now his hand was kind of chilly.


You wish you could say the rest of the walk to your dorm was uneventful. But it really wasn’t as the minute you’d gotten the man inside your room he decided that was the perfect moment to throw up. It’s usual for someone with alcohol in their system but it doesn’t make it any less gross.

You’ve brought him to the bathroom. Cursing profanities under your breath as you clean him up. You take off his hoodie, you’re surprised when you find that he is bare under the ocean of cloth. You can’t help but blush a little. You toss it into the laundry basket, Tsukishima is basically half-asleep at this point and dozing off in your arms. You curse under your breath.

He chuckles at your crude comments and you old give him a hard glare.

“You gonna throw up again?” You ask him to be sure.

He doesn’t give a verbal yes or no, he just shakes his head ‘no’ into the nook of your neck. His arms are wrapped around you as well, very gently. You could push him off without trying.

You hum out a response, you grab his hand and guide him over to your bed, telling him to sit down while you grab some water for the both of you. He groans when you leave, receiving an eye roll from you. You make your way to the kitchen and do your best to stay as quiet as possible as to not disturb your roommate.

When you step inside your room again, attending to the blonde first you bring the glass of water to his mouth. “Drink.” You tell him, he closes his eyes and he does. He finishes the cup surprisingly. You down yours next.

You take a hand to his chest, pushing him down. “Go to sleep.” You tell him. You try your best to sound nice but the exhaustion is slipping through your teeth.

He mumbles out a small objection and settles into the bed. He slowly takes off his glasses and before you turn to leave you hear him, purr out a tired “Without me?”

The f*ck?

You don’t get a chance to even say anything before you look over to him, knocked out. You decide then and there that this was a bad idea. Taking your face into your hands as you sigh. What a tease.

You sigh, deciding that you need to bring over his hoodie to wash in a washing machine. You go over and grab the hoodie by the hood to avoid any mess. It was mostly alcohol and liquid anyway which made you mildly concerned about his diet. You throw it in a bag and sling it over your shoulder.

You groan at the idea that you have to drag yourself all the way down to the basem*nt to clean up a single hoodie. But you do.

Throwing the thing into the machine, mixing in some detergent and softener before turning it on, no one else is there to your luck and you think that the cycle shouldn’t take too long. You set a timer on your phone, trudging your way back up to your dorm room. A few minutes isn’t that long. No one would steal a single crappy hoodie.

You’re in the bathroom cleaning the lipstick off your face, and grumble about how annoying the hickey is going to be. Before getting in the shower to clean yourself off. You dress in your most comfortable pajamas, when you’re finished. The alarm of your phone buzzing as you finish.

You mumble out some complaints but turn it off, already making your way over to the laundry room. The machine finished cleaning the thing. You take the freshly cleaned hoodie, and it’s wonderfully warm. You press your face against it, it’s so nice you could fall asleep on it right then and there. But you're pulled out of that daze when you realize that this was Tsukishima’s and it was creepy even if no one is watching. You blush a little at the realization.

You compose yourself, mumbling about how this is the last thing you have to do before you go to bed. So you make it up the stairs and into your dorm again. With a huff of relief as you enter the space.

Making it over to your room again you go to your closet and throw the hoodie somewhere, you don’t pay too much attention.

Walking over to your bed, Tsukishima’s still there, peacefully asleep. He’s cute. You haven’t gotten a good look at him, but he’s very attractive. You haven’t taken a minute to even consider him as a man because you’ve been too preoccupied helping him, but he is one. He’s a real touchy guy, not full on hugs and kisses but he’s been holding you or your hand since you’ve gotten here. He’s weirdly sweet and sour, with some strange sass behind his tone sometimes but you could say it’s charming.

You curse yourself and strongly consider sleeping on the couch. But you can’t because your roommate has occupied half of the living room working on a project for a class. But you do very strongly consider taking everything down so you can sleep, but that would also make a lot of noise and piss her off so you don’t.

You can handle this. A very attractive 6’4 man isn’t too big of a deal. You’ve made out with 3 other people today. You can handle sleeping in the same bed as a guy you met a few hours ago. This very attractive guy.

Sliding into bed, making as much distance as you can with your twin XL. Which isn’t a lot. You try and get comfortable but you can’t. Slipping out of bed and getting another drink of water before you try again.

The second attempt wasn’t the worst but you felt as he started to get closer and that made you shoot right out of bed.

The third time you were almost too tired to care. Taking all the energy you had in you to get in bed with a half-naked man. You slip into bed, trying not to acknowledge the hands being wrapped around your waist pulling you in. You can feel the heat of his skin and his soft breathing. You swear you hear him mumble something under his breath,


Your face burns at his sleep talk and the only thing you do is close your eyes and hope you fall asleep soon, hoping you heard wrong.


You do fall asleep very soon after. An uncomfortable night, you would describe it as you wake up every now and then. As you wake up still entangled in his limbs. You do your best to snake your way out as sneakily as possible. He doesn’t notice but he whines at the loss of your presence. You find it kind of cute.

You check the time and panic overwhelms your body as you realize that you’re late for your next class. The class you’ve been purposely avoiding or missing because of similar situations.

Sleeping in.

You intended to actually start attending this class today as it was a very important one for your major. So you immediately dash into the bathroom. You can see how late you went to sleep last night in the mirror with how noticeable the dark circles under your eyes were. The blotchy hickeys haven’t passed and you didn’t have any time to use makeup to cover it up, you start brushing your teeth and try doing your hair simultaneously.

You finish off with messy unfinished hair but you don’t have time to care as you slip into your closet and almost start changing in your room forgetting how there’s a full grown man in there. So you gather a pile of your clothes and opt to change in the bathroom.

You spin around and find his awakened shocked form. The full grown man himself! You spin around once more and find the hoodie you cleaned last night.

Throwing it to him you quickly tell him what to do as you assume he’s sobered up by now. “Leave soon, your stuff is on the nightstand.” You’d left his phone and other worldly belongings on there after cleaning him up and stripping him.

You swiftly turn to go to the bathroom, but not before hearing a harsh snappy comment from the blonde. “This how you treat all your house guests?”

You wince a little, no, this wasn’t but he was a very special exception. He was a big boy, he could take it. But you don’t give him another second to reply, changing into your turtleneck sweater and sweatpants. The turtleneck was the best solution you could think of to fixing the hickey situation. Tendō’s fault .

You make it out of the bathroom, still a little sloppy but you could fix your messy hair with a quick ponytail or bun. You scurry around looking for your phone and almost trip over yourself, only noticing the presence of the tall blonde when he snickers at your failure. You turn to scowl at him. You do wonder why he’s staying so long when it looks like he’s gotten all his stuff. You wouldn’t mind the hot guy overstaying his welcome on literally any other day but you’re late to class and at any moment your roommate could see him.

But he soon does leave, which lets you get back to the task at hand. Your phone.

After a few more minutes of searching you find it on the bathroom counter, sliding it into your pocket. You find your bag laying next to your bed and sling that over your shoulder, doing a quick mental checklist of everything.

Once you’ve confirmed that you’re good, you take off.


Your head is pounding as you realize you should’ve taken a pain med or something. For your headache that’s been creeping up on you. You groan in distress. Looking over your schedule again and navigating your way through the campus.

You eventually make it. Finally stepping into the class, you accidentally interrupt the professor. He doesn’t seem to pay too much attention and continues his lecture. You only slip over to him, mumbling a few apologies while slipping him some papers of complete assignments.

You don’t look to see his reaction, only paying enough attention to walk over to the nearest empty seat.

You find yourself next to a nice looking guy, he seems more or less startled by your abrupt appearance but you take no mind in looking into his actions as anything more than him being a curious guy.

You look around your bag that you’ve settled on the desk. You know you’ve shoved an Advil in here for rough nights, or just random headaches. You find it, a wave of relief washes over you and you take one into your hand and pop it into your mouth. Then swallowing. You know you don’t need water to swallow pills but you know it helps it go down better if you do drink water. So you find yourself the water bottle buried in your bag and take a big gulp of it. You wipe your mouth for any residue. You take a quick glance at the guy next to you. He’s staring, and you don’t think he realizes it.

“You’re staring.” You comment. You were right, he didn’t realize. You give a light chuckle and cross your arms, resting your head onto your arms comfortably. Your head still turned to the now obviously nervous man.

“Oh– sorry..” He mumbles out, quickly looking away from you. You see him blush a bit. Maybe your head still hurts but you find him kind of cute.

You were right, he didn’t realize. You give a light chuckle and cross your arms, resting your head onto your arms comfortably. Your head still turned to the now obviously nervous man.

Your lack of good sleep settles in after you laid your head down, and so to prevent it you pick it up, and reply “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”

He gives a small nod, seeming like he wants the conversation to continue. He looks over at you, “You’re new.”

You hum, yeah it seems like it to him doesn’t it. You pick up your head and rest it on the palm of your hand, promptly shaking your head. “I’m not, jus’ been skipping.” you smile a little thinking about yesterday, “having some fun before the tough part starts.”

He looks a little concerned by what you meant, but changes the topic quickly.

“So what year are you?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

“I’m a first year.” You reply simply.

Seemingly overly excited, the man practically shouts “me too!” Which receives a quick eyebrow raise from you, and some glances from the other students. You think the professor paused to see what was going on but continued, brushing it off.

He must’ve realized his volume too as he basically shrivels into himself like a sped up flower blooming video in reverse. You can’t help but feel laughter bubbling up, cupping your face and looking away from the freckled boy. You were being so rude right now and you could care less.

“It’s not that funny!” He whispers harshly.

“Sorry– ‘m sorry!” You say with intermittent giggles. “You were so excited about it, it was kind of cute.” You tack on that part at the end without a second thought. Finally giving a huff as you calm down from your worn-out amusem*nt.

You suddenly remember how you must look like a mess still, pulling out a hair tie and promptly pushing your hair into an updo.

The man in front of you is still red from embarrassment, giving a quick sigh. “What’s your name?” You ask, trying to distract him.

“Y-Yamaguchi Tadashi.” He says nervously.

You hum out in approval, your name sliding off your tongue in response. You continue to talk about yourself “I’m majoring in developmental psych. Doing a minor in creative writing too.”

You look over at him, expecting a response.

He fidgets around with his hands before responding, “Business major. Finance minor.” He mutters out quickly.

You look at him curiously, “So why’re you in this class? I don’t think either of those things have to do with psych.”

He relaxes a little, his hands less frantic. “Audited the class. Was going to minor in psych but wasn’t super sure so I’m testing the waters, basically.”

You smile at him, “smart boy.” Your words sound almost condescending if it wasn’t so playful. “I was planning on auditing for a finance class, but didn't do it. A bit disappointed that I didn’t now.” You turn to smirk at him.

He only gives a small chuckle in return, “Don’t be. Finance is really boring. I don’t think you’d like something like that.” He quickly stiffens “Well– if you do like something like that then.”

You cut him off, “I’ll trust your judgment.”

He calms once more.

The rest of the class was calm and relatively quiet. He was cool and you need a way to stay awake so you made a few comments to Yamaguchi and he gave a few comments back. You discover that he’s a pretty nervous guy, it was cute in a way. He was willing to listen and be mildly attentive to you even during the professor's lecture.

He was nice. You liked him.

The class was coming to a close and so everyone began packing up.

“Hey, Yamaguchi.” You call out for him.

He turns his head to find you, “hm?”

You pluck your phone out of your pocket, “Do you mind if we exchange numbers?” you find yourself growing a tiny bit shy.

“Oh,” He looks at you, shocked by the proposal “yeah, sure.” he takes your phone and taps his number into it.

Handing it back to you, your smile. “Y’know you’re actually one of the first people I’ve made friends with here.” You don’t know why you’re admitting that, you feel shy at your lack of friends.

His eyebrow curls up like he doesn’t believe you, “really?”

you nod.

“Well don’t be scared to say hi then.”

You could do more than say hi. “What else is on your schedule?”

“I have an intro to business class…” He glances over at his phone. “Two hours, I have time to kill.” He tilts his head to the side, the action reminding you of an owl. “Why?”

“Let’s get lunch together.”

He’s mildly surprised at the offer, you think he’s about to refuse for a second.



You’d say you’ve been able to pick out what eateries are good or not. You two go to a small café, the same café you plan on working at. You need a job so you submitted your resume a few days prior and only waited for a response. A bunch of students take on jobs on campus, so a few people you vaguely recognize from either the hallways or classrooms are there. You don’t say hi to them though.

You pick out a nice two-seated table for you and Yamaguchi. Ordering a small dessert for yourself and Tadashi ordered a sandwich and a cold fruity drink; it looks like lemonade. You think it’s a tiny bit childish but you don’t actually say anything.

Grabbing your orders and sitting down, Tadashi starts off the conversation by questioning your rather messy look. You’d forgotten how unkempt you looked right now. You grow flustered and immediately start defending yourself.

Describing in detail the events of last night's party explicitly . He doesn’t seem irked by your blunt openness though, he sits back and watches you blabber without complaint. He probably didn’t know why you were such a mess before and it was an innocent question; but he went along with your rant anyway.

When you stop to give yourself a second, stabbing your strawberry shortcake with a fork and eating away at your plate he asks you to continue. Which is sweet of him.

When you finally finish off your long explanation you realize that you’ve been talking most of the time. Which only brings an embarrassed pink to brush your face.

“Sorry, sorry. I was talking like, a lot. How has your week been?” You try to direct your attention to the second person in the conversation. Because he is there, he’s just been nice enough to stay quiet and listen.

“Oh, it’s okay, I would listen to you all day.” The words fall out of his mouth like a promise. “My week’s been good though. Not nearly as eventful as that,” He motions towards you. “Classes are fine. Professors are nice. Only problem I might have are the assignments that go late into the night.”

You revel in agreement “ I hate having to stay up late to finish things too! it gets soooo boring and I’m always so tired” You groan. You chew on your shortcake and then the best idea pops into your head, if you’re both staying up why not stay up together? “what if we do our assignments together– like we’ll call or meet up and just sit together in silence.” Sharing your bright idea to Tadashi.

You didn’t exactly expect Yamaguchi to be ecstatic about the idea, but the way he tilts his head and looks at you like this was an outlandish idea did make you feel a little bit insecure. Maybe it was too forward of you to ask for something like that so soon. You did wanna be his friend though.

“We share one class.” He mentions.

Even if you feel a little insecure you still wanna push, “That’s good enough! Seriously though, it doesn’t matter. I personally work better when I have someone near me, and if you also have work to do then it’s a win-win.” You cheer out, hoping to get him to even consider the idea.

The man ponders the idea for a minute, taking a sip of his drink, then looking up at you once more.

“Alright, let’s keep each other company then, send me a text whenever you need me.” He says, bringing a happy grin to your face.

You finally had someone to spend your time with. Yes you did have Goshiki, and your two new contacts in your phone but you’ve only known those three for how long now? A day for Satori and Suna, then maybe a week or two for Goshiki. None of the time you spent with them was anything along the lines of a nice conversation in a café like Tadashi. And Yamaguchi did say he wouldn’t mind listening to you talk. So maybe that’s exactly who you need as a friend.

“You’re the best Yama.” You smile at him. So glad you’ve obtained his company.

“You’re welcome..” He squeaks out.

After lunch you walk him to his next class; you note how afterwards the man had ordered a dessert identical to the one you had. No, it was the exact same thing. As he buys one to go. You don’t question him, but you are a bit curious as to why.


To say you don’t notice the same blonde man that slept in your apartment throughout the campus would be a lie. You only knew the man as ‘Tsukishima’. You never found out if it was his first or last name as you see him actively ignoring or just plain not seeing you as well. On your walks back to your dormitory late at night, you find him bundled up in a heavy sweater and shorts. A weird combination but you don’t call out to him. He’s got his headphones on and his face is angry.

Some days you find him casually walking to his classes. With his headphones in and his bag on his shoulder, not caring about anyone around him.

Other days you see him in passing stores. The one you’d gone to with Tadashi had his lonely figure at a table drinking some warm tea of sorts behind the glass. The scene of his cold demeanor and headphones sitting on his head reminds you of a k-drama.

It’s funny seeing the tall blonde out in the wild. With his unfriendly face and he’s seemingly always alone. Sure you were too, so you weren’t one to judge his personal life based off of a few passing glances. But what if you did make friends with him? What then? You technically know him, he technically knows you. It wouldn’t be too bad if you tried right?

You said you would say hi the next time you saw him, but the next time you saw him was after a long early lecture. In the halls you see his tall figure walking through the crowded hallways. He was stuffing his head into his sweater and you could tell from his blonde locks sticking out it was him. For the first time, he makes eye contact with you. You’re excited at the fact he noticed you, eyes glowing bright.

He looks away with contempt, walking faster. You feel him graze your shoulder when he passes you. You don’t look back at him.

Okay, rude. To be fair he’s not obligated to give you anything but that was a little rude seeing how you were pretty kind to him just a few days ago. You were just looking over his pretty face and his arms were just wrapped around yours in a stupidly inappropriate situation you forced yourself in. He was just clinging to your hand and cuddling up to you a few days ago with watery eyes.

So maybe he’s embarrassed! So what? He could at least thank you or something for cleaning up his hoodie! But no, he doesn’t.

That makes a ball of fuzzy sadness fill your stomach, you kind of wanted to help him. More than just letting him hold you to sleep, mumbling about how sweet you were.

You wanted to find out why he was crying so bad and why he didn’t wanna go back to his own dorms. Maybe you’re too curious for your own good but why else would you be getting into Psych?


Tadashi’s a great friend. Late night calls and inside-jokes which you two snicker about. You know Tadashi has a roommate, you’ve never seen him. But you’ve heard his voice over the speaker a few times, and to say you don’t have a weird thing for voices would be a lie.

You like the way Yamaguchi listens to you rant so intently about a subject. You see him looking at you absorbing every word and you could just ramble all day; which you kind of do. He’s just great like that!

You always make sure to ask about his day too. He plays it off so casually but he has a mildly interesting life.

“Oh, one of my old teammates, and friend is headed to Brazil this year I think.” He mentions it casually.

“Brazil? Isn’t that like across the world basically?” You say, amazed in slight disbelief.

“Mhm, he says he wants to do beach volleyball. He likes to keep in touch with us.” Yamaguchi smiles softly.

“Hm, what’re your other old teammates doing?” You ask curiously. If one of them is traveling across the world and Tadashi’s reaction is simply ‘mhm’ then he’s gotta know some great people.

He hums, “I live with one of them, he’s my best friend actually. He goes here.” He mentions first, a layer of confidence now laced in his tone. “Then, my other teammate is going pro.” He grins proudly.

“Holy sh*t that’s awesome? You think you could hook me up?” You say jokingly.

“As if! All those guys care about is volleyball. So unless you find a way to become a Mikasa you’d mind as well be invisible.” He retorts. “Not that you’re y’know, not good enough. You’re hot and talented, they'd be lucky to have you–” He backtracks, trying to clarify that he isn’t insulting you.

You’re flattered by the compliments, “Their loss then.” You chuckle.

Yamaguchi smiles, glad you weren’t offended. “I was their captain,” he says softly, “for our third year.”

Your eyes widen, “one hell of a captain if you managed to raise those guys.” You’re impressed, truly.

“Can’t give me all the credit. Our coach did all the heavy lifting during our first year. Not to mention the captains before me.” He rubs his neck awkwardly.

“But they trusted you after that didn’t they? With all the real responsibilities?” You interrupt, “Like you must be pretty great if they trusted you to be the captain.”

Yamaguchi’s cheeks tint red, “yeah, they did.” He mumbles. “Kei wanted me to be the captain first,” he mentions softly, “my best friend.” Clarifying.

“Same one you live with?”

“Yeah.” He smiles fondly, “At first it was a debate between Kei and the guy going pro, Tobio. They all mutually decided that Kei was a little too prickly for all that responsibility and that. He agreed. He said that I would be the only real candidate there. I was surprised.” His face grows red as he continues to talk about it. “He’s nice like that sometimes.”

You look over at him again. “I mean he’s right.” You’ve seen the way Tadashi acts, fair say a little nervous sometimes but when he has the guts to be confident he knows exactly what to do once you get him in that headspace.

“Y’think so?” He asks, eager.

“Thousand percent. You’re kind of authoritative when you’re actually trying to get me to study, it’s a little scary sometimes.” You chuckle, “you just get nervous, but that doesn’t make you any less leader-like.”

You don’t notice the way Tadashi blushes at your words.


You’ve been pestering Tadashi to watch this show you’ve been really invested in recently. It’s an anime and maybe you just need someone to talk to about it so you decide that Tadashi is the best person to get into this.

You’d gotten that job at the café, you start working in around a week. You planned on telling Yamaguchi sometime today while you were hanging out.

You’re dressed casually, in a hoodie and shorts. You would’ve worn sweatpants but those are in the wash right now. So you’re left with shorts.

Walking out of your dorm, leaving your roommate a note on the living room table that you’re gonna be out tonight, you realize you haven’t been over at Yamaguchi’s yet. He hasn’t been over to yours either.

You’ve also never met his roommate, the one with a nice voice. So you grow a little nervous, fixing your hair, making sure you brought everything in your pockets.

First impressions are lowkey scary, but you’ll manage. You think Tadashi’s talked about you to his best friend before, good things hopefully.

After a brisk walk, you find yourself at the dorm number your friend had texted you. ‘129’ you check your phone, then the door.

You pang at the door with three knocks, waiting patiently behind the door. You hear footsteps approaching, before you’re met with the familiar figure of your friend.

“Tashi! Hello!” You’re glad you got the room number correct, you peek into the living space, “can I come in?”

“Oh yeah, make yourself comfortable.” He motions for you to come inside, you gladly do so. Slipping off your shoes and placing them near the door.

You look over to the couch which is decorated with some pillows and then the coffee table arranged with candies and other junk food. It’s a really solid selection, you’d eat most anything there. Except the almond joys. You don’t know why he has those.

“Good taste.” You mention him nonetheless.

He slides over to the couch as well, “Thanks.” He hums, “wanna remind me why you wanted me to watch this again?” He asks, grabbing the remote and tapping the name of the show in.

You perk up “Oh holy sh*t yeah, okay so basically people right? But also magic and curses and all that stuff, so there’s this kid who eats a cursed finger and basically has a demon inside of him,”


“Yes, kind of, but like this guys legit actually the worst! But like he’s kind of cute, talking about cute there’s this really cute guy who shows up later into the series and me and him are actually like married so you can not have him.” You say almost serious, but there’s a grin tugging at the corners of your mouth which tells him you're just really passionate about the character.

“All yours then.” He smiles.

“Oh but back to the villain guy, he’s also kinda hot but like I actually hate him too he’s the worst but also he’s so–” You don’t have the words to actually describe in so you shut up and just make hand motions similar to squishing something in a very erratic manner.

Tadashi chuckles. “I think I get it.”

You lean over to him, grabbing one of the bags of chips from the table. Looking onto the screen waiting to be played.

“Can’t wait to watch it.” He grins, looking down at you and then the screen.

You nod, “you’re going to love it.” stating confidently. Ripping the bag open and going down on the delicate little pieces of junk food.

Tadashi begins the first episode.




You quite literally can’t help but mention how much you love a character and being mildly dramatic when you see a minor background character you enjoy on screen.

“They're my favorite.” You say dead serious when a particular black haired character pops up on screen.

“The generic anime protagonist looking one?” Tadashi questions.

“Yes.” You grin proudly.

The episode goes on and you’re introduced to the premises of things, Tadashi seems to be enjoying the show even with your interruptions.

The second episode is met with more happy cries when more of your favorites show up.

“He’s my favorite!” You exclaim happily, looking up at him for acknowledgement.

“I thought the other one was your favorite?” He snickers, looking at you questionably.

“Well both of them.”

“I preferred the generic protagonist.”

“Okay well Gojo doesn’t like you either.” You tell, mildly offended.

Tadashi giggles at your comment, choosing to not respond.

When the third episode begins, you realize the position you’re in. Tadashi’s arm is around you and he’s touching your thigh, not intimitely but he grazed it.

“Are you cold?” He asks, his thumb grazing across your skin.

You feel how warm his hand is on your skin, “A little,” you admit.

“I’ll get you a blanket.” He states, before you could refuse or accept he’s up and heading over to a room, bringing out a big fluffy blanket. It’s blue.

He places it over you first, before sitting down, not taking any of it. You feel bad if you were to be wrapped up all by yourself, so you hold up the side of the blanket, offering Tadashi to go under it with you. Which he slides under easily.

You’re leaning against him again, head on shoulder and now the inside of the cloth is warm with your combined body heat. It’s really nice and cuddly there, both Tadashi and the blanket.

You personally wouldn’t call yourself a touchy person but your friends would definitely describe you as one. You can’t help it when you feel comfortable. You look for some sort of physical reassurance like skin to skin contact or just simply leaning on a shoulder. It’s nice to you. You just hope Tadashi isn’t uncomfortable because of it; you’re basically latching onto his arm as the show continues.

The fourth episode rolls on, you’ve stolen a box of candy. Sour lemon drops and suckle on them as you watch.

“Oh I love him.” You whisper to the man next to you.

“Hm, really?” He hums out, like you haven’t mentioned your affections for the pixels on the screen for the second time in a minute.

Watching along happily, you nudge Tadashi to get his attention. Holding up the box of candy you offer a lemon drop to him.

“D’you want one?”

He holds out an open palm, “I could try one for sure.”

You let a yellow ball roll into his hand, he must like the candies if he has them in his possession.

The rest of the series goes by well, a few pokes and a handful of dramatic commentary from your side but Tadashi doesn’t seem any less comfortable since you’ve arrived.

“Tashi! Oh my gosh you think he’s hot?” You giggle, referring to the tall man on screen he just said he just mumbled oh my god to.

“Overworked and stressed business man! It’s–it’s like crack I swear!” He goes to defend himself, you have to admit. He was right, Kento Nanami was really hot.

“Or you just have raging daddy issues. Kento is like the daddiest of daddy’s, actually well.” You hum considering the range of characters, “Almost the daddiest.” You tease him.

“Sounds like you’re the one who has issues,” he chuckles.

A click of a door stops your conversation, you see Tadashi whip his head back to the hallway where the bedrooms were situated. You couldn’t see over him as you were at a slight angle.

The footsteps that left the room get closer, reaching the kitchen. You see a vaguely familiar shade of blonde and a pair of dark glasses which you’ve met once too many times. Is this the man you think it is? You squint, taking a better look at his tall form.

“Tsukishima?” You thought that was an inside thought, truly.

Tadashi turns to look at you confused, “ What?

Strawberry Lemonade - Chapter 3 - kr_starz (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.